User:Ryan Woo-Ming/Ryan's Reviews

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Hi! I'm a fan of Uncyclopedia, who's writing this article. Welcome!

This special Pee Review covers over 450 funny (and not just stupid) articles (not counting subpages) of this wiki, from the Zork trilogy to the last page. But before I do that, though, I have an introduction to share with you...

I first discovered Uncyclopedia in 2008 by a little search engine incident. I never knew it had some nonsense articles! Heck, I used/trusted it more than Wikipedia after an incident in there which I shouldn't mention to you. (I still like Wikipedia though.) I started using/joining Uncylopedia more and more in 2022 after I figured a certain pandemic would clear up, and I started typing this just in time before Uncyclopedia's 20th anniversary...

Ok, enough of me. Now to get started with the articles! Click an article name to go to that article. First up's our main attraction, the Zork trilogy...

The Zork Trilogy[edit | edit source]

This's the highlight of the article. Basically, InvisiClues says it's a random game series that has Uncyclopedia memes and fads like Grues and the word Xyzzy. While Xyzzy doesn't show up that much in the trilogy, expect to be eaten by lots of Grues! That's what I did the 1st time I played. I don't remember how many times I have died, but I'm guessing it was around Graham's Number.

BUT! Each game in the trilogy has a goal. The 1st game involves collecting around 20 treasures, the 2nd game has you reunite the Golden Egg of Arkora, and the 3rd and final one... well, let's just go talk about each game in perspective.

Game:Zork[edit | edit source]

Humour: 7 Like I said before, this game uses a lot of random humor and Uncyclopedia in-jokes. Grues and deaths are the most common, too... except what I don't know the lore of where most of the humor comes from. I've seen Douglas Adams's name in Zork, but not THAT much... Also, I have no idea where the "you've just gone through a dimensional portal" part of the maze came from.
Concept: 10 The concept is great! I don't even know why it could be about someone named "Azroth the Imprisoned Evil One," though; I don't even know who that is. Anyway, I like the concepts of the deaths, like, for example, the Rube Goldberg contraption that was in the biocomplex all along (see Game:Zork/Biocomplex4_7).
Prose and formatting: 7 I like the prose and formatting, too. Everybody knows you can't have a Zork game without the Template:Zorkheader template!
Images: 7 Normally Zork doesn't use that much images, but there are a few areas in it that do, like the hidden (?) Glitch City in File 3. AND MOST OF THEM ARE HOTLINKED AND ARE BROKEN. >:| Luckily, DeletedUser51be906d and I had to fix a few of them.
Miscellaneous: 7 The quality of the game is good as well, though there are a few inconsistencies between areas...
Final Score: 38 Yeah, this's a good game. If this's your 1st time on UnGames and ESPECIALLY Uncyclopedia, I suggest you visit this article 1st. Try going east! >:)
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 01:01, 3 June 2024 (UTC)

Game:Zork2[edit | edit source]

Humour: 8 The sequel to Zork, the humor improves a bit, thanks to the Template:Zork2died banner not being that much common, replaced with a more basic "Start over" link or something similar... (Not that I don't like it, but there are mostly parts that unfairly lead to this same page.)
Concept: 10 Another great concept! A rad sequel that belongs in these categories that doesn't suck. Much like Paper Mario 2.
Prose and formatting: 8 Almost great prose. Unlike the 1st one, this game follows a linear plot and uses the Template:Zork2header template. Fitting... Although, there are some areas where you have to type your next path into the URL above.
Images: 10 No images has it, but a 10 would do!
Miscellaneous: 8 Same quality as Game:Zork, but fewer plot holes...
Final Score: 44 The even better (albeit linear) sequel of Game:Zork. Would Alexander the Great play it? Yesh!
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 22:43, 4 June 2024 (UTC)

Game:Zork3[edit | edit source]

Humour: 8 Even more random humour! For the 3rd and final adventure in the Great Underground Empire, it would take all the humor from Zork 1 up to 11... but, still, there's a repetition of parts that make you die unexpectedly and unfairly.
Concept: 8 This would be yet another great concept... if it weren't for the fact that Zork 3 takes place in an alternate dimension, and things have changed an awful lot. But I did like the Grue/G***/Bonzi Buddy lore behind the scenes!
Prose and formatting: 6 Because of the aformentioned case, Guardian has done almost good attempt to replace every changed Grue instance back, with a few exceptions... Also, some freak named Sasuke Kid just Kept using Caps Lock to Emphasize the Part where you Have to fight Cloud to win Zork 3 (mentioned later), so I just had to fix it. (And no, L, it's not THAT funny.) And just like in Zork 2 (I guess?), you have to type in a LOT of passwords to move on to the "final boss" (also mentioned later).
Images: 10 Being the only (?) image in the game, it's funny to invert the Zork 3 logo in the beginning.
Miscellaneous: 6 The quality? Well, aside from all the red links, if you manage to die 5 times and type in all the passwords, you get to fight the Ur-Grue- only for him to revive in the Hall of Activus after 3 turns! This's an endless loop, after all, so all you have to choose at the beginning is "fly up" in order to win. Or, just wait for me to rewrite the whole thing. Nevertheless, at the end there's a teaser for Zork 4: Escape The Darkness!!, which I doubt would exist.
Final Score: 38 Well, it's pretty good, but it might need a rewrite... I think...
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 18:35, 5 June 2024 (UTC)

All Your Base Are Belong To Us/Example on wheels![edit | edit source]

Humour: 8 Well, the humor's good, given it's 78 variants of the same classic meme/fad compressed in a subpage from that article, All Your Base Are Belong To Us, though there's a few that stick out from the rest... My favorite is the Redundancy variant!
Concept: 10 Great concept! As I said above, it takes 78 different situations and makes an AYB out of them! Including Halloween and Christmas.
Prose and formatting: 10 A marvelous script-style article that for some reason decides to use the Verdana font for almost everything.
Images: 10 Yes, there were some images. They made me giggle... like CATS in baseball.
Miscellaneous: 8 I guess the quality could be the same as the humor. I don't even WANT to know who made the EA variant.
Final Score: 46 Great article! Probably good for those with boredom...
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 17:18, 6 June 2024 (UTC)

RTFM[edit | edit source]

Humour: 6 A nearly adequate article with nearly adequate humor; I kinda liked the "Other meanings" section.
Concept: 6 Meh, I already know what "RTFM" means.
Prose and formatting: 10 Just a great, almost short featured article, with nothing to report!
Images: 10 Well, if the File:Rtfm.gif in the tip template counts, that's a nostalgic pass.
Miscellaneous: 10 Again, this featured article's almost so short I can't even determine the quality...
Final Score: 42 An almost short article that manages to get featured. Wow.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 00:05, 7 June 2024 (UTC)

Pong! the Movie[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 In this article, Uncyclopedia makes a lot of stuff up from a movie based on a 1st video game that'll less likely exist. Ha ha. :)
Concept: 10 Out of all the concepts for the article about the "film," I like the plot's the most, starting with Tinky Winky farting.
Prose and formatting: 9 "Extra! Extra! This just in!" This article's prose has just been given a 9 for its almost-newsreel look! Not bad!
Images: 10 Some make-believe images about this make-believe movie were obviously photoshopped in for laughs.
Miscellaneous: 9 Yes, the crappy quality over the photoshopped images might as well count. Some stuff might not count, though...
Final Score: 48 Out of all the great video game movies that have recently been released, I still doubt this one will. But Uncyclopedia decides to make and keep this one anyway!
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 00:05, 7 June 2024 (UTC)

Lies/Lie[edit | edit source]

Humour: 7 The humor is good, and I'm not lying. ...Or am I?
Concept: 10 Uncyclopedia tries and actually succeeds to tell 29 of the coolest lies ever to us, and they're funny. Like the blue, photoshopped sky.
Prose and formatting: 10 It's mostly a list of lies, like I mentioned before.
Images: 7 Mostly copyrighted stuff. This is boring.
Miscellaneous: 10 As much as I'm not lying about the humor, I'm not lying about the quality; the quality looks great in comparison.
Final Score: 44 Well, this article DEFINITELY is the truth; it's a good one.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 00:05, 7 June 2024 (UTC)

English-American Dictionary[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 Is it "humor," or is it "humour?" Either way, it gets carried away with the definitions pretty clearly.
Concept: 10 The article's supposed to tell us readres (see what I did here?) about "S" vs. "Z," "Zed," who's said to be from Power Rangers, "R", "er" vs. "re," "K" vs. "que" (Ha ha; QueQueQue!), "ou" vs. "O," "oe", "og" vs. "ogue," "um" vs. "ium," "ce" vs. "se," "X" vs. "ct" (What if Mac OS CT was real?), and, of course, various definitions. Great idea.
Prose and formatting: 10 Man, I DO love the intentional typos here and there...
Images: 10 Only 1 image is used: the map of the whole world, but with my home country enlarged.
Miscellaneous: 10 Nothing bad about the quality. Again, the English-American spellings are intentional.
Final Score: 50 Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! That's 1 perfect article here in Uncyclopedia! But how good are the others? Read on and find out!
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 19:58, 9 June 2024 (UTC)

The Oldest Trick in the Book[edit | edit source]

Humour: 6 Somewhat-adequate humor, hence the topic of the article.
Concept: 7 I give it a 7 because it (sort of) reads just like a history report or something like that... with a slight hint of some humor and anachronisms hidden inside of it.
Prose and formatting: 10 Well, great job. You didn't mess it up. 3l
Images: 8 For the image at the top, it reminds me of the one from UnBooks:The Gruesome Book of Grues. I don't even know how they did the other images, though...
Miscellaneous: 10 Another good article of great quality... sigh...
Final Score: 41 In conclusion, it's 1 of those articles that's hard for you to brim through unless you have a TTS device to read it for you. Hmmm... Maybe I should learn how to fuck with people's heads sometime...
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 01:52, 11 June 2024 (UTC)

Idiotic Table of the Elements[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 A parody of the Periodic table that makes stuff up for fun as usual. Can you find Randomium and its random number?
Concept: 7 I have no idea what's so idiotic about it...
Prose and formatting: 10 It uses the "wikitable" class. What more can I say?
Images: 10 Mmmm, Cheesium...
Miscellaneous: 9 Well, I still see red links, otherwise...
Final Score: 46 What a great table! I'd share to you my element, but I think it's safe not to share.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 01:52, 11 June 2024 (UTC)

Aesop's Fables[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 The funny part about that is that most of Aesop's fables are made up. :D
Concept: 10 Some people don't (or barely) know who Aesop is, probably like me, nor all of his fables, but this article attempts to explain it all... and then gets carried away!!!
Prose and formatting: 8 Classic and (almost) perfect Aesop prose with a snappy Uncyclopedia twist. The only things I don't like about the current revision are the footnotes. Also, they replaced the explained joke about the other Persian shouting "Potatoes Potatoes" with a TV Tropes link in that revision!
Images: 10 My favorite image is the one with the green Xenomorph that's supposed to resemble a grape-pusher.
Miscellaneous: 7 The quality for this article has gone downhill! And yet... it still gets a 7.
Final Score: 45 Well, if you're a veteran Uncyclopedian and would like to read a past version of this page, I'd recommend reading revision #5806926.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 01:52, 11 June 2024 (UTC)

Greatest Inventions[edit | edit source]

Humour: 6 Looks more serious than silly...
Concept: 10 ...but I DO like the idea of giving a top 10 list of greatest things since sliced bread. WAY better than all of Uncyclopedia's Worst 100 lists.
Prose and formatting: 10 I love Top 10's. Enough said.
Images: 10 The images are great, but what's the license plate supposed to say?
Miscellaneous: 10 I guess this counts...
Final Score: 46 "Serious" humor about a top 10 list explaining the greatest weird and wonderful "inventions" of all time. I have an electric toothbrush; now all I need is a record player...
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 17:25, 12 June 2024 (UTC)

Banned from the Internet[edit | edit source]

Humour: 7 Humorous (or is it not so humorous?) examples on just how to get banned from the Internet. (I said "not so humorous" because it won't be funny once you or I actually get banned and see the same templates from the start.)
Concept: 10 The article's supposed to teach Uncyclopedia dicks what's it's like for them to get banned. I'm glad I'm not 1 of them...
Prose and formatting: 10 Another list, this one gets bonus points for (intentionally) putting 1 of the items on top of the article.
Images: 9 For some reason, I'm totally in love with that window. I might not like the cosplaying doofus dressed up as Sephiroth, though...
Miscellaneous: 10 I don't see anything bad... Again, the 1st item was top posted on purpose.
Final Score: 46 Hmmm... Not bad for an informative article. But there's 1 question... Should users read that article 1st or another guide provided by the wiki? Probably the ubiquitous Uncyclopedia:How To Be Funny And Not Just Stupid article...
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 03:00, 16 June 2024 (UTC)

Banana Phone[edit | edit source]

Humour: 7 Another nearly adequate article with nearly adequate humor. It may deliver twice than RTFM, though, what with a few funny jokes I might not understand...
Concept: 8 ...Huh? I don't know if it's true or not, though, but the article's supposed to be based on some song by Raffi. If the Wikipedia template says otherwise...
Prose and formatting: 10 I think it just looks like a typical Uncyclopedia article. My favorite part is the Ernie quote!
Images: 9 Again, the Photoshop-style quality counts. But why would I want to see a Willyphone?
Miscellaneous: 10 Still looks good.
Final Score: 44 Man, this article looks so good! It's so featured the main feature of this article got a sighting in Shrooms (later Magic mushroom) and sometimes shows up in intermissions.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 03:00, 16 June 2024 (UTC)

Raccoon Tail v. Super Mario Cape[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 It's so funny to have a case involving 2 Super Mario powerups.
Concept: 10 Erm, look above?
Prose and formatting: 9 To me it looks a bit like an UnNews article, but... ok.
Images: 10 Aside from the fact that the images are copyrighted, the captions under them look a bit silly.
Miscellaneous: 10 Nope; still don't see any article flaws... yet...
Final Score: 49 Almost a good article. I just wonder what the next silly sides would be... Probably my mom v. baseball v. apple pie.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 22:11, 17 June 2024 (UTC)

List of weapons that don't exist, but should[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 Wow! There's a lot of crazy humor in this article! All this for a lot of weapons that don't exist, but should...
Concept: 10 In this article, all the Uncyclopedians decide to make up their own types of cool, nonexistent weapons, from firelegs to air strikes.
Prose and formatting: 10 Probably the best list in this wiki, I don't know...
Images: 9 Some images probably look too gross to be funny...
Miscellaneous: 10 For a long article, I can't even determine ITS quality.
Final Score: 49 Same score as last article; I don't think List of weapons that don't exist, but should/Firelegs would count, but I've read the subpage, and it sucked. I'm glad I only reviewed the main article. In fact, it was mentioned in!
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 22:11, 17 June 2024 (UTC)

iPod Nano 200gb Instructions[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 It's totally impossible to have an IPod attached to THAT, is it?
Concept: 10 "Wow 200 GB of music on your Nano. Battery life is a bit reduced however." So said Chronarion, the founder (?) of Uncyclopedia.
Prose and formatting: 10 This guy tries his hardest to make it sound like something that belongs in an instruction manual... and yet he succeeds!
Images: 10 I read that most of the images came from ArsTechnica. I don't know either, but they sound like a great company!
Miscellaneous: 10 Still, nothing to report about the quality.
Final Score: 50 Another great article! I used to own an IPod Nano before, but I never thought of attaching it to a hard drive... I'd like to though.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 00:06, 19 June 2024 (UTC)

Missing milk[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 How funny could this possibly be to make an article about a single milk bottle?
Concept: 10 The concept is based on those labels you see in them that say something like, "HAVE YOU SEEN THIS KID?"
Prose and formatting: 10 Conspiracies up the ass, the article sounds... interesting.
Images: 10 The front cover of the Sun made me laugh the hardest.
Miscellaneous: 10 I still don't think I see anything bad yet.
Final Score: 50 Wow, another great article reviewed and done. Though I myself am getting worried about that titular missing milk bottle... or am I? >:)
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 00:06, 19 June 2024 (UTC)

Redundancy[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 It's more funnier when you find out Willy on wheels recently put the same thing in... TWICE!!!
Concept: 10 Redundancy makes me laugh.
Prose and formatting: 10 No; I'm not cutting and pasting in the same 10 thrice; that's how it was meant to be: redundant.
Images: 10 It's just Lord Alvin Redund. lol
Miscellaneous: 10 Nope; nothing to say here. Really!
Final Score: 50 No wonder it was one of Uncyclopedia's Top 10 Articles of 2005! Like Lord Alvin Redund in All Your Base Are Belong To Us/Example on wheels!, I AM laughing AND finding this funny.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 02:46, 19 June 2024 (UTC)

Crimes inspired by video games[edit | edit source]

Humour: 7 I don't think it's funny when you find out and deconstruct the TRUTH about these video games... except for the part about Zork.
Concept: 6 Um... video games are NOT a crime.
Prose and formatting: 9 At least it writes like a(n incomplete) list.
Images: 10 2 images were used! 1 of them showed proof that Qbert had a potty mouth, and another was a fake, copydown image of a newsletter from another website.
Miscellaneous: 7 "Captian Falcon is arrested due to destoying the the universe while boxing." The last parts (and years) don't even make any sense at all!
Final Score: 39 Well, I still don't like the idea of knowing the truth about the lore of most of your favorite video games. A power pellet being slang for crack?! Now that's twisted, man.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 23:32, 20 June 2024 (UTC)

AAAAAAAAA![edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 I used to laugh the hardest at this article ever since I 1st discovered it in 2008.
Concept: 10 There is no obvious "concept" in this article -- it's simply just nonsense!!!! In fact, it just might be the very 1st thing readers will likely click from the "Nonsense" template.
Prose and formatting: 10 It's just the letter "A," over and over again. I prefer to read that over some stupid news articles!
Images: 10 The best part is that 1 of 31 images related to the letter "A" is used in the section at random after the "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASCII!"
Miscellaneous: 10 I also don't think this article even has "quality..."
Final Score: 50 Well, to tell you the truth, this article HAS been my favorite since I 1st browsed Uncyclopedia.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 23:32, 20 June 2024 (UTC)

-- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .[edit | edit source]

Humour: 6 I think I find morse code boring and bland.
Concept: 6 Again, this has no concept, but the difference between AAAAAAAAA! and this is that AAAAAAAAA! had an ever funnier concept than this.
Prose and formatting: 6 I could barely read anything; I don't know morse.
Images: 6 I couldn't find any interesting images. Not even the black and white morse girls are that interesting.
Miscellaneous: 10 At least this article deserves a 10 in this category...
Final Score: 34 See, I chose to review this article because it was honorable enough to belong here, being part of the "Nonsense" template.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 23:32, 20 June 2024 (UTC)

Alternate Universes I Seriously Hope Do Not Actually Exist[edit | edit source]

Humour: 7 Most of these alternate universes I get, but like the title says, I SERIOUSLY hope they don't actually exist.
Concept: 10 Each alternate universe in this article possesses a challenge and some obstacles to why we can never have one of those.
Prose and formatting: 9 The categories didn't say so (yet), but this's one of those articles written in 1st person. :/
Images: 10 The only image here photoshopped Conan O'Brien out in the section where they mentioned what an alternate universe would be like without him! lol
Miscellaneous: 10 I wonder if there's a chance I could edit either the score or the category? Either way, it's getting old.
Final Score: 46 Out of all these AU's in the article I would pick, it'd probably be... none of them.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 16:31, 21 June 2024 (UTC)

IPod yocto[edit | edit source]

Humour: 8 It may feel uncomfortable (to my body), but, like the iPod Nano 200gb, it's totally impossible.
Concept: 8 Ha ha, this's really making me feel very uncomfortable... Anyway, it's supposed to be about a veeeeeeeeeery small iPod that fits inside your body, right?
Prose and formatting: 9 The "Features" section looks like something straight from an advertisement.
Images: 8 Even the images don't make me feel comfortable! 1 shows some kind of bacteria enjoying his new IPod yocto, complete with earphones...
Miscellaneous: 10 Either way, it still looks like a good article.
Final Score: 43 Ugh... Sometimes I wonder if we had this "IPod yocto" in our bodies all along. Could this be the causes of all those ear worms?
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 16:31, 21 June 2024 (UTC)

Alternative medicine[edit | edit source]

Humour: 7 Some medicines I don't get.
Concept: 9 What was the purpose of this again? Medicine related to music or culture?
Prose and formatting: 10 The article tells us the pros and cons of alternative medicine, even dying.
Images: 10 I can't tell if the face from this was photoshopped in or not, but...
Miscellaneous: 10 Like "Greatest Inventions" (and most of the rest), I guess this counts too.
Final Score: 46 Lots of pros about this, no cons.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 18:12, 26 June 2024 (UTC)

Alliteration[edit | edit source]

Humour: 8 Let's see now... Do I find alliteration funny? Do I not?
Concept: 10 An awesome, aaaaaaaaah... never mind, it's a good concept for an article.
Prose and formatting: 10 Wow! Wicked writing!
Images: 10 That image looks familiar...
Miscellaneous: 7 Some odd things are slipping out...
Final Score: 45 "This text took the top ten that time" is right. The problem is, I'm bad at alliterating my sentences.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 18:12, 26 June 2024 (UTC)

VCR Manual[edit | edit source]

Humour: 7 I barely find the introduction funny, congratulations. Why do you keep saying that?
Concept: 10 So, you know how to set up your VCR, eh? Well, this article explains how to explain your own VCR MANUAL!!!
Prose and formatting: 8 Writes just like a VCR Manual. Again, some parts I don't get or find funny...
Images: 10 I lost the VCR when I moved... Still, the picture brings back old memories.
Miscellaneous: 10 Still another typical quality article.
Final Score: 45 Please don't make me say that, article!
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 18:12, 26 June 2024 (UTC)

Writer's block[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 This's where I always get stuck when writing this article. lol
Concept: 10 Uh... what was the concept again? Oh yeah, it was about someone getting stuck on... writing an article about writer's block.
Prose and formatting: 10 I can certainly relate to this guy.
Images: 10 All of this for this .gif. Really?
Miscellaneous: 10 How's the quality for this article again? Oh yeah, still good.
Final Score: 50 This article has got to make sense... Now, let's continue.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 18:12, 26 June 2024 (UTC)

Do NOT click any links![edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 It's 1 of those Uncyclopedia in-jokes that I like.
Concept: 10 I was told to not click any links, but I did whatsoever. "Clickbait" (whatever that is) is fun!
Prose and formatting: 10 I think I remember there being lore behind this article, but it faded away into VFD after the 1st few years...
Images: 10 Error messages! Unfortunately, you'll have to go around to enlarge the image...
Miscellaneous: 10 They just painstakingly put links that almost all link to the same subpage... and it's still good.
Final Score: 50 Click here to see more of why I like this article a lot.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 21:01, 29 June 2024 (UTC)

[Insert title here][edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 I used to laugh at this article ever since I 1st discovered it in 2008, but not as much as "AAAAAAAAA!"
Concept: 9 It's supposedly supposed to be an article about placeholders... However, one might not that funny when they go to a blank wiki and see the same thing!
Prose and formatting: 10 Humorously, this messes up the quote section a bit.
Images: 10 Hey, I see an orange kitten! How cute...
Miscellaneous: 7 Some odd, possibly outdated things are slipping out...
Final Score: 46 Wow, that was good. I remember reading in this article back in 2008 something about a gigantic TURTLE MIXED WITH MACARONI CHEESE!!!!
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 21:01, 29 June 2024 (UTC)

UnBooks:Adventure gamebook[edit | edit source]

Humour: 7 The humor looks mostly bland... except the twist ending involving the used copy of the gamebook.
Concept: 10 It's a meta one, involving an 11-year-old wanting to play an adventure gamebook on a rainy Sunday.
Prose and formatting: 10 Told in a CYOA-style tale.
Images: 10 My favorite image's the one that represents the death of the 11-year-old (that's supposed to be you, by the way) by a Motobug pwning Sonic the Hedgehog.
Miscellaneous: 10 The quality never changes.
Final Score: 47 It supposedly looks more boring than any Zork game on this beloved Uncyclopedia, but it's fun either way.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 21:01, 29 June 2024 (UTC)

Calvin and Hobbes[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 So many anachronisms... and THAT was hilariously intentional.
Concept: 10 They took it too literal! Too bad the REAL Calvin and Hobbes was never made into an action-packed buddy comedy show...
Prose and formatting: 10 Definitely looks like your basic Uncyclopedia article.
Images: 10 I like the edits on the art and strips.
Miscellaneous: 10 Ignoring those pseudo-crappy looking edits, the quality looks like it belongs here.
Final Score: 50 I think I should do the knock-offs next... that is, if Uncyclopedia would allow such pages. :D
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 21:01, 29 June 2024 (UTC)

UnBooks:See Dick[edit | edit source]

Humour: 7 It makes me laugh so hard I could cry on the inside...
Concept: 7 Basically, this feels like a history lesson to me.
Prose and formatting: 10 This article reads as a parody of those old "Dick and Jane" books I actually have never read.
Images: 7 I think this article needs more funny images other than those 3. Not even the 2nd "See Dick?" is enough.
Miscellaneous: 10 Do I REALLY have to say it?
Final Score: 41 Well, there you have another great article, albeit as a parody of a children's book. It's said that only the Chosen One has the ability to see the rest of the chapters (i.e. check the discussion page). Also, should we even bother with next week's lesson?
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 03:52, 1 July 2024 (UTC)

Super Smash Bros.: Xtreme Beach Volleyball[edit | edit source]

Humour: 7 It's kind of hard to find humor in this article, possibly except for "'Xtreme' is not a real word."
Concept: 7 I don't think I feel comfortable with a Super Smash Bros./Dead or Alive crossover that could possibly change the gameplay...
Prose and formatting: 10 The way you look at it, it looks like a vandalized Wikipedia article.
Images: 6 ...EW!!! I think the Photoshop effects on those images makes them more disturbing.
Miscellaneous: 10 Otherwise, the idea mentioned in the "Prose" section of the review of this article isn't bad, to be honest.
Final Score: 40 Now you've done it! You're probably making me go back to Wikipedia! Or at least making me research the REAL SSB series elsewhere on the internet...
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 01:22, 5 July 2024 (UTC)

Speech to text software[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 The best humor in this article comes from the self-reference itself. Apparently, the article's creator actually USED speech to text software for this article. No, really.
Concept: 10 Yeah; I know; speech to text software sucks. I'm glad I don't use it for writing these articles.
Prose and formatting: 10 It was meant to be written like that...
Images: 10 The Spamusement webcomic used is my favorite of all 3 of them.
Miscellaneous: 10 Again, it's 1 of those articles in Uncyclopedia that's meant to look intentionally bad.
Final Score: 50 For some reason, I can never stop thinking about the Windows Vista speech recognition incident in 2006! Some say it's the Windows 98 Blue Screen of Death incident all over again...
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 02:45, 5 July 2024 (UTC)

Grue[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 I love Grue humor. It's probably identical to Zork humor. OMG, RUN!!!!!
Concept: 10 We here at Uncyclopedia all know what our Grues look like... If you're confused why, see Forum:A Grue?
Prose and formatting: 10 Uses Uncyclopedia's usual snarky formatting.
Images: 10 Every picture with that Domo-kun-looking monster in it which may or may not involve that most used picture-editing program... well, you know.
Miscellaneous: 10 The quality is good... but, man, was the 5th section intentional?
Final Score: 50 I love Grues. So much, in fact, that I AM one who HAS also ironically been eaten by one. By the way...
*** You've been Grue'd ***

Would you like to start over, restore a saved position, or end this session of Zork? (TYPE RESTART, RESTORE OR QUIT):

Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 22:27, 9 July 2024 (UTC)

Command Line[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 Uses subliminal-style humor & "contemptible" puns hidden in some parts (which can even be confusing), such as:

  X [-displaynumber] [-a acceleration] [-ac] [-audit level] [-auth file]
  [{-}bc] [-br] [-bs] [-c | c volume] [-cc] [-co filename] [-core]
  [-deferglyphs font [font [font ...]]] [-youarentreally readingall
  [thiscrap]] ...

Concept: 10 According to the top of the page, the user was getting annoyed at Windows so much that he (or was it she?) decided to boot something cool called "Uncyclux."
Prose and formatting: 10 It looks just like Zork, complete with the text parsers.
Images: 10 The only image shown here is the boot screen for Uncyclux.
Miscellaneous: 10 They painstakingly made it look nice and tidy, just like your basic command line.
Final Score: 50 To conclude, I've reviewed an article about an operating system I may or may not have used before. Sounds cool, though...
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 23:03, 9 July 2024 (UTC)

Universal Remote Control Everything 3000[edit | edit source]

Humour: 7 Meh. It looks a bit funnier than Greatest Inventions...
Concept: 10 They totally had to make an article about an imaginary remote control that will NEVER exist.
Prose and formatting: 10 Looks like another generic Uncyclopedia article to me.
Images: 10 The way I look at the diagram...
Miscellaneous: 10 Sigh... I guess this counts, too. After all, I'm just getting started with the featured articles...
Final Score: 47 I wish I had this remote! Don't you?
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 23:18, 11 July 2024 (UTC)

Adobe Potatochop[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 Ha ha, lots of potato puns everywhere...
Concept: 10 Another imaginary product! You know, I'm starting to wonder if Uncyclopedia is a British website, what with all of the British humour, spellings and cultural references I'm seeing everywhere...
Prose and formatting: 9 Near the end, the 2nd-to-last paragraph about GINSu (GINSu Isn't Necessarily Safe-u) writes like an advertisement, but the article itself's still funny.
Images: 10 All the images in this article (especially the box of "Freedom Fries"), they're making me hungry...
Miscellaneous: 10 Same as most of the other previous featured articles.
Final Score: 49 Not much to say, except... if I ever had the chance to download buy this product, I would "potatochop" all of my favorite pictures from Uncyclopedia by filtering them with McDonald's fries, in the "Cheese and Onion" document, using the "'Freedom Fries' and Hamburger" plugin. No, wait, how about Chipxar?
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 23:18, 11 July 2024 (UTC)

Pixellated Face Disease[edit | edit source]

Humour: 8 Censorship isn't funny, but... see below. Besides, the "Monster" template used in the Symptoms section's 1st item (Monsterism) really brought in such a kicker! I don't know what Monsterism has to do with disfigurement, but I don't want to turn into an Acromantula...
Concept: 10 Turning a form of censorship into an explained disease... What a novel idea!
Prose and formatting: 10 Reads like a tragic tale about diseases... or something.
Images: 6 I feel less comfortable looking at these images...
Miscellaneous: 10 The quality is SO good in this article that it's 1 of those rare instances where it gets featured TWICE!!!
Final Score: 44 Well, I'm not going to suffer this disease. I'm not even going to show my face! Maybe I'll just say I'm REALLY Barbara Walters behind the scenes and that's that.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 23:18, 11 July 2024 (UTC)

Lost in Translation[edit | edit source]

Humour: 9 Funny, but sounds confusing. Maybe because it's lost in translation?
Concept: 10 A article about a movie lost in translation with the article itself literally lost in translation? Exploding-head.gif
Prose and formatting: 10 The article itself starts trailing into various gratuitous bilingual words and sentences... or something. So do the obligatory Wikipedia links.
Images: 7 Why would I watch an anime starring various literal Japanese kanji "characters?" This's boring.
Miscellaneous: 10 This's so good; need I say more?
Final Score: 46 If I had the chance, maybe I should translate this article from English to French, Spanish, German, the language of the Netherlands, Italian, Russian, Japanese, and then back to English again; what'll I get?
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 23:18, 16 July 2024 (UTC)

Disneyland[edit | edit source]

Humour: 8 The top quote from Goofy I found funny; 1 of the external links at the bottom I did NOT, however. How can I have fun at Disneyland if there are incidents?
Concept: 10 It's true; Disneyland feels like a country after all.
Prose and formatting: 10 This feels like another vandalized Wikipedia article...
Images: 10 I think someone just stole some images from Wikipedia and messed around with 1 of them! I can tell because I've seen this one before...
Miscellaneous: 9 Well, all looks good in this article... except for UNmarine777's section about the military. Looks like he doesn't know how to format right. Someone should either format or remake it while insulting that user.
Final Score: 47 In conclusion, it's safe to say that Disneyland has changed since this article has been featured via its 50th anniversary. For instance, there's a Star Wars-themed land now, called Galaxy's Edge! I'm sure people like Greencat Quark would like it...
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 23:34, 18 July 2024 (UTC)

UnBooks:Horton Hires a Ho[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 Either the greatest humor from this UnBook comes from the censored rhyme bait-and-switch, or when "Horton the Whorehunter" starts screaming and going bat fuck insane for 1 hour.
Concept: 8 Great concept, but... why all the screaming near the end again?
Prose and formatting: 10 This's where I say it parodies Dr. Seuss's rhyming style.
Images: 10 They had to just made the "cover" of Horton Hires A Ho look real! Cool!
Miscellaneous: 10 Now back to good quality...
Final Score: 48 I still wish I knew what all of this was about...
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 23:49, 18 July 2024 (UTC)

Double Ristretto Venti Half-Soy Nonfat Decaf Organic Chocolate Brownie Iced Vanilla Double-Shot Gingerbread Frappuccino Extra Hot With Foam Whipped Cream Upside Down Double Blended, One Sweet'N Low and One Nutrasweet, and Ice[edit | edit source]

Humour: 6 I only (yet barely) found the long title funny compared to Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying, Sit Down and Relax for a Bit, Try and Read or Something, Maybe Eat a Cheese Sandwich, and Basically Do Anything Other Than Obsessively Think About Being Obliterated in a Massive Nuclear Explosion/Apocalypse.
Concept: 7 Ooh, now this's making me feel a bit uncomfortable... Anyway, it's about a coffee drink which, according to Uncyclopedia themselves, is the longest possible order you could possibly order at Starbucks.
Prose and formatting: 9 There's more conspiracies where that came from, and they're in their own section of this article, no less! The section kind of reads like half UnNews article, half interview column... I guess...
Images: 7 Half of the images here look so disturbing! Also, why place that disproportionately-shaped world from the pages from the "Continent" template right over here?
Miscellaneous: 10 Aside from all that, it's still a good article.
Final Score: 39 I've never drank that kind of coffee before... I wonder what it tastes like? Never mind; next time I go to Starbucks I'm ordering a chocolate chip cookie.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 03:04, 23 July 2024 (UTC)

Total Fucking Asshole Server 2006[edit | edit source]

Humour: 7 I barely find any of this fucking funny. Whoops! Did I just say that out loud?
Concept: 8 I not THAT familiar with server-based PC's, but...
Prose and formatting: 7 Hey, lay off the insults...
Images: 10 Do servers look like computers? Ah whatever. I liked the concept of "Insulty," though.
Miscellaneous: 10 Neither the humor nor the prose matters; it's still a good article either way.
Final Score: 42 I wonder what would happen if this WAS real?
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 03:39, 25 July 2024 (UTC)

Internet Movie Database[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 This's a good example of a page about a website that looks like what it's about; it's a parody.
Concept: 10 They just named the displayed movie "Internet Movie Database," which's about... well... the Internet Movie Datebase!
Prose and formatting: 10 Although a lot outdated, it looks like the very same website for... well, you know.
Images: 9 I remember fixing most of the hotlinked "images" from Wikia's Uncyclopedia (which were really small buttons and such) 4 years after Uncyclopedia got removed from Wikia. But there's 1 that still is yet to be found as of 2024...
Miscellaneous: 9 Almost looks perfect. I still need to look for that missing image... or, maybe not.
Final Score: 48 Looks like a good article/movie! Hey, Anti Anti Subtonic Neo, maybe we should watch it at Knoxville, KV sometime!
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 03:39, 25 July 2024 (UTC)

001[edit | edit source]

Humour: 7 Well, if this guinea pig is based on the very same dramatic fad from Kill Bill, I guess I'll give it more score if I wanted to...
Concept: 10 Hmmm... looks like we have a scale of evolution here inbetween... That's pretty good!
Prose and formatting: 10 The script in the "Notable Dialogue" section's so funny, I just wonder if it's really real. Especially with "Comedy trumpet" in it.
Images: 8 I think I'm with the ladies... Or not.
Miscellaneous: 10 You know, even the boring (?) pages deserve a 10 on "quality."
Final Score: 45 Well, to be honest, I don't think I'm into these classic movies that much. I just wonder if this "001" actually made it to Sean Connery's James Bond movies.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 03:39, 25 July 2024 (UTC)

HowTo:Cheat At Scrabble[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 My favorite part's the one with the "mumbo jumbo" words. Who wants to see a word called "ugislnf," anyway?
Concept: 10 The strategies listed in this HowTo also apply to Bananagrams, you know.
Prose and formatting: 10 Told in the 1st person. Also, I see a little sexual innuendo and a pun, too.
Images: 10 "Bad letters?!" I refer to Q, V, and Z as the bad letters.
Miscellaneous: 10 It looks good, but if a TTS voice were to read the random bits...
Final Score: 50 Whatever it is, the only strategy I'm using from this HowTo is a dictionary of some sort.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 03:39, 25 July 2024 (UTC)

Garfield[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 The humor mostly focuses on the "stray comics." Especially the cat-related pun from there.
Concept: 6 I don't like the idea of deconstructing my favorite comic, though...
Prose and formatting: 7 Also, the article sounds a lot like criticism to said strip. But I did like this part below!
Images: 10 Like I said before, all the "stray comics" are funny. (And no, HTML comment, I'm not deleting them.)
Miscellaneous: 10 The quality's great, just like the original strips.
Final Score: 43 If I were to read this article, I'd skip to the strays. No, really.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 23:58, 30 July 2024 (UTC)

IQ:Sample test[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 Hmmm... the impossibility of all of these questions makes them funny. XD
Concept: 10 Of course they had to make all of these questions impossible, like I said before.
Prose and formatting: 10 It's a quiz, what else did you expect?
Images: 10 Was the black-and-white on all 4 images intentionally meant to reflect printer paper?
Miscellaneous: 10 I just don't know what to say here, except... This article deserves a pass!
Final Score: 50 I wonder if Willy on wheels took this test yet?
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 23:58, 30 July 2024 (UTC)

My Journeys with the GPS[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 Oh no! More British humour! The article even had the needs to say it!
Concept: 10 I'm not a big fan of GPS's, so this article's a must-read.
Prose and formatting: 10 I can tell somebody needs anger management classes! Caps Lock and bold and then the font gets 3 times big.
Images: 10 Hee hee; something's wrong with this picture...
Miscellaneous: 10 Looks good, UNLIKE MOST GPS'S...
Final Score: 50 As far as I know, the only good GPS's a road map.
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 23:12, 8 August 2024 (UTC)

Me[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 Wouldn't it be funny if you had a userpage like this? My favorite part's the bottom text where this guy behind the "userpage" suddenly sings his (or was it her?) own version of the Pokémon theme song and even tells me I'm screwed.
Concept: 10 A parody of those said-to-be-crappy pages from the old days of the Internet.
Prose and formatting: 10 Lots of Caps Lock abuse in that one...
Images: 10 The funny thing is, the hit counter never updates!!!
Miscellaneous: 10 It's good even though the quality intentionally looks bad...
Final Score: 50 If only Geocities was still alive, I could make a funny page similar to this one...
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 23:12, 8 August 2024 (UTC)

AAA[edit | edit source]

Humour: 10 The highlight of the article is the "Accomplishments" section. It turns out this "AAA" did the impossible as he achieved the world's highest scores on millions of video games! Like playing through the Zelda CD-I games without snickering at the cutscenes. I read through here about plans of him playing Super Mario World on Wii's Virtual Console, not only with a GameCube controller, but even with an unaccessorized Wii remote...
Concept: 10 Just goes to show ya -- the article's about someone who knows how to play video games wisely and impossibly just because it's called "AAA."
Prose and formatting: 9 This article 1st reads like a typical wiki article, then it goes onto an interview-like section, and finally, the accompllishments. Unfortunately, I gave it a 9 because for the last section, where it mentions Portal, it trails on into some cryptic song, which I can't quite pinpoint yet as of 2024...
Images: 10 You just gotta love the "photographic" evidence of how AAA can beat Minesweeper on expert without a mouse.
Miscellaneous: 10 I THINK I remember back in revision #5882837 when most of this article was the suxxors... It's great how articles can improve from time to time.
Final Score: 49 I wish I was AAA... I just need to increase my skills up to 11 for this. Too bad he found Waldo already...
Reviewer: Ryan Woo-Ming (talk) 00:40, 16 August 2024 (UTC)