Why?:Revert the administrators
Why indeed should you take up the grave task of reverting the site's administrators. Many have tried it before you, and most of them have failed miserably, but don't despair you hopeful ones, I am going to give you perfect, well balanced reasoning as to Why?:Reverting the administrators is the best idea ever.
First off before you do a single fucking revert, I want you to understand you will most likely be banned for life, if you practice this too frequently. And rest assured I will not be held responsible for your life long ban in any way, shape or form.
So let's get down to it shall we?
You're pissed at the site's administration
Those admins are fucking stupid, all they do is ban, ban, ban and huff, huff, huff like there is no tomorrow. Seems obvious then that the best way to get back at them is to revert them every time they try and contribute to the site eh?
Well let me tell you right now. There is no better way! You yourself do not control a banhammer as you are clearly not paying the right people and doing the right thing. So it is clearly obvious that unless you want to vandalize the fuck out of their userpage, reverting them is the only way to go!
It's not only this, but if you do a lot of site maintenance without being given any thanks whatsoever, you know how frustrating it is that the admins just sit and do nothing for you whilst you clean up the mess of the wankers. All they have to do is ban them, which is quick and easy. Maybe it's time to stop being the pawns on some dumb guys' chess-sets and rise up to your oppressors!
But not only that, the wankers won't even let you go for adminship when the opportunity pops up. They simply say lol no and give promises of allowing the vote in the following month. And even when it eventually does run, they won't vote for you ever. Losers.
So it seems that those admins are slippery fuckers, loyal to no-one and only interested in suppressing you further down the totem pole. I think reverting their contributions ought to put them back in their place.
The revert
All right, rather than continuing to be suppressed by self-important, 40 year old virgins, who still live with their mothers, you have chosen to actually fight the fuckers. Well done!
Check what the edit was
As I'm sure you'd be aware most admins are vandals. So as a result we have to make sure the edit you are reverting is not vandalism. If you revert it and they catch you, you will be banned for helping the site's quality. This is not what you want. Check the diff and make 100% sure that the thing you are reverting is positive to the article's quality. This way you're being an arse to them in two different ways; it's a win win for you.
But know when to draw the line, know that in some cases reverting it may break the site entirely; this is not only bad for everyone but it will affect you. And will most likely result in your IP being banhammered as well. Thus not leaving anything to chance.
Make sure no-one's looking
This is not rocket science! Certain individuals are real suck ups to the admins, as they aspire to be one themselves one day. If they spot you doing this while interrupting their precious masturbation time, they will revert it right back and most likely notify an admin so they can ban you. So it's simple, wait for an ideal time window where no-one is awake to make your edit. That way it gets swept off Recent Changes along with the rest of the vandalism.
Well what the fuck are you waiting for? No-one is watching, revert the fucker before someone does notice. For proper effect, make a lot of minor edits to sweep the revert off of recent changes which will decrease your chances of being caught. But if you want to get caught, feel free to revert everything you see until you get banned for life.
Reverting under multiple accounts is strongly discouraged here, as it is likely they will block your IP for abusing multiple accounts. If you insist on doing this though I will not be held responsible for the outcome, in fact I will not be held responsible for the outcome of trying any of this in any way, shape or form.
If you have noticed some loser has reverted you back, then don't go back to the page and undo it again, that wastes precious nanoseconds. Just move onto your next article. Remember, you're only here to teach the fuckers a lesson.
Run like fuck
That's my only advice.
The aftermath
You can still read pages, but cannot edit, change, alter, modify, amend, revise, or create them.
Editing from <insert name here> (your account, IP address, or IP address range) has been disabled by The Right Honourable RAHB for the following reason(s):
This block has been set to expire: infinite. This block was instated: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 08:39:15. Block ID is 12345.
You were more than likely banned because you failed to read or understand The Beginner's Guide to Being an Uncyclopedian, How To Be Funny And Not Just Stupid, and/or Our Vanity Policy. If this is the case, or even if it's not, take some time to read these documents now.[1]
After you've taken the time to read the above articles and you feel like you are ready to make useful contributions to Uncyclopedia, you may contact RAHB or one (1) of the other administrators to discuss the block.[2]
Your IP address is If you have an actual user name, please include this in any queries you make, along with your SSN, a credit card number, and any bank account numbers you have.
If you'd like to see the log of your ban, the reason, duration, and time of issuance can be found in the block list and the block log.
It may be possible to plead your case on your talk page, over IRC, or on our Discord server if you didn't do anything really wrong, or if you can prove that you have fully educated yourself by reading the above articles. Log in with the same username you use here, and start begging.
NOTE: If you were blocked by the abuse filter, this is usually because the filter is suspecting that you are a spambot. If this is not the case, please contact an admin as described above, and someone will help resolve your case as soon as possible. Additionally, a more detailed explanation of why you have been blocked can be found at the abuse filter userpage.
Useful Links
- The Beginner's Guide to Being an Uncyclopedian
- How To Be Funny And Not Just Stupid
- Our Vanity Policy
- List of active Uncyclopedia administrators
- List of blocked IP addresses
- Log of blocking activity
Also Note
- ↑ Seriously. If you can't prove you know the basic rules and what we're trying to do here, you'll find the admins more than a bit chilly.
- ↑ Note that you may not use the "email this user" feature unless you have a valid email address registered in your user preferences. Also, don't email every admin unless you want the ban extended indefinitely.