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Warna Brotha! FACT ALERT:
This user is known for his excessive use of "lol" and emoticons. Proceed with caution.

Where I was spawned: Québec (aka Frozen wasteland)
Born: Ice age
Mental age: 2 days
Gender: Male
Habitat: Igloo
Maternal and Everyday Language: French
Political views: Terrifying
Member since: 16 April, 2011

Thumbs up!.png = Featured on the front page!


  1. HowTo:Become an Assassin Thumbs up!.png with Leverage
  2. Heaven's Gate Thumbs up!.png Second best of the month!
  3. Bohemian Grove Thumbs up!.png with Funnybony
  4. Doping in sports Thumbs up!.png
  5. Boston Molasses Disaster Thumbs up!.png
  6. Rand Paul Thumbs up!.png
  7. UnRecipe:Fantastik flavored hallucinogenic ham with Uranium seasoning Thumbs up!.png
  8. Boyfriend Thumbs up!.png with Black Flamingo
  9. Mini-golf Thumbs up!.png with Magic Man
  10. The 9-11 Commission Report Thumbs up!.png
  11. MKULTRA Thumbs up!.png
  12. HowTo:Train to look awesome! Thumbs up!.png with Magic Man
  13. HowTo:Snowboard your way to awesomeness! Thumbs up!.png
  14. Door handle Thumbs up!.png with Shabidoo
  15. Don King Thumbs up!.png
  16. Mount Everest Disaster Thumbs up!.png
  17. Herman Cain Thumbs up!.png with Magic Man, Socky and Romartus
  18. Mexico tourism brochure Thumbs up!.png Second best of the month!
  19. Steve Irwin Thumbs up!.png
  20. UnRecipe: Crunchy Beaver with Pine Gum Coulis Thumbs up!.png with Oliphaunte
  21. Rick Santorum Thumbs up!.png with Xamralco
  22. Resident Evil Thumbs up!.png
  23. The Great Elephant Revolt of 2011 Thumbs up!.png
  24. Quebec City Thumbs up!.png
  25. Krypton Thumbs up!.png with Shabidoo
  26. Constitution of the United States (actual text) Thumbs up!.png with Xamralco
  27. Tour de France Thumbs up!.png with Lizbink Top 10 2014!
  28. Amazon: A survival story Thumbs up!.png
  29. Peter Sagan Thumbs up!.png
  30. Winter sports Thumbs up!.png
  31. Nirvana Thumbs up!.png with Xamralco Top 10 2014!
  32. The Last of Us Thumbs up!.png


Wonka internet.jpg
  1. UnNews:Obama: We're not responsible for drones with US Army emblem's actions Thumbs up!.png
  2. UnNews:Boston wins Stanley Cup while sore losers destroy their city (sparked a shitstorm)
  3. UnNews:Tour de France 2011 filled with controversies Thumbs up!.png
  4. UnNews:Jack Layton passes away, even separatist Quebecers mourn
  5. UnNews:Trump: "Iran will have a nuke by 2167!"
  6. UnNews:Fox News uncovers Ron Paul's demonic past!
  7. UnNews:Stay strong, great people, for Kim Jong-il passed away Thumbs up!.png
  8. UnNews:There's 'gay' and then there's 'Oscar de la Hoya gay' - an editorial by Bill O'Reilly
  9. UnNews:Mitt Romney tired of flip-flopping accusations; decides to undergo brain surgery to forget last 15 years
  10. UnNews:US elections shaping up to be the most democratic train wreck mankind has ever seen
  11. UnNews:Iran attacks the US on American soil!
  12. UnNews:Tom Boonen wins Paris-Roubaix cycling race while smoking a cigar Thumbs up!.png
  13. UnNews:Our Great Leader Kim Jong-un brings even more prosperity to us glorious North Koreans Thumbs up!.png
  14. UnNews:Montrealer fed up with strikers dismembers one Thumbs up!.png
  15. UnNews:Debate over death penalty raging in Canada Thumbs up!.png
  16. UnNews:Cannibalism becoming increasingly popular Thumbs up!.png
  17. UnNews:Benny Hinn strongly opposes Obamacare
  18. UnNews:Uncharismatic cyclist wins Tour de France in boring fashion
  19. UnNews:London Olympics athletics report
  20. UnNews:Lance Armstrong endorsed by drugs company
  21. UnNews:Man killed by elephant he was trying to poach
  22. UnNews:US to invade Syria just to show it can
  23. UnNews:Cold wave hits Canada, global warming in doubt
  24. UnNews:Tour de France 2014 welcomes its share of broken bones
  25. UnNews:Wrestlemania 87 commentary LIVE! Thumbs up!.png
  26. UnNews:Canada holds Parliament open doors day for Halloween
  27. UnNews:Canada's international reputation wreck found in the Arctic Ocean


  1. Québec Thumbs up!.png
  2. George Carlin Thumbs up!.png
  3. Nineteen Eighty-Four Thumbs up!.png
  4. Earth's Children Thumbs up!.png (best of the month, tied with 2)




Useful links or copy pasta stuff (because I'm too dumb to remember)


Noob of the Moment Award Noob of the Moment May 2011

Snowman of the Month Snowman of the month July 2011

Writer of the Month Award Writer of the Month August 2011

Pee Reviewer of the Month Reviewer of the Month September 2011

Uncyclopedian of the Month Award Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2011

Magician of the Month Magician of the month August 2011

Bff.png World's Best Friend November 2011

Foolitzer Prize Award Foolitzer Prize Winner February 2012


In case of a VFH drought