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Gokupowerup.gif Piccolo charge.gif

      Whoops! Maybe you were looking for someone actually important?

Writer of the Year Award Writer of the Year 2014
Uncyclopedian of the Year Award Uncyclopedian of the Year 2014


My Articles

Read it and weep!

My Templates

Nobody really cares much about these, do they?

My Images

Visual diarrhea served MS Paint-style!

My Awards

'Cause I'm one Arrogant Mofo!

My Workshop

Half-baked, half-assed, and half-done!

My Unoriginal Userboxes that I Either Stole or Copied From Somewhere Else

Toby learned pig.JPG
Isthay useray ancay eakspay Igpay Atinlay.
Toby learned pig.JPG
Urinal.jpg This user pulls his pants down all the way when he uses the urinal...


Clock.gif This user has been on Uncyclopedia for
13 years, 9 months and 3 days.

Dancing psycho.gif
This user has been an admin on Uncyclopedia for
12years, 10months and 25days.
Dancing psycho.gif

Naked pictures!