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The following message has been brought to you by TheHappySpaceman.
TASTE THE RAINBOW MOTHERFOCKER!!! ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 19:28, 11/06/2011

Foxy in his true form...

Welcome to my userpage! Officially I'm TheSlyFox, but I've also been referred to as "Fox," "TSF," and "That Foxy Bloke."

I came to Uncyclopedia because I was bored with Wikipedia's stuffiness and found Uncyclopedia's wackiness refreshing. I mostly do maintenance, but I also write a bit here and there. However, I am not immune to mistakes. Should I ever blow the whistle on something I shouldn't, by all means leave a message on my talk page!

Gallery[edit | edit source]

...But first, some shameless self-promotion!
TheSlyFox anagrams.jpg
Now you can see my gallery of random images!

Current Projects[edit | edit source]

  • A rewrite of Harrison Ford.
  • A remodeling of LOL WAR, as it is now the last remaining article of its species.

Illegitimate Awards[edit | edit source]

How I ended up with this I'll never understand.

Goldstein award.png E G A E D M

The Emmanuel
Goldstein Award

September 2011

Junkyard[edit | edit source]

Here you will find unfortunate bits and pieces that have gone to my userspace for gutting and rebuilding. Otherwise, they will be salvaged for parts and the rest will be disintegrated.

  • A rewrite of Latios and Latias. It's mostly gamecruft now, but it has lots of potential to be funny for those unfamiliar with the Pokeyman phenomenon. Unfortunately, guests are not allowed in the operating room, but you're welcome to watch through those glass panels in the cieling. Now, patient is prepped and sedated. Nurse? Scalpel...
  • A sandbox of tasteful texty images which probably won't ever be mainspaced, but at least it makes good target practice.
  • This section is also home to a prime example of what not to write. Noobs can be sent here for discipline.

Limbo[edit | edit source]

If an article has for some reason been put in harm's way for questionable reasons, I might bring them here where they can get some R&R before they are hopefully resurrected in some form or another.

  • Yay, this list is empty!

Completed Projects[edit | edit source]

Quotes![edit | edit source]

Quotes are bad, mmmkay? Well, not always, just these ones. These were mostly taken from VFD, QVFD and ICU stuff where the content was hilariously bad.

Obligatory Userboxes[edit | edit source]

Clock.gif This user has been on Uncyclopedia for
18 years, 4 months and 23 days.

This user is a member of the Welcoming Committee, because no other Committee would take them.
This user is a native speaker of English.
This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of 日本語.
This user does not understand Texan (or understands it with considerable difficulties).
Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow meow meow meow! MEOW!

This user has found Jesus, and is therefore no longer a threat to society.

Grue Jammy.gif
This user has joined The Grue Army
to help Uncyclopedia kill vandals, and help users. Please join today!
Grue Jammy.gif
Firefox Logo.png
This user believes the Mozilla Firefox could easily defeat Godzilla.
Firefox Logo.png
Shyny ub.jpg
This user is easily distracted by anything shiny.
Shyny ub.jpg
This user is a paladin .
Hide your demons and undead.
Skyline Z-Tune.jpg
This Uncyclopedian has the Need for Speed.
Skyline Z-Tune.jpg

DogNewspaper.jpg UnSignpost Home Delivery
Just like Grandma used to make!

Anfscd.jpeg And Now For Something Completely Different:

A infant with a transient infant near our infant

This user has tested positive for INFP and INFJ hybridity on the Myers-Briggs Test, which means this user is completely insane.
Don't mind me, I'm just CRAZY!!!!! And unless you're Neo, you may want to watch for stray bullets.