User talk:TheHappySpaceman

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DogNewspaper.jpg UnSignpost Home Delivery
Now with 20% more ninjas!

TheHappySpaceman archives

Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/God's userpage[edit source]

I just wanted to say I enjoyed the Pink Floyd reference in your signature. Nominally Humane! 12:10 31 Dec

Drop your pants and grab the eggnog! It's the UnSignpost.[edit source]

 ~ Capt. Sock Monkey ~ (berate) Beeverpedia.png ~ Wed, Jan 2 '13 13:28 (UTC)

dA group[edit source]

We got six members, six watchers, and pageviews in double sixes. You know what this means? The Number of the Beast. Our group needs to be promoted more. I mean, we need an ad that shouts "Uncyclopedia!" GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Giratina CUN|IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 04:24, 11 January 2013 (UTC)

UnSignpost sez, "Give Pease a Chance!"[edit source]

 ~ Capt. Sock Monkey ~ (berate) Beeverpedia.png ~ Fri, Jan 11 '13 5:31 (UTC)

Unsignpost - 20130119042144 gibberish asdf[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 04:24, 19 January 2013

Unsignpost - 20130124050125 gibberish asdf[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 05:03, 24 January 2013

Unsignpost - 20130131002159 gibberish asdf[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 00:26, 31 January 2013

Unsignpost - 20130207013217 gibberish asdf[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 01:35, 7 February 2013

It is the day of USP love, Valentine’s Day[edit source]

SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 01:35, 14 February 2013 (UTC)

Crikey! It’s a rare, wild UnSignpost![edit source]

SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 00:38, 21 February 2013 (UTC)

Surprise, Motherfucker, USP[edit source]

SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 03:54, 28 February 2013 (UTC)

I thought I heard the Imperial March. USP time, everybody![edit source]

SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 20:37, 7 March 2013 (UTC)

Can I have some salad with my UnSignpost?[edit source]

SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 11:46, 14 March 2013 (UTC)

People like the UnSignpost because it’s hot! It has the best graphics and everything. Marcus, USP! Step yo’ game up![edit source]

SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 02:29, 21 March 2013 (UTC)

UnSignpost’s BONER TIME![edit source]

SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 21:55, 28 March 2013 (UTC)

This isn’t an April Fool’s Day Prank! This is the UnSignpost![edit source]

SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 18:25, 4 April 2013 (UTC)

Forum:Count to a million[edit source]

What's the point of this forum? Do you think we'll ever get to a million?

Also, remember that song we were working on? Thanks! User:Matthlock/sig2 22:14, 10 April 2013 (UTC)

Possibly. Also, I'm looking at that again. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 22:52, 04/10/2013

UnSignpost Time, Folks! I repeat, UnSignpost Time![edit source]

SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 00:37, 11 April 2013 (UTC)

UnSignpost, late and lazy![edit source]

SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 01:43, 19 April 2013 (UTC)

The 2 Days Tardy USP![edit source]

SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 01:08, 27 April 2013 (UTC)

So Dude[edit source]

I'm Facebook friends with Frosty, RAHB and Cat the Colourful now, if you don't know. Dude, you wanna be FB friends with me too? I do know that your name is Dan but that's all I really know. Is your last name Spaceman by any chance? (It would be really cool if it was!)

You can send me a private message to if you feel so obliged. User:Matthlock/sig2 00:26, 1 June 2013 (UTC)

@MATTHLOCK: I left a message on your talkpage. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 00:54, 06/01/2013

Yo Dan[edit source]

i herd u name ur band Dark Matter. – Kip > Talk Works Sophia It's Peanut Better Jelly Time!!! Carlton2.gif Rotating Rick Astley.gif derp Sexy Snoo.png Knight of the Order USA! 05:01, Jun. 5, 2013

Week-old news two weeks late: The UnSignpost![edit source]

-RAHB 04:41, 11 June 2013 (UTC)

UnSignpost is back[edit source]

Enjoy! IFYMB! Talk to me baby! 10:31 7 July 2013

I've tried repeatedly and all my attempts sucked[edit source]

I can sympathize. Here's my list: [1] The first 6 or so articles I did sucked. But I think I am getting better with practice and so might you. Just keep trying, don't give up. It takes longer for some of us than others. And sometimes it just requires the proper inspiration. Sometimes I can only think of one paragraph. Then maybe I put that paragraph in my userspace. It IS easier to just post a number than write a full article. Thus, the idea of everybody posting a word and making an article out of it happened. I don't know if that still exists, but I do remember Imperial Colonization before the drama of "Transformers" happened. It did work well for awhile, and I would like to see it happen again. -- Simsilikesims(♀UN) Talk here. 01:56, 20 July 2013 (UTC)

Yeah, I suggested the Colonization on Frosty's talkpage, but he replied very coldly. IFYMB! Talk to me baby! 01:58 20 July 2013

Dude...[edit source]

Where the hell is my perv of the month award? I like... won. --The Shield of Azunai DSA510 Insight into the mind of an aspergian: 23:28, 24 July 2013 (UTC)

Dude, since Frosty's being a bully, we should work on an article together[edit source]

Remember the Jerry Garcia article you'd promised you'd help me out with. Well, I think it's time since Frosty's put down Count to a Million. I've written 23 mainspace articles so I'm no stranger to writing and you're no stranger to the Grateful Dead, since your parents roadied them and you've listened to them yourself. Let's do it. You won't regret it. User:Matthlock/sig2 19:47, 30 July 2013 (UTC)

Okay. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 00:29, 07/31/2013

The UnSignpost: a brilliant new format but less news[edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper That Contains Neither News Nor Paper.

Anton (talk) 14:30, 7 August 2013 (UTC)

Could I ask ye something?[edit source]

Could you please vote yes on Forum:Forest Fire Week 3.14: Reloaded. Thanks! --The Defender of Light >Grand Warlock Danzathel Aetherwing Inventory 19:49, 14 August 2013 (UTC)

UnSignpost: yet another new format but still less news[edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper the Whole Family Must Enjoy!

– Llwy-ar-lawr (talkcontribslogs) 05:03, 5 May 2014Uncyclopedia is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge! UncyclopediaUncyclopediaIllogicopediai:fr:LogimalpediePaudurapedyjaFrithchiclipeidUncapaediaAbsurdopediaScotypedia

It's back! - The UnSignpost[edit source]

The UnSignpost
Sucking Journalism's Fat Wang. Badly.
~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 09:42, 25 July 2014 (UTC)

Two weeks in a row? A new record! It's the UnSignpost[edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper Not Secretly Controlled By Mordillo, We Swear!
~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 23:51, 1 August 2014 (UTC)

Does this look infected to you? It's the UnSignpost![edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper the Whole Family Must Enjoy!
 ~ Capt. Sock Monkey ~ (berate) Beeverpedia.png ~ Fri, Aug 8 '14 12:22 (UTC)

More {{Boner}}s than a ragged Playgirl: It's the UnSignpost![edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper That Wonders What Happened To You. You Used To Be Cool.
 ~ Capt. Sock Monkey ~ (berate) Beeverpedia.png ~ Fri, Aug 15 '14 20:08 (UTC)

We gave The UnSignpost an enema, so now it's regular![edit source]

The UnSignpost
I love it when the news comes together
 ~ Capt. Sock Monkey ~ (berate) Beeverpedia.png ~ Fri, Aug 22 '14 2:11 (UTC)


The UnSignpost
Reading This Is The Mysterious Second Step To Getting Profit From Stealing Childrens' Underwear!

SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 03:23, 7 September 2014 (UTC)

Unsignpost delivery attempt numbr hideous implosion[edit source]

The UnSignpost
Telling You Stuff You Already Knew, But With Different Words!

Brace Yourselves, The UnSignpost is Coming![edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper Made Entirely From Recycled Internet Memes

The USP is coming for you! (and your little dog too)[edit source]

The UnSignpost
Now with 20% more ninjas!

Excuse me, sir, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, the USP?[edit source]

The UnSignpost
The periodical without any junk in its trunk!

dicks lol: It's UnSignpost time![edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper With No Ambitions, Goals, Hopes or Dreams!

The UnSignpost is back, baby! (And also a little bit of front)[edit source]

The UnSignpost
In Pure Russian Fashion, The Newspaper That Reads YOU!!

Vote, Vote, Vote[edit source]

It's that time of the year again! We're going to be showing off our Top Ten Articles of 2014 soon but so far, very few people have voted. It's all up to you to decide what's the best of the best! Go to Forum:Top 10 Articles of 2014 and vote now! --Talk to me! Sir Xam Ralco the Mediocre 02:21, 30 January 2015 (UTC)

HMC2015[edit source]

I haven't seen you sign up for [Monkey]. I know that was an oversight on your part. I will forgive you once you sign up. I'll cut off one of your family members fingers every hour until you do. YEAY!!! happy times. If you cannot can always be a judge. The more judges...the better! ShabiDOO 16:39, 31 July 2015 (UTC)

Judging[edit source]


Please look at my talk page. You and Grammar can decibe between yourselves who does in depth judging and who does light judging. ShabiDOO 04:18, 3 August 2015 (UTC)

Hey Spaceman, Just thought I'd remind you that you still have 2 more reviews to do for HMC. 05:41, 6 August 2015 (UTC)

Sorry about that, I didn't realise you already have done the reviews. 07:15, 6 August 2015 (UTC)

Hey spaceman. Thanks a lot for judging. I appreciate the time you took and even a few lines of constructive criticism. Happy Monkey will give you a sweet golden shower as a thanks. ShabiDOO 19:42, 6 August 2015 (UTC)
Also if you have a moment...please do a quick check over the scores to make sure there weren't any notable errors (that means no tweaking the results but let me know if there is a serious problem with the scores you gave). ShabiDOO 19:44, 6 August 2015 (UTC)
Thanks for taking the time out to judge this years entries... :) -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
You're welcome, judging this competition involved reading a lot of funny articles so it was quite fun. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 16:48, 08/07/2015
Yeah, thanks, THS! Anton (talk) 16:52, 7 August 2015 (UTC)
Thank you. ~EveryOtherUsernameWasTaken(dtf?) 16:57, 7 August 2015 (UTC)
You're welcome, and thanks everyone for participating. Who knows, maybe next year I'll actually write something for the competition myself! ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 17:02, 08/07/2015

How rude of me[edit source]

I just realized I completely forgot to thank all the judges for taking time out of their "busy" schedules to read all of the happy monkey entries. Especially mine since it was the size of a small island nation. So thanks ths. For judging and reading and everything. (And for judging mine as pretty good. Appreciate it!) The Woodburninator Wood burning.gif Minimal Effort  17:52, 15 August 2015 (UTC)

You're welcome, I actually gave yours the highest score among the entries. You did a good job. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 17:55, 08/15/2015
Thanks. I do appreciate it. I know mine was a bit long. Hopefully it was worthwhile. The Woodburninator Wood burning.gif Minimal Effort  18:07, 15 August 2015 (UTC)
How weird is that, this is word for word my post-orgasm speech..... -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
LOL. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 23:10, 08/15/2015
Now I'm just picturing Mhaille thanking himself post-masturbation. Good image. The Woodburninator Wood burning.gif Minimal Effort  23:40, 15 August 2015 (UTC)

Hey, (Un)HappySpacman[edit source]

Thank you for judging! 18:10, 15 August 2015 (UTC)

You're welcome. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 23:10, 08/15/2015

You Complete Asshole![edit source]

User:Zana Dark/Templates/Purple Nurples/15

LOL, you're welcome. Honestly, I haven't seen Hot Tub Time Machine. But still, I liked your article. ~I am a golden god! You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything. 22:06, 10/12/2015

Star Wars[edit source]

Since the new Star Wars movie is coming up, do you know anyone who could write an article on the greatest villain ever, Sheev?--EpicWinner (talk) 01:42, 7 December 2015 (UTC)

No idea. ~I am a golden god! You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything. 17:55, 12/10/2015

Remember when people used to be active at least once a year?[edit source]

Kevin Spacey and Brad Pit in the same movie lol

Super awesome happy "Seven deadly sins" competition where Shabidoo will win and everyone else colapses into suicidal depression fun week!!! SIGN UP!!! ShabiDOO 14:33, 15 May 2016 (UTC)

Thank you[edit source]

Hey[edit source]

Please help us create this lovely playlist! Thanx! ~ Kakun · talk 01:12, 9 July 2020 (UTC)

Merry Potato Day![edit source]

Happy Monkey Competition 2021[edit source]


Hey its HAPPY MONKEY TIME 2021 (Feb 21-28). Your favourite writing competition where we write articles on one another's suggested topics. Go ahead and sign up because the more users we have competiting the more ridonculously fun it is. If you don't wanna write you can sign up to judge! Sing up here. Remember it's not about writing a sure fire VFH article, but pushing the limits of your originality and creativity and spitting out an article on a topic you had never thought about writing before. Also...Shabidoo will love you forever and owe you like a zillion favours for it. He will literally do anything to please you if it means you participate. Happy Monkey Farts!!! ShabiDOO 15:55, 10 February 2021 (UTC)

UnSignpost Home Delivery for May 1st, 2021[edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper That Wonders What Happened To You. You Used To Be Cool.

It's beginning to look a lot like…[edit source]

Seasons Greetings!

It's that special time of year. A wonderful time for friends and family to rejoice in gaiety. Not you! You usually spend all of your hard-earned money on gifts for them, and now you just want to hibernate until your finances recuperate. Well, here at Uncyclopedia, entering our newest competition won't cost you a penny Sign Up Today! (pretty please) ~Formerly Annoying Crap 13:22, 13 December 2021