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Potatochopper of the Month Award Potatochopper of the Month June 2013

Gone fishing[edit | edit source]


This user is on vacation, sabbatical, administrative leave, or is otherwise goofing off with the knowledge and/or consent of the Admins. Or, more likely, they've buggered off without saying boo to anyone. Their expected date of return is August 14, 2013. If you're lonely, or you miss them, leave a message.

The date's a guess only.

Campiz, the patron saint of all perverts.

Articles I have written or collaborated with someone[edit | edit source]

Other people's articles I have read[edit | edit source]

My grandparents take your butt[edit | edit source]

This what where who? Click if you like to collaborate.[edit | edit source]

Writer of the Month Award Writer of the Month May 2013

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