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Here's what I look like in Real Life. Ain't I purty?
Dancing psycho.gif
This user has been an admin on Uncyclopedia for
3years, 4months and 20days.
Dancing psycho.gif

“This is the only page to have a Day-Night cycle.

~ WohMi on his beautiful creation.

WARNING: You are now entering the user page of a multiple-time Category:AGH MY EYES contributor. Please think twice before clicking on any of his articles, and make sure you're wearing proper safety gear before viewing.

This user was officially declared RUNNER UP FOR BEST IMAGE OF PLS 2021, BABY!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Please address them with proper respect. And considering the winner is gone forever, I think it's safe to say that I won in spirit.
Who the fuck is this man?
You voted for " I don't even know how I got here." on 27 December 2024 at 12:53. You can change your vote by clicking a different answer below.
There were 64 votes since the poll was created on 14:35, 17 December 2020.
poll-id 53F0007260C775BB8919BDA1E65CE510

This user is Catholic, and believes articles become featured through good works, not faith.
— Uncyclopedian male —
Current timeCurrent time for UTC-5 is 21:34
Height6'5" / 196 cm
AlignmentChaotic Neutral / Lawful Evil
Account statistics
Joined7 October 2020
Administrator3 November 2021
Edit countSurprisingly Low

Stop right there, Fonchezzz! Mwahaha... Surprised that I guessed your userna- Oh, it was wrong? Damn. I'll get it next time.

Status Update

I love granola bars!

Things that I gave BIRTH too

And I made a featured image!

Cool Articles I Edited on & Am Proud of What I Did On There