User:Hoof Hearted

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Hoof Hearted (talk) – contribs (newdel)edit-countblock (remlist)all logsgroupscheckuser

United Kingdom
This user is a total UKer
…jolly good, Guv. Bloody good day for it!
(British Uncyclopedians)
Head on.gif
This user is a pimpalicious depressed loser that likes to burn while curative cut-rate alpaca sandwichs write his arcsine.
Head on.gif
This user suffers from senioritis, an incurable demotivational syndrome.
This user has been on Uncyclopedia for
12years, 1month and 21days.
Today's date is
Tuesday- March 25th, 2025
This user has no featured articles. They are a failure. Feel free to point and laugh.
This user tries to do the right thing. If he makes a mistake, please let him know.
Anyone for chai?
This user drinks tea.
Anyone for chai?
This user is right-handed.
In Latin, they would be Dexter.
This user is an administrator on another wiki.
This user doesn't trust Wikipedia as far as they can throw it… but nonetheless use it on a daily basis.
US flag.gif
This user is not American
…and unabashedly proud of it.
(But they're not saying where they're from in case y'all come and bomb the hell out of it.)
(List of NonAmerican Uncyclopedians)
British Empire red.png
This user is interested in the British Empire.
British Empire red.png
This user has written 1 articles because they like to keep busy while shirking real life responsibilities.
Noob of the Moment Award Noob of the Moment February 2013

Like.png <insert name here>, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry and 3 others dislike this

Hoof Hearted
Birth DateVanished in the haze
Birth PlaceOne of the gas planets
Cause of DeathGetting caught?
OccupationWind analyser
ReligionPeriodic table
SpouseA sufferer
Ate them . . . <burp>
Personal veee-hick-ul

Named after a participant of the sport of kings - the bastard love child of RedRum and Chergar.

Watch these on your office computer after turning up the volume to the max!

Graham Norton is SO fcuking funny. He cured my urinary retention problems. :-P

Error messages.gif

About[edit | edit source]

Current Uncyclopedia statistics
  • The current server time for Uncyclopedia is 20:32 (UTC) on Tuesday 25 March 2025 – well it was when you loaded this page :-P ... press Ctrl+F5 to update the time;
  • We are running MediaWiki version 1.39.7 (3324d89) — with a few plugins;
  • We have 39,390 articles (out of 388,628 total pages), maintained by a body count of 160 active users in the last 30 days, from a total of 21,385 users, since our foundation!
  • We currently have 42 admins, though not all are active; more info here; and are headed by our bureaucrats and those who like to play.
  • Our local Uncyclopedia interwiki table is able to show how experienced MediaWiki users can create links to external wiki sites (and also general non-wiki websites which are relevant to 'wiki'); and crucually, these 'interwiki links' look visually very similar to the standard default internal wikilink which is used to link to other pages on the same wiki site.

Internationalising[edit | edit source]

  • On all File: pages
for the 'Summary' heading, use: {{int:filedesc}};
for the 'Licencing' heading, use: {{int:license-header}}, or [[:Category:Copyright templates|{{int:license-header}}]].