My Yu-Gi-Oh! collection
My Yu-Gi-Oh! collection is the best Yu-Gi-Oh! collection in the entire world and is thus, by default, better than yours. People often ask me if they will ever be able to obtain a Yu-Gi-Oh! collection that is as good as mine. The answer is always no. Nothing in the universe even approaches the awesomeness of my Yu-Gi-Oh! collection, not even the polio vaccine.
Feud with a family
Duel in an island within an island off an island(Carol island)
I had a duel with Yan Fei in Carol island within Sentosa south of Singapore.The reason,why I duel with Yan was because the casino thought I cheated.I just merely lose $100 in my first game of dice.I use $200 and lose the 2nd round.I use $400 and lose the 3rd round.I was thinking,if I double the amount of chips in every bet,eventually I will win $100 once I recover from the lost,because of this formula($100,$200,$400,$800,$1600,$3200,$6400).But,a staff of the casino told me to go to Carol Island to have a duel with their boss(Yan Fei).Yan Fei told me that I must win him in a Yugioh(Best of 3 matches).
The 1st match Yan Fei let me choose any cards I want,so I choose cyber jar,morphing jar,book of eclipse,book of moon,monster reborn,premature burial,man eater bug,penguin soldier,etc.I win the first match by playing defensive.When Yan Fei has Blue Eyes White Dragon,Summoned Skull and a XYZ fusion monster on his field(I don't remember what XYZ fusion monster he used,because I got a trick up my sleeve),He use Summoned Skull to attack my Penguin soldier(Face down).I use the effect of Penguin Soldier to return his Blue Eyes White Dragon and his XYZ fusion monster back to his hand.His XYZ fusion monster has 1 flaw.Most XYZ fusion monster prevent themselves from destroyed by using a card as material,but the effect of Penguin Soldier is not destroying monsters.Eventually,I drained Yan Fei's deck with my defensive milling deck in the 1st round.
2nd match I choose Blue Eyes White Dragon,Summoned Skull,Bright Star Dragon,some XYZ fusion monsters,etc.In the middle of the game,I use the effect of Bright Star Dragon onto another Bright Star Dragon and change it's level to 6 stars.I use Summoned Skull and the Bright Star Dragon(6 stars) to summon a XYZ fusion monster.I won the game by using my 3rd Bright Star Dragon's effect on my next Summoned Skull and change it into 8 stars,then I use Blue Eyes White Dragon and Summoned Skull(8 stars) to summon my trump card(Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis) and destroy all his monsters on the field and gave him multiple direct attacks in 1 turn and won the 2nd game.
Yan Fei's son(Yan Xing)
Yan Xing hired private eye to track me down.The pirate eye found out my secret identity and told Yan Xing that I am Seto Kaiba of the duel city.Yan Xing contacted me via my contact number for a duel.I asked him to choose a for me,I choose the time of the duel.He choose to duel with me online.I choose 29th of Feb to duel with him.
On 29th Feb,Yan Xing told me if I can defeat him in a duel with Exodia...he will accept defeat.I kept sending my cards to the graveyard.
My final turn I have reached the last card in my deck and I can confirmed,that the 5 parts of Exodia are in my graveyard.I have 5 magic cards on the field and they were Upstart Goblin,Feather of phoenix,dark factory of mass production(3 of them).I use all the 3 dark factory of mass production to return left and right arms of Exodia,left and right leg of Exodia and 2 dancing elf to my hand.Then,I use feather of the Phoenix on a dancing elf to select monster reincarnation from my graveyard.Next,I use Upstart Goblin to place the monster reincarnation card into my hand.Finally,I use the monster reincarnation card to return "Exodia the forbidden one" into my hand.
Yan Xing screamed:"It is over 8000"(As Exodia appeared on Yan Xing's screen and punched him)
Other challengers I faced
1)Chow Yun Fat(God of gambling)
2)Andy Lau(Hero of gambling)
3)Stephen Chow(Saint of gambling)
4)Stephen Chow's sister(Gangster of gambling)
The value of my Yugioh collection enable me to control the entire world.After I turned the monster in Yugioh(Anime) into a action-packed anime.Some movie directors came to me and asked,if I want to make action-packed movie with them.After making the movies,I use my experience to make a documentary drama and everyone dropped their jaws.The drama is a breakthrough in drama making(Like where got 1 tournament anime evolve into action-packed anime,evolve into movie,evolve into drama,evolve into prophecy,etc)
Talking about prophecy,I have read the book of Daniel.In the book of Daniel,a little horn appeared among the 10 horns.There are 11 countries in South East Asia and Singapore is the youngest country.
In the action-packed anime,I keep adding informations onto 3 characters.The numbers of the 3 characters added up is 6,6,6.
Worst of all,after my life from primary school.......I am forever stucked with the digit(616).
See also