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Stuff I do on Uncyclopedia[edit | edit source]
- Writing requested articles
- Writing new articles
- Writing some peer reviews
- Nominating and voting for VFH
Aiming for my first Featured Article (four years and I got shit)HAHA DISREGARD THAT I GOT ONE NOW!
Completed Log[edit | edit source]
Go here to move completed shit here
- Gangnam Style (FEATURED 12/12/2012)
- Fnord
- HowTo:Pick up female nerds (I plan to made an addendum with The Big Bang Theory)
- HowTo:Be Korean
- UnTunes:Chicharron
- The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
- 1984 Uncyclopedia Convention at Los Angeles, California
- UnScripts:Epic Fail Movie
- Westbor-O's
- UnBooks:Cookbook/How to Cook Filipino Food
Wanna help us write?[edit | edit source]
Ah yes, the payphone. You kids these days with your "smart" phones and "mobile cellular" phone thingymajigs. But make yourself at home and help me write this, because I feel incomplete and Qzekrom completes me:
- User:Joe9320/Gangnam Style (FEATURED ARTICLE IS FEATURED)
- American cuisine (for audio)
High Importance:
- User:Joe9320/My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
- User:Joe9320/League of Legends
- User:Joe9320/Grand Theft Auto V (written in the style of Trevor Philips)
- User:Joe9320/Game of Thrones (half-arsed attempt at describing Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire, with elements from South Park episode)
The Regs: Outpost of Ideas[edit | edit source]
About me[edit | edit source]
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Giratina's Parallel Universe Section[edit | edit source]
Awards[edit | edit source]
![]() Commander of the Order |
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Useless Gobshite of the Month April 2012 |
[[File:{{{image}}}|link={{{link}}}]] P.E.E.I.N.G. |
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This user has volunteered to be a judge of the First Pee Buddy competition. Sucker! |
This user was a judge in the November 2010 Aristocrat's Turkey Day Ball! |
This user is licensed to use Cute Zekrom's userpage design API. Don't get them confused with Cute Zekrom! |
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Famous Sayings[edit | edit source]
“ | Imagine a world in which every single person and alien in the universe is given free access to the sum of human comedy, parody and satire | ” |
Due to the nature of the plot similarity of many Zelda games, the plot of most can be efficiently determined using the following paragraph, conveniently filling in the blanks with the table. It is well known within Nintendo that using this old Mad Libs trick, one can easily write a whole new chapter of any Nintendo game!
In (1), (2); so Link must (3). He must collect three (4) to get the (5). However, (6). So Link must do moar work to collect (7). He then gets the (8) sword, which he uses to defeat (9). However, it did not end here, as he still had to (10).
1 | Ocarina of Time | Twilight Princess | A Link to the Past | The Minish Cap | The Wind Waker | The Phantom Hourglass | Phantom Choo-Choo |
2 | Ganondorf must be stopped | Zelda was kidnapped and the Twilight must be stopped | Zelda was kidnapped | Zelda got stoned | Aryll was kidnapped | Zelda's alter ego, Tetra, was kidnapped | Zelda gets fragged |
3 | stop him | save her | save her | restore her | save her | save her | tell her where to go |
4 | Spiritual Stones | Fused Shadows | Medallions | Elements | Goddess's Pearls | Spirits | or four train tracks |
5 | Master Sword | Master Sword | Master Sword | Picori Blade | Master Sword | GPS navigation | plot to advance |
6 | this helps Ganondorf | Zant takes the Fused Shadows | Agahnim flees | there's another element | the blade is dull | Tetra's a rock | there's another dungeon |
7 | the Sages | the Mirror Shards | the Princesses | the Wind Element | two Sages | the Pure Metals | Byrne tells you about a fucking light compass |
8 | Light Arrow | Light | Golden | Four | sharp Master | Phantom | Lokomo |
9 | Ganondorf | Zant | Ganon | Vaati | some puppets | Bellum | Johnny Two-hats |
10 | beat Ganon | free Zelda and beat Ganondorf three times | listen to triangles | for real beat Vaati | beat Ganondorf | save Linebeck | Kill Malladus |
Note that in Twilight Princess, steps 5 and 6 occur in reverse order.
![]() | __NOAIMSPLODE__
Reminder[edit | edit source]
- Uncyclopedia:VFS
- User:Joe9320/sig
- User:Joe9320/Imperial Colonization
- User:Joe9320/UnSignpost Goa Tse'd
- User:Joe9320/UnSignpost et al.
- User:Joe9320/GoaTseClan Welcome Message
- User:Joe9320/The Great Uncyclopedia Article Construction Project
- Template:User:Joe9320/JoeTV
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"Joey Numbers", "Joe the Burninator", "Pokewood Studios", "Mudkip", "SEGA", "Sonic the Hedgehog", dan Round Boxes palsu adalah merk dagangan/terdaftar dari PT Pokewood Studios Indonesia Tbk. Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang.
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