User:Joe9320/Equal Division (game)
Equal Division is a Russian board game that is considered as the communist version of Monopoly. The game is named after the principle of shared of property in communism. No longer published after 1991, the last remaining
History[edit | edit source]
During the 1930's, when the Depression hit the capitalist nations, Soviet Russia are making progress through leaps and bounds thanks to the five-year plans created by Joseph Stalin, which teaches us that two and two makes five, and that everyone should not own property except for the leader of the communist estate. A Russian developed a board game that teaches how the communist economy works around the area.
However, due to the
Board[edit | edit source]
The game board consists of nine spaces. There are 3 "In Gulag" space, 1 "Go to Gulag" space, 1 "Leader's House" space (next to Kremlin space), 1 "Farm" space, 1 "Factory" space, 1 "Store" space and 1 "Kremlin" space. Unlike Monopoly, where there are spaces for utility companies, railway companies and streets where houses are placed to symbolise property ownership, Equal Division has none of the companies, as they are all owned by the Leader. Only one person is chosen to be the Leader, whose role is similar to the Dungeon Master in Dungeons and Dragons. The Leader has a spot in the game as being the overseer of the players, as well as being the owner of the house.
Each player moves their counter around the board
Rules[edit | edit source]
Each player, including the leader, are given 4000 rubles at the start of the game. All the houses must be placed on the Kremlin space, and one house must be placed on the Leader's House space.