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Directories of Lovecraftian Monstrosities[edit | edit source]

  • Directory 1
Weinrib Zivojinovich
Uncyclopædia.png Coatofarms.GIF
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: I don't know, a brown liquid that makes people feel differently.
Anthem: "La Villa Strangiato"
I don't even know what this is.
CapitalYes, I used the country infobox for my user article. Stop crying about it.
Largest cityMysidia
Official language(s)Igpay Atinlay, Nazi, American, Gay
GovernmentThe People's Republic of Weinburg
‑ PresidentoRobert Downey Jr.
‑ Vice PresidentoAnubis, God of Death
‑ CongressCaptain Ishmael, Hades, Poseidon, Joe Shmoe, Mayor MacCheese, a semen-soaked towelette.
 of Independence
January 5th, 2013
Religionno thanks, I'll take have the steak instead
Population(insert dumb reference here)
Major exportsSperm
Major importsSexy parties

Yeah, hi.[edit | edit source]

This is my User page. I probably won't use it. Unless I do.

Anywho, feel free to check out my edits and\or articles.

I'd do more cool template stuff here, but unfortunately I haven't been involved with a wiki for quite some time, so I forgot all that stuff. Whatever.

New stuff I did[edit | edit source]

Favorite Users[edit | edit source]

I pretty much love anybody who does cool stuff for me. So this list could feature you if you do something cool. It's not really that important.

  • Hotadmin4u69. You're a cool guy.
  • Mr. N - Thanks for the advice.
  • Puppy - Rewrote an article I wrote, encouraged my work.
  • Zombiebaron - Zombiebaron zombiebaron zombiebaron.
  • IFYMB! - Favorite newer user.

Accomplishments[edit | edit source]

  • I'm now autopatrolled. Woo-fuckin'-hoo.
  • I think I'm finally finished messing with my templates. Maybe. Probably not, though.

halp pls[edit | edit source]

I always need help with templates. Give me tips please. AT ANY TIME RIGHT NOW, DO IT.

Admin-pms.png This user hopes to, maybe someday, become an admin.
UnNews.png This user is an (incredibly biased) UnNews correspondent.
This user has no featured articles. They are a failure. Feel free to point and laugh.
like 9 or something
This user has written like 9 or something articles because they like to keep busy while shirking real life responsibilities.
like 9 or something
This user is a member of Imperial Colonization.