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UnVoyage:Main Page

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It's always five o'clock in
The only travel guide for the lazy at heart🍹
Featured Destination

You’ve seen it on Oprah. You vaguely remember seeing it on a map somewhere when you were ten. You might have even seen it in awful crocodile-themed films produced in the eighties. So why not see it with your own eyes? Release the shackles of the nine-to-five rat race and take a trip down under, or if you’re stationed on the Antarctic base, up over, or if you’re South American, due west. How about you just head in whichever colloquially-named compass bearing that applies to your nation of residence and come on down to Australia. Or is that come on left? Nevermind. (See more...)

Featured Travel Writer
Congratulations, Haha!
Reacher eats pie.png

Haha is our featured UnVoyager of the Moment. He is the writer of the much-beloved guides to California and New Jersey, the two most appreciated and least despised states in the Good O'l USA. Read them before you even think of setting foot there.

When he's not writing for UnVoyage, Haha enjoys walking the width and breadth of the country, using his brains and brawn to stop the wicked and protect the weak, like Jack Reacher, except not as blonde.

Write Your Own Guide
Write today!

So far, we've written 40 guides and counting. Write something new and watch the number go up. You should probably read the following pages before you start writing your own guide:

Who knows, you might become the next Hunter S. Thompson. Minus the part at the end when he killed himself. Don't do that.

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