Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish
“What the hell?”
Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish (Pentopisces picpicpicpic-in-pic)--also known as Fish5 or Fishception, is an aquatic creature which, as its name suggests consists of a fish within a fish within a fish within a fish within another fish. Due to its unique anatomical structure, the Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish is perhaps the least desired catch by most fishermen, who proceed to snag one thinking it's a bass of some sort, which then turns out to be a Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish, whereupon they catch the smallest fish in the middle, immediately throwing it back in a flurry of anger and profane swearing.
The Anatomy of a Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish[edit | edit source]
The anatomy of a Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish is sometimes compared to that of a Turducken[citation needed], though this is completely stupid, as fish is not poultry, and not even considered meat, for it is a vegetable.
Furthermore, the complexity of a chicken within a duck within a turkey will never come close to the uncompromisable paradox which is a the really-long-fish-word. A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish is more like "A Mexican Within A Russian Within A Norwegian Within An Australian Within a Samoan" than anything else, though the two have subtle physical differences, and no self-respecing Samoan would consent to being within the dirty child of an evil imperialistic government.
The Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish is considered by some experts to actually be a minnow within a goldfish within a flounder within a mackerel within a bass, though this theory is discredited by most.[citation needed] Most likely it's a school of carp that got fused via spinal column through a series of horrible bio-mechanical experiments. It happens.
Behavior Characteristics of Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish[edit | edit source]
Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish shares one brain between all of the fish [citation needed], though this brain often gets mixed signals due to the different perspectives that the fish(es) experience. One fish may see complete darkness and the other may see light, while the one in the middle sees dead people. This mix of conflicting sexnsual signals causes the Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish to be very horny seasick, which can be a problem when trying to bang a three-dollar whore swim in the crystal blue seas. So don't be surprised if you see the Fish stumble about and stagger like a drunk flounder or get caught by a predator. This is normal behavior and has absolutely nothing to do with that wild inebriated sex-fest you went to last night. Unlike you, Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish isn't a pervert or an alcoholic, or a Communist.
Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish Cuisine[edit | edit source]

Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish is celebrated all around the world for its delicious taste, although making it is a battle within itself, for the Fish5 is five times the fish, and five times the fighter. A common Japanese Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish dish is koi chin koi chin koi chin koi chin koi, which translates as Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish, a nearly accurate translation. It consists of the deadly toxic meat of the Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish that live off the coast of Japan wrapped in the semi-poisonous kanchaa seaweed, which I too just made up. It is served raw, and possibly infected with E. Coli and ocean tapeworms, again just made up right now. If you eat the right parts, though, there's a chance you won't die, and many Japanese daredevils make a career off it for movies, live shows, and such. The Swedish, however, enjoy the rotten piece of stinking flesh they call surströmming, which can be made with other fish, but is better, like most things, with Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish.
Almost every culture has its own take of Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish cuisine, except Americans, who have never contributed any original food to the world except McDonald's ("eat up, fatty"). McFish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish is considered a close contender for an American version, though some consider it not so, since it's just boiled chicken with a 100% Real Fish tag slapped onto it fried Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish.