User:Pentium5dot1/Storage facility/My keyboard is missing its homerow (unobfuscated)

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I just bought this keyboard, see? It's a cool keyboard for what it's worth but its homerow is missing. This makes it extremely difficult to type.

History[edit | edit source]

I am not sure how this keyboard came into being or what its history is, exactly. However, I assume that it was created by someone who decided to play a very crazy practical joke on the user by removing all of the homerow keys. What a douchebag!

I called CompUSA and they said that I should return the keyboard as soon as possible so that it could be fixed by someone with expertise in keyboards. I mean, how do you get expertise in keyboards, anyhow? How fucked up is that?

The keyboard is a Compaq keyboard. it is black with white letters and it, to be ir, very nice keyboard. It min w i immediately apparent, however, since its entire homerow is missing. It is umey 2007 keyboard, since I ut about the mn tin, but who knows? It might have been made in the 1400's by enie nme eore who w orce to oow the command o i mter wo i "Me me uee keyboard by removing o the homerow!"

Use[edit | edit source]

The keyboard itself is not completely useless. It can still type some words without w, such as row, tower, core, tree, more, Zorro, Pot, and Qwerty. However, it cannot write some words which use the entire homerow, limiting its ability and use.

I do enjoy this keyboard very much, no matter how useless it might be found. Perhaps I should get another one, but that would be no fun at all. Instead, I think I will continue to write this way, ut or it's no lie.

What to do if your keyboard is missing its homerow[edit | edit source]

Don't panic! The best thing to do is to realize that this is not your fault and you cannot be held liable for any destruction caused by this keyboard and its missing keys. Instead, put yourself in the position of the poor keyboard, and try to understand how it must feel to be in this wr position. Oh, the me it must now feel! Now do you understand?

See also[edit | edit source]