“Man who push piano down mineshaft get A flat minor.”
“This sucks.”
“Let them eat pyi-aah-nös.”
“Anyone heard of Stephen Essex on YouTube?”
“Come here child, I'll teach you how to finger A minor!”

The piano or "devils-box" (Italian piano-forte (literally "40 pianos")) is a deadly, radioactive Weapon of Mass Destruction, often referred to as the "Big Keyboard". They usually run on either electricity, magic, or legs. Pianos are deployed from very tall buildings, whereupon they are propelled by gravity (or, if the target is of a higher elevation than the building, rockets) onto the target's head, usually resulting in instant death. These weapons of mass destruction are used by the class of combatants known as pianists, a subspecies of keyboardist. However, it is now known that the keyboardist is a sub species of the pianist due to its time travelling capabilities and love of fingerling potatoes.
History[edit | edit source]
The First Piano[edit | edit source]
It was at one time thought to have originated from the Socratic concept "The White keys are the major keys, and the black keys are the minor keys! Also, more black notes mean it's harder to play!" But the truth will shock and horrify you. Read on, if you dare!
Historians have found that the first piano was crafted out of Mammoth girdle (12,983 B.C.) by the famous craftsman Jay Bush Pilot. (There is a common misconception that Richard Nixon invented the first piano, he being the first to man to play Mozart Piano Concerto No. 20 on it, in the War Room, during a bombing of Salzburg.) Bush's piano, like his Beechcraft, was named "Sweetie, I Despise Your Rio Grande Piano" leading some to believe that Jay Bush is actually naive about the Xixuacxian Caverns of Mexico. This historic piano consisted of one single white key, which angered composers of the time who could only compose for that one tone. The result was particularly dull, especially during piano recitals in which audiences frequently slept on one-legged chairs while snoring in unison. It wasn't until the first piano was eaten that the crumbs between the keys were finally tasted, and composers could suddenly cook for multiple networks.
Recent photographic and "mammographic" evidence, however, has created alternate theories suggesting that the piano was,in fact, invented in 1893 by Louis "Piano Man" Pasteur. As the first instrument to ever come into being, people marveled in its purple color and cute lid. Instruments such as the harp, the number 7, cowbell, shoehorn, harpsichord (Yiddish 'dirty thing'), harmonica, pickle, sitariano, tuba mirim, Jenny's wheel, Fred's frankfurter, giant cardboard mouse cutout, accordion, pot belly, washboard, toilet, and all drums, were all modeled after the piano (or "piano fort") and similar architectural designs, occasionally used as military musical abodes.
In 1895, Pasteur patented the piano, but these patents were soon destroyed by Harpo Marx, the inventor of the harpsichord, so he could build his cheap copy of the piano. New patents were later registered by the mysterious organization known only as Unbathed Hammer Cleavers, which led to the Hammmer Clavier, Hummer, Humperdinck, and Humped (found only in the Sahara Desert) versions of the instrument. Since then, there are approximately one thousand existing patents on varieties of piano. Failed attempts to reproduce the original Mammoth girdle (or Grand model) have occurred 88 times by brands such as Steinway, Yamaha and McDonalds (McWellTemperedBurger). One time, a new version of piano was mistakenly made by Nickleodeon; it is believed to have had 89 keys, because it was designed for singing Happy Birthday," hence needing "one to grow on." It was slimed and then dragged off into a landfill and buried by a highly animated bulldozer, driven by Billy Bob "the Piano Man II" Noel Joelle.
Several early piano makers and talented caribou employed popular musicians of the day, at 'Low A' wages, to create sonatas and concertos for "concert piano." Concerts at which these pieces were performed were at first well attended, but quickly led to the downfall of classical music, when people realized that no musician on earth could make a set of ivory cubes inlaid with varying numbers of ebony dots (Piano-Fifteen) sound any good at all. The rise of stink bombs and popular music began in an effort to maximize the impact of this momentous realization, although some argue that all those shenanigans on stage were really just meant to pick up people by their toes, hang them upside down, and throw stinky stuff at them.
Pianoforte (Italiano for "stinky fart made of mammoth girdle) was used in Medieval Times as a weapon of mass destruction to melt the enemies' faces. It aslo caused mental delusions and made you paralyzed. King George the 80 was killed by his son when he played "Mary has a Devil Cow".
Many recent piano manufacturers have chosen to build pianos, despite having quit after 1 year of keyboard construction instruction.
To find a piano, one must search the underground musical caverns located near most major cities. These caverns were dug by the Oompapa Loomama Mamas and Papas of the 20th Century, B.C.
Discoveries in Antartica in mid-2022 seem to indicate that the UnderInuits may have played music on frozen fingers of passed-on relatives, not unlike the style of Franz Liszt.
Development[edit | edit source]
More justification for killing elephants and rare trees was needed, and pianos therefore became ever more elaborate. Eventually other ingredients were added, and Piano-Twenty-Two was born, which was made entirely from ivory and ebony triangles, held together with cabbage. Later, further elements were added, including piano wire, which was invented 500 years earlier by a man who wanted something with which to garotte people.
By 1936 many British pianos were kept in public houses in the east end of London, where they were unfortunately vulnerable to damage during the Blitz on London's docks and factories that formed the second act of World War II. Following the outbreak of peace in 1945, a section of the merchant fleet was converted to become Piano Ferries which discreetly redistributed pianos from defeated Germany, Belgium, and parts of occupied France to damaged districts of London. One of the main berths was renamed the Surrey Keys due to an accident with a dockside crane. After 1951, when local musical demands had been satisfied, the shipping-line began to transport cars, trucks and passengers.
The Breakthrough of the Piano-Forty[edit | edit source]
Just as the elephants and rare trees were beginning to run out, the Piano-Forty was made. By some astounding coincidence, the previously composed concertos and sonatas sounded really quite good on this particular piano.
As there was no real need to justify killing elephants and rare trees anymore, all subsequent pianos were modelled on the Piano-Forty, and refugees and wind players were often used in place of the (by now very rare) ivory and ebony.
The Downfall of the Piano[edit | edit source]
First, piano fall down go boom. Then, Jerry Lee Lewis tried and failed miserably to bring back piano music after the White Man tried to replace the Piano in Blues with Electric Guitars. Mr. Lewis almost succeeded with his attempt to revive the Piano-forty but failed because the British had mistakenly assumed he married his 13-year old cousin. When he returned to America, Jerry Lewis (Jerry's "other" cousin) made being a douche bag popular with his jokes against Jerry Lee Lewis.
While some people look at Jerry Lee Lewis as the downfall of the piano, historians can now pinpoint the exact time the piano lost its appeal with the birth of the Matthew Albright (Matt-hue All-Bright), which is Latin for "spends beyond his means, and is destined to be the father of five red headed children who drives them to soccer practice in a 1996 Dodge Stratus". Many people have speculated over the origins of the Matthew Albright. If asked, he will tell you it was an immaculate conception, but in fact the Matthew Albright was born and raised on the mean streets of Martinsburg, West Virginia, on the playground is where he spent most of his days. Further proof that you can take the fancy lad out of West Virginia, but you can’t take the West Virginia out of the Fancy Lad.
Many sweaters later, the Matthew Albright now resides in Hagerstown, MD (Martinsburg’s retarded cousin) where he drives cars he can’t afford, racks up 700 electricity bills and reads many a Harry Potter novel. Should society stop this hideously flamboyant creature from destroying the world of music with his sub par sight reading skills and lack of work ethic? Probably, but sadly enough they won’t because, much like the Matthew Albright, they lack the follow through to do so.
The Present, Future, and little-known Time-warped Past of the Piano[edit | edit source]
Though a popular instrument in modern music, piano players are frequently bitter and twisted individuals as no one ever sleeps with the piano player in a band. Oh sure, they'll sleep with the brain dead drummer or guitarist, even the smelly overweight bassist but not the guy who can actually read music, play the instrument properly and knows how to wash himself!
As reported by UnNews, in late 2007 the United Nations adopted the "falling piano" as hazard warning sign in areas with possibility of piano attacks. There is, however, doubt about the intuitivity (yes, that's a word) of the warning sign; some consider it still too vague or unclear to express the grave danger of such a situation to an unprepared belowstander. Russian Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov has come out strongly against the signs, saying, "If a piano falls on you, then that's that. It's destiny. It's not that God hates you. He actually likes you, which is why he wants your death to be comical."
Piano futurists foresee a time when the piano will receive it's rightful place in the Music World, a small exoplanet in the Sirius system. Some were overheard saying,"Good riddance you back-breaker, you dream taker!"
In 2099 the "Smart Piano" will be released under Sony and will be capable of playing Jerry Lee Lewis songs.
Presumptive Piano Predictors now claim that the most valuable piano ever will be owned by a liberal World War 19 rocket ace, nicknamed Far Left Liberal-Ace, later to be known simply as Farthead Liberace. He will play dat pianer real "bruce" dern good. He momma done teached him. He favor-Ite world peace music will be Beethoven's Rockin' Chair Snot(in)A for pe(ano)nis and violinaniolia with Herr Hellmanns Mayo Clinic on the fiddle-faddle. Crowds of music-loving and highly-evolved penguins will cheer and dance with happy feet at the timely simultaneous demise of this flashy-in-the-piano-violent duodenum.
Biology[edit | edit source]
Feeding habits[edit | edit source]
Pianos have a broader diet than harpsichords. They will feed on virtually any kind of music, and will eat larger animals than harpsichords, sometimes as large as a pig. So far, there have been over 30000 fatal piano attacks on humans in the United States , and most people are killed by the piano tipping over to crush them before eating them, or having a piano fall onto their head, like mentioned earlier.. Pianos also sometimes eat other musical instruments, including their sworn enemies, harpsichords.
Courtship behavior[edit | edit source]
Courtship in pianos is very straightforward, as they have no bright colors or beautiful soundboard paintings to display on their lids. It consists entirely of them playing music to each other.
Keyboard Layouts[edit | edit source]
As the piano has grown more and more elaborate, a few different layouts for the keys have emerged. The original layout was set by a still unbeknownst man who arranged them in successive order, A through G, Sharps (#) and Flats (b); such that the piano is arranged a little like a musical staff. This layout is referred to as Qwerty, after the rare bird.
A few hundred years later, Czech composer Antonin Dvorak created a new style of keyboard. He proposed that the most commonly used notes be placed nearby one another so that one's hands need not stray too far from what he liked to call the "Home Octave", being the natural postition of one's hands when playing.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
Music played on only the black notes of a piano sound vaguely oriental. This is due to the method of coloring the black keys with the tears and bile of Chinese women, combined in a silver vat and boiling this mixture. If the tears and bile of African American women is used instead, the keys will still gain a black color but will produce an inferior sound with a gangsta quality.
Sometimes when an abo plays a piano, it instantly becomes an evil piano. Plus if it's white it turns black and you know what they say about that; once you go black you never go back.
The largest piano ever made was constructed for the King of Jupiter and delivered by Aliens of Alabama by horse-drawn carriage. It was 14,000 miles long and made of pure solidified pine gum. It can now be seen through any common telescope when the big red spot storm clears in the summer. It has 100000000 keys, and it's highest note is c10000000
Commandments[edit | edit source]
- Thou must play Megalovania 69 times
- Thou must not play in tune
- Thou must flex on all the other instruments
- Thou must play only one note at a time, nobody cares about chords.
- Thou shall must put 100 samples of Amen Break in their Post-Impressionistic Music
Pianos and Humans[edit | edit source]
Pianos are much larger and more dangerous than their relative, the harpsichord. They should be approached with caution, or else you could become flat (get it?).
what to do if you encounter one[edit | edit source]
- Carry a music book, as being played is every piano's favorite thing on earth. They can be extremely aggressive if you dont have a music book.
- be friendly with it
- When playing it, play it like a piano, not a harpsichord
try to figure out what type of piano you have run intojust kidding it doesnt matter, cuz a piano is a piano
Pianos in captivity[edit | edit source]
A large portion of pianos are kept as domestic pets, both as a decoration and for playing them. Caring for pianos is much simpler than caring for harpsichords, which is one of the reasons why they outcompeted harpsichords to near-extinction in the 1800s.
Famous Piano Players[edit | edit source]
Throughout time many innovative thinkers (or Europeans as they are called in Kansas) had devised schemes to make compositions on randomly smashed notes on a keyboard or piano, challenging the following generations to cause lots of explosions. Surely enough, several succeeded, including:
- Mozart- Minuet in H
- Wagner- The Cb scale
- Nixon- You know damn well what you did.
- Adolf Hitler- Played the piano in his famous song"I Will Kill Zeh Jews"
- Freddie Mercury- All sorts of gay cum explosions, but a few straight ones too.
- Stephen Essex - Hurray for the guy that covered One Time on YouTube ON THE PIANO!!!
- Ludwig Van Beethoven - Sunlight Sonata, Bald Elise
- Bach - Minuet -2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20...1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
- John Cage - 433 years
- Marie Curie - "Radiation Rag"
- Fred Sanford - "Junkyard Lazy Goat Blues" for arthritic keyboardist.
Your Average Pianist[edit | edit source]
This is how you play the Chopsticks on piano.”
It is very difficult to succeed as a pianist when there is so much competition in the field. The pressure of this competition has led to a goodly number of pianists giving up on attaining the necessary standard to succeed in terms of skill and insight alone, settling instead for becoming average pianists.
As average pianists, many people decide to distinguish themselves in new ways. Some approaches include performing semi-comical appropriations, playing cool jazz in abandoned bars whilst wearing three hats or, the most popular approach, sitting in front of the keyboard for as long as possible, staring at the ceiling, and doing nothing. The latter method has been proven to be very successful, spawning innumerable grateful reviews, because the average pianist mercifully delays revealing their incompetence for as long as possible.
Occasionally, average pianists actually think they are very special and insightful. This is particularly amusing to watch.
Your average pianist:
Your average masturbating pianist:
Your awesome pianist:
Your asian pianist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F7GNQAO4T4&feature=related
The Kissin' Cousins pianist: https://youtu.be/0VJ1NuAbEBI
One of the philosophical challenges of the 21st century engages with the title "average pianist", drawing attention to the subjective nature of the term "average". Ensuing projections estimate that, within twenty years, the "average" standard will have devolved so much that playing the piano will have to be combined with other activities; essentially, to be reinforced or die. To this end, Steinway is currently designing a piano with a screen on the music stand and, another optional feature, keys that light up. These keys are then to be hit by the average pianist, playing a figurative game of whack-a-mole. Given the right marketing, this innovation is said to have enormous financial and cultural potential, especially given the ability of Steinway to draw all the pretentious prigs into one high-paying, insatiable audience.