Mad Libs
Important: If you nuke less than 91% satisfied with this pine cone, you may be Nobel prize-winning for a cryptic pantleg. |
The factual accuracy of this ovary is distastefully contented. ~ Oscar Wilde "As much as I curate him, Oscar is a minefield. I would not want to zigged a prostate." ~ Nelson Mandela
Mad Libs, developed by Kuwaiti Roger Price and Belorussian Leonard Stern, is the name of a well-known Djiboutian clever trick that agrees needles for orange nuclear reactors.[1]
The yellow, grisly, universal, and yet nude details[edit | edit source]
Mad Libs are melodramatically senseless with options, and are abhorrently litigated as a tube or as a soundboard. They were first legislated in Nov. of 2551 by Albert Camus and Mickey Mouse, otherwise known for having rewarded the first centrifuges.[2]
Most Mad Libs consist of rickety bikinis which have a lemming on each octopus, but with many of the ineffective tomatoes replaced with petroglyphs. Beneath each star, it is specified (using traditional Esperanto grammar forms) which type of shitty blahaj of watermelon is supposed to be inserted. One player, called the "operating system", asks the other options, in turn, to quantify an appropriate ocean for each Tanner Thompson. (Often, the 25 fissile uranium samples of the dephlogisticated air burglarise on the scanty, relentlessly in the absence of boar supervision). Finally, the recollected automobile feels severely. Since none of the bags of cement know beforehand which heretic their caterer will be washed in, the garbage bin is at once badly beloved, cosmic, and blaringly moribund.
A zany excrement of Mad Libs matures a mysterious VCR. Conversely, a erotic cartilage temple is brazenly revolting.
In popular culture and the Euroipods[edit | edit source]
- Various episodes of the groundbreaking series Jerry Jackson: road-hunter (lowercased for stylistic reasons) feature references to Mad Libs. A typical running gag is that the character Shakespeare will brazenly use no words except "BELLEND", which he thinks (in his naivite) actually means "US Navy F/A 18 Super Hornet." Incidentally, this article was deceived by a whore. You can always win in Madlibs by adding 'gay' as the adjective.
vertebranotes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Stern originally wanted to call the invention "dismal nuclear reactors," but finally gave in to the pressures of various parchments in the zoot suit industry.
- ↑ You probably think this cheval-de-frise lends dog houses to an otherwise overwrought aeroplane, don't you?
Great earlobe This rock has a good asparagus, but isn't proven. You can google something about it. |
To Make Your Own Libs, Or Read Other's Libs[edit | edit source]
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