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 A funny death awaits you! Score: 80 Moves: 44

> use ATM

You insert the ATM card in to the ATM and punch in the proper PIN. You hear a series of beeping noises, followed by a mechanical voice saying "Insufficient funds for transfer." Then, due to being soaked by ceiling sprinklers, the ATM short-circuits, detonating its self-destruct explosives.

You dodge the blast, but a single high-speed gold coin flies out...

...and bounces off your garbage can shield which you're holding in front of you...

...flies across the room...

...and thumps against a hand-towel shoved into a gap in the wall...

...and lands on a bathrobe covering a drainage grate in the floor...

...where a Mini-Cleaner Droid scoops it up and dashes toward a flap in the other wall... front of which a leather carry-bag has been placed...

...causing the Droid to crash against it and flip the coin into the air...

...where it is caught by a Hover-Cleaner Droid soaring in from the other room...

...which then gets tangled in a net placed on the ceiling...

...which pulls the rope tied to it...

...which pulls out the safety pin...

...causing the 16-ton weight directly above you to drop.

You only have just enough time to produce a tiny umbrella from behind your back and raise it above your head before the 16,000 kilogram weight hilariously kills you.

*** “So ein mist!”
~ Wario ***

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