Creepypasta is a 2012 mockumentary horror film directed by twelve year old internet user "IPoopedlul". The film follows through the experiences of the narrator, who had "intentially poor spelling and grammar". This later became an internet phenomenon, with many fans making stories in a similar format, which includes scary stories involving themes such as jumpscares, paranoia, spookyness, warnings to the reader that "your next", skeletons popping out, warnings that <insert name here> is actually in a coma and telling one to wake up, spookyness, masturbating to images of violence and blood, spookyness, and spookyness. [1]
Plot[edit | edit source]
The main character, <insert name here>, walks around in his home, when he decides to buy a video game at a yard sale to "relieve his (or <insert name here> was a her if your a lady} nogastulgia" He buys the video game, when the old man at the yard sale warns <insert name here> that his (now dead) child haunts the game cartridge. [2]
<insert name here> disregards the warning, and plugs the video game cartridge into the console, and plays to relive his nostalgia, when he notices several anomalies with the video game, such as images of "RAEP MURDER ANDD BLUD" randomly appearing, and "PICTURE OF STATIC APEAR AND THEIR WAS RANDIM PIXEL EVERWHEAR". Then, <insert name here> gets scared when pictures of the dead child appear with the caption warning him that "NO ESCAEP AND YOU DIE", but <insert name here> disregards it and dismisses it as a hack. However, the dead child pops out of the television set and kills <insert name here>. It was revealed that the events of the film were actually a part of a coma dream, and the film ends with a blank screen with the words "HOW DU YOU KNOW YOUR NOT IN A COMA WAEK UP". Later, a plot twist appears at the end of the story and says: "GUES WHAT <insert name here> WAS YOU!!! AND YOUR NEXT!!" and the film ends with the sound of evil laughter. [3]
Fanfiction Writing Style[edit | edit source]
The Creepypasta movie has triggered an internet phenomenon, where online users attempt to write stories in the writing style of the Creepypasta movie. This phenomenon is the appropriately named "creepypasta". When writing, creepypasta writers strictly adhere to the professional quality forum post CrePEYPASTA wRiting GuIdE MANUeL of STyLE THINGEY, created by a twelve-year-old creepypasta writer who goes by the username "AAA" online. [4]
Grammar[edit | edit source]
The CrePEYPASTA wRiting GuIdE MANUeL of STyLE THINGEY suggests using all-lowercase letters to convey emotion, anger, happyness, sadness, adverbs, nouns, and verbs. Additionally, capital letters may be used to highlight important plot points and key words.
The comma should be used, to create comma, splices, and will be us,ed as the only, punctuation, in creepypasta stories, inserted at rando,m intervals in sentences of cree,pypasta stories, and is used to replace all, punctuation,[5]
Spelling[edit | edit source]
The guidelines in CrePEYPASTA wRiting GuIdE MANUeL of STyLE THINGEY state that in order for a creepypasta to be gramatically correct, one must replace all instances of "they're" and "there" with "their". [6]
Critical Reception[edit | edit source]
The creepypasta film met with critical praise. The review aggregate site Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 100 point "fresh" rating, calling it the film that "CHANGEYED THE FILEM INDUSTREY FOReVeR!!1". [7]