The Backrooms

The Backrooms is a hellish dimension, located outside of the known Universe. You have a VERY, VERY high chance of dying. I don't care what you do, you're most likely not going to make it out. Maybe, if you have been blessed by all of the Gods at once.
Entrances[edit | edit source]
- Simply bash your head on a desk. The ideal way to kill yourself if that desperate.
- Play the elevator game nobody even knows what it is.
- Beg to God, Allah, Buddha and many other religious deities you can think of. No way am I going to help you name them all.
Conspiracy Theories[edit | edit source]
According to theorists, Adolf Hitler may have escaped to the Backrooms, to where he lives in this day. We think. There has been MANY, theories that fathers, mothers, laundry, food and many other things. If you shout out I want to meet my father, you will have a 0.005% of teleporting to Level 0.
Levels[edit | edit source]
There have been multiple levels found, so it's not just a single room where mysterious people and entities come to buttfuck you.
- Level 0: Ah yes, the grandfather of them all. The first one you'll meet. You're in that room in that picture we showed you, so if you didn't see it, congrats, you're probably blind. Anyways, it's a tutorial level. Don't expect to be buttfucked here, so relax. FOR NOW.
- Level 1: The second level many people encounter. You are in an underground car park, probably somewhere in Australia, because you're probably going to get mauled by the entities there. Oh yeah, expect things to magically disappear just like your father after you watched Dream's mask video.
- Level 2: You thought it was hard enough? Yeah, nah. That was only 0.000000000258% of it's power. Now it's dark, humid and people want to Bri'ish you. Why did you go here in the first place? Oh yeah! We're a fucking idiot. THAT'S WHY!
- Level 3: Level 2 on crack. There's very good Wi-fi, I'd use it! That's a joke, apparently, that's an IP leak. Whoops, pal, looks like you got hunted down like Abraham Lincoln. Also, it's humid there, it's dark, and you're going to go insane. Get out of there, fast.
- Level 4: An actual safe place? WOW! THAT'S A FIRST! You should stock up on supplies, heck, overstock. You can even find helpful people and form a group! That's one way to not get teared to bits! Just before you think it's completely safe, don't go to the windows and jump out. I think your parents/guardians taught you better than that.
- Level 5: You appear in a luxurious hotel! Wow! I thought this was a dystopia, not a paradise! Hold yourself, partner. You need to not speedrun this. Take your time, CAREFULLY. There's a beast here, and they'll be happy enough to kill you and send you to the voids, so be careful!
- Level 6: Oh. Someone turned off the lights. AND WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. So... Just find something to trip on and you'll be ok...? I wish you good luck. You're probably going to be either in permanent PTSD, dead or be left with some injuries.
- Level -1: Whoops, someone went backwards... Anyways, your vision is black and white and you're in a hotel hallway. You're probably going insane, so maybe find an exit quick, wink wink?
- Level -2: Be very careful here... It's flooded, there may be dangerous entities in the waters, everywhere! Just like 'Nam! Anyways, please, find a level that's not a hellhole and isn't negative... Your sanity's going full throttle on Insane Road.
- Level 7: We're not out of level -2?! OH GOD! It's A FUCKING OCEAN?! OH NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! There's sharks here, sooooo... Don't be a fucking idiot.
- Level 8: What is this... Cave?? There's spiders?! Please tell me you brought bug spray. Wait... It doesn't work? Well... Fuck. It's dark. I hope you're not claustrophobic.
- Level 9: Huh... We're out?? Fina- oh. There's a MASSIVE fog coming for us. I heard there's some fences that are completely safe and if we wait till these entities are gone, we'll head for the next levels.
- Level 9.1: Used to be one of the safest levels in the backrooms, being a forest, until the Wikipedian-esque editors changed it to a massive meteor site. Still one of the safest though. If you use FANDOM, you enter Canada. Which one is worse.
- Level 10: Finally... We're out of those damn levels where it's literally Florida and Australia mixed... This is just... A flat field. With some resources. You should stock up, as we're going to the next level.
- Level 11: Remember COVID-19? This level's safe, next to nobody's here, it's basically an infinite city, for yourself! If you want to, you can live here! I heard there's some "Promised Land". Maybe you should try get there? If you want to, you can stay here for your whole entire life. You want to venture more? I wish you good luck.
- Level 12: Oh. It's a television that's frozen. Well... Once you spawn in the level, there's a door. Open it.
- Level 13: An infinite jungle... This isn't the safest level, fortunately, you spawn in an abandoned cabin so you don't get spawnkilled... There's a cave, with very good resources, so you should become a greedy fuck and loot it all.
- Level 14: Another abandoned room. This time, it's a military base that dates back to the 1800's, when colonialism was a huge thing. Be careful, don't take any goodies here, they're probably contaminated and you'll get an illness that ranges from a cold, to the fucking bubonic plague. Be careful, there's lots of ghosts, so if you see paranormal activity, run. Although you may get injured.
- Level 15: You like mazes when it looks sexy? Be careful here, you're own your own, as no two wanderers can meet each other. If you find a control panel, you'll gamble whether if you go to level 3, or level 16. Level 3 = You're fucked.
- Level 16: Lucky you. There's 5 floors, DO NOT GO TO LEVEL 4. IT'S DIMLY LIT THERE AND YOU'LL MOST LIKELY DIE DUE TO THE PRESCENCE OF HOSTILE ENTITIES THERE. However, if you succeed, you'll be rewarded with a safe level. Go to floor 2, then choose the right door.
- Level 17: You appear in a MASSIVE cargo ship. Some of the parts are flooded. There is only one entity, but don't underestimate it. Looking at it extensively causes you to have a mental breakdown, so be careful! If you want to leave this relatively boring level, sleep.
- Level 18: This level basically transforms throughout embarrassing or negative events throughout your life. Unless you miraculously made no mistakes and had nothing bad happen, lucky you. Also, when you wake up, you'll be back at level 17. If you wait until there is no more embarrassing moments, you'll appear in the next level.
- Level 19: So you've finished your embarrassing moments huh? Un/lucky you. You're in a large, dark, uncomfortable attic. Deathmoths, which are moths on crack, can be found and will happily injure you. Also, the lights cause mild hypnosis, which causes you to lose awareness. Be careful. Find a rusted door. You'll either go to Level -1, -2, 5, 12 or 20.
- Level 20: A warehouse. Similar to Home Depot or Bunnings. There are abandoned machines, but they somehow work. How? We don't know. After all, this is The Backrooms. Who knew? Don't open the crates. They contain harmful things. Once you find a door called NEIGHBOURHOOD, open it and you'll be in level 21.
- Level 21: Literally Level 20. Find ANYTHING you want, even bitches and penises, then SCRAM!
- Level 22: An abandoned car park. It's pretty smoky, and the worst thing is... There's nothing else but destroyed cars. If you enter one, your reality will be overwritten. LITERALLY. If you somehow find a functioning car, destroy it. That way, you can leave level 22.
- Level 23: Your average hospital room, though only one person can be in this level at a time. Just one thing, there is an entity that replicates a loved one, dying. Try to kill it. I dare you.
- Level 24: Somehow extraterrestrial planets that have crystal meth inside the centre of their core happens in this level. Also gravity and science is ignored in this level, although planets are still spherical. Take that, flat-earthers!
- Level 25: Outdated gambling. There's arcade slots everywhere, and yet none of them are usable. Several machines are broken, maybe giving you heart attacks, whatever. The name "Outdated X-Treme Gambling" comes from the fact that you have a 1/1500 chance of leaving.
Entities[edit | edit source]
There are several creatures in the backrooms that have been named "Entities".
- Entity 1: Humans, duh! Some sources say that Entity 1 is something else though, something otherworldy...
- Entity 2: Windows. People behind windows that always point at you. Once coming close to a window, they will throw you through the window into the empty pit of nothingness and lies.
- Entity 3: Smiley Faces :), they smile, smile, run towards you, and GNASH YOUR TEETH. Then you die, obviously.
- Entity 4: Deathmoths, only kills you rarely, but if you're Australian, shall never kill you. Also the females kill you only. Male deathmoths are cool with you!
- Entity 5: Clumps, STAY AWAY FROM THEM. You shall not go at least 8 feet to them. Then they will eat you alive.
Exits[edit | edit source]
- If you're SUPER DUPER lucky, you'll find a staircase. Go up it, then you'll escape the dreaded hell. Finally... It's all over.
- If you somehow managed to massacre every single entity, explore every level, you will be teleported to your house gates. If you don't have a gate/house, you'll teleport to a mansion in reality. The dedication... It's worth it.
- Alternatively, you can maybe not be an idiot and stay in reality, wink wink?