BYOB (beverage)
BYOB is a term generally taken to mean "Bring Your Own Beer", though it can also refer to the completely different phrase "Bring Your Own Beverage," "Buy Your Own Baked-goods," or the more politically correct "Bomb your own Beiber." It seems to have no clearly defined parameters, therefore can mean anything the speaker wants. This naturally causes the adressee to have to be creative in interpreting the meaning, which has caused numerous communication difficulties. Historic miscommunications involving the phrase BYOB have included the presidency of Ulysses S. Grant, the War of 1812, and the birth of Nicole Richie.
Occasionally, BYOB isn't an acronym at all and can mean any of the following: Bjöb, the feminine form of Björk(not to be confused with fellatio); Byob, a shortened form of the name "Ryobert;" byob, which as a noun means "A large, gelatinous mass of a viscous substance," and as a verb it means "to cut the tails off puppies." BYAAAAAAHHHHHBBB!!!!!!!, used as an exclamation or expletive, is an inarticulate phrase favored by Howard Dean.
The Bringing Of The Beer[edit | edit source]
The traditional interpretation of BYOB is celebrated annually by several cultures, most notably the Irish and the Scotts. This festive season of BYOBing is referred to as "The Bringing of the Beer." Those who avidly participate in this holiday are known as Byobsters, and the Master of Ceremonies for the past 80 years running has been Byob Saget, often with guest appearances by Byob the Byuilder and Byobra Streisand.
The holiday is generally celebrated outdoors, and consists primarily of the gathering of thousands of jolly Byobsters in an open field, typically located in Munich. There is much felicity and mirth, as the jovial Byobarians fellowship as a happy community. There are many traditional games played, such as byobbing for apples and playing Blind Man's BYOB. The idea behind the holiday is to promote awareness of the true spirit of BYOB, therefore all of the Byobsters must Bring their own B_____. It is quite popular, particularly with little girls, to bring Beer. However, in recent years, it has become culturably acceptable to bring other B-words to The Bringing of the Beer. New favorites include Bandages, Bacteria, Bears, Bistros, and Bavarians. As the "Y" in "BYOB" is one of the more important letters, (you can tell because it's in the middle. "Own" is rather important too) nobody is allowed to share during The Bringing of the Beer. Everyone must Bring Their Own Beer (BTOB). People caught sharing their own beer instantly have their Brains Bashed, then their Bodies are Burned. This satisfies the Rule of B, set down by the Brotherhood of Yodling Old Breakdancers in 88 BC, who also were the first to celebrate the Bringing of the Beer.
Other interpretations of BYOB[edit | edit source]

- "Bring Your Own Bags"
- "Bring Your Own Bibs"
- "Bring Your Own Blasphemy"
- "Bitch Your Owned By"
- "Bring Your Own Benjamins"
- "Bake Your Own Brownies"
- "Baste Your Own Balls"
- "Boil Your Only Baby"
- "Baked Yolks On Bargain"
- "Boring Yappers On Bargain hunt"
- "Broiled Yams Or Brisket?"
- "Bathe Your Own Babushka"
- "Bulgarian Yak-Oil Butter"
- "Baby! Yeah! Oh, Baby!"
- "Bah! Youngsters. Ornry Brats."
- "Blithering Youth Of Britain"
- "Break Your Own Back."
- "Baker's Yeast Or Babies?"
- "Boiled Yams own Broccoli!"
- "Bring Your Own Bacon"
- "Burn Your Own Bridges"
- "Bend You Over Bitch"
- "Bulging Yeasty Ox Balls"
- "Bring Your Own Bitch"
- "Bring Your Own Bombs"
- "bounce Your Own Boobs"
- "BACON yellow orange BACON"