Disambiguation (disambiguation)

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This is a disambiguation page.
It could refer to anything.

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Disambiguation[1] may mean:

If you still do not see what you were looking for, you may take a look at a random article.

  1. This is the disambiguation page of disambiguation pages. Pressing Datambiguation or Dishereambiguation will lead you to a random article.

Look for Disambiguation (disambiguation) in:
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,
Wiktionary, the free dictionary that is totally pointless,
Wikisource, where every mindless piece of paper goes.
and finally, search Wikimedia Commons, the place for all your porno!

Of course, you can always use Google or Yahoo! or Bing

Pretzel disambig.svg

This is an Ambiguation page – an article specifically designed to be noninformative and confusing about its subject matter.
If you are aware of a page that does not refer you to this page, you are encouraged to cloud the issue as much as possible by changing the link to point here. This link shows pages that do link here.