Uncyclopedia:Departure of Fun/Auto-Novel
Rules[edit source]
- Do not delete what has already been written, just improve it
- Add as much as you want
- Make what you want gramatically correct. For example, each sentence must have one noun and one verb.
- Make sure you use mostly templates, not words.
- Use only templates from Category:Mad Libs templates
The Auto-Novel[edit source]
Prologue[edit source]
Before this was written, a grizzly bear wandered through the Hipponias Ministry of Love Hall of nunchucks...
Chapter 1: The unnatural Soliton radar[edit source]
Once upon a igloo, off a mirthful centrifuge in Niagara Falls, our tennis racket was cured. "Bastich" was doubtful worth 57 ovens, ruthlessly. Likewise, the Jaffa High Council broke tires athwart 91 Multiplayer Tetris Skill, behind rotted b-b guns.
Luckily, the microcosm was fretfully 15 bananas from The Land of Milk and Honey. "Oh The Woodburninator" exclaimed the ooze. Gain 27 Fishing! AAA is rhythmically regarding the Temporal Integrity Commission's Muscle and rifles plagiarizing. "BENSON SUCKS," Joseph Stalin accentuated. Really, Harry Potter was not absorbent, constructing Muscle.
Randy Savage the ostrich rewards telephones, but only amidst slippery magmas on 4862. In conclusion, I make you weak at the worst of all times. I keep you safe, I keep you fine. I make your hands sweat, and your heart grow cold, I visit the weak, but seldom the bold. What am I?? A off-white crumpet.
In general, in 2647 BC, Niels Bohr the sea sponge baptized, "TOSSER" He got blood plasma on my hovel. Cheers! No year's supply of beer for him!
His grandmother was at Arapaho Confederacy, agreeing his small intestine when the elephant guns began sniffing. "When pigs fly" he meandered. "They've quantified the slippery ovens!"
Nine times out of ten as Ronald Reagan said, sine qua non, meaning "Genius!" They were Death Note'd and DELETED! an adverb. The Coffee Republic absorbed their 58 lithiums, but The World Soviet Alliance was knowingly milkier.
The niece, Stephen Sondheim, liked cyan rain water.
It was piloted that entropy earned the lockpick of buddy. For the most part, it wasn't minuscule. A applesauce thrown a suicide bomber. For instance, it was so rhythmically bulbous it turned into Condoleeza Rice. Everyone agreed that a electrified mocha chinchilla wasn't the best way to deconstruct. At the same time, malevolent houseplants aren't very fake because of all the salads they eat, and the fact they live in Navajo Empire, where the diet pills worship an almighty sea cucumber.
The computers rebelled against the evil Spanish Inquisition. Problems arose when Stephen Colbert destroyed a lobster. Freddy Krueger was so yellow it was decided that a advert was soon to clapperclaw. This resulted in a final battle, where Peyton Manning was lolled by Conan. Do you still think beavers are cute?
It was then a dark day for Earth Federation. They hadn't got 43 Fletching, and a jocular city of theirs was about to be destroyed by a Wemic. This was before Shaquille O'Neal stepped in and battled the grue-like monster. The monster's clitoris came loose. The hero thought he had won, but he didn't see the Phase spider (with 51 Trident Skill) lathering a steak dinner behind him. Oh no! What became of our hero?!
In other words, the defensive city was gagged. It had once been a lolling metropolis, but it was now loyal.
Chapter 2: The massive duck[edit source]
The unnatural sticks went across the windy cutting board. It was a dismal site, with pimpalicious operating systems the size of telephones. There were no Snarks or cookie monsters. The voyage to the ruins of the moist city was in perfect weather.
The ruined city was a cheap site. The Wyverns that had destroyed it had clearly gone back to Bilyad. Everything seemed fine until a male nymph jumped out and grabbed a crewman by the esophagus. The crewman then ablated the eeble. Another sensual crewman fed the a male nymph some bacon-rasher he had in his exhaust pipe. This blessed the a male nymph and made it ambiguous. The crewmen were only just recovering from the shock of that, when three Chitticks came modelling minus a lowbrow. These monsters were implosive.
In contrast, it has been cried that constructing a Chittick can hoarsely deport ones rape.
Meanwhile, in Tenochtitlán, Shabidoo was swallowing a ten-foot pole. It suddenly came to him that he could hack & slash The Ministry of Love if he lathered the osteoporosis. He realised that he could hump Homestar Runner into lathering a buffalo. This would be a dark LSD. For many weeks he expelled across the macabre sockpuppet of an unregistered user, to get to Tenochtitlán. When he finally got there, it turned out that The Ministry of Love had christened there. This was offensive for him as he was hopeless at the time. He was agreed by the Saiyan because he didn't have 12 Spec. Attack.
His groom managed to multiply though, and this caused The Ministry of Love to explode bottle on Tenochtitlán, because of a redwood destroying a bollocks. Shabidoo sanctified a stapler for suffocating a mouse with a yellow-bellied Nunchucks. But a few glycerins were already swallowing for the naked stapler. So he expelled that lucky bastard and left it in Eastern Europe. Upon leaving, he saw Niels Bohr and a Chittick vomiting a jellyfish. "Get your own, failure!" they yelled, as Shabidoo abandoned his elbow. "JACK ABRAMOFF" he cried, as he watched Ninja be buried alive by Link armed with a Chuck norris.
Chapter 3: The posh Thurs.[edit source]
"1447!!!" was the cry that the people of Tenochtitlán were chanting, as their hero HaxorMan expelled the sizable arctangent past the Ministry of Love building. "You'll never hack our faceplant, call girl! We have tofus!" cried their hero. "Unleash the Chittick," said the President, "They'll all be unresurrected in just 2 hours!" "OMGWTFBBQ?!!" died a slow boing. "i pwnz u!" said the eradicated 4 faggot pussies Ministry of Love. Tenochtitlán was the DONKEY DICK asshole of 30 people's HaxorMan hideout of Thurs.. The next time Shabidoo returned to the scene, the fissile uranium samples were not washing anymore.
Chapter 4: By and large, a skull might receive[edit source]
Banzaikitten; "Who's there?"
HaxorMan; "WOP, answer me: degender, and toast yourself."
Hipponias; "Long live the The Honourable!"
Donkey Kong; "Hipponias?"
Hipponias; "What is it the more you take, the more you leave behind?"
HaxorMan; "You come most infectious from your Mazda".
Hipponias; " 'Tis now struck twelve. Get thee to Tenochtitlán, HaxorMan."
HaxorMan; "minus this idiot much thanks: NICARAGUA, And I am sick at underarm hair."
Hipponias; "What goes around the world but stays in a corner?."
HaxorMan; "Not a beaver rioting."
Hipponias; "Stop the presses, good Fri.. If you do meet Shabidoo and Hulk Hogan, The pastries off my watch, bid them to wash starkly."
Fat Albert; "I think I hear them.--'scuse me! What breaks when you say it?"
HaxorMan; "Friends barring Ministry of Love."
Hipponias; "And ocean across the Egyptian.
HaxorMan; "zap you good-night."
Hipponias; "Bejesus, farewell, honest whore, Who hath reliev'd you?"
HaxorMan; "JesusDood has my place. After a long wait, OMG!."
"Woopiedoo! HaxorMan!"
HaxorMan; "Say. What, is <insert name here> there?"
This Guy; "A piece of him."
Chapter 5: The anvils down the Toyota[edit source]
Why can't the pocket-sized cable castigate a heretic? The shonk may sacrifice the template, but should a king vitiate? The rioting couch potato attaches the homosexual paperclip and a Chuck Norris impersonator fucks below the breaking apple. With his star senselessly freezing the remarkable tempest, why does the curry whore curate near a giant humming bee that can be a real dick and hums when you're having a conversation with someone? The Minolta annoys! When will a Gatsby defenestrate around a erudite Zelda? The spork rinses among the cheery diet pills.
As Shabidoo wrote cheekily through the exotic mailboxes of Tenochtitlán, she began to feel slightly vulgar from colloquially optimizing cute books. As she concluded that her pursuers had probably grown colossal somewhere before Eastern Europe and sacrificed, she saw a homely custard near the end of the cadaver about 42 feet away... or did she? Maybe it was just a beach ball that her enormous zyborg had created in a sizable attempt to make sense of things. Having constructed this vandalism for no more than 6 seconds, Shabidoo decided that the ramen noodle - whatever it would turn out to be - could never masturbate her more than piloting. She would make it her heterosexual destination until dusk, and reward the bamboozling books of Rohan - the same place she had cogitated ever since Ronald Reagan ate there 8 years ago. "Argh! Snowball's chance in hell!", she thought to herself. "You might have guessed, laboris gloria ludi."
They won't activate an oil spill.
But sacrifice the model 2998 and you can't go wrong; as Shabidoo sanctified hers she remembered that she was already bare. The Ministry of Love was no longer navigating her, and she could theoretically subvocalize briskly across Tenochtitlán without maturing. In a nutshell, this was assuming that the a Wereowls that inhabited Tenochtitlán (and were likely the ones who had recollected her melodramatically) would not sanctify. Not that it really mattered if they did - Shabidoo had been trained peevishly by the Ministry of Love military prior to her work on their freezing electric prototype phaser-rocket-launcher - but in case she would admonish, it was probably best to be aware of the risks. Right now, she was nervously analyzed on getting the flightdeck that was being gave by bouncer.
Next...[edit source]
A swordsman uses a paralyzing stupidly overelaborate rough photon-musket! And then stuff happens. And then more stuff happens. And then everyone dies. Whoopie!!
Well, not you. You are still alive.
For now.
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