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TiazuGotAutism333 made the most recent move. If you are TiazuGotAutism333, please wait for someone else to make a move before making another move.
Here guys. Crush the shit out of me,

Err... check...?

It is WHITE'S turn to move. Please update this text after moving, although I can't force you to do so.[edit | edit source]

Bishop: You think you are that intelligent huh? You think you're smart huh? Come on, give my king a shah please :)) CLICK THIS TO MOVE
a b c d e f g h
8 Chess rb.gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess qb.gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess rb.gif 8
7 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess pb.gif Chess kb.gif Chess bb.gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 7
6 Chess pb.gif Chess .gif Chess bb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess .gif Chess pb.gif Chess .gif Chess pb.gif 6
5 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess nw.gif Chess pb.gif Chess nb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess bw.gif 5
4 Chess qw.gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess pw.gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 4
3 Chess pw.gif Chess .gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 3
2 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif 2
1 Chess rw.gif Chess .gif Chess bw.gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess rw.gif Chess kw.gif Chess .gif 1
a b c d e f g h

Round 1[edit | edit source]

White Team: OPOSSUM, TitaniumMaggots, Fenris2010

Black Team: Bad Motherfucker, Alula, Selmolinapilchard, Usernаme321456, L10nM4st3r, MinhQuanWiki, Yaokuan ITB, TiazuGotAutism333