En passant

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En passant (Fr*nch, lit. in passing) is a mandatory move in chess involving the capture, by a pawn, of a pawn that had moved two squares forward in a previous turn. This is a forced and compulsory move, and rejecting the opportunity to en passant is illegal. In the USSR, not making this move in a tournament game is a no-go and actually outlawed as per the 1936 Constitution, and players who fail to make this move when the conditions are met are subject to torturous gavage in order to deplete all the leftover Russian Gulag. As of 2021, more than 53,000 citizens have been force-fed Gulag for this reason.

Example of En Passant[edit | edit source]

Black: "Pawn to B4." White: "Pawn to A4." Black: "Pawn to A3." *Takes A4 Pawn* White: "What the fuck kind of cheating is this? Black: "It's an en passant." White: "An 'un piss-ant?' You know how made up that sounds?" Black: "Look it up then." White: "Fine, I will. Pause the timer." Black: "No way, the game's still on." White: "Come on dude, you're already possibly cheating. Pause the timer." Black: "I'm not cheating. It's not my fault that you're a moron and don't know about En Passants. White: "... Stop the timer before I turn this into Chessboxing." Black: *Leaps across the table and punches White in the throat* Asian: "Woah, guys, chill out!"