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  Crowded elevator smell different to midget - Confucius say 

TheJeeMan.jpg Jesus loves this user, and has blessed this page.
The author of this page is fucking insane. You can help by shooting them.

  • ... that nobody can describe what a simile is like?

My private plane.

Who is UNmarine777[edit | edit source]

UNmarine777 is a self-proclaimed master of all things.UNmarine777 was never born or created he was simply here.He is the alpha and the omega but prefers to be the delta!Some say UNmarine777 should be killed well tough luck UNmarine777 is unkillable and he will live on forever even if it kills him.UNmarine777 is his own God.Do note UNmarine777 is a cool guy he hangs with Jesus and Mohammed.It is even said that one time UNmarine777 made chuck Norris feel One Billionth of pain.thats never been done before.UNmarine777 refuses to believe his own logic and lives with us on Earth.

I made this by myself Yay.
Diedwhats death
Hometownsalvation city
NationalityAmerican(Technically Americans are of European descent)
OccupationNolands Intergalactic house of Pancakes
Years activeSince 1999
PredecessorMel Gibson
Notable workdestruction
Websitecheck your history

WW2 isn't boring anymore[edit | edit source]


My articles[edit | edit source]

what you where expecting a fancy template.

User:UNmarine777/Camp Refugee

*User:UNmarine777/Disaster Movies

Coming soon.. *User:UNmarine777/Modern Warfare 4

friends[edit | edit source]


this guy

UNmarine777 labs-