“Holy jesus, what the FACK. I leave Uncyclopedia for 2 months, come back, and the whole main page is covered with UnNews listens! I knew it would encourage recording but WHAT THE FUCK.”
Try out the DAG Instant HTML previewer. Also, I need this space for Google robots. WERGBOT! Also, this is a nofollow site so what.
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Articles 4Kids | UnNews:Air France takes attempt on 'Aetropolics' | Antropomorph | HowTo:Become a sysop in 2008 or later | HowTo:Build a gaming console from a kitchen appliance | Cart | Cartoon Network | Babel:Cp | Dancism | David Hasselfrog | UnNews:Direct China-Taiwan fights begin| DVD cover | Everybody blames me | Half-Life 2: Episode Three | UnNews:Huge riot in Estonia due to a statue | Image file formats | UnNews:It's Quiz Time! | UnNews:Microsoft releases it's own image file format | UnNews:Moron sees Moon for first time| My chemistry project:Main Page | New Zork | Permanent Drastic Shocking Skin Disorder | Plikting | Pluto (planet) | Portal (film) | Potatohead | Rabdon-Michael | Real IQ Test | UnNews:Santa's elves on strike this year, naughty and nice list shortened | U-Turn | Steven Spielberg | UnScripts:Teen Movie | UnBooks:The store | UnLyrics | Zilko | Grue Eating Habits | UnBlog | UnNews:Pieces of 'Scott' fired into space | This page is not going to get Featured Article | UnNews:U.S. investment in Iraqi reconstruction reported perfect | UnQuest | UnNews:Viacom discovers YouTube to be full of piracy, people not amused | Photo album | BTW, I run, the Estonian Uncyclopedia. Take that, mommy! GAMES Chatroom | Sim City | UnQuest: World's first HOMORPG GERT5 AWARD FOR 3XCELLENCE JYN3 2007 goes to Mhaille as the welcomer and help3r on the site 4 mee! I still hate featured images and articles. And I hate you JYLI 2007 goes to Ceridwyn. For stuff... AÖGÜS7 2007 goes to Uncyclopedian for being Uncyclopedian, etc. S3P73MB36 2007 goes to Tom Mayfair for bringing the beautiful message of communism to our sinful lands, or at least your lands, Non-Estonians! ÖK7ÕB3R 2007 goes to Slifer McJams for REALLY SUCKING! D363MB3R 2007 goes to Pongo, part deux. J4NU4RY 2008 goes to Humb? Bumbertown? No, it's Clorox, for making that crappy Hidden Links thang that I Pwned. I HAVE HIDDEN LINX ON MY PAGE TOO. V3RBALLY 2008, quite verbally, a slightly slowdown thx to Modusoperandi M4CH 2008 alasmematie, goeth 2 Savethemooses, henceforth making a la ghastly change from an arse to a good dood. 4PR1L 2008 goes to DJ Irrevent, for making that (illegal) work of art (urine) atop HallBugs. JOINNOW! M47 2008 goes to Vosnul, for actually joining HallBugs. JYN3 2008 is one year of 3XCELLENCE. This obviously goes to Chronarion. JYLI 2008 goes to Rcmurphy, for doing what he does worst.
Sysopry is unreachable at years to come
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