Correct English

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“In Soviet Russia, English corrects YOU!”

~ General Amir Khazaieli on Correct English

Correct English is often labeled as the least spoken form of English on Earth and, quite possibly, the universe (there's still some dispute on Mars and Pluto, though).

Correct English can be used for several purposes:

  • To look knowledgeable without actually knowing anything
  • To be hated on the internet
  • To be hated in the south
  • To be hated anywhere
  • To get an A in Language Arts
  • To get beat up on the playground after school
  • To summon demons from the underworld to feed on the flesh of the living
  • To ignore that last one

There are not many significant reasons for speaking Correct English. That is why Incorrect English is so popular.

Types of Incorrect English[edit | edit source]

Ebonics[edit | edit source]


"Yo yo yo Dawg! I'm a brother which mean I'm a go out 'n make sum rap CD so dat honky teens luv me and try t'talks like me! Byatch!" - Moe Jones (a black person)

Correct English Translation: I am African-American, which means I shall go forth and produce a rap album, so that Caucasian adolescents will love me and try to imitate my style of speech.

People who speak this language: Blacks, Whites, Teens.

Valley Girl[edit | edit source]

Valley Girl

"Like, Oh my gawd! Like, Brad was all like 'I love you' and I was all like 'Gag me with a spoon!'. You know?! - Tiffany Morganson (some girl)

Correct English Translation: Brad said that he was enamoured with me, and this revelation did not please me.

People who speak this language: Females (predominantly of American origin) up to age 25, Teens.

Redneck[edit | edit source]


"Martha! Git th' water hose! Dern Billy Bob is stuck in th' pipe agin!" - Jonathan Hicksmith (redneck)

Correct English Traslation: Billy Bob is stuck in the pipe again, and we shall require a water hose to get him out, Martha.

People who speak this language: The Majority of Southern and/or Dumb Americans, Teens.

Internet Speak[edit | edit source]

Internet Speak

"'/ |)!|) |_| 3\/3|\| |*057 50|\/|37|-||\|6 45 57|_||*!|) 45 74|-|7 |=46??!?!!? 0|\/|6 £0£ ! |-|437 |_|1!!1 0|\/|6 vv7|= £0£" - CheeseMonkey4667 (a user of the internet)

Correct English Translation: Hath thy senses left thee? Why dost thou speak with words so dumbe, oh homosexual? O shame! for what pity have I for thee!

People who speak this language: Anybody on the internet before 2015, Millenials and early Gen-Z, Teens.


Brainrot[edit | edit source]


"Hi betas and edgelords I'm so fanum tax sigma I'ma goon all over your gyatt in Ohio!" - Kayden (Generation α kid)

Correct English Translation: Best of greetings, my dearest gentlemen. I consider myself quite highly in this previously mentioned respect, and, frankly, quite manly. Therefore, I do believe that I am going to visit your anus with my male member.

People who speak this language: Anybody on the internet after 2019, Gen α and late Gen-Z, Teens.

Didn't Take Enough English Classes[edit | edit source]

Didn't Take Enough English Classes

"herro! You buy fish? Only five dollar!" - Joe Wang (Chinese-American)

Correct English Translation: My greeting to you! Would you like to purchase some aquatic fish? They cost but five dollars.

People who speak this language: Many Asian-Americans, Teens.

Terrorists[edit | edit source]


"m' nim is Puunjab, Ih widg JIHAD!een yohro teknalh ihnfydhel. Alalalalalalalalalah!" - Puunjab Ifucmygohat (Muslim American)

Correct English Translation: Hello, good sir, my name is Puunjab and I have declared holy war, or indeed, Jihad, upon your infidel bottoms! PRAISE ALLAH!

People who speak this language: Osama Bin Laden, Taxi Drivers, Goat Burger Vendors, Puunjab, Teens.

See also[edit | edit source]