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Some are calling it the
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Vote For Articles
Voting is your right

Ownership: Gertings-Mann Investments (100%)
Stock price: 55FRN per stock (Y18)
Total stock: 100 (also 100%)
Net worth 1500FRN (Y500)
Official page: User:Gert5/ads
Purchase our stock here.
Use checks.

“I wish Yoinxx could be extended, so that a new short namespace can be created, User: style, that would only allow pages to be held if users can pay up Yoinxx enough. That would be awesome. People would put ads on their pages and say "We gotta pay the hosting bills so we put these ads here"”

~ Gert5 on Mass capitalism

ADS!!![edit | edit source]

Welcome to Yooga. For a mere Y75, your text and link, can be displayed on this random generated banner and distributed across all pages with Yooga-code enabled.

Content owners (pageturners)[edit | edit source]

If you own a certain type of userpage or talk page that you wish to monetize (with Yoinxx), simply place our template code to your page, then tell us that you did here along with your signature. If you have, you can qualify for a check worth Y150, EVERY MONTH. You may also qualify for additional bonuses based on how many ads you have on your pages (not huge towers of banners, that won't count). Here they are:

  • {{User:Gert5/ad}}
  • {{User:Gert5/ad_box}}
  • {{User:Gert5/ad_banner}}
  • {{User:Gert5/ad_sky}}
  • {{User:Gert5/ad_box}} (enormous box)

You can also make your banner look like your page, by simply adding bg, text, link, border and header variables to it.

Content owners using ad template[edit | edit source]

  1. Gert5 - --Sir General Minister G5 FIYC UPotM [Y] #21 F@H KUN 12:12, October 17, 2009 (UTC)
  2. GBA2005 - File:Gba3.jpg File:The empire small.jpg Join Us 23:10, October 17, 2009 (UTC)
  3. TIN - File:Gba3.jpg File:The empire small.jpg Join Us 03:23, October 19, 2009 (UTC)

Userthing owners[edit | edit source]

If you actually wish to advertise one of your products (articles, usergroups, etc.) that have a viable page name, you can advertise on Yooga for 75 Yoinxx.

Sneak some extra change and you might be able to get a higher weight (chance of appearance) in randomslice. Details below.

Please add like this:

Header* (15 characters)
Line 1* (you get 35 characters on each line)
Line 2 (have fun with them)
Page to link to (must be Uncyclopedian, we will have to create a redirect page for the sake of lulz)
  • -required

You must also add {{Check|Your name|Official Yoinxx Charity Fund|Payment|Payment in words|5= (Signature here)|6=Yooga ads}}

Ad requests[edit | edit source]


Ad-related technical pages[edit | edit source]