Uncyclopedia:Der Unwehr
- This is a sister project of Upsilon Sigma Sigma.
Fellow Uncyclopedians! Today represents a great victory over internet-memeism! For too long has our great site been the victim of the vile, infantile dross that is the internet meme. But fear not! For today, the tables are turned.
[thunderous applause]
Our glorious Unwehr shall exterminate, liquidate, and destroy all the internet-memeism that has plagued our great site. Through blood, and iron, and sacrifice, our wiki shall be rebuilt!
[thunderous applause]
Just kidding.
Der Unwehr is a usergroup dedicated to improving Uncyclopedia through rewriting articles; creating new, desired articles; and generally policing the site by adding rewrite and other templates as they are needed to articles that deserve them. The thing that sets Der Unwehr apart from similar user groups, however, is that the members of Der Unwehr work individually. Unlike those Commie, Collectivist bastards at IC, who work in a great big unwieldy group regardless of how inefficient and creatively stifling it is, members of Der Unwehr seek out articles on their own, and write/rewrite them at their own pace. It's the Capitalist method of wiki-improvement. The purpose of this usergroup is not to regulate or litigate, but to motivate writers by rewarding them for quality work. If you're interested, read on: anyone can join. There's no "article quota" you have to fill, and there's no limit to group membership. Just sign up (sign up below), and get working!
The Purpose of Der Unwehr[edit source]
It can basically be summed up in one phrase: improve the wiki. However, this has many facets, as follows:
#1: Rewriting Existing Articles[edit source]
Articles that need to be rewritten can be found at Category:Rewrite and User:Saberwolf116/Der Unwehr list. You are not limited to that, however. If you come across a really bad—or even average—article, and think you can do a better job, go ahead and fix that shit up, or at very least throw the {{Re-Write}} tag on it.
Note: Please remove an article from Der Unwehr list after you've finished rewriting it.
#2: Cleaning Up Existing Articles[edit source]
Some articles have a good underlying concept, but are just poorly formatted, incomplete, or just downright messy. Articles that need to be "cleaned up" can be found at Category:Cleanup.
#3: Creating New, Desired Content[edit source]
Lists of "wanted" articles can be found at:
- User:Isra1337/vital
- Uncyclopedia:Requested Articles
- Special:WantedPages (one with at least 20 redlinks)
Find a page off one of these pages, and write an article about it!
#4: Policing the Site[edit source]
Basically, going around, adding "rewrite" templates as they're needed (but not too liberally), etc. Other things, like fixing redlinks and the like are also encouraged.
#5: The Complete Liquidation of Internet Memeism on Uncyclopedia[edit source]
Internet memes are retarded, infantile, and unfunny. It is my own personal dream to have this site meme-free by the end of 2010.
Ranks[edit source]
The Points[edit source]
Ranks are given out based on a "points system." It goes like this:
- Rewrite an article (and make it better): 2 Points
- "Clean up" an article: 1 Point
- Write an article off one of the three aforementioned lists: 2 Points
- Get an article you wrote/rewrote for Der Unwehr featured: 2 additional Points (4 total Points for the article)
- Get an article you wrote/rewrote for Der Unwehr a Top 3 of the Month spot: 3 additional Points (7 total Points)
- Get an article you wrote/rewrote for Der Unwehr a Top 10 of the Year spot: 5 additional Points (12 total Points)
It is therefore possible to get a maximum of 12 Points for one article.
You can also be awarded additional Points for doing a good job in other facets of Der Unwehr. If you feel that you've done something that warrants additional Points, feel free to hit me up on my talkpage, and I'll see what I can do for you.
In addition, you do not get points for rewriting your own articles. That is to say, you cannot write a shitty article, come back to it in a month, make it better, and expect to get 2 Points for it.
The Ranks[edit source]
The ranks of Der Unwehr are as follows:
- Soldat / 0 Points
- Leutnant (Lt) / 2 Points
- Hauptman (Hptm) / 5 Points
- Major (Maj) / 10 Points
- Oberst (Oberst) / 15 Points
- Brigadegeneral (BrigGen) / 20 Points
- Generalmajor (GenMaj) / 30 Points
- Generalleutnant (GenLt) / 40 Points
- General (Gen) / 50 Points
- Generaloberst (GenOberst) / 60 Points
- Generalfeldmarschall (GenFM) / 75 Points
- Reichsmarschall (RM) / 100 Points
The leader of Der Unwehr is entitled to wear the title of Unführer.
Other special ranks, like Uncycpoführer and Propagandameister will be given out as they are needed.
You also have the option of making your sig additionally German. If, through the Order of Uncyclopedia, you have the right to be called "sir," you can take the title "von" instead. If you are a Knight/Dame, you may take the title "Ritter" instead. The taking of various other German-sounding names is also encouraged.
Membership[edit source]
Membership is as easy as adding your name to the chart below (provided you know how to; it really isn't all that hard).
Member | Points | Rank/Title |
Guildensternenstein | 59 | Unführer |
Squeegi | 0 | Hermann Wilhelm Göring |
Saberwolf116 | N/A | Uncycpoführer |
Sonje | N/A | Propagandameister |
CheddarBBQ | 23 | Brigadegeneral |
KneeChee27 | 0 | Soldat |
Orian57 | 20 | Brigadegeneral |
Mahm00shA | 0 | Soldat |
IronLung | 2 | Leutnant |
JackOfSpades | 0 | Soldat |
Multiliteralist | 12 | Major |
Necropaxx | 22 | Brigadegeneral |
Sockpuppet of an unregistered user | 30 | Generalmajor |
YouKnowWhatTheMusicMeans | 14 | Major |
Sonic80 | 8 | Hauptman |
Silly Angel | 16 | Oberst |
Todd Lyons | 21 | Brigadegeneral |
Tagstit | 9 | Hauptman |
Zana Dark | 49 | Generalleutnant |
LongLiverh3 | 2 | Leutnant |
Staircase | 6 | Hauptman |
GlobalTourniquet | 8 | Hauptman |
Gerrycheevers | 17 | Oberst |
Iwillkillyou333 | 6 | Hauptman |
Iseditor | 2 | Leutnant |
GBA2005 | 0 | Soldat |
An Ape that Only Exists on Thursdays | 18 | Oberst |
Siddhartha-Wolf | 0 | Soldat |
Sequence | 6 | Hauptman |
Teh Pwnerator | 0 | Soldat |
Pokeyfan | 0 | Soldat |
ALZU | 0 | Soldat |
Skinfan13 | 18 | Oberst |
Paizuri | 13 | Major |
SadisticWolf | 0 | Soldat |
Ksfwolfe | 0 | Soldat |
Jcobby37 | 0 | Soldat |
Gamma287 | 2 | Leutnant |
XeroSnake | 5 | Hauptman |
Thatdamnedfollowspot | 2 | Leutnant |
Captain Oblivious | 0 | Soldat |
Standartenführer | 6 | Hauptman |
Some random other guy... | 0 | UNDEFINED |
Additional Stuff[edit source]
Der Unwehr scorecard[edit source]
- Articles: 86
- Features: 45
Unwehr Victories[edit source]
You must keep track (for the purpose of records) of all the articles you've written/rewritten for Der Unwehr here:
Calling Dibs[edit source]
You may "call dibs" on articles you want reserved for yourself here:
You may claim to as many articles as you want, within reason. So long as you write/rewrite them at some point, it really doesn't matter. or what else you can say 'bout that, fool...
Special Point Tabulation[edit source]
"Special" Points awarded will be kept track of here:
Templates/Userboxes[edit source]
Rank templates can be found HERE.
Other templates are:
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Dieser Benutzer ist ein offizielles Mitglied Der Unwehr. Wir sind hier zu die Schwachen töten und die Starke bauen. Sieg Heil! |