User:Boomer/Pee Reviewer's Society
This is an archive, so read away then bugger off.
Hello, and welcome to People for the Evaluation of Excrement and Influencing Nominations for Greatness!(Name not likely to change)
This is a group dedicated to creating, submitting, and, if you feel like it, whoring quality Pee Reviews. All users are welcome to join initially. After a yet-to-be-determined amount of time, membership will be closed and admission will only be granted by invitation or from an approved request. Any users that wish to join to help improve the quality of Pee Reviews can sign up here.
Guidelines[edit | edit source]
There are currently only 2 rules for membership in the Society.
- You must give quality Pee Reviews. I will be going through Pee Review every few weeks to make sure that members are giving good reviews. This means being completely honest in the review and giving at least a couple of suggestions for improvement (if improvement is needed).
- You must give at least 1 Pee Review per week. Our goal is to make sure that the authors of potentially good articles recieve the help they need, and to do so we need to make sure that articles actually get reviewed. Doing more than the required amount of reviews every week will likely result in promotion to a higher rank.
Members[edit | edit source]
Founder, leader, and oppresive overlord Unsolicited conversation Extravagant beauty PEEING
- Sir Under User (Hi, How Are You?) VFH KUN 18:38, 13 October 2007 (UTC)
- Serq fet(Add your sig if you want to make it more prettier. Frankly, though, your name itself is already the absolute epitome of gorgeousness.)
- Yes, I know the wonderful lowercase 'f,' and the fact that my talk pages all redirect to my oldest archive are the highest forms of beauty, but just for you I will leave my signature. Fresh Stain Serq Fet of Pokemon (At your service) 07:12, 14 October 2007 (UTC)
- --Sir Manforman
17:12, 14 October 2007 (UTC)
- I'm going all-out, John Hancock style for this. Hoo-hah! - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 17:51, Oct 14
- (With the caveat that if work or family becomes worse than they already are I may have to recuse myself.) ----OEJ 00:01, 15 October 2007 (UTC)
- -RAHB 02:12, 15 October 2007 (UTC)
- Only if people stop telling me 'mazel tov' everytime I pee an article. ~
12:16, 15 October 2007 (UTC)
- --Narf, the Wonder Puppy/I support Global Warming and I'm 100% proud of it! 13:31, 15 October 2007 (UTC)
Name[edit | edit source]
I will also be holding a vote to determine the official name for the group. I have added a few suggestions but, since I really don't like them all that much feel free to add any (good) suggestions you have. In one or two weeks if there isn't an overwhelming majority for any one name I'll take the top few and hold an official naming vote.
- Voting Rules
- For the initial vote, please keep your comments to a minimum (like in VFH). If there are alot of names suggested I don't want this page to become a pain to browse.
- Each person gets 2 votes, use them as you will.
- I see this happening everywhere. When you vote, give your vote, sign your post, and update the score. I will be running through this at the end to manually tally up all the votes, but I would like the score to remain as accurate as possible during the voting itself.
If a new name is suggested that you like better than one that you had previously voted for, feel free to use slashes to negate your vote. But, once again, make sure you also remove your vote from the score.Voting closed!
We are now officially People for the Evaluation of Excrement and Influencing Nominations for Greatness! Thanks to all who voted!
Pee Reviewer's Society[edit | edit source]
Score: 0
Society for the Competent Reviewing of Pee[edit | edit source]
Score: 0
Pee Reviewer's Anonymous[edit | edit source]
Score: 0
Comment: I know this name contradicts the purpose of the society. That's why it's there.
Party of the Evaluation of Every Putrid and Empty Entity (Pee-Pee)[edit | edit source]
Score: 1
I thought of this name, using a thesaurus. It could even be Party of the Evalutaion of Entities (Pee) If you prefer that one. I dunno, I liked it =P Fresh Stain Serq Fet of Pokemon (At your service) 07:18, 14 October 2007 (UTC)
Association for the Evaluation of Urine[edit | edit source]
Score: 0 Name credit to Jim Groovester
Potential Excretory Evaluation (P.E.E.)[edit | edit source]
Score: 0 Name credit to TheLedBalloon
People for the Evaluation of Excrement and Influencing Nominations for Greatness (P.E.E.I.N.G.)[edit | edit source]
Score: Super-godlike 5 Name chosen because reviewers are the first to see good articles and can nominate them for VFH
- For! I like this one! - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 18:46, Oct 14
- For. Yes please. --Sir Under User (Hi, How Are You?) VFH KUN 21:33, 14 October 2007 (UTC)
- For. I like it. Fresh Stain Serq Fet of Pokemon (At your service) 04:19, 15 October 2007 (UTC)
- For. ~
12:16, 15 October 2007 (UTC)
- Super-godlike for. Congratulations! You are all now officially PEEING! Unsolicited conversation Extravagant beauty PEEING 16:55, 15 October 2007 (UTC)
Illuminators of the Creation of Uncyclopedia's Pee (I.C.U.P.)[edit | edit source]
Score: 0 How can you not have this acronym in here?
Ranks[edit | edit source]
In order to keep this a user-centered group, ranks will be implemented for members. I will hold another vote to determine what the ranks will be called, mainly because I'm not all too confident in the quality of the names I would come up with on my own. I know I'm holding a lot of votes on here, but unlike UNSOC and the Grue Army, I can't just pull rank names from already existing groups. All names have to be originally thought up, because no real-life group reflects what we are trying to do (I think. Feel free to correct me and make this a whole lot easier.) So if you have an idea for a rank name, please add it. The more, the merrier.
Initiatives[edit | edit source]
This rank will be for those who have just been accepted into the society (so basically all of you).
Established Reviewers[edit | edit source]
This rank will be for those who have been in the society and shown good performance for 2-4 weeks (I will shorten the amount of time needed for those who have joined when the society is launched)
Honored Reviewers[edit | edit source]
Any user that is voted Reviewer of the Month will also be entitled to this rank. This rank is permanently granted, and those who earn it will always be in this category, though they can still be ranked upward. This is also the only rank that can be held by non-members.
Elite Reviewers[edit | edit source]
This rank is for those who always give quality reviews, usually give more than the required number of reviews, and serve as an example to others on how to give good reviews.
Moderators[edit | edit source]
This rank is for those who are in charge of the society. They don't necessarily have to give Pee Reviews (though it is reccommended), as long as they show an enthusiastic interest in maintaining the society. Members can still retain their old ranks and be ranked up after becoming moderators. Right now this rank is only held by me, . I rock like that.
The Society is still under construction, so feel free to make any suggestions you might have here or on the talk page.