Category:Reviewed archived

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These articles have been Pee Reviewed and are now archived, as the last edit to the page (since the review) was one month ago. They either:

  1. Are candidates to be moved to the article's talk page; or
  2. Have been moved to the article's talk page

They are listed here for posterity. If one of your articles' reviews has been archived, you may either:

  1. Copy the existing review table to the article's talk page and paste a new one onto the review page. The categories will shuffle themselves accordingly.
  2. Resubmit the article to Pee Review using the input box below. Note you will have to name the Pee Review page something different than you initially did (eg: type into the box "Odiferous Bipedals (resub)").

Pages in category "Reviewed archived"

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 5,967 total.

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