Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/A priest, a rabbi and a minister walk into a bar

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A priest, a rabbi and a minister walk into a bar[edit source]

Any advice would be appreciated. IFYMB! 07:02, 24 April 2013 (UTC)

Humour: 7 You have a pretty interesting take of the classic joke here, it isn't laugh out loud funny but it is provocative and I found myself smiling at the analysis of the joke and it's possibilities. I still feel like more could be done to it, perhaps some exageration maybe... I don't know but this is pretty good humor, you don't need to do any major changes to it.
Concept: 8.5 I like the concept of it very much; the in-depth exploration of a joke is something that makes an Uncyclopedia article a classic. While reading this article I was amazed at the various possibilities that could erupt, could they be gay? could they be experimenting, it can just go into so many directions.
Prose and formatting: 9 Nearly perfect, I couldn't find anything that needed changing and the way you used the bold text in order to indicate an alternate view is somewhat genius; you do get a bit overboard on the italics but I don't know, that's just me.
Images: 7 I'm going to count the YouTube video as an image; starting the image with a New Yorker classic is something that definately establishes the mood of the article and ending it with a YouTube clip is something that's definately original. I personally think that YouTube videos should be utilized in a fashion that's more encyclopedic but again, that's just me. It could use a very, very small number of images; just so something is there.
Miscellaneous: 7.9 Bonus points!
Final Score: 39.4 You're doing well, this article is on track to becoming an Uncyclopedia classic and you got yourself a pretty good concept to work with; more could be done to the humor and there could be some images added but that's the only major faults of the article that need work. All that I can say to close this up is keep on doing what you're doing, analyze the concept, try to find something that makes the article truly unique and that something will be well worth it.
Reviewer: RedHot (talk) 01:05, 26 April 2013 (UTC)

Now can someone review my articles please? RedHot (talk) 01:05, 26 April 2013 (UTC)