Meknows articles of this kind are written on daily basis and that most of them are redundant rubbish, but give it a chance. I plan to go all the way to 100, and keep it as fleshed out as possible. If somebody edits it, please, keep the running gag of putting a hentai reference in each entry intact, and spare it the quickies; it's more orginal to have each entry have a little oomph to it than just another collection of half-arsed punchlines.
yesterday i added 2 items to the list .
then i find them changed by someone .
I hate the changes but still i can't argue .
This is the content free encyclopaedia that anyone can edit . Richardson j 12:18, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
ps bye .
I think i just start ideas for products and someone else can clean it up like co authors .
i will do a little bit at a time then i check back later .
From Richardson j 12:15, 3 March 2007 (UTC)
Richardson j 12:14, 8 March 2007 (UTC)
Can the hentai bits be removed? I don't find that funny. It's just repetitive and silly.
MUN MyOwnBadSelf, 'Be warned, mortals, for I have returned!' (talk - stalk - block) 07:46, 13 January 2017 (UTC)
Some really funny jokes in this but a lot to sort through.
It's not too original but it still has a lot of potential.
Prose and formatting:
It's a list and there are some spelling and grammar mistakes about.
Really good picture to start it off then there are none what happened?
Not finished only goes to 61.
Final Score:
It's going to be hard to do 100 on this topic but it's okay nothing realyl special, need more images.
-- 05:34, 24 February 2007 (UTC)