Sprite comic

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hay guys im new my name is SSJNekoGoku314159 ^_^

okay guys ive got leik a great idea for a comoic, ok here goes

Concept[edit | edit source]

ok its called 'megaman and friends' and megaman travels to the wordl of 21XX where he meets TEH AUTHOR, who is all powerful and can travel thru space and shooty laser beams out of he EYES and shoots missles which shoot other missles that shoot other missles that are on FIRE. So liek then he takes magaman to sonics's planet and they team up (ps sonic is gay) and because megaman is stupid he teaks an egg and EATS IT. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!(get it?) but it's not just any egg its an ICE CREAM EGG!! okay then the egg teleports him to NAMEK and he fights VEGETA and he gets owned so the AUTHOR SAVES HIM!!!!!!!! and he liek yells and stuff and Vegeta is vaporized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then an evil author from another dimension comes that the author cant stop because even though he's all powerful he isn't THAT allpowerful. i dunno why he don't stop him union rules or something so anyway the evil author trys to take over the comoic but the AUHTOR shhoots his lazer beams and goes super saiyan and the evil author is defeated and everyoNE LIVE hAPILY eVER aFT UH OH CAPS LOCK b

Presentation[edit | edit source]

id add backgrounds, but firts i need to reply to my endless fanmial

Ok heres my comic i hosted it on imagshack click on it clicky clicky--------------------------------------------------> weeeeeeeeeeee

Reaction[edit | edit source]


hey guys i didnt mean it go easy on me this is my frist comoic you know that was a typo yknow how close the 'k' and 'fag' keys are

no i didn't steal those sprites yes he has the same name and yes he looks exactly the same but they are totally original not stolen

i have to take it down? U MODS ALL SUK I HATE THIS PLACE I'M LEAVIGN 4EVAR F*******ERS

Post mortem, three days later[edit | edit source]

okay i'm gonna start over again this new comic is called 'megaman and co' and Megaman travels to the world of 21XX and meets TEH AUTHOR and...

hey guys come bak!!!!Lolololololololololololololol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 week later[edit | edit source]

sry 2 teh fans of 'megaman & co' but u shd not xpect as much updates as usual, i am going 2 collage and will be so caught up n my wrk tht i might not b able 2 updte as mch as usual.

Dec 25[edit | edit source]

sry 4 not updateing 4 a while, my studies r rlly hrd nd i have ben rlly preoccupied here is n old xmas comic i made lol, i think i will have more updsats soon

oh yah, p.s marry xmas! lol

2.5 years later[edit | edit source]

sry 4 not updateing ffor a while, my studies r rlly hartd. it is abut tim 2 take that xmas cmic off teh man pag no LoL, i only have another filler comic rite no but i will prbbly make sum more rlly soOn

5.5 Years Later[edit | edit source]

liek guyz im rreary soz, collage is dificut LoL! im taking arithmetic 1 n it's reary hard. Iv been workin on sum new stuf that I hope yull enjoy. it's a whole new story. I hope yull enjoy it. to all my fans, here it is.


Sora n roxaz was walkin thru hollow bastion when this nub named lugi came and jumpded on there heads. sora n roxaz were like WTF OMG BBQ! sora took his keyblade called Teh Ownerer (YOU GET TEH OWNERER WHEN YOU ARE 1337 and BEAT THE GAME 99 TIMES! LOLOLOL IMA TRICK SUM No0BS!!) and smacked lugii ACROSS TEH FACE!!1 liuigi was like ohh ahh mehhh mawariooo then he died! sorza and roxaz then foughted over THE EXP POINTS!! Then a Totaly unexpeced guest came into teh story and it WAS TEH AUTHOR!! The author started running around happy island or wtfz its called. sorry dudes but i havnt played the game in a while. sor'a woman kairi came out n they started makin out. it was gross, but at least he didn't get NE cooties.

there u guyz go. I can't w8 to mak another comic for you soon.

He was never heard from again, and his message board slowly filled up with anime reviews and pornography...

Reviews[edit | edit source]

  flpng awesme!
  best. comoic. EVAR!
  can i haev ur chlidren?/