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UnTunes:Uncyclopedia Didn't Start The Fire

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Uncyclopedia didn't start the fire
File:Uncyclopedia Didnt Start The Fire.mp3

Kitten huffing, Benson, those reversing Russians,
Jesus Christ, it's a lion, get in the fucking car!


Oprah, Kanye, Steve Ballmer, Jesus, Norris, Hitler,
Sophia and Oscar Wilde, random drama ravings.

Cuntymints, ICU, Cabbage template, Spang FU,
No one cares, Stalinbear, all of course with savings!

We didn't start the fire
Your dog was always burning
Since the world's been turning

We didn't start the fire
We were not the first
But we're still the worst

Penis penis penis

Supersecret admin page, Reffering friends to do the same,
A wizard did it, to Your Mom while watched by all the Jesii.

Counting to a million, wanting to be an admin,
Recto-lube, RC's a n00b, and who the hell is That Guy?

Yak rape on vacation, while doing my Solid Snake thing,
Pen Island, penis spam, and this page is a racist.

Several Zorks, Aspie wars, 9/11 done by Jaws,
Parakeets, Euripides, and this page doesn't exist

We didn't start the fire
Your dog was always burning
Since the world's been turning

We didn't start the fire
We were not the first
But we're still the worst

Dan Kwon, FSM, Captain Obvious strikes again,
Mike Tyson, Butt Poop, the greatest word of all is Boop

Everything is poopy, I maed a yuky doody
Cajek bans, UnSignpost, Wikia is an evil host

Spambox, vandal socks, DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS
Mr Winkler gay gay gay, what else do I have to say?

We didn't start the fire
Your dog was always burning
Since the world's been turning

We didn't start the fire
We were not the first
But we're still the worst

We didn't start the fire
But when we are gone
Your dog will still burn on, and on, and on, and on...

Potatohead aqua.png
Featured version: 22 September 2011
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