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Whoops! Maybe you were looking for The Doctor?
The friendly sign at the doctor's office, indicating a Ph.D., it’s supposed to make you feel calm, that’s only a rouse, they’re gonna fuck your shit up. Real bad! You’re gonna be talking out of your arse after surgery.


~ Young girl on Dr. Feelgood

“He's a like, a real doctor with a PhD in kicking your ass!”

~ Narrator on Dr. Whoopass

A doctor is nothing more than a drug dealer with a college degree (Note: Since Dr. Dre has finished his degree, he should now be referred to as Dr. Dre, Ph.D.―not to be confused with Snoop Dogg, who has the title Pc. P.).

It should also be noted that doctors are paid to be cruel and are frequently torture fanatics. They like to poke people with sharp objects, administer nasty tasting medications, give enemas, and do other things that cause previously normal people to look like trees and feel like potential violent criminals. In fact, the people they treat are called "patients" for putting up with their sadistic experiments and cruel acts. A more accurate term is victims.

A doctor has to say a "Hippocratic Oath," which means that they can nag you about your own eating habits while being a jackass themselves.

So, forget about anatomy and forget about diseases―if you're really ill, don't waste your money; pop some Dayquil and a Gin and Tonic and you'll be way better off.

Doctors should ONLY be consulted when you need to get high.

So, now to the essentials―how to get cheap dope from 'em. Often, doctors give head to patients to ease their pain and distract their mind from seeing minge.

The doctor is in[edit | edit source]

  • DOCTORS HATE THEIR PATIENTS.[1] You need to understand and embrace this concept. I have personally referred to patients as "hoopleheads" and "that a-hole out in the waiting room." The sooner you come to terms with this the quicker you will understand the concept of "the rectal exam". You really don't think we know how much it hurts? We've gone to school longer than you've been alive―of course we know it hurts. That's why we do it. So sit down, shut up and quit trying to look up the nurse's skirt.
This will only hurt a little.

The doctor is high...[edit | edit source]

  • ...on making you feel better. Or laughing gas. Honestly. Pay no attention to my 8mm dilated pupils that are briskly reactive to light and uncontrollable drooling. And yes, it is normal for you to bleed that much every month.......

The doctor will...[edit | edit source]

  • "cure" you about as often as Halley's Comet enters a near earth orbit
  • Get a boner during your pap smear
  • Tell you to relax and that you won't feel a thing, then hurt you so bad, you scream in pain (VAS 10/10, felt over the anus, relieved by tramadol 17 tablets an hour)

Rubber gloves and other things...[edit | edit source]

Doctors like to hurt you, and here are some tools of their trade:

  • Latex gloves. See Latex allergy.
  • Speculum. From the latin word specula meaning spectacular, as in "I'm going to have a spectacular view of this 21 year old's you-know-what"
  • Needles. You have a 106 degree fever, chills, night sweats, green frothy diarrhea and pustules from head to toe. You have approximately 14 and a half minutes to live. The doctor suggests an injection which will save your so far pathetic and pretty much meaningless life. STOP BEING SUCH A PUSSY, FOR GOD"S SAKE.
  • Your bill.

When a doctor is incorrect[edit | edit source]

  • Never.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. I am a doctor, and I hate my parents.

From Undictionary[edit | edit source]

Doctor (plural Doctorusses) These are individuals that like to ask questions like, "Well, what do you think it is?" and, "Do you smoke cigarettes?" Subsequently, they usually try convince their patients of to take vitamins and/or expensive medicines. The most successful Doctorusses use arguments pertaining to the TV shows Grey's Anatomy, House MD, or Scrubs.

Doctorusses reside in a different dimension, where there is no God and all things are explainable via Science. This is just an imaginary construct somewhere on the internet, created by people like Dr. Phil, and accessible only if you have a PHD or higher.

There are naturally many different kinds of Doctorusses, some of which have created their own set of belief systems. A doctor only turns down patients when:

  1. They lose interest
  2. The patient does not have any money left
  3. The patient is dead (although there are many documented cases where Doctorusses still tend to the patient several days or even months after death)

See also[edit | edit source]