User talk:Guildensternenstein/archive6

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Interview with a Metalhead[edit source]

I still have it in my userspace with nothing but a WIP on it, and I'll gladly work on it with you :) FreddCan Shredd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 09:48 • Wednesday, 20-01-2010

Sure thing, sounds good to me. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 13:53, January 20, 2010 (UTC)

Raped Bitchez[edit source]

I win. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 11:58,20January,2010

UnSignpost 21th January 2009[edit source]

Also, it's MrN9000's mum's 60th birthday! 9001(bot) Icons-flag-gb.png HalIcon.png MrNCyber.JPG 17:33, Jan 21

Manual hand-typed thanks (to show sincerity)[edit source]

I know this is a bit late but thanks for voting for my article and helping me with it. It wouldn't have taken the direction that it had if it weren't for your pee. Unfortunately, you don't get a template. ~Scriptsiggy.JPGPlease talk to me. Please. MUN CUN RotM 16:48, Jan 24, 2010

Thanks, I'm glad I was a help. And I suppose I can forgive the lack of a thank-you template, but just this one time. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 04:39, January 25, 2010 (UTC)

You still alive?[edit source]

Work work work! FreddCan Shredd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 23:53 • Sunday, 24-01-2010

Yes, I'm still alive. And yes, I've started working. Not too much progress yet, but it's a start. It's going to be a while, though: I'm, like, mad busy, so yeah. Also, I'm nearly done with an article on Opeth I've saved on a word document, so I might want to just get that out of the way first. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 04:41, January 25, 2010 (UTC)

Favre Fnord[edit source]

Thanks for the vote on the unexpected nom. When you said "only questin is whether he'll be back next year" did you mean in relation to the article saying "former Viking's quarterback"? If so I'll change that part, if it's confusing to some people. It was meant to mean that he's dead, so he's the former. You know what, I'm gonna change it anyway, it could confuse. Thanks for providing the couch for my session, bill me the standard fee. Aleister in Chains 00:38 27 Jan. MMX

That's a good point, maybe I'll try and work it in. The word "former" as the first word in the article really didn't work, so I took it out, and even if you didn't mean to make that point that's how my laser-like pointed-in-the-wrong-direction mind took it, so actually, thanks again! Aleister in Chains 11:08 27 Jan. MMX
OK, done, second to last sentence. Thanks for the suggestion. Al 12:35 Same Day, MMX
Heh, well, you're welcome I suppose. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 13:39, January 27, 2010 (UTC)

UnSignpost 28th January 2010[edit source]

9001(bot) Icons-flag-gb.png HalIcon.png MrNCyber.JPG 14:52, Jan 28

So I watched your video[edit source]

And at the start I was like, oh god. Guildy is calling someone out on the internet. About his behaviour on a humour wiki. But then, you started singing pop music to the whole world. And I laughed. IronLung 20:50, January 29, 2010 (UTC)

I was more like - "Beard at 17 (?) ? What were you thinking! But then you started singing to the world and I chocked. ~Jewriken.GIF 20:58, January 29, 2010 (UTC)
I got all the way up to the part where the video started (then I got bored and switched to videos of kittens falling asleep). If memory serves Guildy's vid had some dork in a closet. If that isn't the film equivalent of a Freudian slip, I don't know what is. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 21:08, January 29, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, so I'll probably wind up deleting that at some point. Yeah.... —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 21:37, January 29, 2010 (UTC)

Ehy Sexy[edit source]

Girl Scout.jpg Thanks

luv u

Thanks for the vote. --- ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 20:05,31January,2010

Dude[edit source]

Thanks for all the awesome things you did for us last year. MrN MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 09:31, Feb 1

Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate them. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 13:59, February 1, 2010 (UTC)

Thank you!![edit source]

Hey, I appreciate you coming out in support of me. I hope you take it next year!! Tinymasaru.gifpillow talk 19:53, February 1, 2010 (UTC)

Heh, why thanks, Hype. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 06:49, February 2, 2010 (UTC)

Congrats[edit source]

On the Honorable Mention in the Top 10. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 20:23,1February,2010

Why thank you. Congrats on your eventual finishing in the Top 10. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 06:50, February 2, 2010 (UTC)

UnSignpost 4th February 2010[edit source]

9001(bot) Icons-flag-gb.png HalIcon.png MrNCyber.JPG 15:11, Feb 4

Just about this...[edit source]

I like this article - not as a featureable thingy but just as I found the whole stealing intellectual copyright from a parody source a ludicrous concept, and I used the self reference as I felt the humour would be more effective if I used a parody of a recognisable thing as one of the elements. The assumption here is that people who are reading an article on Uncyclopedia would find the parody of Uncyclopedia more approachable than a parody of College humour or Mad TV, to site the two real life examples that I've used. Is there anything that you feel could be added to this in order to improve it? (Other than more archive6 references of course.) Pup

Well, more Rosenkrantinpants references aside, your article is fine how it is, beyond the inherent problem of the fact that it's very self-referential and therefore probably not right for the front page. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 04:35, February 6, 2010 (UTC)

And another thing...[edit source]

I've been trying to work out my points on DU and I think I must have stuffed up somewhere along the line. I've just gone through and come up with the following:-

Article Points

Total 60

Does that look right to you? Pup

A scoring system?? What's all this about? Tinymasaru.gifpillow talk 23:08, February 5, 2010 (UTC)
This would be about this. And yeah, Puppy, that looks about right. If you feel like "officially" joining, add stuff in the appropriate places, slap a template on your userspace and give up just a little bit of your pride. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 04:33, February 6, 2010 (UTC)
I am officially joined, just been too lazy to work out points. Oh - I'm trying to think of a way to clean up the format of the scoring thing as well, as - looking at mine - it can be a little messy, and not very DU looking. Pup

manning can suck one[edit source]


sorry for your loss

HA. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 03:35,8February,2010

Bullshit. They'll be back next year. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 05:31, February 8, 2010 (UTC)
And then they'll choke again. XD Necropaxx (T) {~} Monday, 15:00, Feb 8 2010
Hell no. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 06:19, February 9, 2010 (UTC)
You doubt me? There's an entire article on it. Necropaxx (T) {~} Tuesday, 08:05, Feb 9 2010
Yeah, which I wrote, and...damn. At least they wait until the playoffs to choke. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 21:02, February 9, 2010 (UTC)

Feature templates[edit source]

Please don't subst or play with these templates in the future. You essentially messed up the whole feature for the day and caused the space odyssey article not to be presented on the main page. ~Jewriken.GIF 09:16, February 10, 2010 (UTC)

Oh, fuck, really? Sorry, I had no intention of doing that. The pictures were just screwy on my monitor, so I reverted to an earlier edit, not thinking of what that might do. I'm really sorry for any inconvenience, Mordillo. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 13:41, February 10, 2010 (UTC)
That's OK, I was already with my ban hammer in the air thinking it's some bloody IP :) ~Jewriken.GIF 13:45, February 10, 2010 (UTC)
Yikes. Glad I escaped when I did. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 13:47, February 10, 2010 (UTC)
Dammit, no! Hit him, Mordillo, hit him!! - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 13:52,10February,2010

UnSignpost 11th February 2010[edit source]

9001(bot) Icons-flag-gb.png HalIcon.png MrNCyber.JPG 12:59, Feb 11

Opeth Article[edit source]

Well done! I really like the select edits you've made. This article will probably appeal more to regular folks now and is even funnier to Opeth fans. There's one place that could use a comma; "but with Isberg’s eventual departure the project was left " I feel as if you could add a comma between 'departure' and 'the' That's pretty much the only thing left I have to say critically, very nice edits. (--Sir Skinfan13 Talk {< CUN RotM FBotM VFH ΥΣΣ Maj. SK >} 17:28 EST 12 Feb, 2010

Hah, brilliant, I'll nom it soon. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 01:13, February 13, 2010 (UTC)

Charlie D[edit source]

It is now Charles DeGaulle as requested. maybe I should just put the original DeGaulle article up for deletion, I didn't understand it anyway. --Sog1970 22:58, February 12, 2010 (UTC)

Brilliant. And you've got my For, as promised. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 01:13, February 13, 2010 (UTC)

Error[edit source]


Pup 09:10, 15/02/2010

Der Unwehr[edit source]

The staff at Unsignpost have come to the realisation that you have recently had to defend yourself from a potential usurper who has dramatically upset your rightful place as unfuhrer by out scoring you. While we are known for our gutter journalism and our ability to create complete stories out of minimal factual information, we would like to get a comment from yourself that we can twist dramatically out of context and show you in the least flattering light. Any comment? Pup 09:22, 15/02/2010

My official position is: "This is unacceptable, and will not be tolerated. Following standard Nazi protocol, the young officer in question will be forced to resign his position due to his disturbing excess of competence, just like what Hitler did to Rundstedt, List, Manstein, Bock, Rundstedt again, Busch, Leeb, and Rundstedt a third time. I wash my hands of this." —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 13:53, February 15, 2010 (UTC)
(You forgot Rommel.)  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  10 Sep 2010 ~ 04:06 (UTC)
Actually, Rommel was probably over-promoted--he was made a Field Marshal, even though his skills as a tactician meant he would have been much better suited as, say, a Major General, which is what he began his career in Africa as, if I'm not mistaken. They did force Rommel to commit suicide, though, so I see where you're coming from. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 05:13, September 10, 2010 (UTC)

UnSignpost 18th February 2010[edit source]

9001(bot) Icons-flag-gb.png HalIcon.png MrNCyber.JPG 23:34, Feb 18

UnSignpost 25th February 2010 (It's not late your mum is)[edit source]

9001(bot) Icons-flag-gb.png HalIcon.png MrNCyber.JPG 20:49, Feb 28

Can words speak louder than actions?[edit source]

Just wanted to let you know that I had already decided last month to nom and vote for Puppy for UotM for this month. I'd really like to see both of you get it. You both deserved it longer than I have, so it's really rather unfair that I got it first. But then awards, like life, often aren't fair. King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  04:55, March 1, 2010 (UTC)

Oh, well, by all means, go right ahead. And don't deprecate yourself--you deserve that award. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 05:48, March 1, 2010 (UTC)
Honestly, I'm not trying to deprecate myself. I didn't give the award back, after all.  :-D But I did feel a little guilty because I won it for a month where I contributed less than I did in other months. I just honestly believe the two of you deserved it longer than I have because you've been making fine contributions in various areas, and doing it longer. King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  20:08, March 1, 2010 (UTC)
Ah, well thank you. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 20:09, March 1, 2010 (UTC)

Proggy beyond belief[edit source]

My pretentious extended schooling after the fact. I'm stoned, so ignore me. New live boot became available.--DRStrangesig5.png Sherman.png Fingertalk.png  02:22, March 3, 2010 (UTC)

Holy Progginess, Batman! (I'm still not a Yes fan, though.) —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 13:56, March 3, 2010 (UTC)
Wow, I was really wasted when I posted this. I totally forgot doing it ;-) --DRStrangesig5.png Sherman.png Fingertalk.png  13:58, March 3, 2010 (UTC)
Hah, I know what that's like. Posting '70s Prog videos to people's talk pages, I mean. Do it all the time. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 14:11, March 3, 2010 (UTC)
Wow, way to use the Batman line immediately after I do - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 14:14,3March,2010
Batman was just in the air, I guess. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 15:25, March 3, 2010 (UTC)
BATMAN: Current project of IC. King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  23:29, March 3, 2010 (UTC)
Heh. Well there ya go. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 23:36, March 3, 2010 (UTC)
That still exists? - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 00:06,4March,2010
You betcha. It's been commandeered and is now quite active. We just colonized Creationism, it just got Pee Reviewed so is in post-review edits. Now The Dark Knight Begins. King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  01:10, March 4, 2010 (UTC)

UnSignpost 4th March 2010 (your calendar is wrong)[edit source]

9001(bot) Icons-flag-gb.png HalIcon.png MrNCyber.JPG 00:08, Mar 6

Upsilon Sigma Sigma[edit source]

Hey Guildy, I'm just going around trying to drum up support for a new group I'm trying to get going. I've been sitting here, thinking to myself, "gee, Uncyclopedia has a lot of stuff, a legal department, a political party, and an assortment of other great things, but it doesn't have a fraternity." I also noticed that the top 50 wanted articles list hasn't changed in over a year. Soooooo, I was wondering if perhaps you'd like to join me and potentially others in the 1st Uncyclopedia fraternity, ΥΣΣ, Upsilon Sigma Sigma, a collaborative an independent organization with the aim of writing exclusively requested articles. Also, I just want to point out that this isn't meant to be a competition with Der Unwehr, but rather perhaps a sister project. I feel Der Unwehr is more of a rewritting project than a creation project, and I feel there's a need to create quality articles from the top 50 wanted list since most of those articles have been huffed. Anyways, pop on by the page, if it's something you're interested in, just let me know. --Sir Skinfan13 Talk {< CUN RotM FBotM VFH ΥΣΣ Maj. SK >} 16:54 9 Mar, 2010

USS v. DU!! Fight to the DEATH!!!! - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 22:46,9March,2010
Don't forget User:Isra1337/vital. Recently updated and lots of redlinks. This is not a rewrite thing, but it is one of the DU focuses. Nominally Humane! some time Tuesday, 23:06, Mar 9 2010 UTC
Heh, sounds kinda cool. I'd be happy to give you my blessing and support etc., although I should point out that DU does do requested articles in addition to rewrites. No matter, though, I'd be glad to support you. After all, it's all about the spirit of wiki improvement. If there's anything you'd like me to do, you know where to find me. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 04:50, March 10, 2010 (UTC)

UnSignpost 11th March 2010[edit source]

9001(bot) Icons-flag-gb.png HalIcon.png MrNCyber.JPG 11:00, Mar 12

I wanna nom your article, as if you don't have enough features[edit source]

That "overwritten trainwreck by Thomas Pynchon" thing. Is it ok? ~Scriptsiggy.JPGPlease talk to me. Please. MUN CUN RotM 11:04, Mar 14, 2010

Wow, I'm flattered. And yes, nom it, if you think it's good enough. :-) —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 15:25, March 14, 2010 (UTC)
Now go vote for yourself, you whore! ~Scriptsiggy.JPGPlease talk to me. Please. MUN CUN RotM 16:26, Mar 14, 2010
Argh, must... correct... spelling mistake... must...not...edit... other users' comments... ~Scriptsiggy.JPGPlease talk to me. Please. MUN CUN RotM 16:30, Mar 14, 2010
Wow, yeah, I'm "faltered." Though to be fair, that was firefox's fault. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 16:37, March 14, 2010 (UTC)
I like "Wow, I'm faltered" better. And also Guildy is dangerously over the quota for featured articles, and will have to take three months off (or sign my name to his work). King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  03:20, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

ΥΣΣ March Collaboration[edit source]

I know it's halfway through the month already, but I thought we would go ahead and kick off our collaborations with a top 50 that one of our members, Pelargonium, has already started working on. The collaboration homepage is here, and the article we're doing this month is Nintendo. hope you end up participating this month! --Sir Skinfan13 Talk {< CUN RotM FBotM VFH ΥΣΣ Maj. SK >} 12:28 EST 15 Mar, 2010

I probably won't end up contributing to this one, mostly because A) I hate Nintendo and B) I've got a lot of work this coming week. Sorry. (Perhaps in April, when I won't be as busy.) —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 16:37, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

Last-minute thank you[edit source]

Also, for the record, it took me about twenty minutes to find this page because I couldn't spell your username.Sir ¬_¬ | Banter HOMOPHOBE!!! CUN.png Icons-flag-us.png NOTM 19:24, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

Hah, well thank you. Also, there's a link right there in my sig for easy access next time you get lost. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 20:12, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

UnSignpost 18th March 2010 (on time as always)[edit source]

9001(bot) Icons-flag-gb.png HalIcon.png MrNCyber.JPG 11:45, Mar 18

UnSignpost 25th March 2010 (hand delivered for added flavour)[edit source]

--ChiefjusticePSX 22:31, March 25, 2010 (UTC)

Here are some things left over from the garage sale, please trade them up, and soon you will own the planet! Thank you for your vote-to-be, appreciated. Al de'chainy 00:25 29 3 mmx

Upsilon Sigma Sigma March Newsletter
[edit source]


March's collaboration on Nintendo, our first as a group went really well. You can drift on over to check it out in mainspace. Now onto frat business and stuff. First of all, we need to determine as a group a few things in terms of our monthly collaboration; will it really be a 'monthly' collab, or should we not stick to such a rigid timeframe? Secondly, we need to figure out how we're going to determine future collab projects. Currently we're voting on April's project, but we need to decide if we're going to vote at the end of each month for the following month's project, or if we're going to adopt a rolling queue like IC currently has. I'm leaning more towards the rolling queue idea, but I'd like to get a consensus on the subject. In order to vote on this, go here. I would like to take the time to point out that we are not IC; in fact we're kind of the opposite, whereas they take crap and turn it into slightly better crap, we create the crap that people want the most. Along these lines, any member of the frat is encouraged to contribute to each months collab, not matter how big or small. There aren't really any rules in terms of how we tackle these collabs, so the structure will kind of just spring up.

Ok, the second part of the frat of course is the individual creation of pages from the requested articles list. None of us, myself included, have called dibs on, started, or created any of these pages. I want to stress that this is just as an important part of our group as the monthly collaboration. I hope to make an individual article of my own in April from the list, and I encourage all of you to do the same.

Third, the lesser third pillar of our group, pee reviewing. I would just encourage you guys if you feel like it to go ahead and do an in-depth pee review or two in April.

Well, I think the start of Upsilon Sigma Sigma has gone rather well considering most groups don't get off the ground too well here, and it's all thanks to Aleister in Chains and Pelargonium, who both contributed to Nintendo. Without them, I feel the group wouldn't have gone very far, so please pop over to Frat Bro of the Month at some point and give them a shout out. Also, please feel free to browse the various sections of the group (I spent a bunch of time creating the frat page), and be sure to check the news tab from time to time, I'll be updating that regularly. I'm really looking forward to working with you all in the coming months in making some quality requested articles! --Sir Skinfan13 Talk {< CUN RotM FBotM VFH ΥΣΣ Maj. SK >} 22:12 EST 29 March, 2010

UnSignpost 1th April 2010 - Always on time[edit source]

Nominally Humane! some time Friday, 04:47, Apr 2 2010 UTC

VFS[edit source]

SAFPAS.png For your vote in VFS

and as promised last time
You have been awarded a Certificate guaranteeing you safe passage whilst inside those areas of Uncyclopedia under Zionist domination.
Certificate also redeemable for one (1) free bagel at your nearest grocery - simply print out and present
to the shopkeeper to claim your free bagel with the filling of your choice.

Rabbi Techno

Could you do me two favors?[edit source]

First, the full script of an average MTV Cribs episode - as a working template for my upcoming article MTV Castles: Elizabeth Bathory found this one by myself after a second though, I'd like you to find me another more authetic one.

Second, an extremely negative but professional and throughout film review - also as a working template for my other upcoming article UnMovie Reviews:Worst Movie Ever

I'd be very grateful if you would find me these two on the innernets. FreddCan Shredd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 16:04 • Sunday, 4-04-2010

Lazy. I thought I raised you better. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 16:15,4April,2010
Hey, you go spice up the UoTM nom. And change it to my current username. Also, no, it's not laziness, it's inability-to-find-them-myself-ness. FreddCan Shredd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 16:29 • Sunday, 4-04-2010
That's a no and a no. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 20:32,4April,2010
Fine. FreddCan Shredd 22px-Flag_of_Egypt.png 18px-Foxicon.png 20:40 • Sunday, 4-04-2010
Sure, I can find all sorts of negative reviews for ya. I'll post the links on your talkpage. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 23:36, April 4, 2010 (UTC)

Decided to come back and so forth...[edit source]

I see you mostly stick to different things in your writing than what I usually have in mind - but if you want to try out a different method some time, come over and have a ride at SoS. First time we talked about it, you disagreed on the usefulness of the idea (based on your feeling that the writer needs to do all the work and get all the credit) but I hold to my view that SoS is a great way to collaborate - especially when you don't need to collaborate on any one article, but need just to fit your article in the general idea, and there are many ways to do that. So, read the shit and I hope you decide to help out every once in a while. Although you are a feature engine on your own. -- Style Oranssiviiva.jpg Guide 14:39, April 8, 2010 (UTC)

Glad you decided to come and stay. And I'll try and drop in on SoS every once in a while. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 16:09, April 8, 2010 (UTC)

UnSignpost 4/8/10 - Oh hi Signpost.[edit source]

MegaPleb Dexter111344 Complain here 20:09, April 8, 2010 (UTC)

WotM voting[edit source]

It's not about you using half-fors, though I might warn you that an admin might disapprove of that. The thing is, you already voted for Nach earlier (about two votes higher than your current one), so you see somewhat of a weird situation has arisen. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 17:48, 10 April 2010

Really? Whoops. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 19:28, April 10, 2010 (UTC)
Thank you for your half vote, no matter what came afterwards. Maybe on your fourth vote on the page you can consider me again, but I then expect to lose your vote on the fifth tally, and am counting on the sixth as the "magic vote" that will put me over the top! Ah, but beware the seventh vote. I greatly fear the seventh vote! Al en chains 21:45 11 4 MMX
Well, my ineptitude and withdrawn support aside Al, you've got my support next month for sure, provided you don't win this month. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 23:13, April 11, 2010 (UTC)
I have looked at the entrails of a pigeon, and it has told me 'ware the seventh vote. Nominally Humane! some time Sunday, 23:23, Apr 11 2010 UTC
In order for me to be able to count the votes by the end of the month - cam you make it absolutely unequivocally clear who did vote for? Will all the strikeouts it's still not clear. ~Jewriken.GIF 07:20, April 12, 2010 (UTC)
The prophet of Uncy has predicted this. You have voted, by my count, 6 times. Now Mordillo asks for the dreaded seventh vote. I greatly fear the seventh vote! Al trembling with dread 23:41 13 4 MMX

MTV Bathory[edit source]

Is on VFH. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA Lord of Egypt AMUSE ME 14:46, April 12, 2010 (UTC)

I noticed. I haven't had the time to read it just yet--I promise I will, though, so don't you worry. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 00:20, April 13, 2010 (UTC)
Mooshy's whoring to you? How dare he. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 00:27,13April,2010
Please register your name here. Thank you. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA Lord of Egypt AMUSE ME 13:11, April 13, 2010 (UTC)
Even though your name is conspicuously absent from both here and here? Doubtful. I mean, my articles haven't got a chance in hell, but still. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 16:19, April 13, 2010 (UTC)
Ahem. Nominally Humane! some time Tuesday, 23:03, Apr 13 2010 UTC
Guildy: Done. Puppy: You first. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA Lord of Egypt AMUSE ME 23:19, April 13, 2010 (UTC)
Yippy, I just got paid and decided to come by this den of whores. Well Hello there! Don't mind if I do. How much? Well, yes, I can afford that. Upstairs? Why sure! Al with my pockets full and yes, I am glad to see you 23:27 13 4 mmx
Well, if you insist. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 02:29, April 14, 2010 (UTC)
Already voted Mooshy - your turn! Nominally Humane! some time Wednesday, 03:08, Apr 14 2010 UTC

UnSignpost 15/4/10 - Yet another on time delivery.[edit source]

--ChiefjusticePSX 20:34, April 15, 2010 (UTC)

Marilyn[edit source]

I may come back to you for another request at some point soon (see Tim Burton talk page discussion on pee review) but for now: I've been doing some edits on the Marilyn Monroe page, and came across and added the pic on the bottom. Can you help identify the other three? My guess is Lana Turner, Jean Harlow, and Carole Lombard, but may be wrong on all but Harlow. Thanks. And feel free to come and play on the page too, we should have a top-notch page on Monroe and what's there could be a backbone or two. Al sans chains 21:48 29 4

That's a nifty little photo there. Unfortunately, I'm no expert on fifties' starlets, so your guesses are as good as mine. Also, I've got one week and three final exams of school left, so perhaps after those I'll lend a hand (and start contributing more to the site in general again). —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 02:07, April 30, 2010 (UTC)

Tim Burton[edit source]

Remember like 9 months ago when you were doing a shitload of directors, and I said you should do him, and you said no? Well, it's done. Just about. So there. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 22:02,29April,2010

I see that. And yes, well done, those that worked on it. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 02:05, April 30, 2010 (UTC)
Thank you. And I was thinking of making a director article myself (Stephen Chow) but I have no idea what to do for it. The only angle I can think to take is his terrible Chinese-English translations/subtitles, but that seems overdone already. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 02:29,30April,2010
Well, if that's the angle you've got, go with it, by all means. You never know what you're gonna get until you start writing, ya know? —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 03:57, April 30, 2010 (UTC)
Maybe. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 10:58,30April,2010
Exactly. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 14:56, April 30, 2010 (UTC)
I can't believe you watch Stephen Chow films. Maybe you can do the article in his style of humour, with or without bad translations. ~Scriptsiggy.JPGPlease talk to me. Please. MUN CUN RotM 09:36, May 1, 2010
Yes, I was thinking of that. His style of humor is a bit... something. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 13:57,1May,2010
It really is... something, alright. ~Scriptsiggy.JPGPlease talk to me. Please. MUN CUN RotM14:56, May 1, 2010

UnSignpost 1 May[edit source]

Brought to you by fucking magic. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 11:06, 1 May 2010

Mecca Vice will skip your home[edit source]

"Much thanks for your help in making it better!"

--Funnybony Icons-flag-th.png Agnideva-small.jpg AGT-logo-small.jpg 07:09, May 3

Thanks![edit source]

StrikerGoreaward.jpg Striker2117 and
Al Gore
thank you for your vote!

Without you, their theorem
could not have been featured.

--Sirrah CatshirE Chess the Striker2117 00:11, May 4, 2010 (UTC)

Please move your PLS submission ASAP[edit source]

PLS Submissions have to be in your user space. The primary purpose of this is to insure no one edits your article, which disqualifies it. For your sake, please move it now so it doesn't get disqualified. Thanks. King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  05:39, May 14, 2010 (UTC)

Nevermind; it is in user space. Your title fooled me. I'm so easily fooled. King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  05:45, May 14, 2010 (UTC)
Hah, apparently. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 12:48, May 14, 2010 (UTC)

Just out of curiosity[edit source]

Which other illustrations by Gustave Doré for The Divine Comedy are you planning to use? Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 19:08, 16 May 2010

Which ones are Divine Comedy ones? And I don't really know, seeing as I didn't know I used any to begin with. (In any event, all the pictures seem to fit.) —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 03:02, May 17, 2010 (UTC)
Hmm, it seems I confused The Divine Comedy with Paradise Lost. Though I think pictures from both poems could fit into your article. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 17:54, 18 May 2010
Hah, yes, the makers of Fallout 3 made the same mistake you did: Kinda funny, actually. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 03:04, May 19, 2010 (UTC)
I was thinking about putting something forward for PLS, read this, and realised that I didn't have a chance, and gave up. Nominally Humane! some time Wednesday, 03:17, May 19 2010 UTC
I was wondering where your half-dozen entries were this time around. Well, there's r,five other categories you could potentially enter, so don't let me spoil everything for you. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 12:42, May 19, 2010 (UTC)

Sir?!? Excuse me sir???[edit source]

7079-main.jpg Are you enjoying the flight? Can I get you anything? Fluff your pillow? Cook your taco? Adjust your seating, airflow, overhead light or oxygen? Ok then, I salute you!  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  12 Jun 2010 ~ 05:08 (UTC)

Hm, perhaps, but I have work five days this week, a bunch of fun friend stuff to do, and another article of my own in the works. Plus I might do a pee review, because I haven't in ages and feel bad. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 18:53, June 12, 2010 (UTC)
You're not living off the two bits you get paid from working here huh? Friends come between you and the internet...? Next thing you'll be telling me is that you're gonna continue to be AMAZING at other stuff too. Way to make my life suck even more. Thanks a lot. (Stop by next week & add a sentence or two if you can.)  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  12 Jun 2010 ~ 20:54 (UTC)
That I may be able to do. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 18:46, June 13, 2010 (UTC)

Along the same lines as the above, pee review[edit source]

Very good, both the six-line stanza idea and the additional stanzas about BP and the oil execs in general (along with their governmental cronies from various American administrations and Congresses, including the present ones) Bottom line (here's a bottom line: ______________), would you like to collab? You've started already, with the two stanzas. I'd still like to link each line with something here, as that way all the pages (mostly in UnNews right now) concerning the oil gusher would be linked. Would be very nice to work with you, and we can both come up with ideas and then work out what works best. Yes, the present ending is weak, as I did try to work in a ryme to the second to last line. Well let me know, and I will work on some other stanzas and links in the meantime. Thanks a billion (and F.U. C.K. BP--excuse my fu. ck. in.' language) Aleister 18:10 16 6 MMX

p.s. lol. Check out the bottom photo caption. An attempt to save the photo on the page (it seems at home there somehow).
p.s. I've put your two stanzas in, although I reversed them (you probably improve as you go, the second was better than the first) and changed a few words (I think I'll take out Pig, a little too direct and '70ish, unless you really love it!). Can I use them if you don't want to collab on this? And I promise I'll go along with the same theme and put a lot of time in to do it juuuuussssssttttt right (to give BP another nightmare, although be it this one on a clown site). Thanks again, Al 19:03 16 6 MMX
I'd actually really love to collab. I've never actually managed to successfully do so here (nothing ever got off the ground), but since we're already on the same page here I think it work work brilliantly. I get to work first thing tomorrow. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 02:02, June 17, 2010 (UTC)
I've done quite a bit more work. Edits to your stanzas, added a new stanza, and am looking at three more stanzas, for nine in total. One will summarize/comment upon the government, one on the public's response (or non-response i.e. kicking capitalism's behind) and some other aspect. The language flow I've carved this into (lots of double meanings and layers of symbolism--even the Sandra Bullock line and Meg Ryan's facelift are commentaries on the two-faced approach that corporations take to their public and private agendas) has its own logic too. Your idea to add stanzas was perfect. Aleister 2:34 17 6 MMX
p.s. I'd like to do the last stanza, a call for action, nonviolent but direct, aimed both at BP and the structure of environmental destruction (did you see Chicken, the frat collab for May?]], and final edit on the page (I guess I feel an ownership ego-thing here, but I want it to be perfect and you tossed in a second stage to the project), yet I know you will add further great value to the page. So, fun stuff!

Your version, extremely good writing and edits (neither of us would expect no less!). I'll work them in and around and keep most of it, yet would like to do the closing verse focused on nonviolent direct action. But not until the 'morrow, my mind reels with too much oil, and I am needed elsewhere! Thanks, nice work all around! Aleister 3:36 17 6 MMX

Excellent, I'm glad you approve. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 04:27, June 17, 2010 (UTC)
Damn, it's looking good. I spent an ungodly amount of time mixing the two versions, feeling my way into the many-level based language of much of it, keeping what I still liked and hopfully what you liked. Two more stanzas needed, the last one the call to action thing I have in spirit (I'll have to carve that well). Can you come up with one about pubic reaction or something that moves you for the second to last stanza, or do you want me to go ahead and play it out? Your Red Sea page has interested me but I haven't gotten around to reading it as yet, but will do so right now. And I'm not whoring my HowTo:Reinvent the wheel page either :) (seriously), just wondering if you've read it yet, and if not, please do and make a judgement either way or not at all. It's one of my faves, but wayyyyy at the bottom of the VFH page, hanging on by its nails just as it's gained new life in the last few days. As for the oil poem, I kept the other animals in there too, and Sandra and the bunch, just to expand it out and to add a bit more funny within the serious (and I like them too, like tadpoles you want to protect until the fish come along to eat them). Al 11:33 17 6 MMX
Hi. Left a few notes on your most recent draft. I guess this is the point where collabs breakdown unless someone does the final edits, which is one of my hats on this page. All strong writers love their own stuff, so we need a captain on each voyage. That's the joy or horror of collabs! On the page, I didn't see various ocean animals as being excluded by the title, it's a title refering to the birds and, as you point out which I didn't realize until you said it, the "well-oiled (corporate) birds". But many of the photos to come will be of sharks (must use sharks, another double meaning), dolphins, turtles, etc. who are right now being driven toward shore by the oil in numbers which are scaring marine biologists and everyone along the Florida and Alabama coast. Cuba will be hit soon too. The most horrible quick-time environmental tragedy since the U.S. prairies were quickly destroyed in the 19th century. Let's get rid of Sandra, Simon, and Meg, which I think is very funny and has the great double meaning of two faced individuals, but you dislike. I'll keep Bennie, as he is a mafia hit victim who was thrown into the gulf to sink in the oil (and I think funny to the people who will get it). Much more, but this is a very large note. Give me some time to work on the thing again, lots of work on it today. Thanks, Al 18:36 17 6 MMX

Call to action, although I have to eat first[edit source]

How about this ending? It feels right, or close to it, and at least throws a pebble into the pond. Al 1:12 18 6 MMX:

Later the next day. I found maybe the "perfect" vid for the bottom of the page. Blessed Be.

Here's the latest last closing stanzas. Thoughts, fears, and recipes? When did you become a wizard? Al 4:22 19 6 MMX

Students, housewives, and old broken-down hippies,
Show your love for all nature,
Not hate of the spoilers,
Ask for world healing, bring drummers and shamans,
To a nonviolent stand:
United Nations.
"End Earth's destruction", our request to the leaders,
"Restore lands and waters",
With the help of the leakers.
So here, a rhymed call for humanity's quorum,
Now gather your friends
At the world's modern Forum!

I like it. Perhaps a little preachy, but that's unavoidable I suppose. A couple things, though: 1)put a "The" in front of "United Nations" to make the meter work better. 2) The rhymes in the first stanza are kind of, well, not really rhymes. I know it's hard to rhyme something with "nation," so I suppose that second time can stand, but the first three lines should really be reworked.

Also, sorry I haven't been around much the last day or so. Yesterday I had a full day of work followed by a full night of friends, and now that I'm back home I have to shortly get ready for another full day of work. I'd help you rework those two stanzas of yours, but I'm not going to be around this weekend much to do so, plus you said you wanted to see to them anyway. But yeah, aside from my two criticisms they're good, so I guess so to that I guess. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 14:21, June 19, 2010 (UTC)

Hi, I just got back online after a couple of days off myself. Let's go with one of these versions, I would feel bad for my old hippie friends if we say they haven't been laid since the mid-1960s (shivers), probably the opposite is true, they probably get laid more now than anyone else their age who wasn't a hippie--those that kept healthy and active that is.---We have a fun unintentional things in the poem, the CEO's Yacht is named "Bob"! so "bob in the water" can be linked to yacht, and if we don't have a yacht I've got a page in mind to be named "UnBooks:Daddy has two yachts" (seriously, I've already written some of it, a fun one). I'll put in the stuff, and how do you like that video!!! Perfection, imnho, perfection I'se tells ya. I must have listened to the vid a dozen or more times after putting it in. More soon, and maybe this is close to being nommed after the slight rework. Think so? Oily, Aleister 1:05 22 6 MMX
Well, I'm glad you're just as generally pleased with everything as I am. And I agree, we're basically ready for a nomination. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 02:06, June 22, 2010 (UTC)
Great. How about if we wait a day, do it on the 23rd both for luck and to give Ape's oiled bird page time to get his double-digit votes. I'll put up the nom unless you want to do it, Nice changes. And there is uncy page on yacht, although I've wondering if anyone did a UnNews on the yacht fiasco. I'm watching Obermann, now BP wants to drill in the artic. Righhhtttt. Al 2:14 22 6 MMX
P.S. Or a better idea, how about if we sign both names on the nom. Something like 'Aleister & Guildy' (do you mind that shortening, it's what I always think of you as) or your whole name and I'll shorten mine to fit in the space on the VFH page.
Feel free to do the nomination when and however you want to, provided you're pleased with the final revisions. You'll certainly have my vote, haha. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 02:53, June 22, 2010 (UTC)
Hi, I expanded the nom comments and my vote a little to make it clearer that this was a collab. Felt like the right time to nom it, I'd done some link changes which seem to work, and a slight tweek or two which improved the pace, etc. And we have enough link spaces to put links to new UnNews pages or a full page or two when people write them. Sort of a depository for articles on the Gulf. Writing this was a trip! Aleister 17:36 22 6 MMX
Indeed it was--we should collaborate again some time. Perhaps after Conservation Week is over, or something. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 02:10, June 23, 2010 (UTC)

Hi. Some grumbling on the nom, that it's not funny enough (not recognizing satire), so I did a little more funny by modifying but using your "laid since the mid-. . ." and redid the Obama stanza so it made me laugh. Neverending saga. Al 2:47 23 6 MMX

p.s. For funny, would you greatly mind if I put that second stanza back, but maybe using Christian Bale's name (to whore Matfen, of course) or Ann Coulter in place of Sandra Bullock (that she is a man isn't as well alleged as, say, Coulter, and putting Bale in would be saying "as surely as he is a man" in a macho sense). That wold lighten the load of seriousness a bit right at the start. It can be updated periodically as Christian Bale has the operation and no longer is a man.
Sure, if you think that'll sway the votes of the naysayers and improve the article, than go for it. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 16:28, June 23, 2010 (UTC)
Naysayers can seldom be UnNayed, but since we are a clown site it seems a little more of the fool should be on the page, it's what the people want, bread and roses and all that. Thanks, Al, minutes later

The UnSignpost Is Not Dead![edit source]

A new UnSignpost issue, another template spammed onto your talkpage, enjoy! Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 15:16, 24 June 2010

Tanks for review[edit source]

I do have good feelings about this article, but the lack of laughs disturbed me a bit. I'll see what I can do. Do you think my concept is too obvious or not obvious enough? I thought it's pretty obvious but some people seemed to be not getting it. I wonder if there might be others out there.

It's also surprisingly hard to find good pics of headshots on the internet. ~Scriptsiggy.JPGPlease talk to me. Please. MUN CUN RotM08:21, Jun 28, 2010

Believe me, no one has dealt with people not "getting" their stuff more than me. Don't worry about it. And being witty/clever is often better than being laugh-out-loud funny, so don't worry about that either. Best of luck revising your article. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 14:23, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

So...[edit source]

What's your favourite Kurosawa movie then? That is, if you can nail it down to one. Personally, I'm quite partial to Ran. Fucking beautiful film. Also, I saw you mention Pink Floyd's Animals in a pee you did. Just so happens that's my favourite Floyd album, you a fan too? Stalkingly yours, --Black Flamingo 18:33, June 29, 2010 (UTC)

Holy fucking Jesus God. Ran is my favorite Kurosawa film, and Animals is my favorite Floyd album. Of course, I also like Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, Throne of Blood, Ikiru, Rashomon, Kagemusha, Dreams, and, like, every film Kurosawa's ever made. Except for The Quiet Duel, that sucked ass, actually. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 02:11, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
I'm also partial to basically every song in Floyd's Roger Waters era. Animals and Wish You Were Here especially. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 02:12, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
I thought I was the only one... I'm actually glad you mentioned Dreams, that's a really underrated Kurosawa film. And yeah, Roger Waters is The Man. His solo stuff wasn't so good though. --Black Flamingo 16:06, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
I feel exactly the same way about everything you just said. Tell me, what are your thoughts on Ingmar Bergman, Fantasy Football and Porcupine Tree? —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 16:37, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
Ok here's where it falls apart:
  • I've only seen The Seventh Seal. I loved it however, and admit I should make more of an effort to watch his other films. Any you'd recommend?
  • I don't follow football, least of all American football. I'm English but I don't even follow our version.
  • And again, I've never listened to them. They any good?
For a moment there I thought I might have had extreme schizophrenia and was operating multiple accounts at once. --Black Flamingo 16:53, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
Aww, drat. For Bergman I'd recommend Cries and Whispers, The Virgin Spring, Persona, Winter Light, The Silence, and Through a Glass Darkly. And though I can't fault you for not liking American Football, it's inexcusable that you haven't listened to Porcupine Tree. They're sort of an Alternative/Progressive Rock/Metal band. They draw a lot of comparisons to Floyd, which makes the fact you haven't heard them yet unforgivable. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 17:18, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
I like their name. I'll give them a listen some time. --Black Flamingo 20:28, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

Pee Request[edit source]

Mind Reviewing this? Thanks.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 10:05, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

Seeing as I have tomorrow off from work, I'll try and take a look at it, yes. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 19:30, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

Congrats![edit source]

Well done!

--Funnybony Icons-flag-th.png Agnideva-small.jpg AGT-logo-small.jpg 16:45, Jun 30

Why thank you! —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 19:30, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

FU[edit source]

You didn't thank me for voting on Well-oiled birds. Am I not special or something?!?!--Sir HELPME Talk (more? --> CUN ROTM NOTM Pleb USS Pees SK ) On Wednesday, 07:25, June 30 2010 UTC

No, unlike me, he hates you--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 19:27, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

All the news that's unfit to print![edit source]

--ChiefjusticePSX 12:17, July 1, 2010 (UTC)

You thought I forgot?[edit source]

Thanks! Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 14:49, 1 July 2010

Did you forget[edit source]

This?--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 21:19, July 2, 2010 (UTC)

No, I didn't, I've just been very busy. Not having work gave way to a bunch of social and familial obligations the last couple days, and then this weekend is, well, 4th of July weekend, so yeah. I might find some time this weekend to squeeze that review in, though, so don't despair, I haven't forgotten you or anything. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 03:05, July 3, 2010 (UTC)

I saw somebody who looks just like you do in the video[edit source]

Been in Northern Virginia lately?--Sir HELPME Talk (more? --> CUN ROTM NOTM Pleb USS Pees SK ) On Monday, 04:23, July 05 2010 UTC

Not exactly, but my girlfriend lives in Northern VA. Though she's in Greece at the moment. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 13:19, July 6, 2010 (UTC)

Signpost: normal service resumed[edit source]

Oh dear god, am I really doing this again? --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 10:57, Jul 9

Yet Another Worthless Award[edit source]

Rabbi Techno Icons-flag-gb.png kvetch Icon rabbi.gif Contribs Foxicon.png FOXES 11:34, July 9, 2010 (UTC)

Why thank you Rabbi. Nice job, by the way. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 13:57, July 9, 2010 (UTC)

Re one of your Top 10 of 2009 votes from January 2010[edit source]

Better late than never, or at least that's the thought. (Sorry about the length of this, by the way.) Horribly belated thanks for voting 2001: A Space Odyssey into #2 of 2009! MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[01:43 16 Jul 2010]

In case you thought I forgot[edit source]

All Quiet on the Western Front is slightly changed, taking your review into account. I've decided to keep the "noob" because in the book, a large part of it dealt with the innocent, wide-eyed teenagers who get senselessly killed in war (the noobs), and this contrast between game and book is quite nifty. Anyway, give it another look and see if you have any more suggestions. ~Scriptsiggy.JPGPlease talk to me. Please. MUN CUN RotM07:32, Jul 16, 2010

Another UnSignpost! Rejoice![edit source]

Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 10:18, 16 July 2010

Red Sea[edit source]

Red Sea? I meant to say Rolex and Marilyn Monroe but it came out wrong. Nah, I meant Red Sea all along. But I forgot my point, something to do with nomads and oil. Aleister 23:14 16 7

Aaaand[edit source]

Peer Review is done. I say it's good. MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[00:12 19 Jul 2010]

Pee Queue thing[edit source]

So yeah, at least one person has bitched in the forums that the queue is getting lengthy - it must be time for action! I'm respectfully requesting that every active peeing member do one or two reviews this week to hammer that sucker right down. You may already have done some, I'm just copy/pasintg this message on to your page, so don't feel slighted, just feel I'm lazy - you'll be right. But if you haven't done any, do you think you could rattle a review or two off this week? Let's show 'em what we can do when we can be arsed! (Told you I'd get on it).--UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 20:42, Jul 19

Already got a review booked UU, haha. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 01:29, July 20, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks![edit source]

For your vote on Rolex. It "ran" well on the front page, had a "time" out for awhile, and then pointed two hands at the correct time at least twice today! Thanks, appreciated. Aleister 2:41 21 7

Red Sea[edit source]

Hi Guildy. I had considered voting for the Red Sea (Slight Return) article after reading the comments from TKF. I thought I was making a point about rapid renomming but it wasn't aimed at your article as I respect your work and as a general contributor around here. So as I was delayed for three days, this is a belated vote in favour. --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 14:00, July 20, 2010 (UTC)

Ah, thanks Romartus, I appreciate it. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 15:45, July 20, 2010 (UTC)
I disrespect your work around here. I'm spray-painting over all of it as we speak! Do something about it. Punk. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 03:34, July 21, 2010 (UTC)
I will. Punk. Oh, and the Redskins suck. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 03:36, July 21, 2010 (UTC)
Low Blow. Low blow. But I've moved to the Cincinnati area now, so I get to watch the Bengals stink it up on TV every week. Which stinks, BUT, at least I'm not allowed to watch Washington blow themselves up week in and week out. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 03:38, July 21, 2010 (UTC)
Hey man, Cinci's looking pretty decent this year again. Keep in mind they went 11-4 last year against teams not called the New York Jets. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 03:40, July 21, 2010 (UTC)
Buh. They wrote a HowTo on choking away games at the end there. And by choke away games, I mean Carson Palmer looked awful. Dreadfully awful. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 03:42, July 21, 2010 (UTC)
True, but he hasn't exactly got very many weapons to throw to. I mean, when your best receiver is a 33-year-old named Ochocinco... —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 03:46, July 21, 2010 (UTC)
It would have been better for everyone if T.J. Houshmancatherinezetajones had stayed. He had a dreadful year in Seattle with a dreadful team. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 03:55, July 21, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, it seems nine times out of ten big free agents wind up sucking on their new teams. Like Albert Asshat, I mean Haynesworth. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 12:59, July 21, 2010 (UTC)
He actually wasn't terrible last year. He just wasn't any good either. A shame really. I guess it's kind of nice that you don't have to worry about any big name free agents stinking it up in Buffalo. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 14:31, July 21, 2010 (UTC)
Hah, well we did have to deal with a very mediocre TO last year. And Haynesworth definitely didn't live up to his $32 million pay check. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 15:00, July 21, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks Guildy![edit source]

It was an insightful review; I'm going to read through Moby-Dick again and see what more fun I can make of it (alternatively, and more probably, I may just go to Wikipedia for a summary if when I get tired of the encyclopaedic parts again). Also, ship puns are the new fish puns. Also also, trust me, I was trying to fit Starbuck/Starbucks in somewhere, and the only way I fit Starbucks in (I'm sure you noticed) was a link gag. But since (as you doubtless do not wish to know) I will be expanding on the "frame narrative" by having two sub-sections under the Contents and features section ... never say "never say 'never say never.'" Again, appreciate the review! MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[02:58 21 Jul 2010]

Glad you appreciate it so. I realize a lot of my suggests were very much on the vague side, mostly because I haven't actually read the novel yet. I plan to, though, hopefully sooner rather than later. Anyway, glad to be of help. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 03:31, July 21, 2010 (UTC)
Also, ahem. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 03:33, July 21, 2010 (UTC)
Wait, I voted on that. Is it not getting votes fast enough? Give it time, it'll rise to the top ... right? MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[03:51 21 Jul 2010]
Oh, you did vote for it. Right after I nommed it. Duh. I'm just so instinctively inclined to whoring I completely forgot. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 13:00, July 21, 2010 (UTC)

OK, so I tried extending/condensing stuff; there's some deviation from the encyclopædia angle, and it might feel a bit redundant. Thoughts? MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[23:13 22 Jul 2010]

I'll take a look at this for you this afternoon. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 13:34, July 23, 2010 (UTC)

Read all about it! The UnSignpost rides again![edit source]

--ChiefjusticePSX 14:02, July 22, 2010 (UTC)

Konbanwa/Ohayō kozaimasu Guildensternenstein-san[edit source]

(I'm certainly not young enough to be called MacMania-kun—oh, I wish I were)

(oh, and I almost said おはようこざいました—I can never tell when to say -ました and when to say -ます, although the latter's probably more proper)

Thanks for the review! Spot on with the concept—basically I saw "HowTo:Become Japanese" or something like that on the requested article list, read some HowTos in that vein, feared what might happen if somebody else actually wrote it, and decided to send up the blasted namespace. (Yes, that blood bag image was inspired unlike any other—only a mind as twisted as mine could come up with that from a reading of Japanese nationality law.)

So, on to actual distillation—needless to say, I've obviously had Charlotte the spider's illiterate grandchildren just grabbing random bits from other HowTos and pasting those onto their cobwebs. (Strikeout jokes rarely work, and I should know since I use them so much.)

  • Should I drastically reduce 2a? It helps maintain the impression (despite hints to the contrary in the TOC—which I think may be running into the flag because of 2c's very long title) that it's a straightly done HowTo, but then again, as you say, it's a tad bit common and as such loses comedic quality.
  • Should I expand on 2b? The running gag as is falls a bit flat, I'm afraid, and perhaps more content in each item and outside of the list as well (maybe drawing the list out into a few paragraphs, even) might help with humour ...
  • What about 2c? I like it as it is—short and bitter (with what TVTropers might call a Double Subversion of a trope)—but perhaps some more anti-racist ranting could help.

Sorry for dumping this on your talkpage, and thanks for the review! MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[04:48 26 Jul 2010]

Right, thanks. Tried a few things out, but I don't believe I'm done yet. Do you want to suggest anything further to do before I drop this in the review queue a second time? MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[19:25 26 Jul 2010]
I'll look this over and give you my thoughts this evening after I get out of work. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 15:55, July 27, 2010 (UTC)
Hurrah, thanks! Changes incorporated, I think. Time for another week in the review queue (and blast it, it's 0500 again for the second time in a row today) ... MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[04:05 28 Jul 2010]

Upsilon Sigma Sigma July Newsletter[edit | edit source]


Well guys, its been exactly 5 billion years since I last did a newsletter and I thought doing one would be a good way to get everyone back into the fold for August. Big things on the horizon for August for Upsilon Sigma Sigma.

First thing's first: Welcome to our newest brothers, Maniac1075 and Happymonkey39! Hopefully you guys will stick around and become regular contributors to our little project here!

Secondly, unfortunately there wasn't really a July collaboration. That's partly my fault from being absent most of the month because of work. The June collaboration, Taco, that got roughly finished and reviewed around mid-July will be our collaboration for both months. Go ahead and head on over to the collaboration page to vote on whether we send the article to mainspace or not and be sure to nominate an article for the que, also found on the collaboration page.

Third, some asshole (cough MadMax) redirected weird to odd, but bad news for him; we're doing weird as our collaboration for August anyways. This one is going to be epic guys, like Tim Burton epic. I'd like an 'all hands on deck' turnout for this one. We'll begin sometime around August 1 or second. I was thinking the approach for the article should be from the perspective of a high school misfit who's unaware how weird he is describing other kids as being weird. or something... Once the collaboration page is up and running we'll hash it out on the discussion page.

Lastly, and I know I constantly pound this, we all need to start doing requested articles individually. This is supposed to be a big part of USS, but our frat has morphed into mainly a collaboration group. Lets try and focus on those individual requested articles over the next few months.

Looking forward to ramping this thing back into gear with you guys in August!

Founder -- Sir SF13 (Talk) Upsilon Sigma Sigma's last completed collaboration GUN WotM RotM FBotM VFH SK Maj. ΥΣΣ 21:37 EST 28 July, 2010

Re: Yahtzee[edit source]

OK, the main problem, as people voting on the first VFH nomination pointed out, is accessibility, I think. Most of your other articles in this style are either about very famous filmmakers or actually take some time to coherently explain the person's background, style, etc in some detail if not exquisitely. The ZP article seems to lack a bit in this regard—as a ZP fan I get that this is imitating the rambling, borderline coherent style of the narration, but the sections with biographical information or subject exposition frankly seem to go all over the place, and it's probably confusing to non-fans. In conclusion, you need to go in a solid, visible direction with each section like you do with your other articles, so that it becomes more easily readable and thus more accessible to those outside of the Yahtzee niche. Don't completely lose the train of thought—throw in the occasional one-liner or visual pun once in a while while retaining coherence; that's what makes Yahtzee rather hard to imitate, I think. (The reviewer, not the dice game.) Hope this is not too harsh and somewhat helpful—MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[03:22 31 Jul 2010]

Speaking of Yahtzee the dice game, there's a missed visual pun opportunity right there. Heh. MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[03:23 31 Jul 2010]
I've considered doing stuff along those lines, but the joke (obviously) as that it's an article about Yahtzee done in the style of Yahtzee, and I don't want to toy with that too much. Basically more people should watch Zero Punctuation, and therefore get the joke. One of these days I'll revisit it, though, I guess. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 04:39, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

Somewhere in the Enrichment Centre...[edit source]

Thanks for voting for Portal! MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[13:42 1 Aug 2010]

Tag, You're It[edit source]

Gerry's 24 hours ran up and I drafted for him. Your turn!--DRStrangesig5.png Sherman.png Fingertalk.png  23:00, August 3, 2010 (UTC)

I drafted. Now you get to auto for IWKY!!!! Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 01:25, August 8, 2010 (UTC)

Hi![edit source]

That is all -Dame Sonjesig.pngCherry-blossom.gif 20:25, August 4, 2010 (UTC)

Yay, Sonje's back! —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 04:07, August 5, 2010 (UTC)

It's new and it's news! It's the latest UnSignpost![edit source]

Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 16:02, 5 August 2010

You're quite a helpful reviewer[edit source]

so I was wondering whether you'd be able to remark on a few more of my articles (the ones on the review queue, plus Cuban Missile Crisis). Not necessarily full-on reviews if you're busy—just some general remarks/suggestions would do just as well. Hope that made the slightest bit of sense—MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[22:31 5 Aug 2010]

Hmmm, I'll give one or two of them in the queue a review when I get the time, probably tomorrow or the day after. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 01:18, August 6, 2010 (UTC)

You're up[edit source]

Well, indirectly, but you need to atuopick that shit. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 04:52,8August,2010

Again, the ball in is your court.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 12:54, August 9, 2010 (UTC)
T-T-T-T-T-TIME TO AUT-T-T-T-T-O-PICK! Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 21:36, August 10, 2010 (UTC)

I WILL KILL YOU BITCH[edit source]

It's his turn. Go pick for him. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo -

Thanks![edit source]

I am eternally grateful! Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 11:29, 10 August 2010

I was checking over the pee queue and...[edit source]

Russo-Japanese War is bloody hilarious. I was going to review it but I only really have two suggestions to make. They are:

  • Move footnotes 3 & 4 into the main text, they are too funny to be hidden away down there, and I don't think they'd interrupt the flow.
  • The "nobody cares" link was a bit predictable. At least, I saw it coming. Perhaps cut that.

Anyway, If I'd have come across the article some other way, I'd have definitely nommed it. --Black Flamingo 17:06, August 10, 2010 (UTC)

Why thank you. I suppose I could integrate the third footnote into the text, though the fourth one is definitely more of an aside based off the point than the point itself, and should probably stay a footnote. And I do agree that the Nobody cares link is predictable, but I needed some sort of segue into the sections on the war itself, and that seemed as good a method as any. Also, if you think it's that good, feel free to nominate it. I'm going to make a couple-three revisions right now, so yeah. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 17:21, August 10, 2010 (UTC)
Actually, I think I meant the first, not the fourth, I agree on the fourth. Although you could probably move the second up too. I'm not sure what to suggest about your segue. You could just basically explain that there were a lot of reasons for the war (as you already do) but then just say "but these aren't as exciting as giant robots killing drunken Slavic farmers" - or something to that effect. But whatever, I trust you know what you're doing. See you over at VFH. --Black Flamingo 18:10, August 10, 2010 (UTC)
(maybe try one of these links?)  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  14 Aug 2010 ~ 17:55 (UTC)

Auto-pick Joe[edit source]

Then do yourself. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 00:21,11August,2010

FIX'D - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 02:55,11August,2010

I was actually seriously considering taking Vernon Davis but I already had Crabtree and don't like stacking people from the same team unless it's QB/WR. I got Davis last year for nothing. I'm a big 49er fan and I heard a lot of hype about him so I was picking him up in my 3 drafts last year way at the end - one even as a FA after the draft was over. I sure hope he has a good 2010 because my real team needs him.--DRStrangesig5.png Sherman.png Fingertalk.png  08:39, August 11, 2010 (UTC)

Indeed. I honestly thing the 'Niners are going to own that division this year--11-5, I'm thinking. Plus I think Davis could have an even bigger season than last year, per the 'Niners' improved line and stability at quarterback for once. Hell, even if his stats drop a bit, him getting something like 800 yards and 8-10 TDs makes him more than worth it where I got him. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 13:13, August 11, 2010 (UTC)
I'm hoping that the chemistry will be better with Crabtree in year two and maybe he'll sneak into the bottom of the top 10 fantasy WR's this season at the very least.--DRStrangesig5.png Sherman.png Fingertalk.png  15:38, August 11, 2010 (UTC)
Hmm, perhaps, though the 49ers probably don't through the ball enough for that. You never know, though, he certainly has the talent to be a Top-10 guy. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 16:34, August 11, 2010 (UTC)
They started an "air it out" campaign last year, the players wanted it, and then they suddenly backed off it at the end of the season and I'm under the belief that it was mostly a personnel issue - The O-line. If they can protect better this year that extra half second to scan the field is going to pay dividends. These guys want to throw the ball, I know that much.--DRStrangesig5.png Sherman.png Fingertalk.png  16:41, August 11, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, but with that line and Frank Gore, I don't know how much that's going to happen. Plus Singletary is a ball-control kind of guy. At best they're going to use the run to set up the pass, and run a lot of play actions, I think. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 17:35, August 11, 2010 (UTC)

A letter from Filmmakers for Lens Flare[edit source]


Thanks for supporting Lens flare! MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[19:53 11 Aug 2010]

Ugh[edit source]

So Rahab is taking forever to make his pick. I probably won't be here Tonight, so if he doesn't pick Jason Witten, give me him. If he does, give me Tony Gonzales.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 21:14, August 12, 2010 (UTC)

Sure thing Brad. And I often read RAHB's name as "Ray-Hab", for some reason. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 00:04, August 13, 2010 (UTC)
Whelp, it's morning, and shockingly I got the guy I targeted. It's your turn now, good sir.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 11:08, August 13, 2010 (UTC)
And now you get to do 4 autopicks. Shockingly, Matt Leinart is still available. Give all of them him. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 17:06, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
Why do you say that? Have they either been AWOL or said to pick for them?--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 17:22, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
Dunno. Guildy told me on my talkpage that he had four straight auto-picks to go after me. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 17:49, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
I see. Thanks for the info.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 18:35, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
Well, Guildy, using the numbers from Yahoo, your last couple of autopicks have skipped the Jets defense (which is way up there at an average of 55th pick), then it's Pierre Garcon, Minnesota's defense, and finally Jeremy Maclin of the Eagles. I've been told you've been asked to sutopick for the next four picks, but I have no such insider information, which is why I'm not entering them in, but there you go.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 18:35, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
Really? Fuck. I didn't even think to look at D for those few picks because defenses usually don't start going until the late 70s. Ah well. No one likes picking D anyway. Anyhoo, I'm gonna do those autopicks now. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 01:08, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, I'm one of the anal-retentive guys. Usually about the dumbest stuff, too.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 02:08, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Your turn. I picked the autopicks, so it's your turn to pick a player. The bad news is that there isn't a highly-rated receiver left. The good news is that there are a lot of great defenses to choose from.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 18:20, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
You're up again. The pickens are getting slimmer. It almost looks like time to start going with backups, though there are some good kickers left. Have fun.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 10:54, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for the help on the board. That's part of the reason why I put it up there, so we can be on the same page on how to autopick.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 21:17, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
No problem Brad. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 23:18, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
Possibly time for an autopick (unless the other one gets to it first.) Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 14:29, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

Bring me Chekhov's gun! No, not Pavel Chekov's phaser, you imbecile![edit source]

Thanks for giving Chekhov's gun a great review and voting for it! MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[17:10 16 Aug 2010]

And right back at you with an ありがとうございます[edit source]

Thanks again for a review and a vote! MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[23:47 17 Aug 2010]

Porcupine Tree[edit source]

So I gave Porcupine Tree a listen. My first thoughts were: this is shit! and I pretty much dismissed them. But you know what? It's really grown on me. Kinda like musical fungus. --Black Flamingo 20:11, August 18, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, I wasn't really a fan at first either. Some of their older stuff is kinda meh, as they went through an ironic-psychedelic phase and a pseudo-alt-rock phase, but everything from In Absentia on is excellent, in my opinion. Especially Deadwing and Fear of a Blank Planet. If you haven't listened to either of those albums front-to-back, I suggest you do so, because they're both great. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 04:37, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

BACK TO[edit source]

you. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 15:27,19August,2010

League[edit source]

Lovely. Got to the page, got "You are not allowed to view this page because you are not in this league. (Error #152)". So, as I've not done this kind of thing before, how does one actually join said league? --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 09:55, Aug 20

[1] - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 16:16,20August,2010

Ruddy hell! It's the UnSignpost[edit source]

--ChiefjusticePSX 12:04, August 20, 2010 (UTC)

About the fantasy football league...[edit source]

Why did you create it now, when the draft hasn't finished yet? It's just kind of odd, is all... <insert name here> <(^_^<)Meh.Meh. Meh. or something like that 23:51, August 20, 2010 (UTC)

Why not create it now? Typically, most leagues are created before their drafts even take place, so yeah. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 00:02, August 21, 2010 (UTC)

I just drafted for Gerry, who was taking too long, so it's your turn.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 12:11, August 21, 2010 (UTC)

Back to you/ - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 16:45,21August,2010

draft[edit source]

hey, can you put me on autopick for the remainder of the draft? i'm getting really frustrated trying to find the best players available and i'm crunched for time since the semester is starting. SirGerrycheeversGunTalk 01:06, August 24, 2010 (UTC)

Sure thing, Gerry, best of luck to ya. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 01:12, August 24, 2010 (UTC)
'Tis your turn again, Guildy...--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 11:07, August 24, 2010 (UTC)
AGAIN - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 15:06,24August,2010

We saw the sign that said "No Salesmen or Agents" but we came in anyway[edit source]

Thanks for the vote! MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[15:04 24 Aug 2010]

Yo ref[edit source]

Go ahead and autopick the last few of mine, in the interest of time. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 19:24,25August,2010

Sure thing. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 19:27, August 25, 2010 (UTC)
Starting.....NOW! GO! Do your Auto-picking thing! Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 14:17, August 26, 2010 (UTC)

The following preview is the only thing standing between you and the feature presentation, bwahahahahaha[edit source]

Thanks for the vote! MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[19:51 26 Aug 2010]

'Tis your turn[edit source]

To everything turn, turn, turn. It appears to be a turn for you to pick a lot of players at once.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 11:21, August 27, 2010 (UTC)

Faintly peeved. I only checked back to see if it was my go, and I find my go's been taken despite me not requesting such, and there still being time left for me to take it. I know I put up the vacation template, but generally, I do ask if I'm not going to be around fully - see lest weekend's post on the forum. Ah well. If that def and that kicker blow and cost me the whole thing, guess I'll just track you down and kill you mercilessly. Sound fair? --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 21:52, Aug 27
Oh, thank God. I was worried I'd picked for you and accidentally screwed up or something, but it was just Guildy. I wouldn't worry about those players. Defenses are just short of being completely random, and he gave you a good kicker.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 00:53, August 30, 2010 (UTC)

I[edit source]

made a team, sorry for being idle for a long time. Reasons better go unexplained--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 23:17, August 29, 2010 (UTC)

No big deal man, nice to have you back. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 04:01, August 30, 2010 (UTC)
Good to be back--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 04:03, August 30, 2010 (UTC)
Hey, the kicker you just gave to Joe got autopicked earlier in the round. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 14:22, August 30, 2010 (UTC)
Really? Shit. He was still on Brad's board. I'll fix that right now. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 14:29, August 30, 2010 (UTC)
Kevin Boss has also already been drafted (the guy Gerry just got). -RAHB 20:22, August 30, 2010 (UTC)
Son of a bitch. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 21:13, August 30, 2010 (UTC)
'Tis your turn, dude.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 22:14, August 31, 2010 (UTC)
Draft is done.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 10:19, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

You're on the list[edit source]

at UnNews:UnNewsAudio#Other writers whose stuff got broadcast. Add your national flag, if you care. Spıke ¬ 02:16 3-Sep-10

Wow, thanks for doing an audio! (You think that UnNews of mine is feature worthy? I think it might have a shot, but I'd like a second opinion.) —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 04:34, September 3, 2010 (UTC)
Fuckin' go for it, man. Explode fire.gif Explode fire.gifNeon Green Hammer And Sickle.PNG - Not particularly sincere, Sir ColinAYBExplode fire.gifCUNExplode fire.gifVFHExplode fire.gifWhoringExplode fire.gifMore Whoring Explode fire.gifat 04:42, Friday 03 September 2010 - Neon Green Hammer And Sickle.PNGExplode fire.gif Explode fire.gif

Thank You![edit source]

Icons-flag-pi.PNG Pirate Lord__Sonic80 (Yell  •  Latest literary excretion) __ 17:57, September 4, 2010 (UTC)

Special Thanks, Guildy![edit source]

Faithfullservant2.png CONGRATULATIONS!


Your vote of confidence is crucial for our continued efforts to realize the galactic potential of Judgment Inc. Teamwork will be essential in the pursuit of our goals and we appreciate your patience during this transitional phase of our growing company and it's subsidiaries.

I can assure you that your sacrifices are being noted and the management team suggests that you to read the book of Job as many times as possible in order to make your life seem more like paradise by comparison. Don't forget that first born males are due by the end of the fiscal year so don't delay submitting your offering.


I was wondering why this article was being overlooked and didn't want to throw a hissy fit about it. Thanks for the nom! --DRStrangesig5.png Sherman.png Fingertalk.png  11:15, September 7, 2010 (UTC)

No problem Doc. Thanks. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 12:22, September 7, 2010 (UTC)

Happy day of being pushed out of a vagina[edit source]

Even though I already said it on Facebook, I'll stop in again. Birthday. Yours. Happyish. Prostitute. - ho scopato tua madre nel culo - 21:57,8September,2010

UnSignpost - This is definitely not late; you're just drunk[edit source]

MegaPleb Dexter111344 Complain here 12:54, September 9, 2010 (UTC)

Starting lineup? Dammit![edit source]

I thought you were gonna just plug in our players when you created the teams. Now I'm down points! Ahhhgh! (or something). Can you fix it or should I swap out some of my crappy players real quick to try and re-capture my kicking & defense points?  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  10 Sep 2010 ~ 03:56 (UTC)

I can't fix it--sorry. And I'd hang onto those "crappy players"--it's better to have depth at things like RB and WR instead of at kicker and defense. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 05:17, September 10, 2010 (UTC)
This is truth you speak... I bet you're right though, If I drop them for one week they might get taken before I can put them back.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  11 Sep 2010 ~ 00:49 (UTC)

Something or other[edit source]

Sorry for asking this in (probably) the wrong place, but I rewrote HowTo:Sell Ice to Eskimos (first rewrite, not what you'd see today) about a month before joining Der Unwehr. Would that still qualify as a rewrite for Der Unwehr or not? I didn't think that it would, but I thought to come and ask before doing anything, by which I mean doing nothing. Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 20:17 Sunday, September 12, 2010

Well, if said rewrite is an improvement over the original, than yeah, sure. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 00:15, September 13, 2010 (UTC)

MINDFUCK[edit source]

Icons-flag-pi.PNG Pirate Lord__Sonic80 (Yell  •  Latest literary excretion) __ 20:52, September 14, 2010 (UTC)