Tell me your age, gender, sexual preference, location, favourite race colour, whether or not your parents were abusive towards you, and your actual job and how much money you get paid at said job. Also, what is your favourite Uncyclopedia article? And your credit card number, with the CVV number that's on the back? That's important, too. I need this information. Also, what kind of car do you drive? People judge you on that. MegaPleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 04:46, April 12, 2010 (UTC)
- This should tell you all you need to know. ~ Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* ~
~ 12 Apr 2010 ~ 04:55 (UTC)
- You first, Dex. :P • • • Necropaxx (T) {~} Monday, 06:06, Apr 12 2010
- Why?:Do I need to provide this?--<<
>> 20:58, April 12, 2010 (UTC)
Too much detail! but you know what I'd like? An ongoing "push-pin map" of Uncyclopedians. Until I get to know you by your comments, it helps me to remember you to get a sense of where you're from. Spıke ¬ 11:28 17-Apr-10
- For your "research," no doubt. You'll never blackmail me, Dr. SPIKE! NEVER! • • • Necropaxx (T) {~} Sunday, 02:42, Apr 18 2010
Name: Edward Thatch
- Age:27
- Male
- Totally Homo
- Caribbean
- Mulatto
- Red
- YES ;_;
- Processional Maritime Booty Interceptor/Global Warming Deterrent
- 40,000 Doubloons after taxes, but I don't pay my taxes.
- Mastercard 4332 2964 2001 5580, security code 851
- I don't have a car, I have a boat.
20:26 EST 13 April, 2010Name: Modusoperandi
- Age: 97
- Gender: Thundercat
- Sexual preference: The kind without a penis
- Location: Easter Island
- Favourite
racecolour: None. I loves all the sexy ladies. Sadly, their standards are far higher than mine - Whether or not your parents were abusive towards you: No. They were only abusive towards my friends, going so far as to refer to them as "One of your stupid friends is on the phone for you" when they called
- Your actual job: I don't have an "actual" job. I have an imaginary one. It's pretty awesome
- How much money you get paid at said job: Yes
- Also, what is your favourite Uncyclopedia article? That one I read that one time (currently Rogue punchlines)
- Your credit card number, with the CVV number that's on the back?: Mastercard 4332 2964 2001 5580, security code 851. Now.
- What kind of car do you drive?:
The kind that goes "Vroom! Vroom!", and the intake goes "Pah-rack! Pssssh!" while the exhaust goes "Pop! Pop-pop!" when I let off the gas. It's pretty sweet. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 01:24, April 14, 2010 (UTC)- Disregard. After saving paychecks for too long, I got a new car (if you sit silently, you can hear it depreciate). When running, it's eerily quiet, with no vrooms, psshs or pops. It also does 0-60 in five seconds. And, yes, I'm over-compensating for my shriveled manhood. Poor little doodle. It looks like a raisin. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 06:12, April 20, 2010 (UTC)
- Lies! You couldn't possibly be a day over 75. -- Simsilikesims(♀UN) Talk here. 03:12, April 17, 2010 (UTC)
- You've been fooled by my youthful disposition, dagnabit. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 03:35, April 17, 2010 (UTC)
lard ass mother fucker shit fuck head
- Age: 19
- Gender: Dude
- Sexual Preference: Dudette
- Location: New Jersey, USA
- Favourite colour: the one that invented the hippity hop music
- Abused by parents?: Fuck no.
- Occupation: Lazy smelly asshole who doesn't do anything all day except masturbate and be a pathetic loser
- Favourite Uncyclopedia article: This website isn't funny (all the time). I'll tell you what my LEAST favourite is though: what the fuck is this shit
- Credit card: Don't have one
- Automobile: I have truck, but I don't drive it. See Occupation
--Roman Dog Bird 07:04, April 16, 2010 (UTC)
Someone who enjoys games entirely too much
- Age: Almost 40
- Gender: Female
- Sexual preference: Mature, faithful, unmarried, straight men. In other words, an extinct species.
- Location: Washington state, USA
- Favorite color: Metallic gold
- Abused by parents?: No, unless you count a lot of SHOUTING.
- Occupation: Tax preparer
- Favorite Uncyclopedia article: Undecided.
- Credit card: They're all maxed.
- Car: Fifteen years old, and missing a front left turn signal.
-- Simsilikesims(♀UN) Talk here. 21:50, April 16, 2010 (UTC)
- Lies! There are no women on the internet! Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 23:32, April 16, 2010 (UTC)!
- I'd rather be at the mall, with a $5000 mall gift certificate. But I don't have one, so.....-- Simsilikesims(♀UN) Talk here. 03:17, April 17, 2010 (UTC)
- Age: 18. Woo!
- Gender: 100% real man
- Sexual preference: I love me some wimmin. Whether they like me, though...
- Location: Going back to Cali in a week.
- Favorite color: Blue. Why not.
- Abused by parents?: Does taking away video games for the day count?
- Occupation: Slacker. I have a second job as a college student, but I only work nights and days before exams.
- Favorite Uncyclopedia article: Wayyyy too many to pick just one.
- Credit card: Mastercard 4332 2964 2001 5580, security code 851
- Car: I walk. Don't you?
• • • Necropaxx (T) {~} Saturday, 00:47, Apr 17 2010
- Age: 225 moons
- Gender: Supermale (with two extra phalli instead of middle fingers)
- Location: Ægyptüs
- Sexual Preference: BOOBS!!
- Favourite Race: NASCAR
- Favourite Colour: I'm a metalhead, so take a wild guess.
- Abusion: I abuse my parents. I does!
- Job: is that holy dude who had lotsa patience, right?
- Money: Yeah, I have some of those.
- Favourite Article: A CCTV Nativity
- Credit Card: is ebil!!!1oneoneleven!1
- Car: Public transport.
SIRE FREDDMOOSHA AMUSE ME 03:02, April 17, 2010 (UTC)
Your real dad (sorry you had to find out like this)
- Age: 13 years older than you
- Gender: ::sigh:: Male (The fact I'm not your mom should have tipped you off)
- Location: Here and there (I'm in the Navy)
- Sexual Preference: Cougar
- Favourite Race: Yours
- Favourite Colour: Norse
- Abuse?: Hold on, I'll be right back. Ok, now I can honestly say yes, finally.
- Job: Priest by day, seaman by night.
- Money: I pass this question. Can I pass?
- Favourite Article: Are you colour-blind?
- Credit Card: Visa (naturally)
- Car: Delorian.
--<<>> 03:07, April 18, 2010 (UTC)
Name:Oh you know my fucking name
- Age: Oh you know my fucking age
- Gender: Oh you know my fucking gender
- Sexual: preference: Oh you know my fu....females.
- Location: Oh you know my fucking location
- Favorite race color: Tannish-brown
- Whether or not your parents were abusive towards you: Isn't it obvious?
- Your actual job and how much money you get paid at said job: Oh you all know I don't have a fucking job. Gawd.
- What is your favorite Uncyclopedia article? This
- And your credit card number, with the CVV number that's on the back? Oh you know I don't have a fucking credit card yet. Quit judging me! ;_;
- What kind of car do you drive? Lamborghini.
—Pelozurian (talk) 08:05, 18 April 2010 (UTC)
- Age: Post-industrial.
- Gender: Woman. In a man's body.
- Sexual preference: To me, "sexual preference" has one term too many.
- Location: Right now? Sitting at my desk.
- Favourite race colour: I never go to them races.
- Whether or not your parents were abusive towards you: Whether.
- Actual job: Where?
- How much money: A lot, please!
- You get paid: Thank you, that's mighty nice of you!
- At said job: This doesn't compute.
- Favourite Uncyclopedia article Anything written by me except some of them, and quite a few written by others. Sorry, UnBooks:The Stranger.
- Your credit card number: I've already given it, Jesus Christ. You lost it again?
- CVV number that's on the back: 2
- That's important, too: That I'm not a pervert.
- I need this information: What's your credit card number?
- What kind of car do you drive?: Fuck cars. I don't have a license, motherfucker.
Simon Cowell/Marjorie Cameron
- Age: of Aquarius.
- Gender: Siamese-twin, so we have one of both.
- Sexual preference: Siamese twin, I said. She plays with me. He plays with me. We play with everybody else. It's all good.
- Location: Who's that knocking at your door?
- Fave colour: Obviously teal, him. Invisibility, her.
- Did our parents abuse us: Does licking our balls/labia count?
- Job and income: Let's just say we want for nothing, except for some more parents to lick our stuff.
- Favorite Uncy article: Many, but not anything at all now, except for this guy's user page, which we've asked him to put on main so we can VFH nom it, but he never answered. Neither of us Siamese twins can read the writing, but everytime we look at the pictures-that-tell-the-story one or the other of us cracks up.
- Credit card number: If you have to ask you can't afford to know.
- Car driven: Either the horse and buggy or the Hummer, depending on our mood and if the horse is already in harness.
- --Aleister in Chains 12:13 18 and 12:35 19 4 MMX
Name: Necropaxx
- Age: It said it on my userpage for like, a month, god.
- Gender: The non-feminine one.
- Sexual preference: Dexter, you and your cute ass both know my sexual preference.
- Favorite race/color: Why do I need to provide this?
- Abusive: Still waiting on that one...
- Favorite Uncyclopedia article: Ooh, that's a tough one. I love Kurdish Military Industries, Jewish Cuisine, Why?:Pour Boiling Hot Water Down Your Trousers?, Why?:Hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat seven or eight times, and a bunch of others...I'll pass.
- I was almost completely serious...huh.--Sir ~HELPME~ Count! Awards! Pee! Help! 16:07, April 18, 2010 (UTC)
- Age: Middle
- Gender: I hab a penis
- Sexual preference: Pulse required
- Location: Melbourne
- Favourite colour: Asian
- Whether or not your parents were abusive towards you: No mummy, don't put the knitting needles in my ears!
- Actual job: Call centre person sales thingy
- How much money you get paid: About half of what I'm worth
- Favourite Uncyclopedia article: None - I hate them all
- Your credit card number: I have 11 different credit cards, and no credit available
- CVV number that's on the back: You're right, it is!
- What kind of car do you drive?: Ford Falcon Ghia 1995 sedan green
- CVV number that's on the back: You're right, it is!
- Your credit card number: I have 11 different credit cards, and no credit available
- Favourite Uncyclopedia article: None - I hate them all
- How much money you get paid: About half of what I'm worth
- Actual job: Call centre person sales thingy
- Whether or not your parents were abusive towards you: No mummy, don't put the knitting needles in my ears!
- Favourite colour: Asian
- Location: Melbourne
- Sexual preference: Pulse required
- Gender: I hab a penis
WTF am I thinking?
- Age: OVER 20 (unlike most of you)
- Gender: HUGE COCK AND HUGE BALLS (I hope it's not cancer)
- Sexual preference: Hot chicks (the human kind)
- Location: Belgium
- Favourite
racecolour: Nigga Gold - Whether or not my parents were abusive towards me: Psychologically, yup. Sexually, nope.
- Actual job: None
- How much money I get paid at said job: None
- Favourite Uncyclopedia article: This one, definitely
- Credit card: None
- Car: I don't need a car! I can fly like Superman!
- 03:00, 19 April 2010
H. John Ashley
- Age: 19
- Gender: Male pretending to be female
- Sexual preference: All of them
- Location: Perth
- Favourite race/colour: The greenish-brown mountain people found on the Louisiade Archipelago in Papua New Guinea
- Were my parents abusive? Yep.
- Job: Space-paleontologist specialising in orthodontics
- Money: I pay them to let me work.
- Favourite Uncyclopedia article: UN:W
- Credit Card: Too poor to have one.
- Car: I have a trailer lugged around by a WWII Spitfire. When I graduate this is where I will have my clinic.
10:53, Apr 19, 2010- Wait, what? • • • Necropaxx (T) {~} Monday, 17:59, Apr 19 2010
- "Gender: Male pretending to be female". This? SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME 18:18, April 19, 2010 (UTC)
- So he's a crossdresser. I'm more worried about the "space-paleontologist specialising in orthodontics" part. I mean, a dentist searching for teeth from space dinosaurs in your mouth? Wow.
- How have you all missed the scariest point? He's/She's actually from Perth! Nominally Humane! some time Tuesday, 06:22, Apr 20 2010 UTC
03:48, 20 April 2010
- So he's a crossdresser. I'm more worried about the "space-paleontologist specialising in orthodontics" part. I mean, a dentist searching for teeth from space dinosaurs in your mouth? Wow.
- "Gender: Male pretending to be female". This? SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
That Faggot with the Beard
- Age: Almost 20
- Gender: Manly Man
- Sexual preference: Womenly Women
- Location: Buffalo, NY, home of America's shittiest sports teams.
- Favorite color: White, Black, Blue, Red
- Abused by parents?: I abuse them.
- Occupation: Full-time student
- Favorite Uncyclopedia article: All the ones I write.
- Credit card: Hah, I wish.
- Car: Ditto.
—Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 21:52, April 19, 2010 (UTC)
Dude, like, what...?
- Age: 17
- Gender: Dude
- Sexual preference: chicks
- Location: South Florida
- Favorite color: Green or Blue... depending on the day
- Did our parents abuse us: my ears hurt...
- Job and income: Procrastination, school
- Favorite Uncy article: How to turn on your computer, I lost your ferret
- Credit card number: idfk, and im too lazy to look for it.
- Car driven: 2009 Lincoln MKX, shit'd be nice if i ever got off my ass and cleaned it...
Lieutenant THEDUDEMAN Dude ... Totally UOTM KUN GotA F@H 03:30, April 20, 2010 (UTC)
The Right and Left Honourable Major Sir Reverend Zim_ulator
- aged 51
- gender male
- sexual preference I prefer good sex.
- location Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
- favourite race colour bioflavanoids
- whether or not your parents were abusive towards you not with power tools
- your actual job UnNews Editor, Minister, Lifestyle Consultant, Pothead
- how much money you get paid at said job nothing whatsoever
- what is your favourite Uncyclopedia article? Hyena blazing
- your credit card number, with the CVV number that's on the back? I live strictly by the barter system
- Also, what kind of car do you drive? People judge you on that. 1994 Teal Toyota Corolla DX'