User:Hiatus Hernia

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Commander of the Order
Rescuing unused images since 2010.

Completed (in chronological order of mainspacing)[edit | edit source]

Works in Progress[edit | edit source]

Rescuing unused images since 2010.

Other things I plan to do[edit | edit source]

  • Review.
  • Proofread.
  • Write things that I sincerely hope don't end up being embarrassments.
  • Stalk other people's talk pages.
  • Wallow in my own shame.

My Embarrassing Awards (also in chronological order)[edit | edit source]

Pee Reviewer of the Month Reviewer of the Month February 2010
Thumbs up2.jpg
This user created All Quiet on the Western Front, an article originally requested on Uncyclopedia:Requested articles. You're welcome!
Thumbs up2.jpg

Memory Stuff[edit | edit source]

User:Hiatus Hernia/stuff