User talk:HELPME

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I love you.[edit source]

Really. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 02:40, 20 November 2011

<3 You're amazing. --HM (T) 03:02, November 20, 2011 (UTC)
I'll eat your dog. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 04:04, 20 November 2011
no dont u jurk --HM (T) 07:05, November 20, 2011 (UTC)
Naw, I couldn't, really. She's too nice. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 09:12, 20 November 2011

UnSignpost - 24 November 2011[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 02:10, 24 November 2011

UnSignpost - 1 December 2011[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 05:14, 1 December 2011

UnSignpost - 8 December 2011[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 00:22, 8 December 2011

UnSignpost - 15 December 2011[edit source]

--ChiefjusticeXBox 10:26, December 15, 2011 (UTC)

UnSignpost - 22 December 2011[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 03:48, 22 December 2011

UnSignpost - 29 December 2011[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 00:53, 29 December 2011

UnSignpost - January 5th, 2012[edit source]

UnSignpost - 12 January 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 01:01, 12 January 2012

UnSignpost - 19 January 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 15:05, 19 January 2012

 :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)[edit source]


CLICK HERE--ShabiDOO 10:01, January 24, 2012 (UTC)

UnSignpost - 26 January 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 08:26, 26 January 2012

UnSignpost - 3 February 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 03:09, 3 February 2012

UnSignpost - 10 February 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 10:22, 10 February 2012

UnSignpost - 18 February 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 07:54, 18 February 2012

UnSignpost - 23 February 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 01:46, 23 February 2012

UnSignpost - 1 March 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 00:23, 1 March 2012

Pee on your Goddess[edit source]

The Imperial Colonization Discordianism has been Pee Reviewed. I have no authority anymore to tell anyone to do anything, but check it out anyway! Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Discordianism (2) User:Why do I need to provide this?/sig10 03:26, March 5, 2012 (UTC)

UnSignpost - 8 March 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 00:21, 8 March 2012

UnSignpost 5 April 2012[edit source]

9001(bot) Icons-flag-gb.png HalIcon.png MrNCyber.JPG 20:34, Apr 5

Hey you[edit source]

Given the rules have changed I thought I'd come here and whine. Why do you never call me? Nominally Humane! 09:50 09 Aug

Because you aren't Blondie, obviously. also how has life been and all of that jazz--HM (T) 09:52, August 9, 2012 (UTC)
Same old. Work, sleep, banned from Uncyc, became admin at mirror site, unbanned here, work, sleep. You know how it goes. Nominally Humane! 10:03 09 Aug
Yeah, I saw that. I did a double take when I saw your name while I was looking through the block log. I was kind of in the mood to read up on some drama so I took a few glances I'm out of touch with what's going on here. I've been gone longer than I thought... --HM (T) 10:11, August 9, 2012 (UTC)
He forgot to mention how he was elected prime minister of Australia whilst he was banned. Well, "elected" is somewhat misleading. More like "overthrew the government in a bloody struggle which culminated with the severing of the previous PM's head from her body with the chainsaw bolted to his left arm," or, as they call it down there, "Tuesday". ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngThu, Aug 9 '12 10:15 (UTC)
That's a complete fabrication. It was Friday after pub closing time. Nominally Humane! 10:18 09 Aug
Sorry, I thought Friday was Alligator Armageddon down there. ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngThu, Aug 9 '12 10:22 (UTC)
That too. Friday after closing gets bloody messy. Nominally Humane! 10:24 09 Aug
What about Friday before closing? ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngThu, Aug 9 '12 10:30 (UTC)
Don't know. I never remember that bit. Nominally Humane! 10:38 09 Aug
It may be a misconception of mine, but I thought it was Thursdays when you lot drank a barrel of beer each, then put on gloves with bullants woven into them and played "kill the guy with the English accent." ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngThu, Aug 9 '12 10:45 (UTC)
This is all very informative. --HM (T) 19:36, August 9, 2012 (UTC)

my life updates in the 1000 years I've been gone[edit source]

- I'm in college now and it's actually a lot of work but I kinda like having stuff to do

- I have way more real life friends than I used to!!! college makes it easier to find people you like, I've found

- I'm on break right now but when I get back I'll probably actually go out and have a life and all of that stuff like I did last semester!!! wow hooray

- since I'm out of high school I might have stopped going through so many weird phases. uncyclopedia may have had to deal with my emo I hate the world phase but it thankfully was spared the other ones

- I don't take responsibility for any of the embarrassing things I said when I was younger. I'm sure there were a lot but I don't even want to look through them because I know I'll cringe and I'd rather just not remember

- I've started doing creative writing but I don't post any of it on the internet because lol scared. I probably will post stuff once I revise it a bit more and finish the writing class I'm taking this semester, though. I also spend a lot of time procrastinating on doing that writing because for some reason I even procrastinate on things I actually want to do???

- I went through a tough time a few years ago and since then I've watched my life slowly get better and more stable to the point that I'm pretty happy with where I am right now

- I've learned how to actually do work properly and got good grades last semester :D gonna take on this semester with all I've got and keep that streak going

- I'm coming here because I want to see everyone from THE OLD DAYS

- was I ever really anal about grammar when I was really active before? I don't really remember but if I was then oops sorry. I really stopped caring about that and a lot of the time nowadays I don't even use capital letters because I'm lazy/I want to make it obvious that I'm not serious. is that weird

- my life was so active in school but now that I'm on break I've had like nothing to do hence my re-appearance

- it's 4 AM

- my cat is SO CUTE and we've been getting along a lot better than we did when I was younger. he jumps on my lap a lot even when I'm doing other things which is kind of rude but I love him anyway

- current life mission is getting over social anxieties. I'll figure that one out somehow

- basically: hi --HM (T) 07:58, 26 July 2015 (UTC)

Nohkixel? MUN MyOwnBadSelf, The BFDI Fan (talk - stalk - block) 08:05, 26 July 2015 (UTC)
i...don't understand --HM (T) 08:13, 26 July 2015 (UTC)

a/s/l?[edit source]

 ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngSun, Jul 26 '15 13:34 (UTC)

age: 19
sex: male
location: virginia
but you should really take me on a date first >:( --HM (T) 19:14, 26 July 2015 (UTC)
Holy shit I was so sure my question wouldn't get a response that I didn't even look back for three months. ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngTue, Oct 27 '15 2:23 (UTC)

HMC2015[edit source]

I haven't seen you sign up for [Monkey]. I know that was an oversight on your part. I will forgive you once you sign up. I'll cut off one of your family members fingers every hour until you do. YEAY!!! happy times. If you cannot can always be a judge. The more judges...the better! ShabiDOO 16:38, 31 July 2015 (UTC)

random thought because this is my talk page and i do what i want[edit source]

I really try not to be all "disillusioned veteran user" about stuff like this but the environment on the wikia site has really gotten so unpleasant. it's not like how uncyclopedia was when I was around; back then, things were mostly relaxed and fun and you weren't constantly trying to not piss people off and get yourself banned. there were people to have fun and make friends with instead of spike, romartus, and like three other active non-banned users (including me). I mean, you could always get banned, but usually the reasons weren't totally stupid or the lengths really excessive. it seems like spike bans just because he hates everyone and not because he wants to improve the community or the site. I know complaining about spike is cliche, but he really has made the environment a lot more hostile and it doesn't help that he randomly accuses people of things like attention-seeking. nobody really seems to be having fun. i remember when everyone was excited to help out and pee review and write articles and win awards while talking with their friends. there were like little mini-communities within the main one, like the pee review people and the maintenence workers and the writers doing collaborations, and those little places were where you would make your friends. now nobody is motivated at all. i checked the double redirects there and there were 12. there used to never be even one. there's just no fun there anymore, at least not from what i've seen. it's sad. also, wikia keeps glitching all the time and it's really obnoxious --HM (T) 01:19, 6 August 2015 (UTC)

Uncyclopedia is the Worst for both pointless drama AND self-opinionated asshats whose only contribution is complaining about what they think other people should be doing. If you want fun its practically up to you to make it, cause no fucker else will do it for you. Ultimately when any group fractures a lot of the dynamics that keep things flowing are lost, from my perspective both sites are shadows of their former selves, not damaged beyond repair but its clear that for many its still like an open wound. At some point you've just got to accept that the other party isn't just going to fuck off and die and that there isn't going to be any closure in any of this. Just. Move. On. If you're interested in bringing positive change to the site I wrote a handy guide... -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
ok --HM (T) 13:49, 6 August 2015 (UTC)
I could of course be entirely wrong. :) Online communities are strange beasties. A wiser man than I once said "be the change you wish you see in the world" and I think it holds true here as much as anywhere else. Collaborations from little mini-cliques and cabals form naturally, try bouncing around an idea with someone, or pick up something to colonise and fix up. The more people do stuff the more it seems to push others to do stuff... -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
It's okay to vent a little. Losing something you enjoyed doing because of one horrible human being fucked everything up is maddening. To get most of the anger out (lol) I wrote an article that was clearly about that very thing. It was called free hugs. Which reminds me...I should polish that off and finish it! ShabiDOO 14:25, 6 August 2015 (UTC)
Regardless of why people are having issues with the Wikia site, it is pretty cool to see a few more people popping on here. Is Fun! The Woodburninator Wood burning.gif The vote was legitimate!  15:30, 6 August 2015 (UTC)

Happy Monkey Competition 2021[edit source]


Hey its HAPPY MONKEY TIME 2021 (Feb 21-28). Your favourite writing competition where we write articles on one another's suggested topics. Go ahead and sign up because the more users we have competiting the more ridonculously fun it is. If you don't wanna write you can sign up to judge! Sing up here. Remember it's not about writing a sure fire VFH article, but pushing the limits of your originality and creativity and spitting out an article on a topic you had never thought about writing before. Also...Shabidoo will love you forever and owe you like a zillion favours for it. He will literally do anything to please you if it means you participate. Happy Monkey Farts!!! ShabiDOO 15:40, 10 February 2021 (UTC)

It's beginning to look a lot like…[edit source]

Seasons Greetings!

It's that special time of year. A wonderful time for friends and family to rejoice in gaiety. Not you! You usually spend all of your hard-earned money on gifts for them, and now you just want to hibernate until your finances recuperate. Well, here at Uncyclopedia, entering our newest competition won't cost you a penny Sign Up Today! (pretty please) ~Formerly Annoying Crap 14:52, 13 December 2021