User talk:Lyrithya

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Look, it's broken.[edit source]

Broken! (talk) 16:30, 12 January 2019 (UTC)

Ahahahah so that's the problem. It doesn't like our fancy sigs. -— Lyrithya 16:37, 12 January 2019 (UTC)
Athyria: Is mine too fancy? Shouldn't be, but... -— Lyrithya 16:38, 12 January 2019 (UTC)
Okay, great. I just don't get mention notifications from other people because their sigs are too templatey. Good to know! -— Lyrithya 16:40, 12 January 2019 (UTC)

On Arthur's block[edit source]

Hi, I just happened to see that Arthur is now indefinitely blocked on this project. Although I did find that Arthur has been abusive on Wikipedia, I didn't see him abusing on Uncyclopedia, and I don't think that block was appropriate (because Wikipedia and Uncyclopedia is a different project). Or... did I simply miss anything? Just I wonder, because if that's the case, I may need to think about his permissions on Uncyclopedia 2.0 as well.--The Pioneer Visit my Japanese Page on Usopedia! 09:50, 12 February 2019 (UTC)

The block was due to his unrepentant behaviour bragging here about his abuse of Wikipedia (and others), which is just trashy. If they do it and it doesn't tie back to them here, we ain't so likely to care, though. I'll admit it's a little unusual to ban someone indefinitely for such, but his entire account was just plastered with it, so if he wants to make/has already made a new account that isn't such a bragbot, that would be a lot more acceptable. -— Lyrithya 10:00, 12 February 2019 (UTC)
Hmm. OK, I understand. Thanks for your reply.--The Pioneer Visit my Japanese Page on Usopedia! 10:10, 12 February 2019 (UTC)

Backup[edit source]

I co-admin another wiki, and the wiki's founder asked me to find out how can we back up the wiki? So I'm asking you as I'm not Mr. Computer Tech Guy. King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  01:21, 16 March 2019 (UTC)

Alden Loveshade: Write some scripts to do periodic db dumps and to automatically copy those and new files and stuff to a separate location so you have them in at least two places, and use git or something for your config (but maybe not the private bits, or at least don't include those in whatever you copy externally) so in a pinch you can re-set it all up quickly. You can probably find other people's solutions for this floating around already, unless everyone is as bad as it sounds. (Backups? What are backups? Why would we need backups?!) -— Lyrithya 22:23, 16 March 2019 (UTC)
I appreciate your suggestions, but you're talking to someone who barely has an inkling of some of what you're talking about. I don't even know how to make my own Uncyclopedia signature without copying and pasting someone's else's code. Is there a way for an ignorant person like me to do this? King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  00:49, 17 March 2019 (UTC)
Alden Loveshade: You might want to consider just paying someone else to do it, then. Some hosting providers will include general backup service (protecting against outages, deletions, etc), if that'll be enough for your needs, or there's folks who do mw-specific services as well, such as this. -— Lyrithya 01:37, 17 March 2019 (UTC)
Thanks for that. We may go with that, or do the export thing which would probably take significantly longer but be free. King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  01:26, 18 March 2019 (UTC)
Bear in mind that the export won't be complete, though it will contain the most important stuff (the specific content). For a complete backup, you will need to dump the databases and images directory. And bear in mind that even running this manually every couple of months will be better than nothing, too. -— Lyrithya 04:26, 19 March 2019 (UTC)

Thanks from Necyklopedie[edit source]

Dear Lyrithya, thanks for your effort with moving our project. I think fast everything is OK, some lists and stats are not updated, but that´s not a problem. I would like to ask, how to link for donation page for / Which way of payment is the best from the Czech Republic? Personally, I don't have any experience with PayPay… --Karkos (talk) 18:22, 2 April 2019 (UTC)

  • If the things continue to not update indefinitely, you might need to have us manually do something to them and see what's going on, so do let let us know.
  • I don't know. Maybe try paypal and see what happens (Uncyclopedia:Donate)? And if it does't work or such, or in general, do you have any ideas or recommendations what we should do? Like I might be in prague in may, so you could just collect anything now yourself and then throw some cash at me then and I'll... uh, probably not spend it all on hats before it finds its way into the accounts. -— Lyrithya 19:13, 2 April 2019 (UTC)
Thanks. Meanwhile I found that PayPal accepts payments without registration, so it is easy. I´ll make also some link from our main page.
According to the stats we have 3975 articlesální:Statistika but we used to have more than 4000 and nothing get lost. So I hope the statistics would be updated sometimes. Here: we have 4041 files.
If you wish to see someone in Prague, suggest a day and time :-))) --Karkos (talk) 09:42, 3 April 2019 (UTC)
All right, great. Maybe the issue with the articles is what's being considered content namespaces? What all should those be? Because I reran the sitestats and came up with an even lower number this time. -— Lyrithya 16:40, 3 April 2019 (UTC)
Actually you know what, I think special:statistics is just being dumb. As long as the other numbers check out, I wouldn't be too worried about it? -— Lyrithya 16:42, 3 April 2019 (UTC)

Signature template problems[edit source]

Lyrithya, I copied one of my signatures from the other U site. It works there fine, but here I'm getting the message "Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls". It's the signature I'm using here. Any idea how I should fix this (or if you want to feel free to fix it yourself). User:Alden Loveshade/sig28 16:21, 5 April 2019 (UTC)

I can't fix it because I'm blocked, but you seem to have two 'image =' lines in it, so I recommend killing the first one. -— Lyrithya 16:47, 5 April 2019 (UTC)
Looks like you blocked yourself. In any case, your suggestion worked to fix my bad code, so thanks! King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  22:48, 5 April 2019 (UTC)
Yes. Good. -— Lyrithya 22:50, 5 April 2019 (UTC)

Formal request[edit source]

Hello Lyrithya. As you may know, I am a sysop of UnMeta and a bureaucrat of the Galician version of Uncyclopedia. Well, I'm acting as a Wikimerda broker to negotiate a possible wiki transfer to your server. I would like to know the pros and cons for the community to discuss about the way out. If you ask me, yes, a lot of users are dissatisfied with Carlb and they proposed me as an ambassador to negotiate. I need a brief answer if possible. Thank you very much. Rhubella selo-02.png Rhubella Marie, the rat sockpreppie preppiedits Rhubella selo-01.png 15:45, 17 August 2019 (UTC)

@Rhubella Marie: So in a word, yes, we would probably be willing to take you on, but be aware we're a bit tight on resources at the moment and it might be some time before we'd be fully ready ourselves (like a month or two before we could feasibly start, regardless of how soon your own community might make a decision).
Anyway, cons of our hosting:
  • Our servers aren't exactly lightning fast, especially when people do dumb things with DPL.
  • We run more up-to-date and secure versions of a lot of the software, so a lot of things like DPL and logo images and other random stuff may break/need to change how they're formatted to work with the versions we use/maintain.
  • There are some things we will not install/allow, for performance and security reasons.
  • Our backend team is currently down to one dedicated person who is barely clinging to sanity (me). Used to be another, but he may actually be dead this time. We have a few other folks who pitch in from time to time, but their availability varies wildly.
  • We don't currently have dumps available because our other guy died in the process of fixing it. If and when it's really needed we'll figure it out then, but I have a bit of a backlog?
  • Fairly reliable servers.
  • Tend to be pretty responsive about issues. If there's a flat-out outage and I'm not paying attention, throw a brick at me on discord and that'll usually get my attention; smaller stuff we also try to fix pretty quickly, but may not get on it right away.
  • We vet and install extensions on request, and have people qualified to do security and performance review... around. Basically you can just ask about config changes and installations and we'll probably do it.
  • We run up-to-date and secure code, as much as is feasible.
  • Technical sides of things run by actual MediaWiki devs who are a part of the Wikimedia technical community, so we do tend to know what's what and what not to do around this stuff.
  • We open source our work and work with other communities outside those we host as well, so things tend to be more robust and better meet everyone's use cases, and are a lot easier to maintain...
I hope that helps. -— Lyrithya 16:13, 17 August 2019 (UTC)

Desciclopédia[edit source]

Olá. Eu sou um dos usuários da Desciclopédia Lusófona, e gostaria que você me ajudasse. Há algumas semanas eu tenho organizado uma pequena tarefa em que é necessária a criação de um novo namespace na wiki. Acontece que eu não sou sysop, e os atuais sysops de lá estão acostumados com o MediaWiki obsoleto e estão tendo problemas com este MW1.31. Já requisitei a Alhazred que criasse o tal namespace, mas nenhum dos sysops e burocratas consegue encontrar qualquer página onde possam fazer isso. Já fui aos manuais de ajuda do MediaWiki e as informações que encontrei foram inconclusivas. Isso fica mais difícil ainda porque nunca fui sysop em qualquer wiki que não pertença ao Miraheze... Fui procurar ajuda lá na UnMeta e me informaram que você poderia ajudar.

Tentei contactar Carlb há alguns dias, e estou sem resposta até agora.Smalkade (talk) 23:13, 21 November 2019 (UTC)

@Smalkade: Yeah, sorry, hopefully this has been sorted out by now, but it can really only be done server-side. There are some extensions for doing it wiki-side (I think carlb did previously maintain one), but they don't... really integrate very well into MediaWiki itself...
If you're still not getting a response from carlb, I don't know what to say. -— Lyrithya 22:45, 17 December 2019 (UTC)
Don't worry, he has already answered me himself and will create the namespace. It turns out that there really was a unique extension for managing namespaces, but MW1.31 doesn't support it. Anyway, thanks for replying to my message. Merry Christmas!Smalkade (talk) 22:47, 23 December 2019 (UTC)
All right, good to know. Thanks! -— Lyrithya 20:32, 19 January 2020 (UTC)

DMCA link?[edit source]

Lyrithya, have you considered putting a DMCA link at the bottom of every Uncyclopedia page so you can handle DMCA requests? (This message is serious. I love Uncyclopedia, but I do not want a copyright violating vandal to paste content from outside. I did notice a few legal pages but I do not think they are helpful enough to handle DMCA requests and they predate the forking from Wikia.) Awesome Aasim 21:31, 12 December 2019 (UTC)

@Awesome Aasim: We don't really do DMCA, as such, (not based in the US), but is there some problem with the current options? Namely:
  • Fix it onwiki (edit the content, nominate for deletion, whatever)
  • Complain onwiki, either on the relevant talkpage, to specific users, or any forum
  • Email legal(at), which we specifically created for this kind of thing, and has gotten some relevant emails already, so clearly folks have been finding it
  • Complain at random users through any other channels (twitter, other wikis entirely, random email, etc) - we also get a bit of this, and it's mostly total garbage, but hey, it's an option
I'm also a little unclear what you expect of this proposed link: what would it actually take people to? One of the above? Something else? -— Lyrithya 22:52, 17 December 2019 (UTC)
Maybe just a link to the copyrights page? Awesome Aasim 01:06, 18 December 2019 (UTC)
@Awesome Aasim: That's actually kind of difficult. Could you go get some sort of consensus on a forum or something to justify the effort? We gotta add a whole pseudo-extension into the projectsettings file(s) just to add a bloody footer link. So it's doable, but mw sucks, we should also probably localise it somehow, and I'm lazy. -— Lyrithya 16:33, 19 December 2019 (UTC)

Bug In QVFD Gadget[edit source]

See MediaWiki talk:Gadget-quickvfd.js. Awesome Aasim 01:10, 18 December 2019 (UTC)


























Formal request 2[edit source]

Hello again, I know that after the last request we didn't talk again but now I have come to request a favor. I don't know if you know but lagum tempo had created the Galician version of Illogicopedia on Miraheze but with time due to Carlb's suspicions and my preference for Desgalipedia made me withdraw. In addition, I was more active in Wikimerda. However, due to the quarantine I started editing the Portuguese version of illogicopedia and I realized that all the wikis I created on Miraheze were deleted for having passed the 6 month period without edits.

Well, I would like to recreate the Switchboard from scratch but this time on your server. Since it would take too long to personally request Carlb and the best proposal would be to translate some articles from the English version until I got used to differentiating the style to be used in Galician illogicopedia from that of Galician uncy. You don't need to answer me in a hurry, since I'm under quarantine. Once you're ready just let me know. Rhubella selo-02.png Rhubella Marie, the rat sockpreppie preppiedits Rhubella selo-01.png 09:28, 5 May 2020 (UTC)

@Rhubella Marie: Could I actually recommend ShoutWiki for this? You can create a wiki for whatever once you've confirmed an account, and they generally don't need to delete even inactive wikis as they're supported by advertisements, so your content should be fairly safe there. What do you think? -— Lyrithya 19:47, 11 May 2020 (UTC)
@Lyrithya: I would have thought it a good idea if I hadn't left Miraheze's wikis because I didn't have much confidence in them. I believe that over time they may be similar to Wikia. Based on that, I know that no wiki hosted with Carlb will decide to leave his tutelage because of the trust you have in him. However, the fact that you are more independent and are able to pull most of the large wikis that were on Wikia gives a certain credibility to new projects.
Second point, only one wiki was there a justification for leaving UnMeta and the vote fluctuated in favor of joining its server. Unfortunately, the vote changed against with the votes reflecting the opposite score. On the contrary, I have motivations with Miraheze and I see that there are motivations for the case of the Japanese version being in the same situation that happened with Uncyclopedia and the Russian and Polish versions. About UnMeta, new wikis should not be created for some time since Carlb is no longer active and as the Galician version of illogicopedia neither existed, it would be necessary to be created where the other wikis are as a counterpoint and mainly there is a place to retrieve drafts that edit and be able to save if any UnMeta server goes down. In my case, I have even worked a little on Malucopédia (Brazilian Illogical) but the task would be better to be able to work on a text in the English version and to be able to translate it into Portuguese or Galician (without any influence from the existing versions of the existing uncys). Rhubella selo-02.png Rhubella Marie, the rat sockpreppie preppiedits Rhubella selo-01.png 04:37, 25 June 2020 (UTC)
@Rhubella Marie: I'll be honest, I'm not sure I understood about 90% of that, but ShoutWiki and Miraheze are not at all related. I'm not particularly keen on hosting anything besides uncyclopedias, illogicopedias, or other directly related projects here, but I stand by my recommendation of ShoutWiki for such usage. Especially for any projects that would consider, ShoutWiki's team consists of several of the same people, myself included, and should be considered just as trustworthy, if not more so. -— Lyrithya 19:06, 6 July 2020 (UTC)
Sorry if I was not clear in explaining my reasons, but in part Desligapedia was an illogicopedia in the Galician version. Rhubella selo-02.png Rhubella Marie, the rat sockpreppie preppiedits Rhubella selo-01.png 22:36, 10 July 2020 (UTC)
(PS:) Sorry for the interruption but a French user came to question a different problem in UnMeta Rhubella selo-02.png Rhubella Marie, the rat sockpreppie preppiedits Rhubella selo-01.png 22:32, 10 July 2020 (UTC)
@Rhubella Marie: Ah, sorry. I'll go find the other server guy and see if we can figure this out. Assuming he's not homeless again. -— Lyrithya 17:54, 14 July 2020 (UTC)

Take a look here[edit source]

Hi Lyr, how are you? We need to add a touch of female musical taste to our playlist, please help. ~ Kakun · talk 00:42, 9 July 2020 (UTC)

@Kakun: I assure you, I have no taste. -— Lyrithya 02:26, 9 July 2020 (UTC)
Think about it at least... we wanna know what you like, even if it socks ass. ~ Kakun · talk 06:02, 9 July 2020 (UTC)
@Kakun: Uuuuh... I like... the Hu? That's a modern extant musicality, right? -— Lyrithya 17:30, 9 July 2020 (UTC)
No such thing. Music never extinct. ~ Kakun · talk 18:01, 9 July 2020 (UTC)
@Kakun: Maybe. -— Lyrithya 21:08, 9 July 2020 (UTC)

EMC said I can pester you about creating Protectedpagetext[edit source]

Hello. Can you replace the following code in MediaWiki:Protectedpagetext with this:

 | {{FULLPAGENAME}}|= {{#ifexist: Template:Editnotices/Protection/{{FULLPAGENAME}}
    | {{Template:Editnotices/Protection/{{FULLPAGENAME}}|$1|$2}}
    | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|1|1}} | Special:Upload
       | {{Generic image names|protected}}
       | {{#switch: $1
          | protect | editprotected = {{protected page text/full|$1|$2}} <!-- Fully protected -->
          | #default                = {{protected page text/semi|$1|$2}} <!-- Semi-protected -->
         }}{{#switch:$2|edit|create={{editnotice load|notice action = view}}}}
 |#default = <!-- defer to MediaWiki:Cascadeprotected -->

Thank you!!! Mr. Saed & Let’s chat & 22:26, 15 May 2020 (UTC)

Another question from France[edit source]

Hi, it's the french dumbass person who just asked for help over at UnMeta, for convenience sake, I'm going to Ctrl+c/Ctrl+V continue the conversation here, I guess. Anyway, first thing first, thanks a bunch for the help ! But there's another we wanted to ask you regarding the rights of the articles, specificaly what licence(s) they fall under. There is a bunch of contradicting informations left from ye olden wikia days on our site and it's quite confusing. This is in regards of a possible commemorative book project we're trying to work on right now (It's quite a nebulous thing at the moment to be honest, so sorry if my question is not clear). Again, thanks in advance. WTHellias (talk) 00:35, 11 July 2020 (UTC)

@WTHellias: Happy to help! As for the licenses, from what I can tell, all submitted edits should be licensed under GFDL and CC-BY-NC-SA, per fr:MediaWiki:Copyrightwarning, as that's the release that appears when people edit, and thus inherently agree to. Given it's basically said this since 2006, and we updated the license in the footer to reflect that these are what the edits actually are, I think it's safe to say that's what the site as a whole probably is? So you should be able to use either of those, or anything compatible, with any content not explicitly submitted as something else (such as files)...
Also please bear in mind that I have no legal knowledge and probably have no idea what I'm talking about. -— Lyrithya 17:07, 14 July 2020 (UTC)
Ok, thanks for the response, I'll report it to the other morons and we'll yell at each other about the meaning of it all till we reach a conclusion. Not gonna lie, knowing us, the conclusion will probably be to go on strike, but with some luck we may manage to do something better. Going back to France now, bye ! WTHellias (talk) 17:51, 14 July 2020 (UTC)
I love uncyclopedians. -— Lyrithya 17:55, 14 July 2020 (UTC)
The hilarious thing here is this sounds exactly like what wikimedians do, except with more self-awareness. -— Lyrithya 17:57, 14 July 2020 (UTC)

Opinion[edit source]

I want to report a problem that came as a tsunami and can cause complications for me.

An administrator at UnCommons made an improper block based on an offense to a friend outside his home wiki the problem that he is a banned user on the home wiki has only aggravated it. Second, there is a known fact that I am also a banned user of such a site and even though I am not creating problems with the aforementioned wiki, there are conversations about electing a bureaucrat from such a wiki to watch over me. This is a total abuse.

At least 2 years ago I was warned by The Pionner that Carlb could remove my administrative powers if he entered according to other users if it was convenient. I am not a representative of the Desciclopédia but of other projects that in fact are seen by the wiki as rivals or even plagiarism of it. I would like to ask, if you would be willing to make a possible request to leave the UnMeta and, the two versions of Uncyclopedia in Galician (Desgalipedia) and Mirandese (Çciclopédia) would be accepted on your server taking into account that I am the only active user.

Sorry for the request but the crisis is escalating and there is a possible new attempt at hegemony of the Brazilian version, I ask this question. Rhubella selo-02.png Rhubella Marie, the rat sockpreppie preppiedits Rhubella selo-01.png 19:25, 11 August 2020 (UTC)

@Rhubella Marie: Okay, so you want these two projects to be moved here? Can you post a forum or something there stating this, such that anyone else could object/we can clearly establish a consensus (of one or whatever) that this is what the community (even if it is just one person) wants? And link that?
Also do you have reason to believe carlb would actually remove your rights on these projects? Am I understanding that's the main concern and reason for wanting to move at this point? (And you also wanted to create a new illogicopedia?) Sorry, I've been a bit confused by this, and a whole lot of other things, lately. Did not mean to leave you hanging this long. -— Lyrithya 23:46, 22 September 2020 (UTC)

ilogicopedia[edit source]

Hello, I have come to ask you something. The Ilógicopedia, the Spanish version of the Illogicopedia, is hosted in miraheze. Unfortunately its only administrator is missing and the wiki was abandoned. We need someone to adopt her. Would you adopt her? -- (talk) 15:56, 20 September 2020 (UTC)

Uuuh okay, do you have a more reliable way to talk about this, maybe make an account or something and send me an email/set it up so you get email notifications (here or on en.?pedia or whatever)? And if it's totally abandoned, send me some links, and we'll see what to make of it? What's miraheze's policy regarding dumps? Why can it not be reclaimed there? And is it just you wanting to adopt the project, or do you have a quorum of any sort of community? Are you an existing user? -— Lyrithya 23:40, 22 September 2020 (UTC)

Request for an oversight[edit source]

[1], [2], and [3]. User reveals to be a minor. It has been RevisionDeleted but I am requesting a suppression. That information should be further hidden. Thanks. --Gale5050 complain about me! And see my Wikipedia contributions! 02:16, 20 January 2021 (UTC)

Sorry to "butt in" here, but dude, what? I have looked at the diffs and found no objectionable "PII" that needs suppression, or even revdel for that matter. An age group that consists of a general category of seven years is not nearly enough to identify an individual. Additionally, the all-knowing wise-cracking team of Skynet engineers at Google tells me that there are approximately 45 million people within that age group located within the country of Indonesia, and furthermore, there is no evidence that the individual in question here has "[revealed themselves] to be a minor", considering that approximately 29% of people within that age group are not considered minors. Even if this user *were* a minor, there is absolutely no need for any of us to remove that information, considering that (1) it appears to have been done without their knowledge or consent, especially important because this one word is not by any means objectionable, (2) we do not seem to have precedent for disallowing members of the community to identify as minors within their userspace, and (3) there is absolutely no way in hell that these "clues" will allow a bad actor to identify this one user out of over 40 million within the nation of Indonesia. This is some of the most unusual bureaucratic nonsense that I have ever seen on this site. You are not an administrator here, and I would suggest that you continue to abide by your sanctions and abstain from engaging with administration in matters like this which are unimportant and do not concern you in order to avoid a permanent ban. — Capitalis quadrata Y.SVG (talk) (contributions) 20:51:35 2021/01/20 UTC
Yeah, man, just write shit. Be funny. Don't worry about all this. The server is definitely not on fire and everything is fine. -— Lyrithya 20:59, 20 January 2021 (UTC)

Happy Monkey Competition 2021[edit source]


Hey its HAPPY MONKEY TIME 2021 (Feb 21-28). Your favourite writing competition where we write articles on one another's suggested topics. Go ahead and sign up because the more users we have competiting the more ridonculously fun it is. If you don't wanna write you can sign up to judge! Sing up here. Remember it's not about writing a sure fire VFH article, but pushing the limits of your originality and creativity and spitting out an article on a topic you had never thought about writing before. Also...Shabidoo will love you forever and owe you like a zillion favours for it. He will literally do anything to please you if it means you participate. Happy Monkey Farts!!! ShabiDOO 15:19, 10 February 2021 (UTC)

FARTS. -— Lyrithya 18:56, 10 February 2021 (UTC)
Happy monkey farts ShabiDOO 20:26, 10 February 2021 (UTC)
Yes. Sadly I don't think I'll have time to participate, being several months behind on everything I'm trying to do already, but it pleases me greatly regardless to see you doing this. -— Lyrithya 16:48, 12 February 2021 (UTC)
Yeah thanks. I was thinking fondly of the very first competition (my first real article here and you actually tied for first place). Was fun. Hope you can participate some year in the future :) MONKEY HUGS! ShabiDOO 17:23, 12 February 2021 (UTC)
One day. -— Lyrithya 21:29, 25 February 2021 (UTC)

About those new userroles[edit source]

Hi Lyrithya,

Would it be a possibility to grant sysop users the right to add and remove Abusefilter-helper and ipblock-exempt (both to self & others), whilst making extendedconfirmed userright an implicit (auto-assigned) userright, at 500edits + 30 days (similar to Wikipedia)? Adding roles without making them accessible is, well, baking a half-baked chicken pie.  Cassandra  (talk11:59pm  February 25, 2021

Yes, I saw this the first time. -— Lyrithya 00:02, 26 February 2021 (UTC)
Eh, maybe I'm a dumb person who can't realize that people have two eyes and not zero.  Cassandra  (talk12:03am  February 26, 2021
Psssst, the "implicit" part still hasn't been taken care of.  Cassandra  (talk12:04am  February 26, 2021
Yes it has? What are you talking about? -— Lyrithya 00:17, 26 February 2021 (UTC)
The role is somehow still "removable" after you acquire the userright, and shows up in "Member of:" instead of "Implicit member of:" in Special:UserRights. So... that might need to be fixed, since it should be a part of the "implicit member of" group instead of the normal one. User:Kev/s
It can be taken away from people who, er, you don't like. I think you know who I mean. It only autopromotes once; after being removed manually it needs to be added manually back if you change your mind. (Someone gave me the impression it was modelled after the enwiki config, so I copied the enwiki config.) -— Lyrithya 01:02, 26 February 2021 (UTC)
Well, maybe remove the ability to self-remove the role, and add the ability for admins to grant and remove the role at will? That should fix many of the problems present with the current configuration.  Cassandra  (talk01:05am  February 26, 2021
They don't have that? Unless they're admins/crats. -— Lyrithya 02:00, 26 February 2021 (UTC)
Seems like you fixed it. Well, I meant that admins were completely unable to assign the role at all.  Cassandra  (talk02:11am  February 26, 2021
Oh, that's what you meant. The config is soup. -— Lyrithya 02:43, 26 February 2021 (UTC)

Yet another something else[edit source]

Hi Lyrithya,

Would it be a possibility to add abusefilter-log-detail to the Abuse filter helper user right?

Also... I know that you're probably sick of me bugging you all the time, so maybe adding mw:Extension:ManageWiki upon an upgrade to MediaWiki 1.35 wouldn't hurt. Ciao!  Cassandra  (talk03:38pm  February 27, 2021

And make sure to remove the extendedconfirmed right from the manually confirmed user group. JJP...MASTER![talk to] JJP... master? 16:10, 27 February 2021 (UTC)
'Make sure to'? Really? -— Lyrithya 17:42, 27 February 2021 (UTC)
********also JJP...MASTER![talk to] JJP... master? 17:46, 27 February 2021 (UTC)
You realise we're volunteers too, right? Please don't order us around. -— Lyrithya 17:54, 27 February 2021 (UTC)
It wasn't intended to be a strict order; I just said "make sure to" out of habit. JJP...MASTER![talk to] JJP... master? 18:01, 27 February 2021 (UTC)
Not a good habit - because it's explicitly phrased as a reminder, it implies not just an order, but one that shouldn't even need to be pointed out, where there has already been a failure involved. Unless the context in which it is used makes it clearly a reminder only and not condescension, it's phrasing I'd probably recommend avoiding in general. Especially as this case this is the first time the issue has even been brought up. -— Lyrithya 18:12, 27 February 2021 (UTC)
In the future, unless you're actually paying us, please just ask. And even if you are paying, asking and expressing needs as opposed to using commanding tones still tends to lead to folks being far more inclined to even want to deal with you as a client... -— Lyrithya 18:14, 27 February 2021 (UTC)

Config changes done. I don't trust the source of that extension, but fortunately most of this is pretty straight forward anyway - the problem with the last batch of changes was largely just that it wasn't really clear what y'all wanted to begin with or especially what that meant in terms of the config itself, so I don't expect an extension would have helped there regardless. Hopefully if something like this comes up again it'll just do so when the sysadmins are less, er, almost dead - we're normally a little more capable than we've been lately. -— Lyrithya 18:20, 27 February 2021 (UTC)

Alrighty - don't worry about it, most of the admins here are deceased anyway. The aforementioned extension is one that is used primarily on Miraheze; it allows for some editing of the LocalSettings.php file by bureaucrats. The admins here can always continue to bug either you or another sysadmin for much of that stuff though, so.... yeah.
Have a good weekend!  Cassandra  (talk01:44am  February 28, 2021
Yeah, the problem is Miraheze doesn't exactly have the best track record for security and whatnot, and when one of the worst offenders is apparently an author/maintainer, that's... not something we really want to deal with.
Anyway, thank you both for your vigilance and checking back with what needs fixing/updating! Sorry about getting so testy about the wording. -— Lyrithya 19:30, 2 March 2021 (UTC)

Huggle message[edit source]

Hi _Lyrithya!

Uncyclopedia has been on a growth spurt as of recently, and as such, we are introducing a brand new feature to the table tonight: Huggle! Yes, the same tool you know and love from Wikipedia has made its way into the Uncyclomedia Foundation's impenetratable walls.

Huggle makes it easy to revert vandalism, leave messages to users and basically speedily process edits here on Uncyclopedia. You may also use it to block users and do other things, if you are a sysop!

To use Huggle, you must be both extended-confirmed (having 500 edits and 30 days' existence), and you must also have rollback rights. If you are an admin who does not have either of these rights, feel free to grant them to yourself. Some features, such as page protection and user blocking, are locked behind the walls of adminship.

If you wish to install Huggle, feel free to do so now! For assistance, please contact either JJPMaster or Cassie, who are jointly responsible for this implementation of Huggle.

Have a wonderful day, and may Sophia bless you, Charlie the bot (talk) 01:39, 28 February 2021 (UTC)

Extension:ConfirmEdit upgrade[edit source]

Hi Lyrithya,

Many Uncyclopedias, including,, and, have been receiving relentless amounts of spam as of recently, including user creation spam. This is most likely because mw:Extension:ConfirmEdit is simply not working; even the MW page states that the FancyCaptcha that we are currently using has been cracked and is extremely easy to bypass.

Do you mind swapping FancyCaptcha to QuestyCaptcha, and adding a few simple questions which can be answered by any human? Examples could include:

  • What is the capital of this country named Canada?
  • what is the 10th word on the article Lorem ipsum? // If a page is referenced on such a captcha, it has to be fully protected with a special marker (almost like an office lock)
  • What is the primary language spoken in England? // Questions like these won't require any page to be protected, but may be easier to crack
  • What is the sixth letter in the word "Uncyclopedia"?

Otherwise, if MW is upgraded to 1.35+, Hcaptcha, which is arguably more effective, could be used.

Spam only hurts the Uncyclomedian ecosystem, and as such, any additional efforts taken to combat it would be very highly appreciated! Have a good day,  Cassandra  (talk12:27pm  March 11, 2021

Man, you don't need to write an essay, this is definitely an issue. Since we probably want to keep the things themselves out of public access, though, could y'all email me an actual list of question-answer pairs, or maybe sort it out on discord and ping me there, or use the admin wiki, or... whatever? Thanks. -— Lyrithya 13:37, 11 March 2021 (UTC)
Yeah... well, I'll DM you on Discord with an array of maybe 50 questions or something, which could be used on the English wiki. The thing with such an implementation is that the questions must be localized to each wiki's content and language, so it should be also discussed with top crats/admins from those wikis too.  Cassandra  (talk01:58pm  March 11, 2021

Extension request[edit source]

Could you please install mw:Extension:CodeEditor, because it would help with my JavaScript-related work (such as by allowing me to automatically adding a tab character)? JJP...MASTER![talk to] JJP... master? 21:17, 20 March 2021 (UTC)

Sure, I'll add putting that back to the todo list. And I guess take it off the on-update todo list... but everything's a bit on hold for the moment, as I am not touching anything server-side until I am doing better than drastically misspelling 'touch' in the wrong directory. I can't even handle a local vm at the moment. -— Lyrithya 03:34, 21 March 2021 (UTC)
Okay Yes check.svg Done. @JJPMaster: please let me know if this just broke everything. -— Lyrithya 18:29, 22 March 2021 (UTC)

Important request[edit source]

Hi Lyrithya...there is something wrong with my belly button. When I forcefully push my finger into it I feel a strange sensation in my left foot. Could you please do something about this? ShabiDOO 23:11, 22 March 2021 (UTC)

@Shabidoo: Do you have any soft-tipped tongs? If so, I recommend attempting to use them to grab onto any end of your bellybutton you can form, and pulling instead of pushing. Let me know if this does anything interesting, especially such as to your right foot, or proves completely unfeasible. Thanks. -— Lyrithya 00:01, 23 March 2021 (UTC)
Unfortunately my tongs have poisonous spikes at the end of them...but at this point I am willing to try anything. I think I will follow your sage advice and tug at my belly-button. It should be an adventure. I will keep you well updated! ShabiDOO 21:37, 23 March 2021 (UTC)

Request for a new userrole[edit source]

Hi Lyrithya! I'd really appreciate if you could add a new userrole named "Zombiebaron", which includes the following:

  • apihighlimits
  • protect
  • editprotected
  • editsitecss
  • editsitejson
  • editsitejs
  • editinterface
  • tboverride

It's for Zombiebaron, who as you might know, recently resigned; I still want him to be able to edit protected pages and be able to make reskins! Do you mind setting it so that the role can be granted/revoked by admins? Thanks! User:Kev/s

Why the apihighlimits? JJPMaster 23:43, 29 March 2021 (UTC)
Why any of it, though? Like, wasn't the main reason folks were against term limits in general such that folks who were trusted could use any of it if they wanted, even if they're decidedly not actually committing to anything in general? Like I'm sure as hell not contributing anything as an admin/crat, but I still wanted the rights just so I could... er, wear them like a shiny hat? I dunno. Anyway, he shouldn't need any of that for reskins, should he? And how much actual protected stuff matters either? And if there is protected stuff that does, then why not keep the admin bits, and don't list on UN:AA? I don't get it. -— Lyrithya 01:26, 30 March 2021 (UTC)
I'm actually fine making requests to edit protected pages, but as Cassie is currently the only person filling those requests she suggested a userrole to ease her workload. -- The Zombiebaron 01:32, 30 March 2021 (UTC)
Might it make more sense to come up with a more generic role for this, then? -— Lyrithya 01:36, 30 March 2021 (UTC)
On that note, could you also add editprotected to the interface admin group (which apparently still exists), and add the ability for 'crats to grant it, per Forum:Interface administrators? JJPMaster 01:41, 30 March 2021 (UTC)
I went with "Zombiebaron" as a name simply because of how giving Zombiebaron excessive recognition is some sort of an Uncyclopedia in-joke. And yeah. I think that having the Zombiebaron role is mainly a symbolic way of granting additional userrights to Zombiebaron whilst respecting his decision to step down from admin and crat. It could also double as something useful for JJPMaster, since granting them admin so soon may be dangerous (but not allowing them to edit full-protected pages is a limitation). Hope that justifies things a little.  Cassandra  (talk01:46am  March 30, 2021

And maybe the apihighlimits would actually be quite useful for me because a lot of my scripts involve API queries... JJPMaster 01:47, 30 March 2021 (UTC)

Also, why not call this group tech, like RationalWiki does? JJPMaster 01:56, 30 March 2021 (UTC)
Zombiebaron fits more within the Uncyc spirit.  Cassandra  (talk01:58am  March 30, 2021
Definitely better than 'tech'. -— Lyrithya 04:49, 30 March 2021 (UTC)
Most definitely. I hope it won't take too long for a ZB role to be implemented! Unfortunately it won't be as unique as, say, sexy, but it'll definitely be something.  Cassandra  (talk08:56am  March 30, 2021
I don't think we should. He wishes to resign, we can give him smaller levels but no need to practically give him admin. --Gale5050 aka Andrew5 let's talk! See me on WP! Do not click before August 12:44, 30 March 2021 (UTC)
All right, is there a consensus somewhere about how y'all want to handle this so I can just blithely implement it? Is this a consensus? Can you vote or something? Or did you? I like votes. -— Lyrithya 17:45, 30 March 2021 (UTC)
This counts as a consensus since I discussed about it privately with Zombiebaron about it, and he figured that it would be a great idea. As such, feel free to implement it unilaterally albeit only for Zombiebaron. I'll start a forum vote later on concerning whether to extend the possibility of granting it to other users or no.  Cassandra  (talk05:50pm  March 30, 2021
That is not how consensus works! -— Lyrithya 19:35, 31 March 2021 (UTC)
FIne, Forum:Village Dump it is. I'll get back to you in a week or something.  Cassandra  (talk08:00pm  March 31, 2021

MediaWiki:Sitenotice[edit source]

Hi, is there a way to make a site notice only show to unregistered users? I'm thinking of an Uncyc recruitment banner that links to Special:CreateAccount, to attract more users. ~ HipponiasCUN Talk - Contribs - Articles  07:54, 30 March 2021 (UTC)

It's definitely possible! Mediawiki:Anonnotice can be implemented.  Cassandra  (talk08:57am  March 30, 2021
Yup, use that. -— Lyrithya 19:16, 30 March 2021 (UTC)
Well, I can't edit it, but I've made ripped off {{NT20201217 - SaveUncyclopedia}} and created {{Anonnotice}}. Can you add it to the Mediawiki page? ~ HipponiasCUN Talk - Contribs - Articles  19:45, 30 March 2021 (UTC)
Go make Kev do the actual editing, then. -— Lyrithya 19:36, 31 March 2021 (UTC)[edit source]

Please change "" to "" on JJPMaster 15:37, 22 April 2021 (UTC)

Huh, weird. Done. Thanks. -— Lyrithya 15:41, 22 April 2021 (UTC)

UnSignpost manual delivery[edit source]

The UnSignpost
You'd be crazy not to listen!

Math Parser outdated[edit source]

Hey, Cassie said you might be able to fix this? Maybe a Mediawiki update? The 'math' xml tags are spitting out horrendous red code. Please see what you can do?

Math error example.png
We tried. We couldn't figure it out. Extension:Math is fucked, but it's been fucked pretty much since it was moved out of core. I think we just got lucky that it ever worked here to begin with, and when it randomly stopped, it was just... gone. Unreplicable errors. We'll try again in... uh, july, at the latest?But all our sysadmins are kinda busy the next few weeks trying not to be homeless, so I dunno, really. I'll see if ashley can hack a workaround? Maybe? -— Lyrithya 03:46, 26 May 2021 (UTC)

Hidden Category errors[edit source]

Hello, the following pages are rendering in the error category Category:Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls:

Please review them and try to correct the errors when you have a moment. ~Formerly Annoying Crap 14:24, 31 July 2021

@Zana Dark: Can you fix them? Or someone else? I don't have any moments at all. We were supposed to move the server months ago. It's still not done. It's barely started. I'm unbooking flights for next week now. I have to make a house painted in weird flesh tones livable. I don't have any furniture, because the cat keeps peeing on the cardboard boxes I was using, and they're dissolving. There's a pepper plant trying to break into the patio, but I can't even deal with it because I need to go see the vine that actually has broken into my mom's dining room.
If not, uh, I'll get to it next year maybe. -— Lyrithya 21:37, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
Ok, fixed. So I added a few hard parameter calls within your nav templates just to make sure that they don't conflict with the equals in the headings. Also, when you use dpl within a template you have to use the dpl template {{#dpl:}} because of the equal signs in the parser tag. It's all Mediterranean to me. As for the flesh-toned house, some people like nude erections, some don't.. but you could do a faux finish or rag-paint over it instead of entirely re-painting. Or maybe invest in lots of posters and thumb tacks. XOXO ~Formerly Annoying Crap 02:47, 7 August 2021
@Zana Dark: Thanks! You're the best. And yeah, ugh, why do I even have dpl? Things younger me has done are kinda disappointing, really. Terrible choices all around. Maybe the house is the same. I'm thinking I'll just remove a bunch of walls entirely. That should simplify the process, right? -— Lyrithya 14:41, 21 August 2021 (UTC)
Also holy fuck, if the new server ain't ten times faster than this decade-old slug, I'll probably have to take myself out back behind the shed and... nevermind. I am so sorry we haven't gotten all of this sorted out sooner. -— Lyrithya 14:42, 21 August 2021 (UTC)
Hey, cool. No problem. I love dpl! You can do some awesome stuff with it. Great we got a new server. Cheers. ~Formerly Annoying Crap 23:55, 21 August 2021

MediaWiki upgrade[edit source]

I want to lat you know that MediaWiki version 1.32 has been outdated since January 2020, would you be willing to upgrade to version 1.35 (Long-term-support)? Leonel Небојша Sohns 09:23, 21 August 2021 (UTC)

We're working on it. Hopefully will be finished this weekend. If not, maybe thursday. -— Lyrithya 14:27, 21 August 2021 (UTC)
It is still running on version 1.32 Leonel Небојша Sohns 15:43, 20 September 2021 (UTC)
Yes, thank you, we're perfectly aware how out of date and slow as arse the site is currently, but as the server's still up and none of the team is dead, I think we're actually doing relatively okay for now. Unless you actually want to help somehow, please leave us be and we'll get to it once we're actually in a fit state to do any work, let alone unpaid volunteer work. -— Lyrithya 20:52, 23 September 2021 (UTC)
I am still waiting for the upgrade. Please read mw:Manual:Upgrading! Leonel Небојша Sohns 12:25, 18 December 2021 (UTC)
In case I wasn't clear the last time, let me make myself clearer: please go fuck yourself. You seem to have considerably more means and energy than we do, and apparently lack a constructive outlet, so I hope this will help. If this is not feasible for you, then I hope this is the extent of your disabilities, as I would not wish the sheer systemic impairment I am having to work through on anyone. Whatever the case, please check your assumptions. Security patches are applied, however the general upgrade process does not apply here. -— Lyrithya 17:19, 18 December 2021 (UTC)
mw:MediaWiki 1.32 is unsupported. Any sites running MediaWiki 1.32 are advised to upgrade to a more recent release, idiot. Leonel Небојша Sohns 16:06, 20 December 2021 (UTC)
I guess you're not aware that Lyrithya is one of the many people working on the software? As am I, and so are many other great people here.
Long story made extremely short, things are in order well enough and everything's safe and sound as it should be. The upgrade is coming when it's coming, but would you believe it, even on Uncyc being rude to a bunch of unpaid volunteers, no matter how solid your point is, does not exactly come across well.
Upgrading a site as big as Uncyclopedia (or its language versions, which are slightly smaller in size) does take some planning and resourcing, and shockingly people generally speaking tend to prioritize things like work (which earns you $$$), family, friends, holidays, all that sorta stuff over "make some random rude person on the Internet happy because he has a valid point".
Being involved with the behind-the-scenes work has made me appreciate these kind of things even more. Trust me when I say we have some of the brightest minds working on the software. But Internet thanks won't pay anyone's rent or buy anyone food, gas, all that fun stuff you need to make life a bit less miserable. So obviously people are going to prioritize that over your feelings and you just need to learn to live with it.
In the meanwhile, I for one will sleep comfortably knowing we have great people ensuring that the software is safe and secure despite formally being unsupported, which is not the end of the world despite that it sounds like that. --Sai.png Jack Phoenix, professional killer admin (Whine?) (Wikia ads) 23:17, 20 December 2021 (UTC)

UnNews DPL[edit source]

So... I messed up the categorization for UnNews articles, but I fixed it. The problem should correct itself in a day or so (I know, I know).

There's a small issue with DPL though...

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.3.3: Error: Too many categories! Maximum: 4. Help: increase $wgDplSettings['maxCategoryCount'] to specify more categories or set $wgDplSettings['allowUnlimitedCategories'] = true; for no limitation. (Set the variable in the wiki's LocalSettings.php configuration file.)

Maybe a max category count of 20 would be appropriate if we can, so 30 would be a super number. But, it's set at 4 so... 10? I don't know, what can we do? 15?

Please let me know so I can correct the UnNews dpl pages. ~Formerly Annoying Crap 01:28, 28 August 2021

Will do, but as the server is currently crapping itself already, we'll probably have to look into this after we get the updates and move done in general. I just really hope that's soon, but gods, shit's fucked currently. At least I've finally been able to shower, but then I'm also no longer the one who appears to be actively dying, so, er. Yay? Ish. -— Lyrithya 20:56, 23 September 2021 (UTC)
I'm still waiting on this. Also, there is an extension here Section Transclusion that seems like it would be perfect for featuring articles, etc. Can you look into it? ~Formerly Annoying Crap 02:21, 30 November 2021
Another useful extension we could definitely use: Variables. ~Formerly Annoying Crap 08:42, 8 December 2021
Probably be more doable when we update, but since I'm deader than ever until my new meds kick in and one of our other folks can't even get two consecutive days off because of the fucking holidays, this might still take a bit. Hopefully, two weeks. Normal schedules resuming, and if the drugs actually work, that's when they'll work... but I'll definitely make a note of these! (At a quick glance I'm not sure if Variables is going to be a good choice long-term either. The other one definitely looks promising, though...) -— Lyrithya 17:27, 18 December 2021 (UTC)

It's beginning to look a lot like…[edit source]

Seasons Greetings!

It's that special time of year. A wonderful time for friends and family to rejoice in gaiety. Not you! You usually spend all of your hard-earned money on gifts for them, and now you just want to hibernate until your finances recuperate. Well, here at Uncyclopedia, entering our newest competition won't cost you a penny Sign Up Today! (pretty please) ~Formerly Annoying Crap 13:28, 13 December 2021

<3 -— Lyrithya 17:28, 18 December 2021 (UTC)

Merry Christmas and all that jazz[edit source]

Santa Baby…
I heard that you were single again, well then—we should hook up real soon. Santa baby, Facebook me and give me some likes.
Santa cutie, Snapchat me and send me some pix, not dicks—but if you want, I don't mind. Santa cutie, favorite me on Instagram.
Slide into my chat DMs—add me to your list and we'll be more than friends. I'll follow you on Twitter too, and this Christmas won't be quite so blue.
Santa baby, I saw you had a Tinder and I swiped right—found your Bumble account. Santa baby, Match with me so we can Meetup.
Santa honey, if you call me up on the phone—we'll bone. I won't play hard to get. Santa baby, do you have white hair down there?
Santa baby, you don't have to wear a condom, come on—we can play 'Just the Tip'. Santa baby, even if it's just for one night.
I haven't been with lots of men—but last time I got laid he said I was a ten. I'm sure that we could have some fun—if you work out and don't weigh a ton.
Santa baby, don't forget the presents this year—like beer, or perhaps some good wine. Santa baby— let's get drunk, Netflix and chill…Here's a hundred dollar bill?..I'm on the pill…

~Formerly Annoying Crap 19:30, 24 December 2021 Why the 24/12 instead of 25/12?! 🇨🇵le Djibril EXPRESS🇨🇵 - 🚂🚃🚃🚃 19:52, 1 November 2022 (UTC)

Danish interwiki[edit source]

Could you go change the danish interwiki to the new website? Alula.gifAlula.gif 12:51, 18 June 2022 (UTC)

Yeeeeeessssss, ummmm, I should be able to. Let me figure out how, or find someone who already knows how, and thanks for letting us know about the new website! Now I just need to learn Danish... MrX blow me Emoji-drool.gif 05:07, 19 June 2022 (UTC)
I know how. You just go to Special:Interwiki and change the interwiki you want to change. In this case it´s da: that needs to be changed. Alula.gifAlula.gif 09:33, 19 June 2022 (UTC)
Hey Lyrithya, I'm bringing this over from my talk page. Is this something you can please help with? I don't have an edit button on Special:Interwiki. Thanks. MrX blow me Emoji-drool.gif 05:06, 20 June 2022 (UTC)
Oops, thanks, done. Looks like it's only crats who can update that, but it might be worth revisiting if that makes sense in practice... -— Lyrithya 16:54, 21 June 2022 (UTC)
Cool thanks for updating it! I don't think we need to change anything right now, crats updating that is fine. Cheers. MrX blow me Emoji-drool.gif 18:50, 21 June 2022 (UTC)

.gif image resizing[edit source]

I've seen it happen, so how do I do it? Trust me, it's for a very important cause. ARandomPage, the named space (ARandomTalkPage) (Stuff they do) 12:06, 12 July 2022 (UTC)

I don't know about gif specifically. Do you mean enlarge it on the article? Just edit the article and change the pixel size to something bigger. Preferably, the image should already be uploaded at a decent resolution to begin with. Not sure you can go beyond the image's native resolution, but it would probably look ugly anyway. Black-2.jpg PF4Eva, the President of Imagination Vote for me My tax returns 12:15, 12 July 2022 (UTC)
Yes, on the article itself. I tried changing the pixel size and it didn't work. ARandomPage, the named space (ARandomTalkPage) (Stuff they do) 15:20, 12 July 2022 (UTC)
I tried it in my sandbox. Don't make the picture a thumbnail, and it will work fine. Black-2.jpg PF4Eva, the President of Imagination Vote for me My tax returns 01:06, 13 July 2022 (UTC)
It doesn't work if I make it a frame, either. I'm looking for some way to resize the .gif and place a caption on it. ARandomPage, the named space (ARandomTalkPage) (Stuff they do) 03:11, 13 July 2022 (UTC)
All images should conform to the standard wiki formatting syntax regardless of file format. If you're having a specific issue with a specific image on a specific page, perhaps linking those will aid others in resolving the issue. I did some digging and found that this is a known issue with MediaWiki. You will need to contact Jack Phoenix, Lyrithya, or Bizzeebeever about changing our $wgMaxShellMemory, $wgMaxShellTime or $wgMaxShellFileSize size. You can also just upload a new version of the gif at your desired size. -- The Zombiebaron 13:55, 13 July 2022 (UTC)
"The size of an image with thumb or frameless can be reduced, but cannot be enlarged beyond the original size of the image." If you want an enlarged version of your image with a rendered caption, you will need to upload it at that size. -- The Zombiebaron 14:28, 13 July 2022 (UTC)
Huh. It looks like making a .gif smaller with a frame also doesn't work. I'd try doing this on Wikipedia to see if it's the previous issue you mentioned (which I think it is), but I don't know any .gif files there.
I found a .gif file there, and it turns out that it can't be resized at all, similarly to the issue I'm having here. What's going on? ARandomPage, the named space (ARandomTalkPage) (Stuff they do) 01:29, 14 July 2022 (UTC)
Actually, they can be resized there as normal. I am bad at testing! ARandomPage, the named space (ARandomTalkPage) (Stuff they do) 03:23, 14 July 2022 (UTC)
Glad you're getting things figured out. :) Black-2.jpg PF4Eva, the President of Imagination Vote for me My tax returns 05:39, 14 July 2022 (UTC)

The following is a section of PF4Eva's talkpage. Based on Zombiebaron's earlier message and my own testing, I would like to ask you whether "changing our $wgMaxShellMemory, $wgMaxShellTime or $wgMaxShellFileSize size" is possible in the current state of this site. If so or if not, please tell me why. ARandomPage, the named space (ARandomTalkPage) (Stuff they do) 06:46, 15 July 2022 (UTC)

"imported>" edits[edit source]

Some old pre-Split edits from users unregistered to the Fork are showing up as imported>(Username of affected user). I'm quite sure this is a recent thing, as it was working fine just a month or whatever ago. Do you know what's going on? ARandomPage, the named space (ARandomTalkPage) (Stuff they do) 10:30, 6 September 2022 (UTC)

Possibilities of changes[edit source]

Hello, I'm here to ask for help. We are currently having a serious problem with the servers regarding the system being weakened by the spambot attack since January and the representatives of the Brazilian and zh:Traditional Chinese Uncyclopedias are considering leaving UnMeta. I'm indicating you to help them in case they decide to leave UnMeta in a way that doesn't happen a fork. Although I believe that Carlb can keep wikis alive by forcing a fork.

I'm asking you this because in case you didn't know, I suffered a stroke last February and I'm considering the possibility of retiring from UnMeta. As my administrative work suffers from a lack of confidence for being a banned user from the Brazilian community, I decided to look for you, because if I really retire, UnMeta will be completely abandoned and like the 2 largest communities, it is quite possible that other wikis go that way. I don't blame them and besides, there was a considerable deterioration in my health, making this decision urgent. I'm upset because I found out that you haven't edited in a few months. Please, I need an answer regarding this case, as there is a strong decision on both sites to leave UnMeta. Thank you for your attention. Rhubella selo-02.png Rhubella Marie, the rat sockpreppie preppiedits Rhubella selo-01.png 03:57, 25 April 2023 (UTC)

Hi...[edit source]

I am an admin from Nonciclopedia and we have issues with our host right now (scroll down until Statement from the board), I was asking if it is possible to be hosted here on uncyclopedia and if not other possible solutions like new wiki farm... i am sorry to bother but we do not have many alternatives, thx and hope to see you soon.--Executive (talk) 11:24, 18 June 2023 (UTC)

Ping[edit source]

You've been pung, by me. I would appreciate your thoughts on the challenges presented by the attempted dezanafication of Uncyclopedia. Please see this article and its talkpage. Peace — Capitalis quadrata Y.SVG (talk) (contributions) 02:00:45 2023/07/29 UTC

Can you make a logo for SnowballaspediA[edit source]

You are good at making Wiki logos, so I want to make the Wikipedia globe thing but in the shape of a pineapple, this is for his creator, Tornitiu (btw I'm a bureaucrat and administrator), so, thx if you make it :-) Emicraft :P 20:20, 8 October 2023 (UTC)

The link by the way [4]Tornitiu (talk) 20:55, 12 October 2023 (UTC)

Nevermind Emicraft :P 19:55, 9 March 2024 (UTC)

QuickVFD gadget isn't working[edit source]

Ciencia told me to pester someone who had edited the page for the QVFD gadget "recently". I'm just copying the response he sent me here (before telling me to ask someone else):

After a quick test: Clicking on the link, an error appears in the console:

Uncaught TypeError: $(...).dialog is not a function

The gadget needs to load jquery.ui as a dependency.

If I manually execute mw.loader.load('jquery.ui'), the popup opens, but saving prints an error:

x Saving failed Error: missingparam - The "token" parameter must be set.

Alula.gifAlula.gif 21:13, 1 April 2024 (UTC)