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Writer of the Year 2011 |
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Official Loser This Writer was runner up in Writer of the Year |
Featured Stuff - now in anally-retentive chronological order.
- Boer War
- British Moon-landing (3rd place Article of the Month - August 2009)
- Lady-Gardening
- Mrs God's blog
- The Popularity of War
- Punk Floyd
- What I did on my hols.
- The History of the Atom
- Peter Rabbit Reanimated
- Flash Gordon
- The Asylum-Seeker's Guide to Visiting McDonald's
- The Who
- Cops Confused at Celtic Carnage
- The Duke of Edinburgh Award
- The Pilgrim Fathers
- The Rough Guide to Gotham City
- A CCTV Nativity,
- Why? Not fly Air Zimbabwe?
- The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care
- New Threat to Christmas
- Gangs of New York
- HowTo:Be A King (in collaboration with the artist formerly known as Mahmoosh) (Article of the Month Jan 2010)
- Little Adolf's School Report (Article of the Month - Feb 2010)
- The History of the War on Drugs
- Charles DeGaulle (Runner-up Article of the Month - Feb 2010)
- How To:Get Married
- Tooth Fairy
- HowTo:Be Man's Best Friend
- Sir Francis Drake
- Bob the Sperm (in collaboration with the artist formerly known as Mahmoosh)
- The six wives of Henry VIII
- His word writ large
- The Wizard of Aus
- UnNews: David Blaine to die for our Sins
- Bond Villain
- Interview with a Vampire
- The Doolittle Raid
- William Westmoreland with Funnybony
- Kate Bush with Black flamingo11 3rd Sept 2010
- Prince Madog
- A. A. Milne
- UnTweets:Noah
- United States of Earth with Funnybony
- Egyptian Gods
- Collective Nouns
- Yogi Berra
- UnBooks:Dr Seuss' "The Git who Stoned Christians"
- Male Adolescence
- Barbarian
- God's Answering Service with PuppyOnTheRadio
- Lonely Hearts Column (with Black flamingo11 & his gang of ten)
- Un-British Activities
- Roger Hargreaves
- There'll Always Be An England?
- Raymond Chandler's "Murder on the Orient Express"
- The Abridged Reader's Digest Abridged Classics
- Psychedelic music (with Funnybony
- Last of the Mohicans
- Salem witch trials
- Updating The Classics
- G-Rex (with Funnybony
- Celebrity Advice
- UnNews:Deity seeks Gagging Order
- Next Year's Australian Grand Prix
- The Evolution of Modern Music
- Totally Torah: Genesis
- UnNews: Alien Invasion Plans Revealed
- Monopoly (game)
- Why?:Eat a full English Breakfast
- UnScripts:How TV can solve the Third World Debt Crisis
- Recent developments in Crypto-Zoology
- Lockdown (UK)
- Why?:I'm not sorry I ate your Unicorn
Stuff I thought was Good at the time but no one else did:A Right Royal Christmas , UnScripts:The 'Are You Being Served?' election special , , Celebrity Chefs read the Nursery Rhyme Classics , UnNews:Oil slick contaminated by wildlife,UnTweets: My Exam Hell, , UnTunes:I won't survive, Bronco McStabber's Fudge Factory, UnNews:Lord's Prayer updated, UnTunes:Sunni and Shia, UnNews:Jobs unveils super-absorbent iPad 2 '(lead article on UnNews!), UnNews:Graceland II opens in Denmark, UnNews:Refugee Pandas safe in Scotland, Anger-management, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, The Jackson 5, Postman Pat, Rudolf Hess, Red squirrel, HowTo:Stage a home invasion
Stuff that may be worth reading: Classified ads of HISTORY TODAY , Trumpton , Talibanland ] , Viz (comic) , Totally Torah: Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers. , Unsongs:Bono Saves the babies , Dance and Sex: Partners in time., Armenia's Next Top Model, Pandemics, Human Sexuality and Gender,
Stuff that could do with re-writing: Asterix the Gaul , Bagpuss , The Battle Of Stamford Bridge , Agincourt , Aardwolf , Mankini Atoll , David Livingstone , Richard the Lionheart , Bez , San Liechtenbourg , Halogens , The Fairy Tale Trials , MASH v Cheers
Stuff that's okay if you like that sort of thing: Porpoise , Cuckoo , Guy Fawkes , Wrexham - not my idea, but the existing article was worse
Possible coming attractions: Eldorado, Bermuda, blues boom, periodic table , Bounty Hunter, asterix re-write, Little Richard, siegfried and roy, Banana splits, my fair lady, Hernan Cortes, pizaro, conquistadors, rhioceros british heroes: benedict arnold, richard the third, re-write the lone ranger, User:Sog1970/362, Olympus Mount, Muppet show, wagner
Things i have started but may never finish
User:Sog1970/1812:The British Invasion, User:Sog1970/Fairy Tales: A feminist analysis , Farmer ged, coe votes to winditselfup, captain cook, clown fish, ian anderson, chris columbus
Fritz Haber, Thomas Midgley,
eugene terreblanche (scurvy rickets, night blindness kwashiokor)
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Featured Image: Paris surrenders.jpg This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia. |