Forum:Surprise... uh... contest/tingy thing
I've randomly decided to start a annual/biannual/monthly/daily/never to be done again contest/thingy thing. It shall take place between, er, whenever I et enough judges, and... some time after that. Here are the rules (I'll make them up as I go):
- The contest has the theme of... uh... walruses. Yeah, that'll work. and as such all articles, pictures and potatoes must be on that theme.
- Don't... uh... cheat.
- There is no rule number 3.
- Judges can only enter articles, pictures or potatoes in the section they are judging. No, wait, flip that around.
- Err... don't talk about fight club?
So... do with those what you will...
I think we should have between... oh I'd say about... one and sixteen judges for each section. So... sign up and specify what section you'd like to judge, although I probably won't listen.
The sections are as follows:
The point is to write the most funny/awesome/walrus-related walrus-related article (rewrites may or may not count). Whoever wins will be named... uh... walrus. Second will receive the title of Eggman.
Articles go here:
The point is to chop the most funny/awesome/walrus-related walrus-related image (rechops may or may not count). Whoever wins will be named... er... walrus picture maker. Second will receive the title of Eggman picture maker.
Pictures go here:
Potatoes Like, for example, a baked one? Because I'm really hungry.
The point is to chop the most funny/awesome/potato-related potato-related potato (re... something about potatos may or may not count). Whoever wins will be named... um... potato. Second will receive the title of lesser potato.
Potatoes go here:
-- 01:02, December 8, 2011 (UTC)
Can't really tell if you're serious about this or not, but we already have way too many contests. Plus, The Article Whisperer is about to start up again. So go sign up for that instead. -- 22:09, December 8, 2011 (UTC)