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This is where you, the judges, put your results for the PLS. Please list your top 5 articles, in order, best article starting at 1. Remember, the deadline for results is the 3rd of July. If you cannot complete judging before this deadline, please let me know on my talk page or on the talk page of this page.

Scoring system based on judges' top fives will go as follows:
5 points for #1
4 points for #2
3 points for #3,
And so on.

Best Article

  1. Zombiebaron
    1. Modusoperandi - Slender Loris
    2. Black flamingo11 - Avenge my death
    3. The Woodburninator - Saturn is a Bitch
    4. UPjcm - Uncyclopedia is bad for your kids
    5. Skinfan13 - Terraforming of Venus
  1. Thekillerfroggy
    1. User:Black flamingo11/Avenge my death
    2. User:The Woodburninator/Saturn is a Bitch
    3. User:Modusoperandi/Slender_Loris
    4. User:Sycamore/UnReviews:Robinson in Ruins
    5. User:UPjcm/Uncyclopedia is bad for your kids
    Honorable mentions for Antibiotics, which nearly scraped into fifth, and Argh Isle's content warning, which was hilarious but unfortunately not much of a real article. Great and tight category all around, thoroughly enjoyed most articles. --Littleboyonly.jpg TKFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFCK Oldmanonly.jpg 19:01, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  1. Mhaille
    1. Modus - User:Modusoperandi/Slender Loris
    2. Woody - User:The Woodburninator/Saturn is a Bitch
    3. User:Sycamore/UnReviews:Robinson in Ruins
    4. HauntedUndies - User:HauntedUndies/Horrorscope
    5. Nikau - User:Nikau/Antibiotics

Final Tally:
Modus: 5 + 3 + 5 = 13
Woody: 3 + 4 + 4 = 11
Flamingo: 4 + 5 = 9
Sycamore: 2 + 3 = 5
UPjcm: 2 + 1 = 3
HauntedUndies: 2
Skinfan: 1
Nikau: 1

Best Noob Article

  1. Xamralco
    None of the articles seemed quite finished to me so I kept that in mind. I'd also like to say that this was very, very close. If anyone wants a full Pee Review of their article, just contact me on my talk page and I'll gladly do one for you.
    1. User:Ticklethekeys/Shakespeare's Poo Lit Soliloquy - This was a very clever take on Shakespeare ranting about Uncyclopedia. It got a few laughs out of me, though the all Caps titles were a bit of a turnoff. I'd say that with a bit more work, this is ready for mainspace.
    2. User:Qzekrom/HTML5 - This was a great take on the HTML5 code. I laughed but I felt that some of your ideas were a bit unorganized, such as the seemingly random introduction of Paris Hilton. Nonetheless, if you fixed it up a little, it's mainspace-ready.
    3. User:Bp2611/HowTo:Make your own LHC - I really liked this article but it seemed somewhat random at parts. Yelling at Gustave Eiffel, for example, and asking Einstein "Umad?" seemed out of place. I still really enjoyed it and with some tuning up and maybe another section, I'd say its good to go.
    4. User:Cheapshotfail/Cesspools - I found this article entertaining but it seemed to rely a lot on gay sex jokes and STDs. Plus, the section about rubbing rusty objects on your anus was just disgusting. This is a very hard topic, but I'd say that you should remove all the STD parts and replace them with something about how gross cesspools are or something like that.
  2. Black_flamingo11
    1. User:Qzekrom/HTML5
    2. User:Ticklethekeys/Shakespeare's Poo Lit Soliloquy
    3. User:Bp2611/HowTo:Make your own LHC
    4. User:Cheapshotfail/Cesspools
    As Xamralco said, this was a very close call. I think Qzekrom's had a good idea behind it and was probably the most "finished". Ticklethekeys and Bp2611 were roughly equal but I think the Shakespeare concept was quite unique so I have ranked it higher. Cheapshotfail gets my last place (sorry!) because his probably needs the most work; still, it is a good start. I hope all you noobs stick around! --Black Flamingo 21:23, June 29, 2012 (UTC)
  3. Oliphaunte
    1. User:Ticklethekeys/Shakespeare's Poo Lit Soliloquy - Close call between this and HTML5 for me. I found that both articles didn't feel complete and they are very equal in humour level, but in the end, I just felt that Shakespeare prevailed. The main reason for this was that I was pleasantly surprised that there were many uses of Shakespeare classic lines, rather than a couple of references that are cheesy and too common. Plus the occasional inclusion of a sentence that doesn't make sense grammatically was a good touch (I assume that was done on purpose. I hope.)
    2. User:Qzekrom/HTML5 - A very good one as well, but alas, it falls to second place, sorry. The article contains a lot of promise, but I felt that it needs a bit more work and little guidance in order to have taken 1st place (Don't blame yourself. There wasn't much time and my vote was bought usually, articles like this end up becoming VFH with a little help, of course.
    3. User:Bp2611/HowTo:Make your own LHC - Ah yes, if I could, I would give this article the award for having the most potential. An honest effort and I like what you've done with the article, but it needs much more work, which isn't bad because I feel it has a lot of potential. You didn't expand on the jokes that were waiting for you and you used some jokes that were a little unusual, like the midget one. This is another promising article. I promise.
    4. User:Cheapshotfail/Cesspools - Sadly, this is the last place article. If I could, I would give everyone a 1st place ribbon and a hug (Not from me of course. From Zombiebaron. Zombiebaron.). This aticle has promise, but the majority of jokes were crude, not funny and offensive. Sort of like the Sarah Silverman show. Get some pee reviews done, read other VFH articles and work on it a bit, I'm sure you make this into a promising article.

Final Tally:
Ticklethekeys: 5 + 4 + 5 = 14
Qzekrom: 4 + 5 + 4 = 13
Bp2611: 3 + 3 + 3 = 9
Chearshotfail: 2 + 2 + 2 = 6

Best Illustrated

  1. Villahj_Ideeut
  1. User:Thekillerfroggy/HowTo:Meet women - I actually liked this one the most. I dunno, I liked the art in Human anatomy more in a vacuum, but I think the MS Paint style worked particularly well with this specific subject matter.
  2. User:Xamralco/Human anatomy - The drawing of the nervous system is more accurate that many textbooks out there, and the detail is stunning.
  3. User:Shabidoo/Illustrated1 - I'm going to agree with this maybe going in a different category.
  1. Frosty
  1. User:Xamralco/Human anatomy - I liked the art about my digestive system
  2. User:Thekillerfroggy/HowTo:Meet women - Using this has been added to my to do pile
  3. User:Shabidoo/Illustrated1 - Different...
  1. Sycamore
  1. User:Xamralco/Human anatomy - Lot of ideas, excellent images
  2. User:Thekillerfroggy/HowTo:Meet women - Well executed stuff here, very funny
  3. User:Shabidoo/Illustrated1 - Great stuff - This might have done better in another category

Final Tally:
Xamralco: 5 + 5 + 4 = 14
TKF: 4 + 4 + 5 = 13
Shabidoo: 3 + 3 + 3 = 9

Best Rewrite

  1. ChiefjusticeDS
    1. User:Black flamingo11/Ask Jeeves - I really enjoyed this one. It's a refreshingly straight-forward concept and the humour works every time. Most importantly it's better than what was there before, and it appears to be finished. Good work. My only reservation is about the first image, which seems to have fairly limited relevance to the article and doesn't really seem to fit with the tone.
    2. User:Thekillerfroggy/Freezer - It's good work, pipped at the post by Black flamingo simply because the humour seemed to take a while to get going. Don't get me wrong, there are some excellent lines in it and some brilliant jokes, but I didn't find it quite as accessible as I hoped I might. This is possibly due to the style change in the middle but perhaps that's just a personal preference. Either way it's good work and I struggled to choose between this and "Ask Jeeves".
    3. User:EpicAwesomeness/Geography - I really liked this one and it was in line to take the top spot through the first two paragraphs. After that however it seems to run out of steam, having started so well you seem to lose the quick and snappy style of the intro. That's not to say it's no use, it's more in need of more attention. You have an excellent grasp of your concept and a bit more work will make this one into a truly excellent article. In its current state it did amuse me and as I say I really like the way you start off, maintain that standard and you won't go far wrong.
    4. User:Ice cream mafia/Pinky - A good effort. I like the concept, it's interesting and certainly not something I would have thought of, but it's crying out for more jokes. You have a superb concept here and you could do so much more with it; flesh out your sections and you have a future featured article here. I'd strongly recommend putting it into Pee Review following the PLS and letting someone, possibly me, rant at greater length about things you could consider changing. It did elicit a smile or two from me, and has definite potential for more.
    5. User:Xamralco/Sweeney Todd - You take fifth place Xamralco for disappointing me so much. I saw you were planning to do this one and I was looking forward to how it turned out. I see the foundations of brilliance, but as you probably know, you aren't done. From what is there the article is going to be really good but for now it still looks too short and lacks the polish of the finished product.

Minecraft would be 6th if I could have a 6th place, it also needs a bit more work and I look forward to seeing the final article in it's finished state. --ChiefjusticeXBox 18:09, June 29, 2012 (UTC)

  1. Matt lobster
    1. User:Black flamingo11/Ask Jeeves - Doesn't really subvert - but slaps you happily. Very happily. Consistently funny.
    2. User:Thekillerfroggy/Freezer - Not all of it works, but most of it does and some of it really shines.
    3. User:EpicAwesomeness/Geography - I like it. Nice prose. Shame there's not more. This could have been a contender.
    4. User:Skinfan13/Minecraft - Shame this wasn't completed. It's a good start.
    5. User:Ice cream mafia/Pinky - It just didn't work for me in terms of funny.
    6. User:Xamralco/Sweeney Todd - Unfinished and without a concept.
    7. User:Qzekrom/Pokémon - Not an easy subject to make funny. And this wasn't funny.
    1. User:Black flamingo11/Ask Jeeves - A finished article which clearly has a lot of effort put into it and the humour works greatly. I felt that all of the images fit well and before you know it, this could potentially be VFH material. I can't find much, if anything, to criticise here. Good job.
    2. User:Thekillerfroggy/Freezer - It's had a lot of work done to it and as a result it's detailed, the humour works, the images fit, it has a good concept and to sum things up - it works. Like Ask Jeeves, there's very little to criticise if anything and to be honest, it was very very close. I believe this article can be yet another future VFH. Nice work.
    3. User:Ice cream mafia/Pinky - I can see some dedication has been put into this and it has a good concept; it just needs a little bit more humour added to it. The images fit nicely so everything's okay there but really it mainly just needs some tidying up a bit and I have faith the article will go far, maybe even featured. I have faith you can make those improvements easily and I'm sure it'll all work out for the best. You've started off well and I know you can end well too.
    4. User:EpicAwesomeness/Geography - It has a good opening paragraph but sadly it just fizzles out afterwards. The image is fitting and the concept is good as well as the humour which is why I decided to give it 4th place. I think the article does have more potential and with a bit of work and maybe some expansion, I doubt it will take long to make what's already a good opening to an article to a great finished article. Keep up the enthusiasm and I'm sure it'll go far.
    5. User:Skinfan13/Minecraft - A highly notable subject like Minecraft makes for a very good concept and I believe you've managed to develop something good out of it. I got some laughs out of what is currently sitting there and it just needs some more content in order to maximise its potential and I'm sure it will be recognised as a good article in its finished state. It definitely needs some image-related humour in there which I'm sure you'll be able to find as you go on and further develop the article. You've made a good start, just push it a bit further and I'm sure it'll wrap up nicely.

It was literally all pretty close when I decided where to place which article. User:Qzekrom/Pokémon and User:Xamralco/Sweeney Todd had chances of making the top 5 too but they both need some work done to them despite having good concepts and I'm sure both of these articles, in addition to the top 5, will go on and potentially be featured. Any complaints about my reviewing will probably be sent to me as hisses from this lonesome fucker. -- Lost Labyrinth It's Britain bitch! (t)(c)(a) 21:29, July 2, 2012 (UTC)
Final Tally:
Flamingo: 5 + 5 + 5 = 15
TKF: 4 + 4 + 4 = 12
EpicAwesome: 3 + 3 + 2 = 8
Icecream: 2 + 1 + 3 = 6
Skinfan: 2 + 1 = 3
Xamralco: 1