User talk:ChiefjusticeDS
Hi, can I have my account deleted[edit source]
Delete my account at 0wikimaster (talk) 02:53, 22 February 2022 (UTC)
Journalism so yellow it's orange: The UnSignpost[edit source]
The Newspaper That Gets Its News Solely From Vandalism Johnny Is Teh FAGXORZ!!111 SHUT UP DOUCHEBAG!!11
A headline goes here! No, really!
Well, it's that time of the month when you realize you've wasted another 30 days in the company of Uncyclopedians, and your wife or girlfriend metamorphoses into a giant man-eating banana and rampages through Kuala Lumpur while screaming about "cramps". But cheer up, Mister Cratchit! Eet's Christmas toime! Yes, time to purchase meaningless junk for people you hate, give freely to homeless assholes who are too lazy to work for their own money, and get drunk with other people you hate, because the economy is in the shitter, and if you ain't buying, you're with the terrorists! And now that I've reminded you of your long-lost Christmas spirit, it's time to remind you of something we like to call "VFS"! Yes, VFS is upon us again, and with it come several calls to op some twit named "Bizzeebeever". We Here At The UnSignpost™ can't think of anything that would benefit the wiki less, unless it was feeding live badgers through a blender inside Wikia's datacenter, or perhaps marking the words "UNCYCLOPEDIA HATES JIMBO" onto a large paper bag, filling it with our own feces, lighting it afire, and dropping it through an open window at the headquarters of the Wikimedia Foundation. Or perhaps renting a hot-air balloon and filling its ballast tanks with liquid sewage and flying over the house of one James Q. Wales, Esq. Or perhaps sacrificing virgins on a beach under a full moon, nude, while blasting Slayer from massive speakers while a Coast Guard boat rakes the sand with machine-gun, where were we again? Ah, yes! The idiots over at VFS are on about something. You should go vote "no".
This week, MAJOR NEWS happened, and as usual, our correspondents were on it quicker than Kirstie Alley on a meat sandwich, or a meat pie, or anything made of meat, really. We are happy to report that longtime useless slacker and IRC lurker RAHB checked out a book from a local library! (Please suppress your exclamations of shock and dismay, folks; the neighbors are still complaining about the Coast Guard-assisted virgin sacrifice). When we inquired about RAHB's first foray into intellectual enrichment since his early childhood, he summarized it as follows:
Stay tuned for next week, folks, when Zombiebaron Hears a Who! Same Bat-Channel, same Bat-Time!
The last two editions of the UnSignpost, which were the first editions published since the last editor came down with a case of exploding lung-weasels and threw himself off a cliff, contained 150% more fucking swear-words and 6000% more hyperventillating about things which are going to kill us all (such as Wikia, you knew it was going to be Wikia, because fuck Wikia). However, most of the 700 complaints we've received in the last two weeks (all of which were from Hotadmin4u69, and 699 of which included candid shots of his genitals[1]) concerned the lack of the UnSignpost dog, who we cheerfully claimed had been murdered and turned into soup. (If you hadn't noticed, go back and check. We'll wait.) This, of course, was an outrageous and unforgivable ploy on our parts to get your attention, and we apologize for it profusely; we promise never again to threaten or even joke about violence against dogs, especially since the SPCA's hired thugs know where we live. So here you are, folks: this week's edition of this glorious rag will go back to the usual tradition of featuring a charming dog who is in no peril at all: Oops.
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Sloppy, falling-apart, and duct-taped-together: the UnSignpost![edit source]
83.54% more reliable than The Daily Mail
Dec 12th, 2012 • Issue 178 • Only wild horses can tear me apart.
I was asked to write a guest editorial, so let's get this over with. In the spirit of the Christmas and/or Holiday Season, I would like to offer an olive branch of peace. We could all use a little more peace around here. Well, not here, per se, because drama is always welcome amusement for me. More so than in places like the Middle East—the Middle East needs to calm the fuck down and Uncyclopedia needs to be more like the Middle East is what I'm trying to say. Still, drama isn't always amusing. For example, I won't be on the front page next month (I mean, if (point for humility) I win an award) because someone is having a pissy-fit over some bollocks and removed the awards from the front page. In this particular case, we need to pee on the fire, rather than fan the flames. The conflict I'm referring to is between two celebrated users, Thekillerfroggy and SPIKE. The root of this tension stems from the fact that TKF thinks SPIKE is the worst person ever and should leave this site, or at least stop sucking his own dick. Basically, SPIKE is to TKF what Toby is to Michael on The Office. Particularly if there were a British equivalent to Toby. God, that's a good show. Or was. It really blows now. Let me just say that you both have your faults. TKF: You need to stop being a dick, even when it is more hilarious than when it isn't. You appear to be in a drunken rage. I realize it's Hanukkah, but you should really tone it down on the whine. And SPIKE: Well, I just think you're a textbook case of someone who needs to masturbate more. I suggest you start December 25th, when you're having a less-than-sufficient amount of fun reading my holiday-themed articles. Despite these differences, you both have one thing in common: You're Uncyclopedians. And the essence of being an Uncyclopedian is appreciating the art of Comedy. When the world is at its darkest, we rely on the light of humor, parody and satire. Some have said that Uncyclopedia is at its darkest point right now, that our brightest days are far behind. Yet if the annual winter solstice teaches us anything, it's that the brightest days always follow the darkest nights. Or some sugary moral message like that. I mostly just wanted to drop a few horrible puns and get away with insulting you both all over the site. Merry Christmas! Today's date is significant!
Because Joey Numbers has his first feature, Wikia are censoring cocks, and it's 12/12/12. That's why, bitches. Uncyclopedia and social nutworking! Do you have a lame sense of humor that is best expressed in 140 characters or less? Do you enjoy ruining the mojo of entire websites? Do you have a tiny penis, or none at all? Then have we got news for you! Those of you who wish to do a better job of misrepresenting Uncyclopedia on all the popular social platforms, including YouBoob, Twatter, Facebutt, StubbleUpon, Porntrest, Cumblr, Spreddit, and all the others, are hereby invited to hit up Hotadmin4u69's talk page, and to do it forthwith, post-haste. Why? Because Hotadmin4u69 runs Uncyclopedia's social networking, all by his lonesome—or at least he did...until now. But he's NOT GONNA TAKE IT, HE'S NOT GONNA TAKE IT, HE'S NOT GONNA TAKE IT, ANYMOOOOOOOOOOOAH! No, seriously, he's going to quit the wiki entirely (as if he hasn't already) if people don't lend him a hand. He loves you all, but you all suck, and it's a thankless task—almost as thankless as writing and delivering this drivel every week. |
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*poke*[edit source]
you dead? D: ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) 07:23, December 19, 2012 (UTC)
Watch your step! It's a steaming-hot pile of UnSignpost[edit source]
Reading This Is The Mysterious Second Step To Getting Profit From Stealing Childrens' Underwear!
Dec 19th, 2012 • Issue 179 • YOUR JOKE HERE! Contact management for details.
Apocalypse postponed until after NFL playoffs
This week, it was publicly confirmed for the first time that the on-again-off-again Apocalypse has been postponed indefinitely, due to an accumulation of frozen water in and about the subterranean headquarters of Heck, Incorporated. Yes, it appears that Uncyclopedia's dwindling community of degenerates and failed comedy writers (which is literally the same thing, but never mind), having suffered far too long under the Wikian lash of nipple-and-dick censorship, have finally gotten their shit together[citation needed], and are making a move to new hosting. News of the move came in Uncyclopedia's Village Dump, as part of a nonchalant post by Lyrithya, who returned to the site from her current job as a human spiderweb to stun, confound, and enrage exactly two people with her announcement. When asked why she chose now to de-bag her cat, instead of waiting for a more opportune moment (such as, y'know, after the fucking move actually happened), Lyrithya had this to say: "I was drunk." Salient words, indeed, which show she is an Uncyclopedian through-and-through, and which afford the rest of us an overwhelming sense of confidence in the Uncyclodepia Moving Company. Yes. However, while We Here At The UnSignpost™ lounge about and poke fun, you may rest assured that the technicians at Up With Uncyclodepia have not been taking it easy. It's been eleven months of back-breaking work out on the wiki farm, getting up at the crack of noon to shovel out the cow coop, milk the chickens, and slap the sheep for indulging in indelicate thoughts. According to an anonymous source at the highest level of Uncyclopedia's labyrinthine network of cabals, the move quite definitely, absolutely, without a doubt, will be happening at some distant point in the very near future, probably maybe, just as soon as all the ducks are lined up in convenient rows so that they can be loaded onto trains and sent to special camps. When we asked what the bloody devil this meant, we were told to shut up and move along, and that there is no cabal, which we admit must be true, as we have heard it so many times. So, to recap: Uncyclopedia is leaving Wikia for greener pastures, and as most things undertaken by Uncyclopedians happen, it will be slap-dash, semi-competent, and will probably result in everyone involved hating each other to the death, hopefully with the assistance of swords, horses, and heavy artillery. Reaction to the news!
As of press time, the list of Uncyclopedians furious at having been left out of all the fun could not be reached for comment, but are assumed to be boiling with righteous indignation. To make sense of the week's stunning development, we were able to get hold of an expert on all things frozen and hellish: Sumerian demon-king and devil-about-town, Pazuzu. "I was just doing what I usually do," said he, "by which I mean I was hanging out in some northeastern American town, whispering into the ear of a nondescript loner that guns are fun and kids love fun, and hey wouldn't it be cool if you combined the two?, when I heard that Uncyclopedia was leaving Wikia! I said shit, motherfucker! and ran over there as quick as I could to shut that shit down, but it was too late. And now my home Down Under is encased in ice. Man, some days you're the dog, and some days you're the fire hydrant, know what I mean?" We really didn't, but as we have always enjoyed not being frogs, and would prefer to maintain that state, we nodded furiously and thanked our interviewee for his time. Newbies! Protect them, love them, they are our future! Heil Newbies!
How often has someone started a forum 'We're Doomed' or 'Where Domed' , and other variations of the announcement 'this website has moved away from my idea of what is funny' ? So what we can do here, but celebrate a clutch of new fully fledged contributors who arrived on our shores, all fresh and well-scrubbed! In recent months, we had Leverage produce articles faster than bindweed, and now he has joined by the likes of MagicBus (an admirer of The Who or a kaftan nostalgic?), news hound Bill Melater, and the ferocious Fakehater, who will rip your arms off if he detects you're a phony. Then there is Murder_Frog, who swears blind he is unrelated to another amphibian. (Evidently the lily pond is big enough for two croakers.) Another newbie who is currently taking a keen interest in Singapore is CDPCCNAC. What the name means, I have no idea, but perhaps he is wise to leave so few clues about his true identity. Then there is our own Mr Tambourine Man, Equilateralperil. Moving closer to the ground, looking for literary earthworms in his search for Sonic the Hedgehog-related stories, is Igotnothing, whilst from the Land of Connery is Dannyboy1209. A noob with ambition, Danny has already asked to become an admin and has nominated himself for everything. With an attitude like that, this one is going places—here, there or everywhere. Who will become the Noobs of Noobs and win something to stick on their bedroom door? The jury is out, and so am I, tonight. Go ahead, check these fledglings out here. |
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Normally I don't trust you but I need your honest opinion here[edit source]
What do you think of this article? Is there anything you think I should change? (I'm asking you since you're the only Admin here who's awake and on Uncyclopedia right now.) User:Matthlock/sig2 19:05, December 28, 2012 (UTC)
- The article isn't bad, I'd suggest that you try to cut out some of the more unnecessary parts as the article seems to linger around some points. The aspect of buying the dictionary need not take up two sections. There's opportunities for jokes, but consider condensing what you have down into a slightly smaller section. Make sure you also keep it as a general guide, it's fine to say "If you have family who speak Farsi why not swear at them repeatedly and see if they pick up bits of furniture and try to insert it in you", but don't be any more specific than that. Also consider trying to take the article somewhere more unexpected than buy a dictionary, learn Farsi, start swearing. Have a look at some of the other How To's and see if any of the endings there give you some ideas of a better way to finish. Hope that helps. --ChiefjusticePS3 22:08, December 28, 2012 (UTC)
- Thanks, I thought my idea about crazy old Uncle Mahmout went a little too far. Thanks for confirming my belief that I was driving that joke into the ground. (I think that maybe the stuff about the reader's family could be better off it it were put into a footnote.) User:Matthlock/sig2 19:42, December 29, 2012 (UTC)
- I don't know how I'm going to misdirect the article and lead it to an ironic ending (I'm irony-impaired, I know you know that since you read my failed article on how to be Matthlock, but I just can't think of anything that would make the reader think "I did not see that coming"). I don't want to stereotype, but since you're British, you could actually probably think of a really good shock ending. Give me an idea and I'll put it into consideration. User:Matthlock/sig2 20:08, December 29, 2012 (UTC)
- Thanks, I thought my idea about crazy old Uncle Mahmout went a little too far. Thanks for confirming my belief that I was driving that joke into the ground. (I think that maybe the stuff about the reader's family could be better off it it were put into a footnote.) User:Matthlock/sig2 19:42, December 29, 2012 (UTC)
The Night I Chased Slender[edit source]
I am having trouble organizing the beginning. I want the piece that goes:
It wasn't my average trip through a forest amongst that amount level of creepy. I don't even remember when I traveled there. I thought at first it was maybe Jigsaw, but no. It was it. It had to be it. It was tall, and its face... NO! It didn't have a fucking face! It had nothing! Not a nose, not a pair of eyes, ears, or a mouth. Whiter than my ass, and my ass is pretty white. It had to be Slenderman. It was abnormal. It had a suit, a black suit. It looked like a man, but it-- there, no. There was no way that thing was human, it is impossible. He was slender and scary, but it didn't get the best of me. I didn't let him-- no! I didn't let it get the best of me. This was my story, my tale, my legend... this was not the night Slender chased me, no. This is the night I chased Slender. I will tell further, if you have the guts. If you're unafraid.
I want it to be like the "post-story" added to the beginning. Like a prelude letter or something. Also, could you go through and proofread it when I am done? Better yet, do you want to collab with this? You do seem to know a lot about Slenderman like I do.--Sir Peasewhizz de New York (Chat) (Stalk?) 20:52, December 28, 2012 (UTC)
- I'm more than happy to assist you with the article, the bit above may need to be re-hashed a little for the reasons I have gone into. I'll experiment with the article a bit when I have some time if you want. It all depends on where you want it to go. I'll have a look at the intro and see what I can do with it, if you've got any particular suggestions by all means say so, and if you don't like what I decide to try then say that too. Give me a little while and I'll try and make those changes. --ChiefjusticePS3 22:03, December 28, 2012 (UTC)
- I was thinking something like a diary version of the video clips in the movie Cloverfield. Haha.--Sir Peasewhizz de New York (Chat) (Stalk?) 22:20, December 28, 2012 (UTC)
- Possible, I was growing quite attached to the idea of doing more as written from the point of view of someone who is completely obsessed with the Slender Man. This being his account of his singular encounter with the Slender Man. The main issue being that the diary idea from Cloverfield relies on people being able to see what is happening, where we have to explain it we lose the urgency in the narrative. The diary idea can work, it just needs changed a bit. --ChiefjusticePS3 22:29, December 28, 2012 (UTC)
- We can keep him obsessed. While we discuss, can you look at Battle of Hulao Pass? I want to know if that is VFH material.--Sir Peasewhizz de New York (Chat) (Stalk?) 22:38, December 28, 2012 (UTC)
- Possible, I was growing quite attached to the idea of doing more as written from the point of view of someone who is completely obsessed with the Slender Man. This being his account of his singular encounter with the Slender Man. The main issue being that the diary idea from Cloverfield relies on people being able to see what is happening, where we have to explain it we lose the urgency in the narrative. The diary idea can work, it just needs changed a bit. --ChiefjusticePS3 22:29, December 28, 2012 (UTC)
- I was thinking something like a diary version of the video clips in the movie Cloverfield. Haha.--Sir Peasewhizz de New York (Chat) (Stalk?) 22:20, December 28, 2012 (UTC)
Thank ya, thank ya![edit source]
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Murder Frog has awarded you a pair of scissors! Now go run around with them. |
Have these scissors as thanks for voting for the article Jim Morrison on VFH. It is now featured, which is pretty awesome. --Murder Frog ✄ Dull interest wanes. 01:45, December 30, 2012 (UTC)
Are you online?[edit source]
Are you online right now?--Sir Peasewhizz de New York (Chat) (Stalk?) 01:21, December 31, 2012 (UTC)
- No, I was not. I am now. --ChiefjusticePS3 19:22, December 31, 2012 (UTC)
- Wanna work on the Night I Chased Slender next weekend with me?--Sir Peasewhizz de New York (Chat) (Stalk?) 19:35, December 31, 2012 (UTC)
- Can do, I'll see what I can do about the first section over the next few days. I'll let you know when I've done it. --ChiefjusticePS3 19:37, December 31, 2012 (UTC)
- KK....
K--Sir Peasewhizz de New York (Chat) (Stalk?) 20:48, December 31, 2012 (UTC)
- KK....
- Can do, I'll see what I can do about the first section over the next few days. I'll let you know when I've done it. --ChiefjusticePS3 19:37, December 31, 2012 (UTC)
- Wanna work on the Night I Chased Slender next weekend with me?--Sir Peasewhizz de New York (Chat) (Stalk?) 19:35, December 31, 2012 (UTC)
Drop your pants and grab the eggnog! It's the UnSignpost.[edit source]
The Newspaper Whose Mom Said It Was Cool!
January 2nd, 2013 • Issue 180 • We always do it Manually!
Vote! Or else!
Is it that time of year again? It's the time when everyone celebrates the people who are the most remarkable amongst us at everything except what matters. It's time for Writer of the Year, Uncyclopedian of the Year and Useless Gobshite of the Year. These compliment our small selection of awards: WotM, UotM, PotM, NotM, AotM, RotM, EGA, FP, PWotM, ANOTM, Top 10 o' the month, UGotM, VFH, VFD, VFS and VFP. Not forgetting of course to all the userspace awards. Writer of the Year got off to a splendid start when Aleister in Chains nominated Funnybony and SPIKE for the award by writing brief but poignant marriage proposals to both of them. Thank goodness for Aleister, if not for him the wider world might have assumed we weren't all massive girls. Since then Thekillerfroggy nominated Xamralco, who was not able to express his appreciation due to a serious case of not editing the wiki any longer. As always what should be a rigorous heterosexual competition involving manly pursuits like backstabbing, lies, blackmail and threats is being irretrievably compromised by people like Aleister and Shabidoo; people whose sole purpose on the awards pages is to make everybody else feel bad about not noticing other people. Uncyclopedian of the Year is being lead by Romartus, Uncyclopedia's voting-in-chief. Shockingly, he was also nominated by Aleister who, as it turns out, is gayer than Christmas, apparently Romartus makes him "Proud to be an uncyclopedian", he makes "Legendary votes on VFH" and gives "Legendary hand relief". Potatochopper of the Year is a more subdued and manly affair, where absolutely nobody has been nominated at all... it's like reviewer of the month were moved to a different page name. Hopefully Aleister or Shabidoo will nominate someone soon, we here at the UnSignpost have gone to the trouble of writing the nomination for them: "<insert name here> has made many fantastic images, at least two of which I have made love to on at least nineteen occasions. My genitals ache for them every single evening and someday they will make my dreams come true and love me! Also Olipro sucks balls." Olipro was the only nominee for Useless Gobshite of the Year (insert your own joke here), but Zombiebaron quickly joined him in ignominy. Please go vote for both of them so they may end up tied, and share the prize (a year's supply of toilet paper) on their revolving bed built entirely from used condoms and KY bottles. From the desk of the Cabal: 2013 is the year of subservience
Once again you all stand before us, another year of failure behind you and another year of subjugation ahead of you. The non-existent Cabal would like to wish you all a happy New Year. All Once again you have failed us, utterly and completely. Last year we advised you all that resistance was utterly unnecessary and, if anything, we have had to tolerate 0.22% more resistance, we have heard you discuss and then decide to leave our kind benefactors, whilst promoting several of your own number to within the cabal in an effort to encourage dissent and democracy within our ranks. We saw you continue to tinker with that which does not concern you whilst simultaneously complaining when people are warned about the indecent images you propagate amongst your number. It seems prudent to remind you that if we delete every single template, every single image and every single forum your freedom will only increase. It is not what some of you have foolishly referred to as "overly deletionist", it is streamlining and it is good for all of you. It is with vague optimism that we note that you continue to strive at a barely satisfactory level, you have certainly earned a small fraction of the baubles and trinkets that have been handed out over the past year. It has not escaped our notice that the Worst 100 Reflections on 2012 only closed on time this year due to Thekillerfroggy skipping sixty of the reflections, we are gratified to note that Roman Dog Bird had practically no input on the list and very few of them regard uncontrolled outbreaks of creativity and morale, such dangerous forces must be carefully rationed and controlled. Cutting of corners and a blatant disregard for regulations do not amuse the Cabal. Now we must inexorably turn our attentions to 2013 and the promise it brings. All users should note that due to several security compromises over the last few months movement throughout the Uncyclopedia complex has been restricted during the hours of darkness. Where major editing is to take place you must ensure that you have faxed the appropriate forms to your divisional liaison officer prior to commencing work, failure to do so will result in an unacceptable breakdown in bureaucracy. Uncyclopedia must prevail, editors must remember that without patient mind numbing work and servitude we can never accomplish our ultimate goal of... well, that need not concern you. That is all citizens, you may now return to your allocated taskings. |
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Forum[edit source]
I liked your comments on the forum. It may be you and I running down the halls here, and with me being fake gay and all, watch your trousers. I don't know what will happen to the site, mainly because this will be the search engine uncyclopedia for a long long time unless that is a number one priority for the people in control of the policies and plans of the new site. It won't be uncyclopedia until when I put "uncy" into the search engine that site comes up. I hope everyone there also keeps a foot in this site, and moves new articles onto each. A new world, maybe it's the Aztecs mucking around with us. Aleister 12:22 3-1-'13
- Hopefully it won't just be me and you, though that would streamline the decision making process. I'd like to see what happens on Saturday rather than moving into an "us and them" mentality. Also, as you will be remaining we are going to draw up one policy, wherein a sturdy pair of trousers are worn at all times whilst editing the wiki, I'm not going to be fake gayed to death in my sleep. --ChiefjusticePS3 12:27, January 3, 2013 (UTC)
We have a jesii problem[edit source]
Well I was looking through the disambiguation page and I noticed that there is a jesii missing: Rasta Jesus anyway I know you probably dont give a rats fuck but is there anything you can do thanks Mak G Nigga (talk) 17:30, 8 January 2013 (UTC)
- Took care of this one. The template is kinda bloated currently, though. Are there any other missing ones you can think of? -- 19:58, 8 January 2013 (UTC)
UnSignpost sez, "Give Pease a Chance!"[edit source]
Word to your mother.
Jan 11th, 2012 • Issue 181 • Solid information. At its worst.
Three cheers! SPIKE is going to lose his bet! If you haven't heard, we recently moved and split from those meanies at Wikia. If you haven't heard, you're 1) either oblivious or 2) new to this site. Because... you are on the site now. But don't get me wrong, we are sooooo better than the fools who stayed. AY! Speaking of fools at the old, less stylish Uncyclopedia site, (maybe I'll regret saying this in the future) SPIKE made a bet with a few other users that the new site would be out and down by the end of the week. Being Saturday the 12th. We will all stay up Friday night and count down until that naughty dog is proven wrong. However if we do fail, which we won't, SPIKE will become known as a psychic throughout the globe. We aren't going to let this happen, are we? If you haven't gotten the hint... the answer is a big N and a big O! NO! Plus, SPIKE, according to TKF has a very bad betting history. Send him to Vegas, lord, please! Make him bankrupt or something, please? Also, some examples of the users that decided to migrate to this site (all the cool users do this) are for one, myself, Zombiebaron, RAHB, Simmy, Lyrithya, Aleister who received a name change, and TKF, who received a name change. Not to forget that one guy, Sir Frosty, who has been recently reverted all of our pornos, for our self enjoyment. The majority of his reverts of the Wikia censorship thingy-ma-bobber pics involved boobies. Nice work, Frosty. Round of applause everybody! On the other hand, all the cool cats are doing it, so go add yourself to this list and tell us about how you stumbled upon calling yourself what you are known as here. Better be good, or we're coming to get ya! We're gonna suck out your insides using your intestines as a bendy straw, YUM! An example includes Zombiebaron, who got his name from stealing it from a video game. Another example is Strange but untrue, who took the name from her first (probably porn) website. Some lame examples include David Gerard's and Splaka's, who became known as that because of a typo. I myself, am a typo of my parents, who misspelled condom worked and here I am. Splaka failed to tell us more about the typo and what word was suppose to be the username. Shame, shame, shame! And one last thing, Ly is demanded the reporting of any and all (EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF 'EM, OR ELSE) bugs/crashes/malfunctions/apocalypses the site gives you. They should be reported here, or else we'll That is it for now, I am Sir Peasewhizz, you are some random reader in which I may not know, this article is over, except for this line: I need some soup. Be ashamed Just because of that little incident, you had to make more little incidents, Kip? Shame! Look what you've done, oh dear heavens! |
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Unsignpost - 20130119042144 gibberish asdf[edit source]
The Newspaper 4 out of 5 Dentists Agree On!
Jan 19th, 2012 • Issue 182 • Because if the rumors don't spread at the salon, we must spread them in the news.
The Return of Not Jedis, but rather Old Users No, we do not mean users with ages soaring into the atmosphere. Well, I hope so. Because 80 year old users would be weird, just saying. However, users who had currently quit the Wikia back up to years ago have now returned, and maybe all will return. Why did they leave? Protest mainly, or traveling the world. The world is big, however, so that could explain things. Some sysops have returned, including MoneySign, Tom mayfair, MadMax, etc. On the hand of the those who aren't admins, TheSlyFox sneaked back into the site, ColinAYB has returned, and even Acmed2 has returned after his rage quit in September of 2012. So basically, what is to be said for here is, well... Uncyclopedia attracts quality writers that write from the heart, which Wikia wouldn't allow. Everybody, here's a life lesson: Down with Wikia! Argument on swastikas is fading Recently, I have raised a master debate on HGA's (who desires to be called HGA instead of his actual username, so don't call him
So hopefully, Kip's influence off my original forum will die down and stop influencing others. Like Joey's instinct to respond, as seen here: Joey Number's sig. However, DO NOT confuse these mock threads with this response seen here, as Socky has a very good point. Go vote now!
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Unsignpost - 20130124050125 gibberish asdf[edit source]
The Newspaper Whose Mom Said It Was Cool!
January 24th, 2013 • Issue 183 • Better sign it.
The spam finds its way Nobody could have expected the return of the spam. I'm just kidding. Everyone knew it was going to happen. Recently, Ly has made it so editing is more open to those who aren't "users" and with that, came the inevitable spam. Probably the first major bit of spam came from a user who was putting a troll face in 400px on many pages (including category pages). I alerted Lyrithya on IRC and she blocked the user with a time of infinite. I had already put the user on Ban Patrol. Yes, Ban Patrol. We need to kick it into gear now. Like it once was. We want more of it. So please, get your spam spray ready, the Ban Patrol ready to penetrate, and your anti-spam mind in motion. That is an order! The Cold War Update
Well, ladies and gentlemen... It has begun. For those of you who don't know, (you should all know, it has been a few weeks) the great internet humor wiki known across the world as Uncyclopedia has officially split, since January 5th to be precise. While there are those who remain loyal to the original (now completely Wikia-owned) Uncyc, others have left and formulated a site of their own, "Free Uncyclopedia," if you will. Every Saturday, starting this week, I will give an update at Uncyc Cold War on the current situation, sharing details with the populaces of both sites on any updates pertaining to the current split. Post on that page's talk page if you wish to give your input as a Wikia Uncycer or a Free Uncycer. Some of you may wish to know how this started... It all goes back a very long time ago, when a man named Chronarion sold the original Uncyclopedia ( to Wikia for beer and hookers, the company originally created by Jimbo Wales as a hub of wikis for various specific subjects. Over the years, Wikia did many things to Uncyclopedia, including domain name updates, restrictions on hardline levels of satire, and most notable of all, the censoring of all unclad racks on the entire site. The final spark was (according to Frosty, one of the Free Uncyc leaders (Sannse we're ratting you out), a heavy demand over adding a North America-only suicide prevention hotline to the suicide page. Regardless of the circumstances, members were tired of Wikia, and as such left the site to formulate their own variant. Frosty would then go on a rage to revert all booby pictures and give us nudes once again. ![]() If you touch the red zones in just the right way... it will cause an explosion. A primary difficulty for years was the fact that there was no original domain name that a new Uncyclopedia could be built on. was in Wikia's hands, after all. Incapable of simply leaving, a domain name ([]) was eventually found, and the move was made by the majority of writers and the like. The inevitable struggle between these two wikis will prove to be most interesting to watch as it plays out. Until next week, keep on trucking! UnVoyage - journey around the world without leaving your seat, the ultimate travel experience for lazy people!
Uncyclopedian Yrtneg has created a new project - UnVoyage. It's a parody of Wikivoyage. It's a fake travel guide with pages like "Space", "Hell", and etc. Now of course, we're all going to forget about it before six months, but who cares. Go ahead and add some pages! Bitch. Right now there's nothing but who cares. Uncyclopedian Carlb suggested making pages like "Titanic" and "the moon". The main page is at UnVoyage and it's pretty fucked up. Go check it out!
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Unsignpost - 20130131002159 gibberish asdf[edit source]
The Newspaper That Wonders What Happened To You. You Used To Be Cool.
January 31st, 2013 • Issue 184 • We're delivering it to your door anyways!
First month of the Real Uncyclopedia, a sexy & successful one January is over, and to sum things up; the Real Uncyclopedia is doing well. Along with the move, we had multiple features, new users, successful donations, the opping of Bizzeebeever, the new ability to check users, the return of TheLedBalloon and Dawg, etc., a new Uncyclo-project called UnVoyage, new gadgets, name changes, a new poopsmith, more boobies, and even edits from a V6 IP address! Last but not least, the USP is getting done. With contributions from ZB! ![]() ...and here's Slender dancing in celebration! So thank you all and we hope to see more joy in the months, years, decades, centuries, and even galactic light-years to come! Social media Recently, a new addition has been made to Uncyclopedia's Social Media Team. None other than the one, the only, the fabulous Sir Peasewhizz! Sir Peasewhizz has already updated the only Twitter you should care about, found here. He has also been made part of the staff for the official Uncyclopedia Facebook, found here. And if you're not following these precious and incredible feeds, then shame! Make time!!!!!...please? Thank you. Thank you.
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Unsignpost - 20130207013217 gibberish asdf[edit source]
The Newspaper Not Secretly Controlled By Mordillo, We Swear!
February 6th, 2013 • Issue 185 • There is news in this thing.
GLORY! GLORY! WINNNERS! WINNERS! WIINNERRRRS!! YAYYYYY! Aye! Yes, it is true. January is now over. So we're into to February 2013, where the second month of the new site is bound to be kickin'! Am I right or am I right? Well, here's some news that you can get excited for. With the conclusion of January 2013, we have the 2012 Year Award winners implanted into the sexy body of Uncyclopedia History and boy do we have some happy users out there! After a close competition in each category, (which wasn't rigged at all!) behold the users whom gained more "jazzy-ness" from the conclusion of the voting! First off, the Writer of the Year is none other than the killer... the froggy... TKF! TKF won Writer of the Year 2012 with 8 for votes and a baby-slapping 15.5 features tallied for the year twenty-twelve. Coming in second place was Funnybony with 5 votes and 14 features in 2012! Xamralco came in third with 3 votes for and most of his 2012 features being Top features of the month! Second off we have Uncyclopedian of the Year. The winners of UOTY 2012 is a tie between the recently opped in January '13 and quite picture-n-tech master; Bizzeebeever. Who did he tied with? Oh, just the newly opped in September of 2012; the young Australian divinity Frosty! Both had 9 for votes! Coming in 3rd place was Romartus, an admin who chose to stay with the old site, who received a pretty good 6 votes for. Good competition boys! Third off is Potatochopper of the Year (AKA Radical-X of the Year). Who is this winner? Going for the double crown after winning the Uncyclopedian of the Year along with Frosty, is Bizzeebeever! Great pictures man! Great pictures! Not only did he win by an impression-pushing 8 votes in his favor, but he was so good he scared away competition! He was the only nominee and obviously nobody else was nominated because everyone knows that BB would crush his competition. We're not kidding... May the fourth be Gobshite of Ultimate in 2012. Being the only two gobshites nominated, the two tied and were written down in Now we have the month awards for January 2013. Categories are: n00b of the Moment, Uncyclopedian of the Month, Useless Gobshite of the Month, and the Foolitzer Prize for January 2013! What? You're wondering why Writer of the Month wasn't mentioned? Well, um... nobody nommed anyone worthy and actually there was only like 3 votes. And the most someone got was one vote for. So make something happen for February's Writer of the Month this time around! GO! GO! GO! Y, who received 5 for votes won the NOTM for January of 2013. There was a tie for Uncyclopedian of the Month, the MoveCabal and Sir Peasewhizz both mustered up the minimum 5 for votes to hold co-ownership of the January 2013 Uncyclopedian of the Month award-title-thing. For the Useless Gobshite of the Month, Zombiebaron won with 6 for votes, being the only nominee. With 3 for votes, Bill Melater won the January 2013 Foolitzer Prize! Also being a single nominee in a category. Well, congratulations to all winners of something, something! Keep on being aggressive, because a few categories have been already entered by users in a February 2013 campaign! And for the Year Awards, see you again in January 2014 and right here with the winners in February 2014. And also, voting records can be found right here and over here. Cold War Update 2
Well, I didn't update this Sunday, but that's my fault. Anyways... After a serious level of contention on VFS, a conclusion was reached, one that I personally feel was poorly made. Instead of allowing Wikia Uncyc to "reap what they sow," as the old proverb goes, ChiefjusticeDS felt he simply had to intervene. As such, he eliminated Aimsplode's nomination and permabanned him from the site. Admittedly, I was in favor of aim becoming an admin, but not for the reasons everyone thinks. I'm of the opinion that you should suffer the full rewards or consequences of your choices. With the populace having voted for Aimsplode, despite Chief's attempt to eliminate his nomination twice before his permanent termination of it, it's only fair that the Wikia site gets a Nazi as an admin. That's what they want, so that's what they'll get. It's like vandalism: Sure, you can vandalize Uncyclopedia all you want, but you'll suffer the consequences of that. In that case, a ban. As someone who considers himself to have a more traditional view of things, I fully believe that ChiefjusticeDS had no reason to stick his nose in the business of the userspace. Were Aimsplode to have proven himself to be a good admin, he would've stayed. Were he to have been of poor quality, his employment would be terminated. Point is, either way, they would've got what they asked for. Speaking of Aimsplode, he's been doing a good job of terminating all proof of his existence elsewhere on the internet. From Habbo to Deviantart, and even I can haz cheezburger, he has tried to terminate his existence from the web. Perhaps there is more to this pseudo-Nazi then any of us know... Another update, another day. Keep checking back on your daily USP for the next update on the Uncyc Cold War. Cheers!
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It is the day of USP love, Valentine’s Day[edit source]
Proudly supporting editorial independence whenever the board say it's okay
February 14th, 2013 • Issue 186 • Happy Valentine's Day, motherfucker.
Returning users and Grammar Nazis Recently, we have seen the return of many passionate members of the community, which have seen the return of Uncyc daylight upon arrival. Was that a run-on sentence? Idk... anywaaaays. So the point is, Ljlego has returned recently, and so has Dawg. I bring these two in particular because Ljlego and Dawg have revealed over the IRC hints that they wish to stay here, on the new site. Ljlego was looking to get an Uncyclopedia cloak, while Dawg just plain out said he was interested in staying. To sum it up, yay more returnees! Go Jesus! Oh yeah, and you can join the Proofreading Service. This is basically the Grammar nazi equivalent to the Poopsmith Lounge... only less dead and slightly more squeamish. The old site wants us... sexually?! Lol, no. Just kidding. But hasn't it come to most people's minds that maybe, possibly the Wikia's members are curious to what is going on in here (Bitches, alcohol, and partying) and might come sneak by? Well, first off Chief banned BB on the Wikia and set up a spam account here. BB found out that Chief was the account owner of the vandalizing account and banned both of them. Though Lyrithya unbanned Chief. W.O.W. Gay. Keep your eyes open, boys. Or not, it's not like they mean harm. What do you take me for? Pulixer? lol no. Great Hall of Shame Updating of '13 Okay, so most of you ungrateful bastards won't update your Hall of Shame entrees yourself. Well, did you even see that forum link? It even said "SIGN HERE FUCKERS". Yeah, that's right. Please, go update your Hall of Shame entrees and/or help me update those who don't update their HOS entrees. Man, that was pretty awkwardly worded. However, still. This task isn't easy. Much help is needed. USE THE EFFIN' FORCE, I KNOW THERE'S JEDIS WITHIN OUR RANKS!! BUT SERIOUSLY.
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 01:31, 14 February 2013 (UTC)
m8[edit source]
i saw u edit the fork. i saw it! ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) 05:53, 18 February 2013 (UTC)
- i saw Frosty see you edit the fork. My story ends there. Well, there was a pickle involved but... No. My story ends there! MrN
06:05, Feb 18
- A request. Any chance this page can be locked and the messages at the top ended since this not an active user on this site? --
RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 12:23, 18 February 2013 (UTC)
- I'm never active, I'm too fat. --ChiefjusticePS3 11:09, 20 February 2013 (UTC)
- A request. Any chance this page can be locked and the messages at the top ended since this not an active user on this site? --
Crikey! It’s a rare, wild UnSignpost![edit source]
Because if the rumors don't spread at the salon, we must spread them in the news.
February 21st, 2013 • Issue 187 • Burn.
Cold War Update 3: Drama!
Well, this one's a bit late, but still important. Illogicopedia has considered moving their hosting over to the Free Uncyc servers, netting a nifty anti-Wikia deal. As well, a series of "hate bans" occurred recently, involving ChiefjusticeDS banning people on the Wikia site, and a sockpuppet of his being banned on this site. More info will be available when I find out. Cheers! Robot invasion
It has come to the attention of this fine news source that Uncyclopedia is being overrun by robots, displacing tens of writers on a daily basis. After we realized they might be useful (in spite of lacking a sense of humour and soul), we captured and trained a couple of them to deliver the UnSignpost for us. To appease these ravenous automatons, we were forced to switch to categories from our archaic signup list. You may have noticed a new template on your page, which should be placed on the page you wish to have your UnSignpost delivered, where it will be dropped at the bottom (as always). Please refrain from petting the robots, as they may bite (we're working on that with them). One of these 'bots (as we call them) was easier to train and has assisted us in huffing literally hundreds of old (pre-2011) User: and User_talk: pages for anonymous IPs. They're now working deep in the bowels of the site removing crap categories and fixing broken stuff. The one attached to Dawg has the painfully unfunny name of DawgBot, and the one attached to Sir Peasewhizz is suspiciously not a bot at all. He's the... the... OH GOD NO. HE'S THE SLENDERMAN. AHHHHH!!! DEATH TO BRONIES IS AT HAND? OR IS IT THE DEATH OF THE INTERNET??? Well, I was cracking codes in wingdings this day and I found the message at the right when I typed "MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC" In ALL CAPS in wingdings. This magnificent message, according to our codecrackers, might mean that the death of the Internet is caused by bronies. This message starts with a bomb and a Jew star, in which the bomb represents October 10, 2010 while the Jew star represents the money-makers of Hasbro. Then it is followed by a sadface, a palm, 2 snowflakes, another sadface, and a finger pointing left. This might mean that 2010 is the winter and sorrow of all franchises, caused by cooperate corruption and...bronies. Both can be read as: "In the day of the bomb, all franchises will be corrupted". The third sentence is pointed flag, flag, skull, Jew star and computer, which might represent the death and conquest of the internet. The fourth sentence is a finger pointing right, a sun, a finger pointing left, a skull, a thumbs down finger, a water drip, a palm, and a pointed flag. This possibly represents that a dawn of death will rise, all the straight men will fight, and finally the dawn of death will make them bleed. The fifth sentence is palm, water drip, bomb, two fingers, one finger, palm and thumbs up. This might represent that we are currently on a countdown to demise. HOW TERRIBLE IS THAT?????? Fortunately, there is good news. The good news is that the same might be used against the bronies, and if this happens it might read as: The bomb had set by the Jews and franchises are corrupted. But now, we will conquer over the terror. they might fight the dawn but they will bleed. The bronies are on the countdown to demise. This is a two sided prophecy. nevertheless, The war against faggotry will eventually prevail. Aleister snags the Hall of Shame lead with 67 features! As of February 19th of 2013, Aleister (formerly Aleister in Chains) leads the Hall of Shame with 67 features. Which article robbed Soggy's and Aleister's tie at 66 features? None other than probably the most boring material to work with, but it happened; UnBooks Biography:The guy who invented soap! Go read it! And also, you must go read the rest Aleister's features. Or else. You can access them here. Remember, we're watching!
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 00:32, 21 February 2013 (UTC)
The harmonious sounds of a tritone[edit source]
Hey ChiefjusticeDS, I noticed you deleted the Tritone Page on the 5 September 2012 - It wasn't my work, but I was wanting to have a crack and wouldn't mind reading what the original author had written - Do you still have a copy somewhere? Cheers, Strainj1 02:53, 27 February 2013 (UTC)
- I'll get that for ya. Chief ain't doing stuff here. ~ Wed, Feb 27 '13 3:01 (UTC)
Surprise, Motherfucker, USP[edit source]
The Self-Proclaimed Greatest Periodical Of All Time!
February 28th, 2013 • Issue 188 • When life gives you lemons, sue for damages.
We Here At The UnSignpost™ bear a strong commitment to accuracy—in fact, the UnSignpost is required by law to print at least one truthful statement per issue in order to retain our status as a tax-exempt organic fish-cannery.[1] We believe that our track record speaks for itself: in our nearly 45 months of existence, the USP has printed only 243 retractions, a full 20% of which were not ordered by a court. It was with some consternation, therefore, that we discovered a massive error in our reporting. In recent weeks, former USP editor and general mensch ChiefjusticeDS was repeatedly identified by the UnSignpost as being a "putrid puddle of poodle puke", and also as having been "perm-banned" for vandalizing the new Uncyclopedia with sockpuppet accounts. While the first statement remains an object of controversy, the second one could not be further from the truth. ChiefjusticeDS is one of the least-likely vandals in the history of Uncyclopedia; furthermore, our research indicates that he is not actually aware of the new Uncyclopedia, and while his lawyers apparently are, he is currently blithely executing his sysop duties on the old site, much as a mother elephant seal mournfully attends the corpse of her crushed pup. We would like to take this opportunity to apologize profusely for any inconveniences this erroneous reporting has caused anyone. While we have traced the original mistake to confusion on the part of our correspondents (who are possessed of more eagerness than brains), the final blame must lie at the feet of our fact-checking department; we intend to take them thoroughly to task for their laziness and inattention, just as soon as we figure out how to fire people who don't exist. On a related note, we would like to issue the following corrections and clarifications:
Upcoming PLS So, even if it has felt like a long past couple of weeks, bring your spirits up! We can help, because there is the PLS coming up soon. So yeah, I know this is short. But it's longer than you. HA! HA! HA! No, but seriously. Consider doing the Poo Lit Surprise or ELSE. Ask Zombiebaron
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 03:47, 28 February 2013 (UTC)
I thought I heard the Imperial March. USP time, everybody![edit source]
The periodical without any junk in its trunk!
March 7th, 2013 • Issue 189 • You may now start the sad music.
TKF has taken his leave ![]() This is the great TKF.
If you haven't heard the sad, sad news; TKF (formerly Thekillerfroggy) has announced his departure from Uncyclopedia as an Uncyclopedian, Admin, Bureaucrat, Legend, and Hero in the afternoon of March 2nd. With it, his reason; not enough writers who enjoy it for the fun and enjoy others work as well as he doesn't want to write anymore nor does he need to. He feels this has taken him from a shitty high-school writer to something he had gained confidence in. Of course, he wishes us good luck and knows we'll boom with excellence in the future. He would like to thank MadMax, Zombiebaron, The Thinker, Ljlego, So So, Dr. Skullthumper, Mhaille, The Woodburninator, TheLedBalloon, Cajek, Procopius, Mordillo, One Eyed Jack, Heerenveen, Bonner, Hyperbole, THEDUDEMAN, and Modusoperandi. He states Uncyclopedia and his own writing wouldn't have existed if it weren't for these users. He also has to admit his respect for Lyrithya, Frosty, Bizzeebeever, and Xamralco for leading the new guard. He wishes for Leverage to continue writing because he's good at it. He states "Humbucker, we barely knew ye." He left this for Sir Peasewhizz:
He also states he will NEVER FINISH 18TH CENTURY BIIIIIIIIITCH! But Frosty thinks he will return, as he states (and believes) "Once an Uncyclopedian, always Uncyclopedian". February 2013 Award Winners... also, YOU'RE DICKS! As a wise man once said, (yesterday) "Whatintheworldofgaysex?! It's already March?" To answer that question, well, yes. You see, FEBRUARY 2013 HAS DIED. So... I guess we shall show you all the award winners of the month of February this year. We only had two categories with ![]() Want a plate? It is a trophy, made out of pure plate. You can eat cookies on it. The noob of February 2013 was none other than Hoof Hearted. With a score of 5 obtained, this user has passed the ultimate liftout course and went on to claiming this sexy title. Still up there, ready to take March by the balls, is ProfessorScience. Hoof Hearted, however, has left ProfessorScience a strong against vote stating that the humor ProfessorScience gives out was hard to find funny. Sorry, but THAT WAS MEAN. I mean, such n00Bz voted against more than once in this month's Noob of the Moment contest. And guess who was the UOTM? DUH! None other than MadMax, whom we all knew would win. However, we boggled and offended that this guy only won once before claiming this month's UOTM title. Wow. Not cool, bros. But hey, does his 2007 Uncyclopedian of the Year title override this? Well, fuck, now I'm trying to figure that out. Thanks for putting my head into a crisis-like state. I love you for this.
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 20:33, 7 March 2013 (UTC)
Can I have some salad with my UnSignpost?[edit source]
The Newspaper With No Ambitions, Goals, Hopes or Dreams!
March 14th, 2013 • Issue 190 • It's a "sa-lad".
Salad. SALAD I like salad, you like salad, we all like salad.
Yes, salad. It has come to my attention that Uncyclopedians are simply not consuming enough of it. Ladies and gentlemen, we here at the Unsignpost implore of you, we beg you, to eat more salad. Why should you eat more salad? Well you only need to look at the facts to find the answer:
But clearly, this is not all that salad is capable of. Clearly a great cosmic injustice is being done by not mentioning salad's tremendous influence on the Russian space program, 80% of whose members consume salad on a regular basis, some more than once a day. But that's not all. Several tremendously influential figures in scientific history, including Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan, and Billy Mays, have admitted to having consumed salad at least once in their lifetime, sometimes even while doing important scientific things! Sexy sweet Mary, it's true! In fact, most major celebrities (the attractive ones, you know) are regular salad masticators. Lady Gaga, for example, may be best known for wearing a meat suit, but she is also well-known for eating salad. If by "well-known", you mean "she does it and nobody makes much of a fuss." Same goes for the salad eating. Salad is known to have cured countless diseases, voted tremendously in favor of liberal politics, saved at least three dolphin from inconveniently placed tar deposits, fixed a plethora of flat tires on the side of United States interstate highways, eliminated the existence of internet memes, punched Adolf Hitler in the face, gone toe-to-toe with John Wayne in a cage match, and given a lustrous sheen to the coats of some of the world's prettiest felines. In conclusion, salad is a super kool dood, and you should all totally eat him. With dressing if you prefer. Or with croutons, tomatoes, cabbage, olives, pickles, black pepper, onions, imitation crab meat, bacon bits, hard-boiled egg slices, ham, salt, vinegar, jalapenos, bell peppers, sweet peppers, pickle relish, anaheim peppers, bhut jolokia peppers, serrano peppers, crumbled cheese, raisins, avocado, apple slices, blueberries, cottage cheese, shrimp, basil, melon slices, meatballs, turkey gravy, chicken gravy, beef gravy, bacon grease, grease gravy, gravy grease, Bavarian cream, chocolate ice cream, M&Ms, a t-bone steak, bicycle spokes, flapjacks, fried eel, a pair of half-torn tennis shoes, matches, poisonous jellyfish, mushrooms, pimento, a piston engine, a choir boy, whale bones, grocery store food samples, grocery store samples stolen out of the freezer section, grocery store employees, psychedelic pop records, dinosaur fossils, ancient manuscripts, sweet potatoes, Iranian snails, Ukrainian birds, Welsh humans, beets, Saturday morning cartoons, elves, cayenne pepper, salt, mangoes, studio musicians, grapes, whiskey, grated cheese, sliced cheese, a cow, Hormel chili, the tiny oval tomatoes that always roll off the plate or launch away when you try to fork them, potatoes, all of Uncyclopedia, a British nanny, or lettuce. But nothing else.
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 11:39, 14 March 2013 (UTC)
People like the UnSignpost because it’s hot! It has the best graphics and everything. Marcus, USP! Step yo’ game up![edit source]
The Free Newspaper Only Two People Started Out Editing, But Now They Want Nothing To Do With!
March 21st, 2013 • Issue 191 • Marcus. USP. Step yo' game up!
If you haven't heard, the "lovely" and "beautiful" Jew / Bringing back the Old School FA Yes, we're doing it. We're doing it. We're doing it, if you know what we mean. And not only is it great that we're bringing it back since the 99th issue of the UnSignpost (8 issues from 100th anniversary of the section departure), but it makes it extra special that it's Why?:Your cat died making it on the big screen for its return! This, we swear, was not an incident of Sir Peasewhizz[1] taking advantage of his abilities during the construction of the USP this week. And we're totally not promoting propaganda. Sillies. One of the ten (to make your chances of guessing correctly less) following articles will be the Old School FA of the Week in next week's issue, can you guess it? Probably not, but we'll let you take a crack at it anyway: Commercial, A Man Getting Hit in the Crotch 800 Times, Sideboob, Kwanzaa, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Riddle, Fox News, Red Lobster, Stratego, or Snow angels. You have a 1/10 chance to get this correct. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Peace <3.
If you haven't already heard (which you probably have), RAHB started a vote to give bureaucrat rights to MadMax, the awesome admin. In a 14–0 vote, Dawg gave him the rights on the 16th. Now, this obviously raised the age old question - what is MadMax's use of this user right?
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 02:24, 21 March 2013 (UTC)
UnSignpost’s BONER TIME![edit source]
The Free Newspaper Only Two People Started Out Editing, But Now They Want Nothing To Do With!
March 28th, 2013 • Issue 192 • The USP that'll make good penis jokes!
News From Under The Cabal's Desk
UnNews has its own Facebook page now and the podcast that Zimulator used to run has been relaunched here. We already have 45 subscribers! Happy Monkey Competition 2013 On March 20th, we started the 2013 Happy Monkey Competition/Happy Monkey Competition 2013 and had 13 users sign up to participate in the competing bit. The 13 competitors were Aleister, Puppy, Acmed2, Zombiebaron, Kelton2, Leverage, Sir Peasewhizz, Scofield, RAHB, Cat the Colourful, Madclaw, IFYMB!, and MrN9000. Leverage, Kelton2, Madclaw, and Puppy never wrote anything. Maybe they were sleeping? Do people do that for 36 hours straight? I believe so. People scoring 70 out of 100 points (passing GPA :D) were Aleister (with Second conquest of the moon as her topic), Sir Peasewhizz (with Ding dong ditching houses as his topic, but later changed it to an UnBooks), IFYMB! (with his UnReview of the Crimean War) and Zombiebaron with his book about meeting his enemy on that one day. He scored 97 out of 100 points, which is quite considerably erotic. So, for once, we ask you! What did you think? Did you love it? Did you love the HMC this year? You better have, or we'd be sad. Thanks And kudos to Shabidoo for hosting the 2013 Happy Monkey Competition, and his friend Sarah Baldewijns for judging assistance! Did you hear MY CHEM BROKE UP I'M SAD NOWWW IT WAS MY FAVORITE BAND AHHW WYAYYWHEYH WHYYYYYYYYY GODD?!! WHY?! I'm just gonna kill my-!
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 21:51, 28 March 2013 (UTC)
This isn’t an April Fool’s Day Prank! This is the UnSignpost![edit source]
The Newspaper the Whole Family Must Enjoy!
April 4th, 2013 • Issue 193 • April showers bring February flowers. Wear protection.
We are so, so sorry
Yes, it's true. After only three months of sickly sweet freedom, our "Free" Uncyclopedia has broken. As the main page announced only days ago, our brief period of independence has come to an end, and it is now time to reconcile with the welcoming - if brutally oppressive - arms of Wikia. Or, in the bittersweet, tear-wrenching words of RAHB; "All will be assimilated into the bliss of the Grand Wikia Empire. Those who resist will be disposed of." Amen to that! Maybe years in the future, we will even look back and say that the day we repented was the day that everything changed for the better. A date that will surely go down in history for Uncyclopedia: April the 1st. ... Wait, April the 1st? You guys fucking got me again, didn't you? Oh, wow. (Thanks to Kip the Dip for the awesome April Fools Main Page!) Easter! So... what did you do this Easter Sunday? Did you even celebrate Easter? Did you see any bunnies in your house hiding eggs? Laying eggs? Making you "special candy"? I know I sure did! If you're not doing anything next year 'round, you could do some of these things;
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 18:21, 4 April 2013 (UTC)
UnSignpost Time, Folks! I repeat, UnSignpost Time![edit source]
The Newspaper that won't leave you the same way they did!
April 11th, 2013 • Issue 194 • Chicago Cubs 0 (HAHAHAHA! GET IT? THEY SUCK!)
Oh boy is my cat a horny bastard! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boooyyy! My cat is a horny bastard! Seriously! My cat won't shut up! He's always chewing on my chords, meowing, biting my laptop's corners (of the screen) and interrupting my Yankees baseball game! Seriously, what should I do? I wanted to write something interesting today for the UnSignpost, but I have to deal with this cat situation! His name is Max by the way. Somebody help me! My cat is horny! HORNY! I love Mila Kunis I love Mila Kunis. I'm sorry, but I really do. She is my girlfriend. I'm not kidding. Why would I lie to you? I LAUGH. This is serious, just like the whole website. Serious matter. I love you baby.
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 00:33, 11 April 2013 (UTC)
UnSignpost, late and lazy![edit source]
Telling You Stuff You Already Knew, But With Different Words!
April 19th, 2013 • Issue 195 • Fresh shredding material for your kitty's claws
I apologize, dudes! It seems last issue, I had a minor outbreak about my about my cat's out-of-control horniness. But my love for Mila Kunis still stands tall. I apologize, bitches and dudes. Here's a picture of broccoli. ![]() Broccoli, guys! Wait thoughhhh! Do you think Katy Perry is hot?
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 01:33, 19 April 2013 (UTC)
The 2 Days Tardy USP![edit source]
Reading This Is The Mysterious Second Step To Getting Profit From Stealing Childrens' Underwear!
April 25th, 2013 • Issue 196 • Good morning... just kidding.
Writers are writing! VFH is getting a boost! HOW DO I KEEP IT IN MY PANTS?! Whilst I sit, watching a Yankees Classics rerun-David Cone's Perfect Game, I become bored. Yes, bored. Sorry to break out the truth stick. So let us talk, paper to reader. Why do you give such gay faces when I say that? Is it that you don't like me? You don't like me?! THE UNSIGNPOST PAPER?! Well then you can just rip me the FUCK UP! Just kidding... I enjoy living. It seems that Votes for Highlight has received a blow. Er, a boost. You fucking pervert. Gawd! Anyways, good job ladies on taking VFH (around 6 votes per article) and pushing it somewhere else! (10.03 votes per article as of Friday, April 19th) And you guys are writing! FUCK YEAH! PLS The 12th Poo Lit Surprise will commence on the 26th of April. Judges sign up here. Writers could win a fortune. Mark you calendars.
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 00:59, 27 April 2013 (UTC)
Pee Review[edit source]
The article BrokeNCYDE does not exist. However its Pee Review entry does. I do not know who else to turn to, so, er, can you fix it? --Tumb13weed (talk) 19:40, 24 June 2013 (UTC)
- Deleted it. --ChiefjusticePS3 05:44, 26 June 2013 (UTC)
Pee Review Again[edit source]
Uncyclopedia:Pee_Review/Jackie_Evancho exists while the article itself doesn't anymore. Burn it, if you please? 13:10, 4 September 2013 (UTC)
- I have done it on the Chief's behalf. --
RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 07:33, 5 September 2013 (UTC)
Uncyclopedia:AAN/Adopters[edit source]
Hi, just letting you know that since you don't seem to be active these days I've moved you from the list of active adopters to the list of inactive ones. If you should become active again, you may want to move your name back to the active list. – Llwy-ar-lawr (talk • contribs • logs) 19:20, 16 Mar 2014
Pee review: The trilogy[edit source]
MSN, Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/MSN, you know the drill. Thanks, - Me, You, You, talk to me >^.^< 00:09, 30 March 2014 (UTC)
- Actually, the pee review itself does not exsist, but the page does. - Me, You, You, talk to me >^.^< 00:11, 30 March 2014 (UTC)
-, it's the other way round. Why don't I poke someone who's around more. – Llwy-ar-lawr (talk • contribs • logs) 00:18, 30 Mar 2014
- Bizzeebeever has now deleted it. – Llwy-ar-lawr (talk • contribs • logs) 00:32, 30 Mar 2014
Welcome back[edit source]
I liked Power on the other site. You're welcome to bring it here and I'll shove it on VFH one day. --Nikau (talk) 12:50, 11 November 2014 (UTC)
- I will be bringing it over later today, thanks for voting! --ChiefjusticePS3 13:41, 11 November 2014 (UTC)
Criticism[edit source]
First of all, glad to see you again! In terms of criticism, what you wrote on the article's entry is OK with me, thanks. I don't know if I'll expand it though, I'll certainly go with other articles. You should have a read at Nirvana, a collab with Xamralco and I :D Mattsnow 13:29, 11 November 2014 (UTC)
- I will do. I must say part of my criticism came from my love of old-school wrestling smack talk and my sadness that there wasn't any: "You better try your ass off!!! Because next Friday, at the steeeel cage MEGASLAM!!! I'll be waiting! AND I'LL PUT MY FOOT SO FAR UP YOUR ASS.... OH YEAH!" --ChiefjusticePS3 13:40, 11 November 2014 (UTC)
Re-feature queue[edit source]
If you want, you can go to Uncyclopedia:Re-feature queue/Nominate and pick one featured article that you wrote to be re-featured. You can also pick three features written by someone else to re-feature. -- 20:49, 17 November 2014 (UTC)
- It's all vote, vote, vote, want, want, want with you guys. Don't you ever post just to say hi? --ChiefjusticePS3 13:47, 19 November 2014 (UTC)
hi[edit source]
hi. -- 13:56, 19 November 2014 (UTC)
- FUCK YOU! Never speak to me again! --ChiefjusticePS3 19:14, 19 November 2014 (UTC)
- Ouch. --
19:24, 19 November 2014 (UTC)
- Ouch. --
hello[edit source]
hello. Mattsnow 00:18, 20 November 2014 (UTC)
More to hello[edit source]
I'd like a Pee review on the Last of Us, yes. I started it like a month ago and finished it this morning, threw it on VFH with doubts, thinking all of it was a big effort but not funny enough. Want me to put it on Pee? Mattsnow 17:07, 28 November 2014 (UTC)
- Yes, add a request and I'll do it tonight or tomorrow (UTC). --ChiefjusticePS3 17:15, 28 November 2014 (UTC)
- Take your time man, I'm not in a hurry.
Mattsnow 17:20, 28 November 2014 (UTC)
- It's there. I'm horny to know if you've played the game? It is quite fantastic.
Mattsnow 17:23, 28 November 2014 (UTC)
- I have played it and I agree it is excellent. I very much enjoyed the part in the abandoned survivor base in the sewers lots of tension in there, however that last level in the hospital was a controller snapping nightmare as I was trying to be stealthy. --ChiefjusticePS3 17:37, 28 November 2014 (UTC)
- Yeah, I've beaten the game on Hard. The toughest parts were the sniper in Pittsburgh and the end. I hope they do a sequel, it's the best game I've played along with Metal Gear and resident evil 2 way back :)
Mattsnow 17:51, 28 November 2014 (UTC)
- Yeah, I've beaten the game on Hard. The toughest parts were the sniper in Pittsburgh and the end. I hope they do a sequel, it's the best game I've played along with Metal Gear and resident evil 2 way back :)
- I have played it and I agree it is excellent. I very much enjoyed the part in the abandoned survivor base in the sewers lots of tension in there, however that last level in the hospital was a controller snapping nightmare as I was trying to be stealthy. --ChiefjusticePS3 17:37, 28 November 2014 (UTC)
- It's there. I'm horny to know if you've played the game? It is quite fantastic.
- Take your time man, I'm not in a hurry.
Welcome black[edit source]
Per above.
19:59 11.28.14Thanks for the Pee review[edit source]
But I'm not sure about sticking to the facts of the game, in fact I thought I was doing this too much? Folks who played it may need a surprise here and there. Anyway, I'll tweak it some more in the near future :) Mattsnow 15:15, 30 November 2014 (UTC)
- Well I took out most of the juvenile jokes, tweaked it and now I am just blocked, so I put it on VFH. Thanks for the input. After a month on this one, time to think of something else :)
Mattsnow 09:37, 1 December 2014 (UTC)
- No problems, I'll have another look. --ChiefjusticePS3 20:38, 1 December 2014 (UTC)
- Not convinced about it? Well that's fine. I still like what I came up with, and a~dding gameplay would make it too long in my view :/
Mattsnow 17:42, 13 December 2014 (UTC)
- Not convinced about it? Well that's fine. I still like what I came up with, and a~dding gameplay would make it too long in my view :/
- No problems, I'll have another look. --ChiefjusticePS3 20:38, 1 December 2014 (UTC)
Fine work[edit source]
An excellent *burp* contest as always Chiefy. Thanks for the challenge. Same time next year? --UU - natter 21:06, Jan 13
- Always happy to stuff my face in the name of good honest competition. Smoke me a Kipper, I'll be back for breakfast! --ChiefjusticePS3 17:32, 14 January 2015 (UTC)
Remember when people used to be active at least once a year?[edit source]
Super awesome happy "Seven deadly sins" competition where Shabidoo will win and everyone else colapses into suicidal depression fun week!!! SIGN UP!!! ShabiDOO 14:37, 15 May 2016 (UTC)
Happy Anniversary![edit source]
Today is your and my ninth year anniversary! Everybody wish us Happy Anniversary! DAP Dame Pleb Com. Miley Spears (talk) 15:04, 9 June 2018 (UTC)
Discord[edit source]
Hey Chief, we've recently moved all our chat activity off IRC to Discord. Come check out our Discord server sometime. -- The Zombiebaron 22:38, 4 March 2019 (UTC)
It's beginning to look a lot like…[edit source]
This page is a * Kiss My Ass* Holiday Competition entry.|f=left|ts=|tt=0|m=28px|b=0|s=11px|styles=|OmBox|inherit|OmBox}}}}}
------------Clark Griswold Award for Holiday Cheer 2021
Seasons Greetings!
It's that special time of year. A wonderful time for friends and family to rejoice in gaiety. Not you! You usually spend all of your hard-earned money on gifts for them, and now you just want to hibernate until your finances recuperate. Well, here at Uncyclopedia, entering our newest competition won't cost you a penny— Sign Up Today! (pretty please) ~Formerly Annoying Crap 13:49, 13 December 2021