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Whoops! Maybe you were looking for Wanker, or Fat Cunt?

For those that are completely retarded and wish to find out more information on this user, the people at Wankapedia.cum have more information on: Maniac1075.

“Who the fuck is he?.”

~ Meatloaf on being Maniac1075's biological father

“Yeah I remember that ugly prick”

~ Maniac1075's Mother on do you know him

“And I thought my penis was small!”

Maniac1075[edit | edit source]

Maniac1075 is the bastard son of famous porn star's Ron Jeremy & that fat guy from the TV series "Lost". Tho rumors have indicated that his true father was academy award winning actor Meatloaf. However those accusations where put to rest when Meatloaf was interviewed in 2005 on part of his "Bat Out Of Hell 27" tour. When asked if Maniac1075 was his son? Meatloaf scratched his head and said, "Who the fuck is he?"

So Who The Fuck Is He?[edit | edit source]

The man also known as, "Oh, you mean that annoying wanker who can't spell" has spent a large amount of time becoming a famous internet persona. To this day, there is over 6 people you could meet on the internet who could say they know that man and would follow him to the ends of a small suburban driveway and back

Epilogue[edit | edit source]

Maniac1075 will be forever remembered as being the man who finally brought all episodes of the famous world wide lottery draw "Keno" to DVD & HD Blue-Ray.

Musical Career[edit | edit source]

Maniac1075 ventured into the world of music and quickly established himself as a 6 string picking virtuoso in the field of music that combines pure shit and rock music known as "Shit Rock". He had minor hits with songs like, "Don't Throw Toothpicks Down The Toilet Because Crabs Pole Vault" and the romantic balled, "How Can I Tell You I Love You, When I Can't Even Breath Down Here". But never reached the inter-suburban status he dreamed to reach.

Retirement[edit | edit source]

Maniac1075 took Michael Jordan to the hole and won 10 straight NBA championships with an average of 120ppg, 29reb, 40ast and over 700 dunks from the foul line, body slammed an elephant on a pregnant woman with small child in tow, and spray painted DX 4 LIFE on the dead elephant's back to win his 18th WWE Championship title, gave Sweet Chin Music to his bosses daughter, and then ripped off the head of the cunt who invented Reality TV, joined AC/DC and lived happily ever after as a billionaire with chick's everywhere begging to squirt on him... then he turned off the Playstation.

Where is he now?[edit | edit source]

Who gives a flying fuck. He's probably sunk so low he's on Reddit fucking peoples mothers.

This user enjoys staring at spinning objects, and may be afflicted with Attention Deficit look at the birdie!
Years Active 1980 A.C. to 7666 D.C
Associated Acts "6 Sisters Of Absolutely No Fucking Mercy"
"Marty Muff Snuff & The Un-Huffable Hard Rock Kittens"
"Alice Rooter"
"Teenage Bisexual Forearm Fistfuckers From Hell" (Christian Gospel Band)
"The Electrical Testicles"
Label(s) Parcllub Ind - 1873 - Present
Penile Length 5 (Same digit of length as his I.Q)
Former Names Triple-M
(Communion Name)
Ronnie J's Son
(Lost it one night in a poker game)
(Pet name from friends and family)
He is without a doubt, the biggest wanker I have ever met
<insert name here>'s mom
FUCK YOU <insert name here>! YOU'RE a faggot! SUCK MY COCK! I'd like to TITFUCK your ASS!
Now don't forget to eat my body and drink my blood on Sunday, little ones! ;)

Discography[edit | edit source]

  • "I've had it up to here with midgets" (2008)
  • "It's not that shes a guy, it's the little things that count" (2005)
  • "Playing With Myself After Dark"(2003)
  • "The Power Of Ones Fart In Ones General Direction" (2001)
  • "Do Lactating Women Using a Skipping Rope Produce Milkshakes" (2002)
  • "How Can I Tell You I Love You" (When I am Suffocating Down Here) (2005)
  • "Don't Throw Toothpicks Down The Toilet" (Because The Crabs Can Paule Vault) (2010)


  • "Why Don't Crematoriums Give Discounts To Burn Victims"
  • "Ananin amina cam dikerim, golgesinde seni sikerim trans"
  • "Smoking Reduces Your Cigarettes" (but your mother did always tell you to never give up)
  • "Why are all my song titles so damn long?"
  • "I Feel Like A Blow Job Tonight" (its been so long for me darling, I forget how they taste)
  • "If You Rape A Hooker, Why Is It Not Considered Shop Lifting?"

See Dribbles On[edit | edit source]

Shit I've Dribbled Out
Look, this flashes!

“Never trust quotes you find on the internet”