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Random Image Fun Time!


Greven-tan, the moë internet meme personification of murderer Varg Vikernes.

Yo. 'Sup?

I am not now nor have I ever been an active user. I am on a perpetual break from Uncyclopedia. If you happen to see me, it's because I'm on break from being on break.

Articles I've claimed as my own

Awards and stuff, now with 60% less ostentation

Newcookie.gif Hinoa has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
Newcookie.gif Sycamore has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
GoldenShower.jpg Rejoice, Monika! You have been entitled to the

Golden Shower Award
For donating high quality material to the Pee Review.
Vogon.jpg Poet Lowrate
This person is the winner of the Poo Lit Surprise, which they won for their article: UnNews:Obama unveils education reform plans