Uncyclopedia:Nomination of the Month

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Vote here for your favorite nomination this month.

Eligibility Requirements[edit source]

To be nominated, the nomination must:

  • Be a nomination.
  • Not be nominated by the nominator of the nomination.
  • Not be a joke nomination. The nomination of the nomination can be a joke nomination, but not the nomination itself.

What should I nominate?[edit source]

Nominate the nomination that has displayed the most humor and off-the-wallness on the present month's voting pages.

Nominations and Voting Process[edit source]

Nominations can be nominated all month long. Nominators cannot self-nominate their nominations, but can nominate others' nominations, and can vote on the nominations of their nominations.

The nominator of a nominator's nomination, aka nominator2, should add {{VoteNOM}} to the nominated-for-a-nomination nominator's user space to clarify the nominator's nomination of a nominator's nomination.

Fabulous Prizes[edit source]

Winners will receive:

  • One Get-Out-of-Ban-Free card.
  • A stolen credit card.
  • A card from a standard deck of 52. Pick a card, any card.
  • My card. Call me ;)
Get out of ban free.jpgExp: 1st Mar, 2025

Vote Or Die!![edit source]

Nominate now! Only signed votes will count. Please use the level two headline format for the nomination of the nomination with an optional comment and mandatory signature underneath.

Past Winners[edit source]

Dr. Skullthumper's nomination of RAHB's nomination of Mrmonkey72 for WotMThe Woodburninator's "nomination" of The Woodburninator's "nomination" of Docile hippopotamus for WotMSo So's Nomination of Rogue ball of tumbleweed for NotMWhy's nom of Puppy for UGotMM00shy's double nom of CheddMagic man's nom of Trololo for deletionLyrithya's nom of ChiefjusticeDS for Noob of the MonthHyperbole's Nomination of General Man for deletionWoodburninator's nomination of Grilled Cheese for VFS

Nominations for nominations for March[edit source]

Mr-ex777 says Denza needs to be more mature[edit source]

Score: 5 mature users Denzas

MrX has been a god.[edit source]

Score: 1 good quality article
  • Nomination, Boobies!.png Boobies!, and PurpleDickVote.svg Boner. Wiggers!™ Wiggers!™ Wiggers in the Black House!™ (Wiggers!™ Wiggers!™ Wiggers in the Black House!™) (I'm trying to unlock a safe with this code) Seriously, is there anything he can't do? The fucker is a brilliant writer and his concepts have been good. - Risviltsov Yell at me! 05:14, 15 April 2020 (UTC)